Native ago

Ha great call back

heygeorge ago

Mod invite sent, unban if you like!

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Dude. He's gonna post Nickelback now. Is this what we've come to? Mind as well put horse in the lasagna too.

heygeorge ago

He’s banned. We’re going to build nickelback week at SBBH.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Too true.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

beatle was banned for clogging our sub with crying

hes still clogging other subs with his crying

the ban remains in place until he stops crying like a little bitch

heygeorge ago

the ban remains in place until he stops crying like a little bitch


HateCumbuckets ago

Hi there! Just trying to jump on the unban train here...

heygeorge ago

Didn’t you do something terrible to truly deserve it? Further, I’m pretty sure this is the ban train

HateCumbuckets ago

Kind of. I just facilitated blowing your css up. I thought it was a good troll in a sbbh way.

heygeorge ago

Oh yeah I member that now ya bastard

clamhurt_legbeard ago

he needs to fucking stop

he keeps doubling down on crying

fighting for your right to tantrum

srsly dude

super manly

its hilarious

see i banned all of u/gabara alts but left his main and he stopped flooding and were good

but beatle is crying for days

Native ago

See atleast he did a crime.

The only crime I did is liking Nickelback and BOOM immediate ban

heygeorge ago

liking Nickelback and BOOM immediate ban

I believe @kevdude recommended death. Maybe @PuttItOut will make this a new global ban reason

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Can you survive the hypocrisy of banning me while mocking putt for his banning?

The way I see it, you have two options. Unban me for "dox" and apologize, or keep my ban and retract every statement against trigglypuffs ban and apologize to putt.


clamhurt_legbeard ago

this is the hill we will die on

this is how

you remind me

of what i really am

heygeorge ago

We should have a nickelback weekend at sbbh then maybe everyone can get it out of their system.

thelma ago

Time that with my vacation ?

heygeorge ago

Sure, if it works. When are you on holiday?

thelma ago

Whenever that Nickleback weekend is.


heygeorge ago

We’re still in the planning stages. We haven’t even hired security!

Native ago

Make sure i'm involved.

heygeorge ago

What are we talking about? Nickelback Weekend? Ha!

Native ago

Yes Weekend indeed! it will be glorious and atleast we'd have original content instead of the Crensch cry posts.

thelma ago

I'll keep watching.

Native ago

This is a proper idea. Though secretly I believe y’all are bigger Nickelback fans than I am and are simply scared to admit it cause you don’t want to be called fag

heygeorge ago

I actually cope by imagining you are just joking.

Native ago

Naw I’m a yuge Nickelback fan and have all their albums except the silverside up. That is the one that had everyone hate the band so I boycott that album out of spite for the normies

how do you not like this song

clamhurt_legbeard ago


im ben tho lol

heygeorge ago
