Ghetto_Shitlord ago

So, how do I explain how this federation works to Joe 6 pack?

user9713 ago

It's tough to explain. To use an analogy, federations are like countries. Countries have their own laws and they relations with other countries. However, if they don't like a country, they can choose to not associate with them.

Gab will have its own federation, and people can create their own federations and use Gab's software to post on that federation. A few examples:

  • A person likes Gab's software, but not the users on Gab. I'll create my own Federation with stricter rules and not associate with Gab's federation, but the interface will look exactly like Gab.
  • A person feels that Gab is too restrictive with their speech policies, but they like Gab's software, so they create their own federation and loosen the restrictions on what can be said.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Already too much, it's why services that structure themselves this way never work out or gain mass appeal.

user9713 ago

What's too much? You mean it's complicated?

It's really not; the average user won't need to worry about any of this.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

They will worry when they realize they are only on an island, and not on the mainland.

You NEED the "network effect" (large userbase that all connected to each other) or most won't bother.

user9713 ago

Whatever, you asked how it works and I'm not going to argue with you on something completely unrelated.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Agreed, it's too complex to be successful

carnold03 ago

I'm not a techie. What makes this good and/or bad for Gab users?

user9713 ago

To use an example, let's look at Twitter; Twitter is two things: the front-end (what you see) and the back-end (the servers where the data is stored).

The new Gab will allow you to use the front-end and connect to their back-end, which is called a federation. However, if you want to create your own federation, you can do that as well. Each federation has its own moderation policies and federations can choose not to associate with each other so their users are completely blocked off from another federation's users. Some people think that's a bad thing, but I personally don't because freedom of association is important (no one wants to be subjected to propaganda they disagree with).

SearchVoatBot ago

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i_scream_trucks ago


CarthOSassy ago

I tried to sign up for gab and their site sheer didn't work. Their extension is also WebExtension only.

So, I don't really care.

Grand_Wizard ago

I am skeptical when it comes to Gab after they banned Patrick Little.

speedisavirus ago

Maybe he shouldnt have violated both policy and the law on their platform

Grand_Wizard ago

Since when is it against the law to question Jews? Last time I checked that was not a law here in the US (at least not yet).

speedisavirus ago

Uh, that's not what he did. It doxxed someone and made calls for people to attack them. Credible calls for violence and threats of violence which he made are crimes.

AbeFroman66 ago

It is in Florida.

user9713 ago

I can understand. Personally, I think the owner is a douchebag and some of the bans were unwarranted (and many weren't even given a reason). However, I support them in the sense that they're wayyyy better than Twitter or FB.

7e62ce85 ago

Shout out for too. It's a blockchain based twitter site.

bloodguard ago

Is there a tweetdeck like client you can run? Because I need columns watching keywords in realtime to entertain me.

user9713 ago

Not sure if they're still working on it or if it even works, but worth a shot.

Dontpanic ago

Why doesn't Voat buy one? We could have a public btc donation address to fund it.

dirt_reynolds ago

You have my attention.

insanitea ago

Can't even fix their broken spam-filled platform yet are constantly shifting priorities to 'new' ones. Really?

I stopped using Gab because the shitty javascript buttons always stop working.

user9713 ago

Yup, Gab is generally garbage, but the main Developer left and the new guys they got are much better. They're going to revamp the design of the site, so keep an eye out for it.

RianRoundheadJohnson ago

I would actually use this because there would be APIs and tons of clients already. I hate websites.

And yeah I'd pay for it

Ocelot ago

Gab is still run by Jews you God damn faggots

Tzitzimitl ago

we use whats available, not some non-existent perfect solution

Chromium ago

The entire fucking west is run by them. You can not avoid supporting some of them at least indirectly anyway unless you completely check out and start living in the woods. YouTube is also run by them and yet millions of people got redpilled on there. They can't control us completely yet so it's best to join these platforms and get your message out to as many people as possible for as long as you can.

d3r ago

Gab is a Zionist Honeypot. They didn't ban Patrick Little until after they raised their million dollars.

slwsnowman40 ago

How's it impossible to shutdown?

insanitea ago

Simple. Because it's owned by Jews.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Excellent news,even if the core implementation is based on an idea that is fairly old.

I'd want them to try and make a P2P YouTube alternative too along the likes of Bitchute(don't want all the eggs in the same basket).

