nationalcdatraining ago


majb ago

Nah just say you're Amish and don't believe in pictures.

kevf4 ago

In Atlanta a sheboon takes a picture of you (which is probably saved somewhere) and then compares the picture she took to the passport picture. It's obviously data mining.

Ocelot ago

We're just a bunch of nigger cattle.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Makeup will fool them.

oligarchsalamander ago

Nothing to see here folks, facial recognition software coupled with homeland security able to recognise literally anyone is just a conspiracy theory.

slumbermachine ago

I read that too. My choice in avoiding commercial flight is mainly due to the tsa. There are two ways to affect change in the world: Go to war or Not participate in evil. I also didn't have much money since 9/11 because i made the decision to have my wife stay at home and raise our children rather then have material goods or extravagant vacations.

maxoverdrive ago

Perhaps the stupid fucking whore shouldn't have plastered her face all over Facebook. I mean, really; what idiot doesn't understand what's going to happen after they've posted their 200th selfie on Facebook?

Fuck everyone who thought their hundreds of self-important self-worshiping pics were "private" on Facebook. They all deserve every single fucking thing that's coming to them, and I'll laugh my ass off as it happens.....

TekJax ago

It's almost 100% effective on whites and about 40% effective on blacks.

Given the stats on crime, this should be concerning and policies should be adjusted to reflect this disparity.

Nickblueberg ago

So Americans have that but not contactless cards. Go figure

Afrowasp1 ago

If you were an illegal you'd have no issues.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Because printing it out or typing a code from your phone into one of those terminals is such a bother, right?

WhiteRonin ago

This is gonna be more and more common unless people demand Personal Information laws.

But Airlines will say it’s to prevent terrorist from bombing you. They never tell you about the terrorist loading your bags or food.

Crensch ago

Contacts, retina-distorting lenses... fuck, we're going to have to have monitor masks on that show our "face" now.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Best: Just get an eyeball tattoo and wear icp makeup. No face detector out there will work on you.

Medium: Squint your eyes all the time and wear dark dark sunglasses (or cheap welders glasses, the ones that don't work lol). Thatll work on the eye scans. Wear long hair covering one side of your face.

In a pinch: take a lipstick and draw dots and curves all over your face. Squint your eyes. Draw dots on your eyelids. Looks down as much as possible.

optionalfrank ago

Pure genius!

TheSilentCitizen ago

STOP FLYING CATTLE CAR your local small-field airport. TSA is nowhere near the assholes they are at big airports (IE..they don't grab your nuts..before you can board). Also after a few times using a smaller business style airport..they get to know you..bookings are as easy as saying :Hi Greta..going to Dallas tomorrow" and she says "Your All Set TheSilentCitizen..your captain will be Jake tomorrow...he likes cream in his coffee"

ZerRoyalXir ago

Citizen, this is for your protection. Do you not like to be protected citizen? Are you hiding something citizen?

Apexbreed ago

"You can opt out of us using your cell phone camera to spy on you in the bathroom. Just let us know, and we will stop recording. The paperwork is 42 pages long and takes 4 months to process. Also, you will be placed on a suspicious person list since you obviously have something to hide."

tokui ago


You gave your govt your photo when you applied for your passport.


WhiteRonin ago

Or your license.

DishingShitLikeA ago

No one is immune. Ever. No exceptions. Not even that hermit in a cave.

Shit is real.

And bad. Real bad.

CameraCode0 ago

A hermit in a cave literally would be an exception if there doesn't exist any digital records of them. Probably even the Amish don't have it. They have to get your picture from somewhere.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Satellites can see pimples

Turn_Coat ago


Drunk-Driver ago

They probably made a database out of passport photos. There are strict guidelines for what the photo is supposed to look like, presumably to make it easier for facial recognition software to identify people. Likely an indicator they've been planning it for a while.

Steinmacher ago

Sounds like JetBlewIt again. How does transmitting your photo to HLS then link to the boarding pass? HLS has JetBlue boarding information? All boarding goes thru HLS computers? Who owns JetBlue?

SubspaceDistortion ago

All boarding goes through customs and border protection computers, which have biometric data from HLS. I imagine all airlines are required to submit boarding information to customs, JetBlue just seems to be streamlining the process.

From my understanding JetBlue is one of the more upscale airlines, so this fits the company's profile.

Steinmacher ago

I spent 27 years in the airline industry, but have been out for 5 years. Used to be (after 9-11) passenger name list for international flights was sent HLS after the flight departure. The thought that this happens in real time now is a bit Orwellian. Not to mention the level of computer interface that would be required for this has to open these airlines up to easier hacking (when linking to gov computers). And back in my time, government computers were always several generations behind so interface always had glitches. Always...

SubspaceDistortion ago

Interesting, why would the procedure be to wait until after the flight departure to check passengers post 9-11..? That seems illogical.

Thanks for your input.

