BurqaFart ago

Yandex.com for all you Russian bots out there.

gazillions ago

Privacy is the most important thing, but the political fuckery coming from Google is what other search engines pull from.

Kill Google completely. Pull it out by the roots and drown it.

RaptorJesus ago


retractableclaws ago

Startpage for me.

Look at the founder of Duck. I'm pulling from memory, but I believe he was involved in creating some giant internet address book of email address, pulling them from websites and trying to tie them to names. Not exactly a bastion of privacy.


CuckcuckGo is owned and created by (((Gabriel Weinberg))), an entrepreneur whose last venture 'The Names Database' was squired by 'United Online' for $10 million Dollars.

Within this social network of 'The Names Database' he also offered you bonuses for giving invites to your friends, you needed 20 to meet the criteria. You could become 'verified' by entering your phone number. He sold this database to a third party, by later changing the EULA that allowed him to do so without informing the users.

Startpage which used to be IXQuick.com which is a dutch company also has a jew employed at the top, they also have a NY US server location with a separate business entity so they are probably under a NSA letter.

Hosting your own local version of SearX is what you should be working towards. True anonymity can be used through various instances of Searx hosters such as Searx.me Searx.Info and so forth. Remember that your searches will still be logged at an ISP level and employing a whonix bridge, tor routing and a vpn will make it near impossible to create a profile on someone.

TerrifiedTyphlosion ago

Could you elaborate on StartPage having a Jew at the top? My research came up inconclusive.

RoBatten ago

Startpage pulls from Google, Duck pulls from Yahoo. Both of them are cucked. I use searx.me, then Bing.

KnightFalcon ago

I had switched to Duck, and then someone here said in a similar thread that Duck is owned/run by Jews. Don't know if it's true.

I find it ok, but if kikes are behind it, I'll have to switch again.

retractableclaws ago

See this comment about the history of Duck.

HorseIsDead ago

They sell user data.

Holonomic ago

I'll give these a try. I switched to Qwant, but lately it seems to be falling short.

I've used StartPage too, and if anyone uses it, unless they changed something you'll need to add a "eng/?" at the end of the URL.

I will try the Duck again, although in the past it wasn't to my liking. Thanks for the post OP!

13294962? ago

Somebody here once suggested Searx.me and I liked it so much it is my default. Not perfect though and sucky for local things and shopping... Speaking of if anyone knows a good search engine for shopping please suggest.

iloveTTYs ago

Searx works for me. I have sinced blocmed google.

RoBatten ago

My default also. I agree with your assessment. I'll use Bing for local.

Instazood ago

Of course there is no best alternative to Google, but I recommend Bing You can check the rank of them on alexa

HorseIsDead ago

Yep, unlike paranoid schizos I actually like my search to have relevant returned results, all these shitty underground websites are absolutely worthless. Bing actually has better results than jewgle because they haven't gone full SJW and full copyright infringement removal yet. Much better porn results in images too. Lesser of two evils. Also...

>not using a VPN

^ what all the anger in this thread is based off of

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Google’s results usually are worse than the others, though. They were better years ago, but times have changed.

GreyAlien ago

duckduckgo in list ahahahhahahhaha

Anson ago

I've been using duckduckgo since 2013, exclusively and it works. You people are just crybabies. Especially @alopix who pretended it was "getting worse" as she used it

HorseIsDead ago

Hope you like jews masturbating over their shekels they made while selling data they mined from your computer.

Anson ago

and 99% worthless search results tbph

Maybe you're being honest that You think you're telling the truth (or you're just lying) but how could I use it for almost 6 years and never need to use Google?

HorseIsDead ago

Ignorance is bliss

Anson ago

yes, i guess you are ignoring the facts.

hogarth45 ago

Elaborate please.

MrKequc ago

There is a lot of disinformation that floats around places like voat and gab, one piece of disinformation is with regard to DDG being some kind of CIA OP or that they really do at the very least track you secretly. There's no evidence of any such thing. They'll point to people involved in the project that are Jews or have worked for Jews or something similar. Unfortunately there are enough people that believe whatever they read online that now it's hard to tell who's trying to hurt DDG and who just fell for their garbage.

To me it suggests DDG is a fantastic alternative. I like them, I use their dark theme, and if I ever delete my cookies I need to setup all of my config options again on it. Which doesn't mean they don't track me but it does mean that if they do track me they do a good job of hiding it.