GumbyTM ago

Oh no, Kyle was 'looking for trouble' and exercising your rights is 'falling for traps' and 'throwing your life away'.

See this guy, he'll explain it all to you.

Also he has Rev in his name so obviously not a jew.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Yeah, if the police are standing idly around while communists and niggers loot and burn everything - it's a fucking trap. If the people in charge of the city are telling the police to stand down - it's a fucking trap.

Kyle is under arrest and facing serious charges - while none of the looters, arsonists or gun carrying felons are - BECAUSE IT IS A FUCKING TRAP.

Fucking Shlomo Gumby wants other good people to throw their lives away for communists and niggers too so that when the need arises they'll all be in prison.

GumbyTM ago

Since it's Sunday and I do charity on Sunday let me literally spell it out for you because you keep asking to be spoon fed like a nigger and seem to possess the logic ability of a toddler.

The police stand around collecting their paychecks because (as even you seem to understand) the leaders of these urban areas are leftists. To anyone with a functioning brain this dynamic is a broken system as the police took an oath to uphold the law and constitution.

By your own words your mechanism for dealing with this broken system is to 'look out for yours' and 'don't go looking for trouble'. Looking for trouble in this case means trying to do something about the broken system, like cleaning up graffiti and protecting businesses which the police refuse to. Things Kyle did because he is willing to take risks and put himself out there for the betterment of mankind. To anyone with a brain this is called leadership and trying to make the world better. You call it 'falling for a trap'.

The position you can't defend is why you claim to only look out for yourself but seem so concerned that others behave the same way and lose your shit at the simple suggestion others may not want to behave as you. If you truly subscribed to what you espouse you would simply not give a fuck if others encountered difficulty while trying to make the world better as it doesn't affect you. The only logical conclusion is that you really want everyone to sit on their ass while the world burns. This is exactly what kikes want. This motivation would also explain your rabid vitriol rather than being able to engage in a civilized adult discussion.

I don't have an issue with you prioritizing your own comfort over trying to make the world better and I fully understand the emotion but when you rabidly insist that everyone behave exactly as you and sit on their ass while the world burns you go from pussy to agent of subversion. You are demanding others do exactly the thing kikes want, nothing. This is why I keep taking you to the wood shed and all you have to offer is screaming TRAP and 'drink bleach'. These are the juvenile responses of a child which is something I'm sure you are not, at least by age even if you are mentally.

That clear it up for you?

RevDrStrangelove ago

What is absolutely crystal clear the is that you are a fucking kike shitbag here to convince others to throw their lives away like Kyle did in a fucking trap set by your sugar-daddy Soros.

GumbyTM ago

So for the hundredth time, why do you care what other people do when you only look out for you and yours? (your words)

Isn't it funny how you can't simply answer this question but keep pretending you did. You also keep acting like I don't think Kyle is fucked which was literally the purpose of my thread.

You are demonstrably illiterate but please

Again, why do you care what other people do when you only look out for you and yours?

RevDrStrangelove ago

You keep asking the same stupid question that I have answered REPEATEDLY. You stupid illiterate lying piece of kike shit.

Again, you fucking brain dead piece of sub-human garbage Kyle is obviously a good person with good intentions (unlike fucking kike scum like you).

He is of no good behind bars - which is where he is and will remain for the foreseeable future. Anyone that listens to fucking sub-human jew scum like you and runs out and throws their life away over niggers and communist jew trash like you will meet the same fate at this time. Anyone that falls for the kike trap set by scum like you will end up prosecuted and incarcerated. That means when the time is right for us to come hunt pieces of shit like you down the Kyles and Tarrants will be locked up.

I've explained this OVER AND OVER but you are either too fucking stupid or unwilling to acknowledge it. Die scumbag.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Clean up your link, please. Got a bunch of random tracking shit in there.

CheeBooga ago

Jewish terrorists hate anything that is pure & good.

liberalscum ago

Kyle Rittenhouse is a community lifeguard who was working in Kenosha the day of the shooting.

This simple fact destroys the narrative being peddled by the mainstream media that he had “crossed state lines” to harm the rioters.

In a statement by Rittenhouse’s legal team at Pierce Bainbridge, provided to the Gateway Pundit, they explained that “after Kyle finished his work that day as a community lifeguard in Kenosha, he wanted to help clean up some of the damage, so he and a friend went to the local public high school to remove graffiti by rioters.”

Additionally, the weapon Rittenhouse was using to protect himself and others never crossed state lines.