Another fairly novel idea would be to put private chats front and center.If proven secure,they should be able to wean away lots of traffic from Discord.

d3r ago

P2P YouTube alternative too along the likes of Bitchute

Check out PeerTube, it's this

jewd_law ago

thanks for sharing. looks interesting. I've just been using invidio and bitchute for the longest time.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Cool find,thanks.

p1zzap1zza ago

Honest question; why would I want to create a mirror of a shitty echo chamber platform ran by a kike?

speedisavirus ago

Honest question, why are you a retard.

trotskyberg ago

Gabbai should state the feature of where they are incorporated and how they delivered the info of the "white supremacists" on their platform to the authorities so quickly after Charlottesville. Now those are features I'm interested, Kohen Gabbai!

FSA-got-aleppo ago

No Jew can take this down.

sbt2160p ago

Surely at least one jew can...

...after all, he runs Gab.

ggolemg ago

It'll be interesting after a third party does a code review and codifies it. Private instance, self hosted... But no cross host sharing or discovery.

ISellDownvoats ago


  • Steals (forks) ALL their software, calls it theirs, and pretends they are a software company.
  • Posts about their "accomplishments" using their competitors website that they haven't been banned from.
  • Will likely fuck it up all the same.

(((Gab))) is always providing laughs for those who see it.

Stay tuned, next week Gab will have their own OS (by forking a Linux distro and changing a logo). I made this.

Fucking gabholes

facepaint ago

You can't steal open source software.

Fork it & tweak it & yup, you have your own fork of that same open source software.

ggolemg ago

That only applies 100% to public domain code, open source does not mean public domain. They could put all sorts of restrictive licenses on it.

slwsnowman40 ago

They could put those licenses on it, but if people are forking it, they clearly didn't.

ISellDownvoats ago

Can't design it yourself, you fork someone else's instead.

gazillions ago

Interesting. Gab pulls in as much criticism as youtube around here, and they aren't offering any alternatives.

P33psh04h ago

Man I have trouble even navigating the shit website. Worse than Digg in it's bad state imo.

anthonylancer ago

We dont need a twitter. A good chan exists and we have voat. Do we need a twitter? You tell me


Communication in 140~ words or so is severely low IQ. You can not have deep arguments with anyone, instead the 140 words actually invites people to use personal insults or at the very least sarcastic form of discourse. Thus you're not there to convince anyone, you're there to browbeat your ideology into others people minds and make them conform. Twitter is a jewish construct. Twitter is a giant echobox of leftists.

This is why federated, decentralized, but as soon as you introduce a block or ban function you've entirely missed the point.

These banning practices is how Marxism works in practice, it requires it to maintain control and for the past 10 years that control has been increasingly lost, the kikes at Gab simply want their flavor of ideology to be allowed which is anti-Marxist, centrist right leaning but it still is in favor of globalism which can come in the leftist totalitarian socialist/communist way or in the rightist civic nationalist way, both are in favor of making you a minority and parasitism is much harder of a host who has an intact immune system response to abuse. Civic Nationalism is supported by them and as an politicial stream it remains in favor of multi-culturalism because the Jew will never feel safe as a minority in large ethnic mono-culture countries. Thus it needs to silence those who call out the kike to not allow what they believe is going to far, but the truth is anti-judiac. Questioning their root control which is the holohaux awakens people, even if they are at first exposed to the truth and vehemently deny or think you're insane, the seed has been planted and occasionally they'll encounter a new tidbit of information which will shatter their imprinted propagandized world view.

Whenever i visit twitter, i feel like i walked into a shithole ghetto and pass a house where someone wrote with dogshit on a tree branch on a house wall some insult like 'you suck'. Twitter is shit covered walls of small catch phrases.

anthonylancer ago

Worst part is the trick being pulled where they ban shills and give them credibility in the conspiracy community. Muddy the waters enough and a movement becomes controlled opposition. If there was some way to inspire skepticism towards things that seem good on the surface. Maybe people are tired of searching and they are happy to find some large public figure that at least speaks some truths.


Agreed, the censorship gives the controlled opposition validity and allows right wingers a victim-hood narrative and makes them act in a way where anyone who even remotely speaks anti-control as a savior, but they are merely a plant.

