SearchVoatBot ago

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Pattern_Blind ago

Those class B weird block chain no voting rights stocks he sold seemed like a huge scam it was valuing the company at over 4$ a stock. They are not even in penny stock territory if you do a an actual valuation on the company.

This is a “believe in them” company. One that will and has censored in the past. please only donate any money you can afford to throw away. If you want to actually invest in Gab save some money up and wait for it to go actually public and be a traded stock. Anything prior is like supporting shitty game companies that promise the world on Kickstarter.

GoyimNose ago

Fuck GAB, so far VOAT is the only true free speech social website, besides the chans obviously. However once voat reaches a certain user base they will be taken over, just as Reddit has. People tend to forget how Reddit started, it was a great free speech website, truly PEAK.

buggermeevenharder ago

Are you a Jew?

buggermeevenharder ago

yeah, the story is false ... if you believe snopes.

fluhthreeex ago

Two years into a presidential term that almost wasn't because of leftist tech and all the guy does is throw money at Israel and suck Big Tech's dick. I'm sure all the Leftists in Silicon Valley enjoyed their visit to Trump Tower.

fluhthreeex ago

Got nothing to say but down-vote. Of course. On a comment like this it's your version of the "REEEEEEEEEEEE!". Massive budgets for "defense", Google, MS, Twitter, FB, etc still getting paid TAX DOLLARS to sell the government personal data. The Left attempted to win the election by manipulating their influence so hard and wound up throwing it because they exposed their own bias to average Joe Plumber-crack's.

10TonMantis ago

Need to integrate all the alt tech sites

HoubovyTomas ago

Gab is not a free speech site.

Between what happened with Jared Wyand, Patrick Little, Pepe Memes, and many many other accounts the pattern was clearly showing blatant evidence of a scam/grift/psyop.

Just look at the popular page and ask yourself "is this what all the people that got sho'ahd from Twitter came here to talk about?"

CowWithBeef ago

They have Thomas Wictor now. If they get Trump, twitter will only exist in my world as those (((every time))) posts.

tokui ago

Gab is a dead end. No refunds for "investors" once censorship laws are addressed. For Torba, it makes sense to spread out fundraising to small people who can't affordably take him to court to recoup a few hundred bucks shysted.

CowWithBeef ago

I can't really disagree with anything you just said. Still seems superior to twitter.

tokui ago

The site is buggy as shit and clunky as fuck. They claim to have workers. Fundraising for weddings seems a priority, instead.

Whatisinaname ago

Go into this with eyes wide open just sayin.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Jews finance jewish controlled op - news at 11.

Raphael ago

Antisemite seeing Jewish conspiracies everywhere - news at 11.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

We’re smarter than you

Rainy-Day-Dream ago is better

zx1 ago

I'm sure that placates his ego.

Back in the day, I got into an argument with (((Torba))) himself regarding the name, giving him the definition of the term and calling him a kike. He denied my claim and called me an idiot in turn. Not a smart move on his part, neither was publicly announcing that Gab is hosted on Microsoft Azure servers. Jokes on you.

tokui ago

Bc conflating with gabbai IS retarded. Gab is the site, the host has changed multiple times. I saw your drivel post.

zx1 ago

How is it retarded? Last I checked it is still Do you have an explanation?

Sandmich ago

Somewhat unrelated to the discussion, but they acquired the domain

crypticking ago

Some people in this world just have the golden touch when it comes to fund raising. I wish I was one of them. But I am not.....

KikesDidJFK ago

Some people in this world just have the golden touch when it comes to fund raising.

Such people can usually be identified by their long, beak-like nose and constant handwringing.

bakindabacon ago

Grug wonder why everyone give shell to long nose tribe

speedisavirus ago

They were looking to hire developers. I applied. Hope to hear back. I'd take a pay cut to work there.

OracMachX ago

well. g'luck. the last time they were taking applications, nothing seemed to come of it.

speedisavirus ago

I'm over qualified for the position based on the description. Would be fun to work for a social media company that mostly adheres to freedom though. And according to what I can tell they are run out of Philadelphia and I'm not too far from there.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you'd be working for a jew

hatecrime ago

he is a jew too

crazy_eyes ago


speedisavirus ago

Ah, you are jealous of my extremely high pay that I can take less and still live a wonderful life in order to support my principles?

crazy_eyes ago

not at all

thou shall not covet

Doglegwarrior ago

So ive been listening to owen bejammin alot lately. Seems like he is on the right path says alot of the right things.. he gets the jew issue but dimminishes it... he also defended isreal and dogged the palastinians which i dont like either group but if america kicked the jews out of the media and started supporting the palastenians things would change real quick.. we give thebirealies billions and palastein gets nothing. Anyways got off topic..

