HulkJizz ago

Him and @clamhurt_legbeard can go bigfoot hunting together.

Native ago

There's a lot of things that can be said about Big Foot, however, we can all agree that he abides by the social distancing rules.

Deshy ago

Oh you are such a pot stirrer! :p

gabara ago

It's right there in the link. I don't think the other shitposters know yet.

Deshy ago

It never happened they are just acknowledging him that’s all... shootfire I linked him to there... blame me if you have to and I don’t have anything to do with that sub.

It was the sensational headline, lol that caught my eye and I clocked that Rotteuxx had already posted it but few Ques move out of their own subs so wanted to let ‘em know there is more to voat then just their own subs... dilly billy goat you!

gabara ago

I found this one for @rotteuxx to share:

@crensch will love this it's pro-Trump

clamhurt_legbeard ago

where is that face touchy meme

clamhurt_legbeard ago

gabara ago

Is it time to start rounding up Mexicans into camps?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

fuck no

they have to go back

mexico will pay for them