DontBeRacist ago

I don't think saying this makes a difference or not. People just eat up and believe a bunch of stupid shit no matter what.

Helena73 ago

Nonsense. People are trained to either blindly accept authority or to question and be skeptical. The difference is repetition. Enough repetitions will influence a large number of people toward one or the other approach.

DontBeRacist ago

Dumbasses choose someone to believe in, and they don't do a good job of choosing because they're dumbasses.

grantorino43 ago

Siegel was born in 1978 to "a Jewish postal worker"

This Jew outta know better than to gaslight a population.

Helena73 ago

They literally cant stop themselves.

naggerfig ago

so should we ignore 99% of science from before the 20th century?

Blue333 ago

Well I am an expert so duck you Forbes.

claire_lovely ago

Remember that there were times when doctors promoted smoking and that science is easily corrupted as seen in the censorship of racial and gender studies.

24601_JeanValJean ago

follow the money.

earthvox ago

Anyone dumb enough to believe that deserves to be a slave.

kapuhuna ago

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God"


(The quote that Benjamin Franklin wanted the motto of the US to be on the dollar bill, with an image of Moses holding his rod over the seas and the parted sea's waves crashing down on the pharoah in the distance on his chariot, chasing after the Isrealites.)

kapuhuna ago

It seems the other founding fathers preferred Egypt's side of things. And chose for the Eagle to be the symbol of America - cousin to the vulture, a thief, cowardly bird, and opportunist - when Benjamin was later seen to write to his daughter saying he wished they had chosen the Turkey instead, since the turkey is native to America, and cousin to the peacock.

I like turkey. Turkey are noble. Can we redo that and be the turkey instead?

I am so done with having a country without integrity and honor. I say we go with honor and integrity.

Helena73 ago

The motto is a good one, maybe it isnt worth it to litigate whether the egyptians or israelites were truly in the right or whether the turkey is better than the eagle.

kapuhuna ago

good point.

kapuhuna ago

(go team turkey 100%)

Helena73 ago

I like turkeys too. I never eat them.

zyxzevn ago

There are many BILLIONS of reasons why they do not want you to know that HCQ+Zinc works well,
against a disease that does hardly kill anyone.

Helena73 ago

It killed three people I know. It is killing alot of people that might otherwise have 10 or 20 years left. Totally uneccessary. The ultimate betrayal. These people paid in to a system for decades in the belief that the social contract would be honored and they would be given a 40 cent pill in their old age that would save their life. Fraud. Murder.

ZenoOfElea ago

Fuck that, I bought the lab equipment, I'm going to use it.

Helena73 ago

Share what you bought, Im interested.

Helena73 ago

Excuse me I specifically used the word fuck to avoid any cuckiness.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Yeah, but the exact opposite is kind of true. Overuse of "the 'f'word" is one of the hallmarks of a soy overdose.

Helena73 ago

Yeah I was being facetious guy. Neither the phrase “Are you kidding me” nor the addition of the word fucking to it would indicate any particular cuckery on my part. I suppose burying an axe in the editor of Forbes would proove a lack of cuckiness to you, but I consider that to be overkill.

SearchVoatBot ago

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psvj ago

this is a test

HappyMealBullshit ago

The author of that article also wrote a book called: ‘Treknology: The Science of Star Trek from Tricorders to Warp Drive’

Not sure Im gonna he using him as my advisor for intelligent behavior.

Helena73 ago

Ethan Siegel lol. I can think of another reason not to listen to him.

SparklingWiggle ago

Dammit goy, could you just follow the direction of your minders? Do not think or question.

totes_magotes ago

Because "your own research" frequently cites retards on voat and reddit as "peer reviewed science."

Helena73 ago

The peer reviewed academic study process has become hopelessly corrupted. Elsevier controls it, big pharma and corrupt governments control elsevier. Come the fuck on.

This shit is exactly what they did to Galileo. Hydroxychloriquine is absolutely a cure for Covid, the establishment is fucking lying. Fluoridation causes mental retardation . Blind trust in the elite scientific establishment also leads to bad outcomes. The entire fucking history of medical science supports that. Anyone still saying HCQ doesnt work is a retard or a liar.

totes_magotes ago

So you're an actual infectious disease expert? Or are you an armchair expert?