This censorship is entirely manufactured and temporarily, except for staunch anti-commies and anti-jews, they will never come back and banned on sight when spotted. It's fairly simple really; increase the scope of censorship, then reel it back, making the idiot serf think muh freepeach has been restored.

user9713 ago

Some of it is well-deserved (no reasons given for bans, for ex), most of it is not ("I can't say 'gas the Js, therefore not free speech!'").

The bottom line is, Gab is world's ahead in terms of free speech compared to Twitter / Facebook, so even if you don't think Gab is for free speech, you should at least want more people to use platforms that don't restrict your speech to the extent that Twitter/FB do.

hitlerist ago

Until they want to create a narrative for something, then suddenly a lot of the "free speech" disappears and it's just a honeypot. Or maybe, as those with the mind beyond that of a groundhog would point out, it was a honeypot all along instead?

I wonder if, before the heat death of the universe, "conservative" types will ever figure out that what they want is NOT free speech, but the defense of true speech? Or will they always believe the beautiful lies?

gazillions ago

There's always been laws against saying "go kill people" in public. There is a line and that's part of it. Incitement to murder is a crime. Telling some sad rebellious teenager to kill themselves is a crime

hitlerist ago

There are no laws, when they aren't equally enforced, and as you can see in five minutes following a jew on any platform, they aren't. Playing by the rules, which now tend to be the opposite of the rules that existed when the nation was in order, and voting, and losing again and again, is what they want you to do. Do what they don't want you to do instead. Some country of "rebels", more like soft-brained cattle.

gazillions ago

They call for your death openly and the jews of the media don;t ban them and say nothing. It seems suspiciously like a strategy. It isn't inconceivable that they think republicans are going to lobby their reps and demand the loss of free speech. They haven't gotten much right, so more failure on their part is part and parcel.

rektumsempra ago

Will there ever be a place on the internet without censorship? Anything within the reach of world governments can always be censored. What isn't in their reach? Couldn't even the bitcoin blockchain be compromised if all world governments wanted to own 51% of the hashing power?

TheDonaldTrump ago

Look past the marketing bluster,Gab is based on the alternative,federated protocol of Mastodon.You can set up a mastodon server right now like this tweet explains.

shrink ago

Often times, "no alternative" is far better than choosing one of the options the jewish masters deign to set before you. "Okay it's the least shitty thing so let's use this" is a coping mechanism of browbeaten idiots. I'd rather use no social media whatsoever than settle for using Twatter or Plebbit in a world in which Voat doesn't exist, for example. Point being "if you don't have a better alternative you're a shill" implications are faggotry.

That being said, this new thing from Gab looks very promising. If it works like described, then that essentially means no oversight or shut down control, and Gab should be hands off for all the servers, never interceding in the operation of them. It really sounds like the ideal platform, a decentralized version of something we should have had long ago (no surprise decentralization is fought every step of the way for anything).

hitlerist ago

Regarding your first paragraph, this is, of course, how Democracy works as well. Gab == Trump, basically. "At least it isn't Twitter/Hillary". Anyone still aligned with them is extremely ignorant of the propaganda they've been soaking up their entire lives. If you used Gab and weren't banned from it (and a lot of them weren't even "bans"; accounts simply were revoked without a reason given, around the time they were molding the platform to fit the Bower shooting narrative by making every big brained National Socialist disappear), then you are a useful idiot who adds to the confusion surrounding the lemmings, an unknowing asset to our usurpers, and nothing more.

Regarding the second, it simply looks as if the jews and Zionists behind Gab are hijacking potential competition (Mastodon etc) before it becomes a problem keeping everyone in their subverted faux-alternative news bubbles.

TheAntiZealot ago

the people saying "stay away" aren't offering any alternatives.

A common problem.

i_scream_trucks ago

because there arent any.

user9713 ago

It'll be interesting to see how it works. If I'm understanding this correctly, federations will make it so that people who were banned by Gab (Patrick Little, Cantwell) can still use the software; it's just that they won't have their posts seen on Gab's core server. Meanwhile, normies who claim to believe in "free speech" will join a federation that censors much of the speech they don't like and create their alternative version of Twitter.

i_scream_trucks ago

the platform these fucks use is used to push unwanted files such as PDFs to peoples devices.

pdfs are a compromised format. im already suspicious of anything that pushes files to me without requesting it first. im even more suspicious when its pdf files (compromised format, never accept a pdf from someone you dont trust) and im convinced im correct when they do it directly through a link that appears to be a normal weblink, over other peoples platforms.

even funnier was when the dude that runs was on here and trying to explain to me he had never seen any evidence of anyone using to do any of what i just mentioned, after id been complaining that every second link on /v/new for a week was.... links to which were all random pdf files.

fuck those cunts

something is very very wrong about gab.

