geekpuk2 ago

A 19 year old prime white woman entering a giga Tyrone millionaire's hotel room always had the best of intentions.

Incels would not understand

Glipglup ago

Oh good someone remembered like I asked, thanks.

KalEl50 ago

Was that wrong?

Cunty84 ago

Fucking chimp RAPIST

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago


doesntgetsarcasm ago

So somebody was like "well shit I better go find the perfect spray paint to match the fucking clouds to spray paint rapist on this mural". Plus they made it small enough and in a fairly easy spot to get rid of it. I think the artist is just trying to get his name out there.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Why the fluoride would a mural of an[quote that msm news reporter] LA niggers be even tagged up in texas to begin with? Then again it's that influx of cuckifornians.

NakeFews ago

He rapes... but does he save... lol

ShakklezthaKlown ago

that's the shit i like to see.

Whitening ago

If only we would vandalize marxist lucifer koon,jr statues with "WHOREMONGER", and "PHILANDERER", just to name a few....

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Fuck Kobe and his satanic faggotry


they forgot nigger?

1Sorry_SOB ago

Odd how we cast statues and they work with spray cans whitey made.

Darwinxmachina ago

Calling a spade a spade.


After watching these people tear down the statues of my forbears and spitting on their legacies, I'm kinda OK with this.

phillyjoe ago


SoOutraged ago

All of this worship just because someone was good at playing a game with a ball is pretty stupid.

1Sorry_SOB ago

What other achievements can they point to?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

they try to say he was a good philanthropist who helped a lot of nigger kids get out of the shit.

to that i say, with his money, he damn well better be a philanthropist.

KalEl50 ago


ShakklezthaKlown ago


SoOutraged ago

I heard he's an accomplished rapist

Leveraction ago


HeebSlayer ago

Why are Texans "honoring" that piece of shit nigger rapist in the first place?

killkillkill ago

I love how this place will revile "whores" who claim rape against anybody else, but when it comes to a black guy like Kobe, they instantly believe her.

The bitch's case was shit and she was going after Eminem next.

KalEl50 ago

Fuck off. I seem to remember a fucking nigger stripper falsely accusing some lacrosse players, and they had their names drug the mud. Thanks to greasy race baiting Uncle Al Sharpton. Fuck Kobe.

killkillkill ago

Uhm...what are you talking about? White girls falsely accuse guys all the time, especially now thanks to #metoo

KalEl50 ago

Duke lacrosse players. Google it.

killkillkill ago

Yes, I know all about it...

You're trying to say there haven't been a bunch of these white on white false accusations? Literally every high profile case is some white kid...

hillbilly_guy ago

They are not, niggers who live in Texas are.

Glipglup ago


Reymrgapurple ago


hankhill7 ago

Oh look, another shit comment from a greatawakening faggot.

ToFat2Fish ago

Then go use reddit nigger. Here there be realism.👌🏻

Glipglup ago

Real life is spooky

But like it really is though.

FellowMan ago

Free speech is more important than your ideas of what does or does not have a place. If people want to say it, it has a place.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

What even is this account? Just a bunch of trolling and shitposting or Maroonsaint-level schizophrenia?

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Racism is a virtue.

MetaCog ago

It's virtual only in the sense of being fake.

HillBoulder ago

Shame they didn't add NIGGER

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

In this case, it's probably better he didn't. This way, the media can't immediately attack the "nigger" part and ignore the "rapist". This way, it serves as a reminder of his crime, and could be imagined to be carried out by some radical MeToo feminist or something.

HillBoulder ago

I would have laughed for days that's all I care about.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

It was obvious from the depiction.

What I'm curious about is why someone felt the need to paint "rapist".

I mean, isn't that already assumed when dealing with a nog?

HillBoulder ago

People are used to seeing the nigger rapist but they're not used to seeing the word. I think it just has more of an effect on an individual reading it and hearing themselves say it as opposed to simply viewing said rapist nigger.

tokui ago


A rapist nigger, that's all he'll be.

SearchVoatBot ago

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derram ago :

2020-01-31 | Kobe Bryant mural vandalized with 'rapist' hours after unveiling | Daily Mail Online

"A mural paying tribute to Kobe Bryant has been vandalized with the word 'rapist' just hours after it was unveiled.", "The mural, which was painted on a wall in Austin, Texas, was completed on Thursday in the wake of the NBA superstar's shock death."

'The reporter, Felicia Sonmez, said she faced death threats after tweeting a link to a 2016 story about the allegations. ', "The rape allegations made headlines again this week after a Washington Post reporter was suspended and then reinstated for tweeting about the claims soon after Bryant's death."

'Bryant held a press conference at the time with his wife Vanessa where he admitted to cheating on her. '

This has been an automated message.PNG

SoOutraged ago

That doesn't even look like him

ToFat2Fish ago

It was painted by blacks

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Someone should put a poster of that Tyrone meme image over it.

ToFat2Fish ago

Yes they should

ToFat2Fish ago

This is the highest form of nigger art. Points removed for no mah dick