Believe it or not, all these faces are fake. They have been synthesized by Nvidia’s new AI algorithm, a generative adversarial network capable of automagically creating humans, cats, and even cars.
The technology works so well that we can expect synthetic image search engines soon — just like Google’s, but generating new fake images on the fly that look real. Yes, you know where that is going — and sure, it can be a lot of fun, but also scary. Check out the video. It truly defies belief:
According to Nvidia, its GAN is built around a concept called “style transfer.” Rather than trying to copy and paste elements of different faces into a frankenperson, the system analyzes three basic styles — coarse, middle, and fine styles — and merges them transparently into something completely new.
Coarse styles include parameters such as pose, the face’s shape, or the hair style. Middle styles include facial features, like the shape of the nose, cheeks, or mouth. Finally, fine styles affect the color of the face’s features like skin and hair.
Stories like these are preparatory for political reasons, when shit on Weiner's laptop gets exposed you can be sure they'll be used as references to say the video evidence was faked. (Good news is the videos on his laptop are older than the technology so thankfully there's no way to go back in time to change that fact.)
And they don't even mention how this relates to things like the Mandela Effect. I have long posited that such could be a psyop in which alterations in digital media merge with known tendencies to misremember things, and that real world processes could be used to alter evidence as well and therefore lead to a climate of information ambiguity where those who hold the most authentic information and version of events can alter it and tailor it as they please and distribute it into the public through various media in order to cause disinformation and misinformation in ways that suit their agendas, both strategic and general and tactical and specialized and focused, whether on groups or individuals.
Then when it comes to interactions between agents through such media as the internet, what they can already do with mere text and image postings (to include email, social media, and sites such as this one) can eventually be done with full audiovisual representations of persons. With all this controlled in a structural MIMA configuration of the internet as information weapon platform, they can literally rewrite the the public mind and dig down into the individual minds of persons with greater and greater intensity and resolution. Force multiplied by all the other vectors of influence, ranging from chemicals to psychotronics, the result is an open air mind control gulag.
Many have said for a long time that the Mandela Effect meme was going to be used to "explain" Stalin-style media revisions. They've even started to happen live on French TV.
Reminder that this is only the technology that they're showing the general public. I'm sure they already perfected targeting a real person and can generate them into whatever position and facial expression they want. (I'll give it less than a year before someone pirates this and uses it for deepfake porn.)
They can stage so much shit with this, whether it'd be on a small scale or a terrortist attack, the technology at hand is ridiculous and insane, everything is fucked, our only hope is chaos.
mxcviel ago
If we will be able to take mass surveillance out of the picture, this technology could not be so harmful, but I guess it's inevitable.
The difference between past and now is, that even with most severe surveillance, there was always a safe spot somewhere around the corner. In cyber landscape such safe spots cannot exist, so the only solution when you can't hide anywhere is, that everyone produce such diverse data noise, that it cannot be used for profiling. So I can imagine in the future, perhaps everyone will have some app, that will for each cyber action create opposite random anti-action, so that mass surveillance will not be possible. For instance, if I will browse for new car, my app will simultaneously sent query for spring flowers across internet, or if I I will go with smart phone in one direction, app will show at same time, that I'm going in some random other direction. Or something like that. :)
techretox ago
It is hard to create something like this without the risk of being harmful.
PewterKey ago
One of the prpblems with modern political movements is that leadship is targeted and removed. An AI leader that can be created and passed to different designers could be a way to combat this.
Hitler never died because Hitler was a computer simulation. Julian Assange never lived in an embassy, because he was a 3D rendering of a person on 100s of cloud servers. Gandi became the voice of the Indian people after his death, you can see him on youtube saying build the wall (India's 5000km of wall).
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
Think of the possibilities for porn
shawnfromnh69 ago
1st thought for most men including me.
Elcycs ago
Wow, it even simulates blemishes and dirt on the... wait a sec... I need to clean my screen.