Garbalon ago

See, the trouble is, you have to sign up with an email, not like here.

So, they still know who you are.

Hysterical ago

It's not that difficult to make an email address for this sort of thing. I mean at the end of the day, are you going out to coffee shops to browse Gab on new burner smartphones with no digital fingerprints on them? Probably not, so at the end of the day they know who you are regardless.

The trouble is people like you think they understand internet security.

trotskyberg ago

Yes and they've been pivotal in these "white supremacist" psyops. Gab is controlled opposition.

Saturday405 ago

Seems to be fair amount of bed wetting in this thread.

If you think it's a honey pot be a good goat and provide us with proof. I'll keep an eye on my DNS log and report if I see anything funky.

trotskyberg ago = gabbai - is an Aramaic word that means tax collector, but today a gabbai is someone who assists with the reading of the Torah

Then look into the founders, where it is incorporated, and how it was funded.

Fuckyounigger ago

I agree with the one commenter that this is the only thing you have and that everyone has free choice to download or not and many of us have the abilities to sniff out the shady shit so stop spamming your useless shit I’ve seen this comment for a long time before you ever joined

trotskyberg ago

People have the freedom to choose as long as they have this information, yes. If you're saying that it is potentially spyware, then more spyware is not more choice or more freedom.

Hysterical ago

Do you know what the word potential even means? I mean it's pretty obvious that English isn't your native tongue, but jesus christ.

Saturday405 ago

Right. I'm just saying we need to figure out if it's spyware before judging the product as evil.

trotskyberg ago

How did they find that white supremacist "is on" and plaster it around the news so quickly after the alt-right psyop?

Two unheard of technologists who look Israeli and founded the company in a well-known Jewish offshore somehow have lots of funding and become the (controlled) opposition to Twitter... Facebook is probably less of a threat!

Prussian ago

This shit is glowing in the dark. Gab got compromised and censored fast, was created by a jew, and their browser is surely no different.

Hysterical ago

Have you ever been censored before? Oh well, fuck you then, no one can trust you anymore according to your own bullshit logic...

Hysterical ago

Yeah they're not perfect, so fuck then for trying!

So care to show us where in the open source code the issues lie?

trotskyberg ago

You're posting pro-Gab stuff everywhere without evidence. I post evidence and you just troll; support your claims or be outcast.

Hysterical ago

Also asking for evidence, like the source code, isn't posting pro Gab stuff. It's demanding evidence to baseless accusations.

If what you're saying is true, find the evidence. sounding like Gabbai isn't evidence, you fucking kike.

trotskyberg ago

It is when so many psyops are said ahead of time and controlled opposition is the norm these days. And it is incorporated in a very Jewish place - and the founders look Jewish... That's enough to raise flags, which is what I've done :)

Hysterical ago

You don't even know what the word evidence means you fucking kike.

petevoat ago

Need android version!

jasonleeg ago

Not available for Arch based linux distros

trotskyberg ago

Good; it is a honey pot - see above.

Hysterical ago

You haven't provided a shred of evidence other than the horseshit about sounding like a Jewish word. There's no evidence that the founder is even Jewish, again he has a last name that sounds Jewish, but no evidence he actually is ethnically or religiously Jewish.

Again, you're acting as if people here haven't researched this stuff.

trotskyberg ago

I have provided other evidence; and I just did again beneath your other comment. Please check it out. Since when is looking like a little Jewy man with a big nose not suspect? Yes, people haven't researched this stuff - otherwise a lot more would be calling out your shilling (or at least extremely ignorant) posts.

Hysterical ago

I responded to nearly every comment you made, fuck off kike. You still don't understand what the word evidence means either.

Orlando-Albert ago

What chromium version? The problem with these forks is that they lag behind for months.

Anam ago

Dissenter is based on Chromium: 74.0.3729.131. The latest Chromium release is Chromium: 76.0.3804.0, released today, Thursday, May 23, 2019.

PepeFarmRemembers ago

Dissenter web browser be like...

HappyMealBullshit ago

Honeypot. Already been contaminated by j.3w sources. Too late sorry.

THEx1138 ago

Dis-information. FUCK CENSORSHIP.

Hysterical ago

It's probably the same user on ten accounts. I haven't seen a single user over two years old cry foul. Zero evidence. Just spurious bullshit.

They're afraid of stuff like Dissenter, it's why it got shoahed off Firefox so quickly. But yeah obviously that was just a ploy.....

jesus_is_lord ago

To GAB §*, gab. v. n. [£abban, Sax.] To talk idly ; To lie ,

The 3 dashes in D(issenter) = Master Mason degree, same as HERE

brave = 33, b flip^> 9 = masons

lordvain2 ago

I have been using it. Actually pretty cool.

trotskyberg ago = gabbai - is an Aramaic word that means tax collector, but today a gabbai is someone who assists with the reading of the Torah

Anam ago

It is a lot more memory efficient than standard Google Chrome.

lordvain2 ago

Gab is pretty cool too. Not quit a vicious a Voat, but give it time. Dissenter has comments on sites that reall need rebuttal. I am suspicious at all the hatred for it.

RoundWheel ago

Their plugin was caught logging all traffic from every site visited.

A better question is why wouldn't someone be suspicious? They've already provided cause.

Hysterical ago

Why don't you spend as much time looking into it as you do commenting about it then maybe you wouldn't be a clueless cunt running their mouths about shit they don't understand.

TankMissile ago

That logging people mentioned is for comment badges, which is now disabled by default.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

For those wondering, the source is supposedly at

trotskyberg ago

Honey pot = gabbai - is an Aramaic word that means tax collector, but today a gabbai is someone who assists with the reading of the Torah

Hysterical ago

Meanwhile you're spamming every comment with this? You kikes must be getting scared.

trotskyberg ago

Your reply is contentless. This is enough to pique interested, then the interested party should look into the rest of Gab & its founders, behavior, founding, and funding!

Hysterical ago

Yes, they should look into it instead of buying the horseshit you're peddling.

You fucking kikes are so ballsy. Implying that Voat hasn't been well aware of Gab these past years. But oh thank you Mr.Kike for coming by and setting us all straight!

Honestly, how fucking stupid do you think we are? You sincerely believe none of us have ever researched Gab?

Your days are numbered, bud. You threaten me with being outcast? That's nothing compared to your fate.

trotskyberg ago

Sorry, but that isn't how Aryans write or act... Hate to break it to you :)

Yes, I think most people don't realize it - and I'm not the one who bases my business logo and name on Jewish/Hebrew stuff.

trotskyberg ago

Honey pot = gabbai - is an Aramaic word that means tax collector, but today a gabbai is someone who assists with the reading of the Torah

Jewish_comedian3631 ago

Same reason I don't use Discord to communicate. The logo is clearly Hebrew script, פ or Pey, which means Mouth, ie speaking. They control speech.

RoundWheel ago

Honey pot.

reject_kikery ago

Definitely should look through the source code before blindly trusting it.