He is nice guy trying to do the right thing but he doesnt charge enough he needs to make alot of money enough that he can say fuck you hollywood and start supporting other people with similar thoughts.. he needs to get tribal amd help his tribe the way the jews do

speedisavirus ago

Yeah, we would have terror attacks weekly if we support the place that literally elects terrorists and send their kids to commit terrorism for money

Doglegwarrior ago

Palstenians hate jews.. not midwestern white americans.. if we supportrd them alot of synagouges would geg terrorist attsacks.. not ttotaly disagreeing we did support osama and the bush crime family with thr help of mossad and saudia arabia did 9/11 so supprotti g terrorist will come back to bite you in the ass.. its just we are supporting the jew terrorist and not the palastenians.

14661743? ago

My country is swamped with palestinians and I had the displeasure of living in a ghetto where they were the largest group of inhabitants. They hate the west, they hate civilization, they love leeching, twisted "honor" and making demands. Fuck them, fuck israel, fuck the entire middle east. Send them all back, wall it off.

Doglegwarrior ago

Cant argue with you assement. I hung outbwith some palastenians at a basketball camp they lady coach was cool some of the kids where cool.. but that is a very different setting to meet

speedisavirus ago

Totally. That's why they run around in the streets burning american flags and chanting death to america. It's their way of saying they love americans. Fucking retarded nigger.

ovix ago

fuck gab, they are not a free speech platform

OracMachX ago



bothrubberandgum ago


artificial intelligence

Only the blind can't see it. This website is clearly designed to concentrate all wrong-think and teach it to COMPUTERS! So they can easily be shadowbanned in big social media. TRUST NO JEW.

crazy_eyes ago

What is AI domain?

.ai is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Anguilla. It is administered by the government of Anguilla.

Saufsoldat ago


[a dot]

Clearly, is trying to destroy all life by reverting the universe back into a singularity.

Umrtvovacz ago

Fuck the censorious Gab, they are as bad as twitter. It's all the same kind of (((people))) anyway.

speedisavirus ago

You must be low IQ

OracMachX ago

Have they themselves explained why they dropped their lawsuit against google? Doesn't seem like they got any real concession for doing so.

speedisavirus ago

Not going bankrupt hiring lawyers is a thing

tokui ago

Torba dropped the suit. I forget the reason given, if he gave any.

speedisavirus ago

How much did the crowdfunding turn up? To beat google they would need a massive war chest or google would just string it out until their money runs out.

OracMachX ago

Don't know.

OracMachX ago

That's good, but they had a lawyer (Ron Coleman, I believe).

And according to someone, they fundraised for the lawsuit.

Huck ago

Good point, I forgot about that.

admin2 ago

How nice that the CENSORING social media site then banned white nationalists in the past , though not illegal in US free speech law, calls (((itself))) Free Speech.

Only one social site on web today is totally "legal" Free Speech. You are using it now.

fuspezza ago

Your comment is so much relevant now than it has ever been

censormynuts ago

How nice that we hypocritically CENSOR anyone who doesn't support the jews put wholes in my underwear theory on voat and then have the nerve to complain about being censored on other sites. #TeamHYPOCRISY


Here you go again...

NPCvoater3 ago

Oh look an NPCfaggot censorship cuck shows up right on schedule. Does your fronthole hurt again faggot?


Made an account just to avoid getting downvote blasted. Adorable.

NPCvoater3 ago

Faggot NPC scared of opinions that hurts his front hole LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Poor sexually frustrated virgin


What opinions? How's your mutilated genitalia?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

downvoats aren't censorship retard

NPCvoater3 ago

You're the dumbest fucking faggot on the planet kill. yourself you faggot piece of shit.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no u

censormynuts ago

You might possibly be the dumbest faggot on the planet

TeddyJackson ago

Enough down votes and a user's posting and voting abilities are restricted. So yes, they can be, retard.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the voating system itself is a form of expression of opinion, and in the first place people have to hear what you say to react negatively to it. Someone yelling "shut up" at you isn't censorship either, free speech means they're allowed to say that.

NPCvoater3 ago

We get it. You want to censor all opinions that hurt your delicate fronthole like the fucking faggot that you are.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but I don't, you're just upset that you're annoying and no one likes you but you're still not being censored

Saufsoldat ago

Did they ban white nationalists or did they ban people for being white nationalists?

dias17se ago

Is there a difference ?

Saufsoldat ago

Voat has banned white nationalists as well.

dias17se ago

Source ?

freedumbz ago

You should have seen what he did to the catalog, along with amalek and the manchild101 dude. Good times if you're a raging faggot.


