wokeasfook ago

Fuck I only stumbled on this now. I was going back through old messages remembering having a back and forth with someone who was making all sorts of threats. I had just finished reading @crensch takedown of Zyk-B (both parts) and I thought it may have been zyklon making the threats. So I went back through my messages and when I found the conversation all the comments had been deleted. I never archived so I had no idea if it was him or not. I was hoping to get screenshots I thought would make for a good comment on the crensch posts. But then I stumbled on this


clamhurt_legbeard ago


fucking awesome

hes back but he thinks we dont know


wokeasfook ago

It was funny, he was threatening my life and accusing me off being a fed at the same time. When I sent him this photo to prove I wasnt even in the same hemisphere he began promising me he had enough information in the photo to find me. I was advised to watch out. Then he sent me a photo of a building he claimed was near where I was but I didn't recognize the building. Anyway it was a good laugh. Good work getting him to delete himself.

Does he have a new username?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ohhhh ya

im keepin it close to the vest at the moment but he made it literally right after deleting lol

wokeasfook ago

Fair enough. I'm sure I'll come across him again and I'm pretty sure I'll recognize his style.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


just use his triggers lol

clamhurt_legbeard ago

quebecois arent canadian

he might be under siege

Rotteuxx ago

Not really under seige, just busy filling sandbags and building dams so my friends don't lose their house.

I know you & @trigglypuff miss me, sry ! Be back to my regular Voating habits in a bit.

Bonus pic of an overflowing dam

clamhurt_legbeard ago


good luck dude

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Fucking pussy Canadians, you know?

Crensch ago

Ohhh snap. Well done!

@Trigglypuff Add CL to the board. Definite killshot here.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

what is it if he makes four parody usernames to complain afterwards lol

Crensch ago

I feel there's something we could do here with a Bruce Campbell reference, I just can't come up with the words atm.

FederalAgent1 ago

This fucking shill noticed I deleted my account, maybe five minutes after it propagated.

I live rent free in this sad sack of shit's tiny little mind.

cunthurt_legfat ago

Yes. Shaloms for shekels!

HateCumbuckets ago

@Blackriflezcoffeeco is his alt apparently. Swung by, abused us then deleted his comments like a cuck.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


cunthurt_legfat ago

Wow. You're my hero.

So big and internet tough.

I bet you get all the ladies.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

two at the same time is my max

thats just logistically the best move

Native ago

Well done!

We young shitlords Have much to learn

clamhurt_legbeard ago

true shit dude

this is why im the owner

i have wisdom to share

cunthurt_legfat ago

I am going to ear fuck you to death at noon with a spoon.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

Is that so?

Why am i still here, then?

You're a fucking moron, and I have no idea what you are talking about.

HateCumbuckets ago

That fucker had such a hard on for Australia. This is hilarious.

BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

australia is a piece of shit police state.

HateCumbuckets ago


BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

I'm elitch2's alt.

I deleted my account for shits and giggles, really.

Nothing to do with this sorry piece of shit.

"He threatened my life!" what a retard.

HateCumbuckets ago

Well duh. Not hard to pick.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

nobody survives tangling with the clam

cunthurt_legfat ago

Such a faggot.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol so butthurt

clamhurt_legbeard ago

hes unintelligent and easy to find

i will discover him quickly lol


i dont even care that he threatened me

but its just pathetic that he is too scared to even defend his threat

no respect for that

cunthurt_legfat ago

I will spoon fuck you to death.

Spoon fuck, you hear me?

To death.


clamhurt_legbeard ago

seriously doubt it

anybody who ever threatened anything failed

total failures

see original screenshot

FederalAgent1 ago

Oh. I'd take it seriously, if I were you.

BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

Right here, faggot.

thelma ago

Fucking screen-capture .... costing people some coinage.

I see a new acct u/elitch3 ....

BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

This is my alt.

I'm right here, and I have no fucking idea what this moron is on about.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


and look at the date

ive brought it up a couple times before

but suddenly hes scared of the mounties this time lol

FederalAgent1 ago

I've heard reports of an ear fucking threat?

Spoon-based, from my intelligence.

I'll need you to come into the office tomorrow to make a statement about what a raging faggot you are.

cunthurt_legfat ago

SUch a man!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

hey he doesnt need to carry a gun ok he just runs away from niggers


BlackRiflezCoffeeCo ago

This is my alt, you lying piece of shit.

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