ExpertShitposter ago

I would rather have soulless chinks spy on me than jewgle. I'm buying a Huawei next.

Drunkenst ago

GTFO with that hype Daily Mail.

knightwarrior41 ago

if you dont like it,it wasnt for you,dude

videocodec ago

Looks like it was.made using a Nikon super zoom not a phone. First DSLRs passing off as phone cameras now this. Huawei does have decent cameras on their flagships just not this

IslamicStatePatriot ago

a crisp digital 50x optical zoom on the camera

It's a digital zoom, aka a digital resize. You can do this in Photoshop to see what it means, no phone camera has a 50x optical zoom. that would require a physical lens with a 1200mm lens for a 35mm size sensor, even with the smaller sensor sizes on a phone it would still be a huge lens sticking out the back of a phone.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Their phones all have surveillance chips.

beece ago

I have the Nexus6 which Huawei made and the shaking of the video on this POS is the worst I've had on any phone...ever. Hard to believe they corrected it so much in such a short time, if they did, good on them.

Also, google this if you wish, but something else that occurs with this fucking turd is that the glass that covers the camera lens self-shatters. There's a story of a guy having his sit on top of his desk near him as he worked and it just shattered without being touched. Mine did it in my pocket all on it's own. I didn't lean on anything.

trotskyberg ago

Yes, Nexus6 was a PoS!

WakkoWarner ago

I actually became more interested in Huawei phones from this ban thing than what i ever was before. They are selling some impressive phones for their prices. It if wasn't for the lack of google apps (like the play-store, gmail, drive, etc) i'd say that they are actually the phones i'd want to buy for myself.

Talc ago

The theory which interests me is the one which says this is Huawei's punishment for refusing to install the NSA backdoor in all its products.

Shishamo ago

Google and Apple pushed the gubmant button to save them. Hope it turns out to be true.

Sancus ago

I can't even keep my shit steady with 5x zoom. How the fuck did they keep steady with 50x and no tripod? I'm more impressed with that than the zoom itself.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

I think newer phones have stabilizing technology which helps reduce the shakiness.

Talc ago

it's called "lean on something", support yourself, ppl been doing it with cameras and with rifles for a long time. I was doing it last night trying to take a picture of our black rabbit population, although not very successfully, I always seem to get a clearer image in a rifle scope than in a camera.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Just need a rifle stock for your camera. They're out there.

Talc ago

I have one, sorta, (it's a stock for demoing rifle scopes, converted to use an air rifle trigger group as a shutter release) but even with a rifle stock it's pretty hard to hold steady at 50x without resting against something

knightwarrior41 ago

there are people who have talent for that kind of thing

knightwarrior41 ago

could be who knows,they havent banned lenovo yet so...