Steinmacher ago

it was just a matter of interface, airline couldn't send name list until it was finalized, meaning everyone was on the plane. Feds didn't have access to airline reservation systems so had to wait for list to be sent. Before 9-11 there was a black list and spot checking- expecting problems to be picked up by passport control (min wage workers), afterwards there was active checking passenger lists against the black-list. when they first instituted the new policy after 9-11 they would call for a flight to return to the point of origin when they found a black-list name, only to find out if was not the person they were looking for... airline CEO's were pissed since that wasted so much money... guess this is the updated program.

psimonster ago

MacKenzie has her photo tied to her name on her Twitter account, which she uses to contact JetBlue, but she gets all butthurt about the idea that JetBlue might have her name associated with her image in a database.

This is nothing next to TSA making everyone take off their shoes.

WhiteRonin ago

Or feeling your wife and kids.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

That's the reason the Singaporeans developed the mudslime and other filth have to go back home after work.

Singapore is literally a bridge from a mudslime nation, Malaysia. But only one in seven in Singapore identify as mudslime.

One-Way_Bus ago

That's because about three-fourths of the country is ethnic Chinese, and they hate mudslime.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Yep, they don't want the goat fuckers wandering around. So facial recognition it is.

Dajoos ago

But they're okay with the government having that data. Fucking idiots.

version7 ago

Phase one of normalizing this shit.

slumbermachine ago

More reason not to fly. I’ve only flown once since 9/11 and will continue to avoid commercial aircraft for this very reason. I’m not cattle.

WhiteRonin ago

I guess you row about across oceans too?

Kalergi ago

You got something against immigrants?

WhiteRonin ago

Illegals should sink while trying to row across the waters.

Kalergi ago

Stop polluting the ocean.

LightningAndTheSun ago

You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.

Decidueye ago

This is nothing, just wait until brain hacking is feasible on a mass scale. Privacy and freedom will no longer exist when thoughts can be read from or transmitted to.

maxoverdrive ago

You're a kike faggot trying to distract from the real issues. This shit is at leas 50 years away from reality, and most likely impossible; you vomit this crap up on JIDF orders to try to distract us. Fuck you, you filthy jew cunt, for trying to divide us....

Decidueye ago

I was agreeing with the person I responded to and provided an example you fucking obese nigger.

BoogieLou ago

Did you just commit a thoughtcrime, citizen?

randomfuckingidiot ago

Brain hacking on a mass scale?

That's media.

optionalfrank ago

"If my compliance chip wasn't there, I would just kill myself." -Unknown citizen, Onion Future News Report.

I unironically believe these words will be said someday.

Turn_Coat ago

This is a serious concern.

CameraCode0 ago

No it's not. That will not be possible likely for centuries. At least 200 years. You would need a direct connection to the majority of neurons in the brain, which means physically inserting many sensors into the folds of your brain via brain surgery of some sort. Here's a good post about the complexities of a brain interface that should set your mind at ease.

And then there is the problem of not knowing at all how the brain actually works. We know so little about the human brain that neuroscience is at the equivalent stage as what medicine was in the middle ages.

The prospect of actually "hacking" someone's brain in the traditional sense is non-existent and will be for a really, really long time. They can still hack your brain in the non traditional sense by using the media and exploiting pleasure centers and addiction, but they've been doing that for decades.

Decidueye ago

There are already successful studies translating brain activity into pictures and words. Thoughtcrime will be a reality sooner than later. Actual hacking of the brain won't be feasible for quite a while. The major roadblock against memory modification is our current lack of understanding in quantum entanglement, so a breakthrough in that would make it feasible in our lifetime or in our children's, provided the current pace of progress in neuroscience.

Turn_Coat ago

Counter-point. I think that neural-interfacing via non-invasive techniques are going to be the next major scientific revolution. It'll happen, probably soon, but not by sensor insertion, it'll happen via wearables. It'll take years to analyze brain functionality, but learning algorithms and super computers can do it.

We need to be very careful with this tech. Neural link is fun and all, but it'll be wearables that hack into our brains, not implants in all likelihood.

FSA-got-aleppo ago

Fascists can finally infect the world. Let's do it brothers

Turn_Coat ago

Good counter-point.

ForTheUltimate ago

my comprehension?

That's a risky bet. mwahahaha

slumbermachine ago

Excellent quote.

shifty_pete ago

Nikolai Tesla... what an enigma.

h3rts ago

I don't understand what's problem. You cannot fly without photo ID. And if you have ID you're in system.

WhiteRonin ago

People like you allowed TSA to feel up women, kids and your gay partner.

philmchawk ago

Because they can make fake accounts of you with your face on it. This isn't the same as you being a number in their system.

Splooge ago

You're able to opt out

"We will assume your permission for anything until you tell us specifically otherwise after it's been done."

TekJax ago

I'm sure we'll be able to opt out as easily as we do from public databases, facebook, etc.

fortuitouslyunfallen ago

Google pulled the same shit back in the day with Street view.

Splooge ago

Pretty soon the UK will adopt the same practice.

"All twelve of them gang raped my daughter!!"
"She could've opted out."

BlueDrache ago

"She did!"

"Then she was a racist bigot for not wanting their diversity and got what she deserved."

Splooge ago

You already know the game.