Wiglaf ago

Does it risk creating many small isolated echochambers? Containment zones for wrongthink and stop ideas spreading?

Futt ago

It'll be interesting to see how it works.

As far as I've been able to gather, it is based on the Mastodon codebase, based on the protocol used by GNU Social for federated social networking. It works by syncing posts between nodes/servers automatically as subscriptions are added, allowing you to add people from other nodes to your feed. There were a few Free Speech oriented Gnu Social nodes, but the only one I could find that was still operational is [Shitposter Club](https://shitposter. club/).

The federation protocol is also supported by Diaspora and ownCloud and it's various forks/clones. It's and interesting concept, but so far Diaspora has been the only stable "node" in this network, others come and go. With Gab as a central hub for a network of free speech communities it might just take off properly.

CrudOMatic ago

No - Gab needs to avoid Mastodon, and fork Plemora instead. Gargon completely fucked the fediverse with Mastodon, and GNU Social had to be forked into Plemora and made incompatible with Mastodon. Don't fucking feed that cancer - go Plemora instead.

RiverWind ago

No - Gab needs to avoid Mastodon, and fork Plemora instead. Gargon completely fucked the fediverse with Mastodon, and GNU Social had to be forked into Plemora and made incompatible with Mastodon. Don't fucking feed that cancer - go Plemora instead.

Please could you link to a page summarizing that?

Futt ago

The backend is built with Elixir and Phoenix

Wtf is Elixir..?

Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. Elixir leverages the Erlang VM..

Yeah no thanks, not learning another retarded, poorly documented functional programming language used by three hipsters who basically use it because nobody else has heard of it.

CrudOMatic ago

...and the custom tweaks gargon did to mastodon fucked the fediverse so bad that GNU social had to be forked into an incompatible project. This is what happens when the Open Source/Free Software community helps out a social justice warrior that cannot code and has no concept of maintaining standards and compatibility.

What is to stop Gargon for making further tweaks to make Gab incompatible with Mastodon? Quit being faggots and smashing the fediverse up into nigger camps.

harmlessgryphon ago

Eugen has already said for Mastodong instances to block gab users on sight, and for elephantpenis devs to hard-code gab out of their systems.

Mastodingle is the cancer that killed Gnu Social.

Futt ago

Btw @PuttItOut - I couldn't post a proper link to as the entire .club TLD was banned (TEMP TLD BAN - SPAM) 1.6 years ago. I'm assuming TEMP means temporary? :p

kontroll ago

temPERMANENT. Geez...! ;)

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

@puttitout and @atko banned a shit ton of domains in the name of free speech. Cognitive dissonance levels on voat are quite impressive.

toobaditworks ago

Yeah Voat would be much better if they allowed 24/7 bots to spam penis pump ads that send you to a fake website that installs a backdoor on your computer that steals your visa card information and sends it to india where Rahul uses it to buy cumin for his red bean curry with rice.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Show us on the doll where touched your pussy.

CrudOMatic ago

What is it with leftist faggots and molestation references.

toobaditworks ago

It's all they know. They are degenerate filth.

karmatic ago

I’m guessing they use tapatalk for mobile.

crazy_eyes ago

Arent places like youtube and twitter operating at a loss year after year? That makes it hard to compete with

Goys-R-Us ago

A loss you say goy? Haha, we use your tax dollars to run prop platforms like these. No need for accounting when we charge you taxes specifically to fuck you over. Mazel Tov!


US dollars are ordered to be created by the Fed (at interest). These dollars go to pay politicians to vote for Cultural Marxism programs. Those programs are run by Goldstein and Mayers who all take nice salaries in their "non profits". These programs create voters that will support these policies. Etc etc.

Goys-R-Us ago

That's anti-semetic. I'm telling.