Helena73 ago

Blah blah expert blah expertizing blah experty

Its as if you didnt read any of the comments on this thread. If the institutions conferring certifications of “expertise” become corrupt, you can not rely on experts. The history of science has shown this over and over.

Medical experts have established over the course of maybe 150 years or so that an entire category of related viruses can all be effectively treated by hydroxychloroquine and indeed any quinine alkaloid because they inhibit the synthesis of rna critical to the replication of ALL POSITIVE SENSE SINGLE STRAND RNA VIRUSES. That includes bird flu, swine flu, zika, west nile, dengue , any rhinovirus. Coronaviruses cannot adapt to this drug without completely altering their fundamental replication strategy (ergo not being coronaviruses anymore) because it is a drug that inhibits the host metabolism,not the virus itself, by alkalinizing the cytoplasm with zinc. Was proven to work on the 96% genetically identical SARS 1 virus in randomized trials on macaques. COVID is SARS, with a few spike proteins splices into it by a little chinese woman in a lab from bat coronaviruses. The spike protein has NOTHING to do with the replication process within the cell, the mechanism which HCQ attacks. Which was verified when HCQ was established to KILL SARS COV 2 in vitro in infected human lung cells in non-cytotoxic concentrations comparable to typical HCQ dosages established to work with SARS and all other positive sense RNA viruses. Which is why Fauci was quoted several years ago touting the glories of HCQ in killing basically all influenza like illnesses.

Given at a point early enough on the exponential growth curve of this virus, theoretically 100% cure rate. The longer the time from exposure to start of HCQ intervention the lower the survival rate.

Not coincidentally, all highly publicized studies (which I have read) “proving” inefficacy of HCQ are on subjects that received their first dosage a week or more after onset of symptoms and the inflamatory stage of the illness has set in. No one offers any hypothesis why this drug would not kill this virus in vivo sufficiently if given early enough. All studies of patients receiving early HCQ show statistically significant benefit from HCQ and are BURIED.

I dont need a PhD to read what experts have establish about the action of action of HCQ on all viruses in this category prior to March 2020 and fucking extrapolate it to the current situation. Meanwhile a bunch of CLINICIANS are crying foul that bullshit bureacrats of state agencies are making bad policy. What will it take for you to try using your brain? I dont need to be a mathematician to know 2 + 2 = 4

totes_magotes ago

Oh so you have no experience and believe what you want to because it makes you sooo edgy and you feel badass fucking the man.

You're nothing but a child. Cry some more retard

Helena73 ago

Can you explain why Hydroxychloroquine kills Sars cov 2 in vitro but wouldnt kill it in vivo? Propose a hypothesis for why the rules of organic chemistry took a holiday for this virus. Given what I explained, that HCQ treats all other coronaviruses, all positive sense rna viruses, why would it not treat this one? It has been proven to be effective against the original SARS in a randomized study. The aspects of SARS 2 that make it different from SARS do not affect the RNA replication process, so tell me a rational hypothesis that would account for HCQ’s lack of effectiveness on this disease.

Did you actually read any of the studies that claim HCQ didn’t work? My “expertise” is data analysis. Since you wont hear common sense from anyone without credentials. None of those studies were statistically rigorous. They utilized deeply biased data to which they applied propensity scoring, a.k.a a fudge factor. That is not reliable results. Futhermore the entire studies are designed to fail as they are studies in which an antiviral intervention was initiated when the subjects had progressed past the viral stage of the disease and into the inflamatory severe stage. One would assume if you were truly interested in the efficacy of an antiviral you would give it to subjects in the viremia phase, no? Well if you were interested in the truth you would.

I dont really see serious responses coming from you. Just more “but youre not an expert”. That is not an argument. You could address any one of the points I made here. Go ahead. Try.

totes_magotes ago

All I see is more whining, blah blah. Where's your report and study? Control group? What experiments have you done? Where's your lab? Oh, wait, that's right. It's the internet. Fucking lulz. Cry some more, it's nothing but music to my ears.

