kingminos ago

A worker slaves for money and perfection-of-art ... not emotional satisfaction from Trotsky-slut cco-workers. . Only blow-jobbing faggots require emotional support from their environs

kingminos ago

Ever notice the brake-fluid leaks in GOOGLE buses ? lots of 'em ... makes driving the SanFran hills a real chore ... hehehe ...

Men13 ago

The day before his suspension, Wacker went on Fox Business to discuss the company’s anti-conservative bias

Yeah... You don't go talking trash about your employer to the media and expect to keep your job.

ndepsort ago

Wacker was the moderator of the Republicans listserv at Google and detailed in a Medium post his disputes with left-wing employees, several of which escalated into official complaints.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

We're reaching levels of poz that shouldn't even be possible!

ex-redd ago

shit website w/o ad-block running though

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Reading his article right now, and a lot of that rings true...

If the people who work at Google — or who feel psychologically safe expressing their opinions at Google — are only the ones who think that CPAC and Kay Coles Jame are hateful, then don’t be surprised if, one day in the future, hate speech is used as a pretext to censor CPAC or Kay Coles James and remove their content from Google’s platforms.

Yup; this is exactly what's happening. No dissenting voices, just increasingly pushing leftwards.

Employees will interpret your words in the most offensive way possible, then report you to HR based on that interpretation. It’s one big offendedness sweepstakes. When people get in trouble, it’s often based not on what they said, but on how others interpreted their words, regardless of how unreasonable that interpretation is.

Sounds like a relationship ;-P

For example, the person who accused me of being incendiary was also the same person who compared black conservatives who spoke at CPAC to Jews who spoke at a Holocaust denial conference.

Yeah, who could be offended by that?

The manager who took part in this final written warning also once told me that my “Googleyness” was more important for my career than the actual work I did.

They have so much money already that they can hire 20 pajeets to do his work.

This conversation is explicitly about which ideas are welcome in a Google ethics committee for the purpose of shaping company policy. [...] If you think that trans women aren’t women then you can either keep it to yourself or GTFO.

Nice summary there of their policy.

the definition of violence itself has been subject to concept creep. More and more, we’ve heard claims that speech is violence

Speech is never violence. In a few very specific cases (the old "yelling fire in a crowded theatre" argument), it is not protected speech. But that's not violence.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Jungun ago

A true modern anti-lynching law would protect people from these kinds of mobs.


Laws helping.


mean_dot ago

Why would you willing work for a company that is blatantly oppressed to your beliefs?

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Sometimes you don't find that out until you're there, then it's your livelihood on the line, plus who knows if anywhere else is any better?

Delacourt ago

Because the company is very powerful and you may be able to positively influence the culture by working there. And you also get a big paycheck which you can use to support your beliefs. And if you didn't work there, someone else would.

RoundWheel ago

(((Google))) has repeatedly been caught repressing wages, illegally conspiring to suppress wages across the industry (with others like Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, and other industry giants), wage discrimination against males and especially white males, and general scumbagery.

Google ows everyone in the tech industry, collectively, billions of dollars.

aCuriousYahnz ago

Google doesn't even pay its developers that well compared to a lot of other companies these days. Getting scarily similar to the point where they will resemble game development positions in a couple years.

Men13 ago

Google doesn't even pay its developers that well compared to a lot of other companies these days.

What makes you say that? From what I see, it's pretty high up there.

aCuriousYahnz ago

It isn't that they pay poorly or anything, but you're going to get paid much more at a Jane Street than a Google or Amazon or other big tech company. Just think of the projects the average developer will be working on at either company.

work on search, chrome, some other web dog shit vs trading algos

one takes a fuck ton of brains. the other, not nearly as much.

aCuriousYahnz ago

Google engineer?

HoneyTrap1488 ago

It depends where you are. In the Bay Area, it goes from ~200K up ~1.5M. I wouldn't call that "not paying well".

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Is there an alternative? Even if you find a half decent place to work it gets bought by some multinational mega-kikes within a year or two.

aCuriousYahnz ago

If you are a programmer and your concern is money, you work for financial companies. Not tech companies. Not that a job there would be any less kike-ridden.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Conservative's opinions oppresses my child sacrificing culture. This is why (((we))) should encourage all dumb conservitards to go to war for Israel and make them think they are fighting for Murica.

performance ago

Wait, are you telling me google is a leftist mob of manchildren that won't tolerate any other voice? No way!

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

7:44 PM 06/05/2019

The Republican Google engineer who penned an open letter about the company’s “outrage mobs” and “witch hunts” was fired on Friday, The Daily Caller has learned.

6/6 is a Friday

n-nani? you mean last Friday?