Six gorillion hours community service

slwsnowman40 ago

FANG should have imploded by now and been replaced. You don't find it odd that it happened with lots of other sites, but not the tech giants?

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Not at all, they all have insane revenue and many many streams of income. They're all diversified, Apple less so.

slwsnowman40 ago

The A is for Amazon.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

You left out an A, I assumed it was a typo.

slwsnowman40 ago

Nope, Apple proved where they are getting their money with the $999 stand.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

The same place the rest are, their customers.

crazy_eyes ago

They are not worth the paper they are printed on

slwsnowman40 ago

Nope, there's clearly something foul afoot when you look at the normal "lifespans" of things related to tech.

crazy_eyes ago


shrink ago

"Compete with"? There's no "competition" for them, they've been running red for fucking eons now, they're simply propped up artificially by cash streams from the usual suspects. It isn't the 90s anymore, tech giants don't become such unless Big Brother notices a promising up and comer and sidles up to them whispering "okay, here's mountains of dough, you belong to us now."

obvious-throwaway- ago

The Kikes run the federal reserve. They print money. They will never run out, just continuously devalue ours.

crazy_eyes ago

thats my point

MuricaPersonified ago

Not fully accurate. Companies like Intel and AMD legitimately made those billions on their own; the government involved itself with backdoors and whatnot once these companies had already established their peak. It's the high-level components, i.e. software in which governments keep a keen eye on, and with hardware breakthroughs, quantum computing and non-binary transistors.

shrink ago

I should have been more specific, by "tech giants" I was directly talking about anything socially/internet related. Anything that had application for social engineering. Intel and AMD, being hardware, had limited use for such a thing, other than acting as potential "sleeper cells" in your own rig with a properly built in backdoor. The tech giants we think of today are the silicon valley startups of yesteryear, the hip cool progressive faggot corporate environments with a super heavy online presence a la Twatter, Jewgle, Jewtube, etc etc.

MuricaPersonified ago

Yeah I know... Realized my mind wandering after already posting. Leaving it up though as I've been thinking a lot lately about how AI software can be used in conjunction with the impending hardware leaps. It terrifies the fuck out of me.

0fsgivin ago

Heh, think about the logistics of dealing with a half dozen drones armed merely 5 inch .22 barrel and 6 rounds. Hovering over every square mile with over 500 people in it. They get some "problem citizens" all the drones from neighboring square miles converge within 2 minutes. You've got 54 armed drones ready to neutralize any threat to national security.

That's the future and it's terrifying. Shotguns with birdshot will only be able to do so much. And if you destroy all 54...they just make more. And send 10x as many next time.

Delacourt ago

people who were banned by Gab (Patrick Little, Cantwell, for example)

These guys were banned by Gab? Granted, Cantwell is shit and stirs up drama wherever he goes, but why specifically were they banned?

speedisavirus ago

Little committed crimes on the platform. Free speech doesn't mean freedom to commit crimes

Delacourt ago

I don't disagree at all. Cantwell is a piece of garbage who has only caused division and sent out threats. I don't know much about Little but he's always seemed unstable.

user9713 ago

Cantwell made an indirect call for people to kill liberals and I believe Patrick Little doxxed someone.

hitlerist ago

Little wasn't banned for the dox; after all, they hadn't finished fundraising yet. They banned Little for his post defending Bowers and retracting his previous condemnation, in the vein that if we condemn our barbarians who take the fight to the enemy against all odds (and some might say, against reason, patience, and better tactics), it would be like Palestinians condemning their own people fighting against the hostile takeover of their land. You can imagine how that went over with Torba right after Dershowitz et al. got through with him.

speedisavirus ago

Doxxed and called for them to be attacked.

Delacourt ago

Yeah, I believe it. Like I said Cantwell is a shit-stirrer.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Little was banned because he refused to take down a specific post when asked to do so if I remember correctly.

Rooster88 ago

any idea what the post was?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Can't remember, it was one of his usual Jew naming posts I think.

sbt2160p ago

Doxxing and/or specific calls to violence.

NPCGator ago

What really happened was when Gab got taken down after it was found the synagogue shooter was a Gab member Gab found a new domain regsitrar, they started policing the site and demanding posts be removed that were perfectly legal posts, when members refused (like Little) they banned them ............FUCK GAB.