Constantly named the jew,

Who here doesn't? You?

Volcris ago

I think he is making an argument we are missing.

Sanegoatisware deserved to get banned but it wasn’t for being a white nationalist, he just happens to be a white nationalist.

Even on a free speech site there will be people who brake rules of conduct unrelated to speech and will be removed for that, it’s important to question if gab banned for people’s speech and views or for shit like spamming

Saufsoldat ago

What does that have to do with my factual statement? Voat has banned at least one white nationalist.

fuspezza ago

Jew probably got him banned then jew use him as an example lol

Saufsoldat ago

Atko and putt publically announced that they banned him. Are you saying they're jews? Are you people really this retarded?

A white nationalist got banned on voat, that's a fact. Why is this the hill you want to die on?

fuspezza ago

You are right bro peace

Crackrocknigga ago


I think that covered most bases let's see if I get banned...

Saufsoldat ago

Why would you get banned...?

x13 ago

Gab interfered with USA elections and deleted and censored and banned political speech by Patrick Little.

Patrick Little was a Senate candidate!

And ((( got caught deleting two posts by Patrick Little !!!

The posts were NOT ILLEGAL under US LAW!!!

They merely named the Jews, I think.

Then Gab started saying Microsoft ordered them to ban that senate candidate !!!

Bwwwwaahhh hah hahh hah!


speedisavirus ago

Patrick Little is a fucking retard

Saufsoldat ago

Microsoft threatened to suspend their servers, so Patrick Little voluntarily removed the two posts in question per his own statement. Are you saying Patrick Little lied about this and that he is protecting (((

Also, he is not banned. He is still on

Do you enjoy lying, rabbi?

x13 ago

All I know is one FACT : there is no freedom of speech on and they only want to pretend to be USA free speech for funding.

I don't typically believe after the fact made up reasons for getting caught in a censorship fight.

Did reinstate the messages after moving to amazon AWS cloud or moving to IBM Cloud, or moving to Oracle cloud, or moving to Alibaba cloud ?

Does gab allow NEW similare exact "name the jew" posts?

Does gab?

I doubt it.

Its not like voat.

Only voat is currrently the only USA legal 100% Free Speech social media site on earth.

Thanks !

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Yes you can, the whole place is smitten with it.

You seem like you read about gab but don't go there. You don't even use the right url.

Saufsoldat ago

I don't typically believe after the fact

It wasn't after the fact, check the timeline. publically announced that Microsoft was blackmailing them and Patrick Little took down his tweet after that post. How exactly is that after the fact?

You clearly know nothing, you just made up bullshit and tried to sell it as fact. Lying kikes like you are the problem, not everyone else.

x13 ago

Does gab allow NEW similar exact "name the jew" posts?

Does gab? Can I repost those deleted posts under MY NAME?

Can I ?!?! Can I name the Jew on Gab ?

I doubt it.

Its not like voat!

Saufsoldat ago

Can I ?!?! Can I name the Jew on Gab ?

Yes, obviously, you fucking moron. The post that Patrick Little removed after Microsoft demanded it called for jews to be kept as cattle. That's a step beyond "naming the jew".

Why do you compulsively lie, kike?

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

How many times has something started out with a promise of conservative outreach only to later simply parrot the same liberal narratives, only under the guise of something like "neoconservatism"?

A guy named (((Torba))) running a platformed named after the Hebrew word Gabbai meaning:

1 : a collector of charitable gifts or of taxes among the Jews in talmudic times

2 : a synagogue official

especially : a treasurer or administrator of synagogue funds

So we go from (((Zuckerberg))) to (((Torba))) and everything is just kosher, trust us, goy!


Pretty sure gab is literally referring to the word gab. As in to talk.

But yes it is pretty fucking obnoxious that the only websites are jew sites.

It's not even a lack of white programmers either. We have a shit ton.

It's just that we don't seem to have any whites who are able to skeev millions of dollars from people.

But 4chan seems to be uncompromised despite being made by a jew. And Aaron Swartz seemed like he was pretty committed to keeping reddit free speech until he offed himself. So gab might legit stay unfiltered. I just don't like the idea of helping a jew get rich in any way. That's always bad news in the long term.

buggermeevenharder ago

Yah, and Vince Foster shot himself in the back of the head ... three fucking times.

literallly ago

With a gun literally assembled from untraceable parts, filled with exactly enough ammo. No ammo was found in his home or office for the handgun used. even though he already owned a handgun he kept at his house.

Cum_control ago

Offed himself? Is that what you think?

cryptex ago

*until he was suicided

speedisavirus ago

He was a retarded nutcase. He suicided himself

cryptex ago

Kike detected.

speedisavirus ago

Nigger faggot detected.