slwsnowman40 ago

Qwant uses the "1 of these things is not like the others" test instead of Captcha. I prefer it to Captcha and their current fetish of click the image of X in this collection of shit pictures. Sometimes it takes me 30 minutes to get through the Captcha bullshit because of shitty pictures.

englishwebster ago

got nothing but virus alerts when i clicked on this link

englishwebster ago

see the url the image links too. is imgur the same as mgur?

Cuttwood ago

You're retarded. Sorry I even bothered explaining.

englishwebster ago

ask a question nicely, get nigger answers. eat a dick.

Garbalon ago

I remember there was a torrent site with a capcha I had to do at least 5 times before it'd pass me...

OrdinaryFaggot ago

Poor instructions on that one. Probably an offshore job that never went through UX testing, or maybe any testing.

Talc ago

some of us gave up doing capchas years ago, they don't do what they're supposed to do, spambots already figured out how to get around them, they're just a means of excluding the blind and partially sighted.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah but like...

Seriously, fuck the blind.

Talc ago

if it served some purpose I might agree, but it doesn't, it's the equivalent of sticking your leg out to trip the blind, just websites being a cunt for no reason other than being a cunt.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

And in heavenly retribution, I was just fucked over by a captcha that wouldn't load when trying to make a purchase.


Talc ago

well, what I would do is email the site admin and ask why they see fit to put an impediment between a customer and a sale, ask them if it is their intention to fuck with customers.

I just sent back a £1200 milling machine because there was a capcha on the manufacturer's spare parts enquiry page, bought from their competitors instead.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Seriously. Make it SUPER easy to take my money.

TheyWantToKillWhites ago

No it's retarded... it doesn't even say circle anywhere.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Someone else has to open up those pill bottles for you too, amirite?

MrPim ago

There is only one circle.

PraiseIPU ago

And its on the right.

It does say click the right symbol....

progressbin ago

Says the robot.

Cuttwood ago

Perfect. I'm retarded.

totes_magotes ago

That was a given. How much more info did we need on that? I mean, we're all retards here.

acheron2012 ago

I've never seen anything like that. I did notice that there was only one circle and 1 case of two squares overlapping.

I would have tried the circle first. The overlapping squares second. The triangle on top of the square third: because it looks like a 4bit party robot?

But I think anti-robot is a bit too LSD. An program (that the general public would call an AI, even if it just 200 lines of JavaScript) would probably figure this out A LOT faster than any of us.

marvinrabbit ago

I would have started at the top left and clicked every pixel on the first row before preceding to the next row... Just to prove I'm not a robot. (Wait, if that's Spencer...?...!!)

Cuttwood ago

In my defense, there were 15 others before this that were not as clear as this one. When I took the screenshot, I didn't even bother looking again so either I look like an idiot or the others were actually just as simple and I am an idiot.

We'll never know. honk honk.