Helena73 ago

This is the science subverse, not the obedience to our betters subverse. Critical thinking is a requisite. Why wont you address a single one of my assertions? Why do you keep avoiding the facts? Why wont you even defend you belief that HCQ doesn’t work? I have submitted unassailable facts about its efficacy. You have submitted no useful arguments whatsoever other than your superstitious belief that the WHO organization is populated by medical gods. Arent you embarassed that you could not muster one single argument?

totes_magotes ago

That's a lot of straw. Where did you find so much? Better question: how much did your Jew masters buy you for?

Helena73 ago

I see, trotting out the logical fallacies routine while simultaneously issuing forth ad hominems. How credible of you!

totes_magotes ago

D'aww look at the snowflake, getting so mad because someone doesn't believe in your fairy tales. You're such a cute little fairy.

Helena73 ago

Only one of us was fragile enough to downvote every single comment the other made. I guess youre mad. We could have had a productive debate, too bad you want to act like a kindergartner

totes_magotes ago

Are you mad about your widdle imaginary internet points? Boo hoo.

There's no productive debate to be had with an armchair infectious disease "expert."

Helena73 ago

Ok stick with your “expert” bureacrat with the degree in Public Health. Good luck with that.

totes_magotes ago

You're really butthurt over your imaginary points and rightfully being called an armchair expert? Fucking snowflake. Go back to Israel.

Helena73 ago

Go back to Israel.

Hahaha. That’s an original comeback. It definitely doesn’t smell of desparation.

Honest question. Do you think you know more than I do about SARS CoV 2? Do you think you know more about the drugs being used to treat it? Like Hydroxychloroquine, or Remdesivir, or Ivermectin, or doxycycline? Because it sounds like you dont know much about it at all and yet you are strangely confident and proud of your ignorance about this disease. Is complete ignorance of such things a virtue to you? Its a very cog-like approach to society, but hey, maybe you enjoy your cog-hood.

totes_magotes ago

So triggered that you gotta come back and whine 2 days later, fucking lulz. And you have the nerve to point at me and stomp your feet and cry. Literally Jew tactics.

Helena73 ago

I lost power for 2 days. There was a hurricane here. I just read my replies. No one is stomping their feet except you. Calling me a jew is the most overused desperate ploy on this forum— it’s a flimsy excuse for not just admitting that you are ignorant on the subject, which is probably why you are so vulnerable to all the fearmongering related to Covid. Maybe if you did some research you wouldnt feel so fearful and then you wouldnt have to be covering it up by constantly calling people who know more than you jews?

totes_magotes ago

Okay, more lies and excuses and all that shit. Anything to project, deflect, and accuse. Are you here to perfect your pitch because you suck at it.

Helena73 ago

Wah wah wah. Answer the question. Tell me, do you know anything about Covid or what you are going to take when you catch it? Have you done any research or preparation whatsoever? Do you seriously believe that a bunch of leftist bureaucrats are correct and HCQ has no benefit? Is that opinion solely based on what the bureacracy has told you? You have no idea how any of these drugs work at all do you? WHy are you so afraid to talk about the SCIENCE?

totes_magotes ago

Are you still crying? Fuck, aren't you a triggered little bitch. You're my bitch, that's what you are.

Helena73 ago

Please note this is the science forum. If you cant bring the science, you dont “win.” I see a lot of bluster and zero substance to your comments. That might impress in your neighborhood but this isn’t a rap battle. I still havent seen evidence that you are anything more than an 85 IQ with a disproportionate sense of self worth due to a lifetime of affirmative action preferences. Understand that does not count in science. You will only be judged by the objective value of your contibution. Go ahead, show me what you know about Covid— now’s your time to shine. Make your people proud.

totes_magotes ago

God I love it when you whine and bitch and complain. It's so... sexy.

You doin' anything this weekend? I need some action.

Helena73 ago

Oh dear, still no trace of science in that comment. You shifted strategies, but its still a low IQ ploy.

What will you do when you get covid? What if your parent or grandparent gets covid? What drugs do you have now that will treat it? How many days will you be symptomatic before the medical establishment allows you to have an antiviral? These drugs work, but only if you get them in the first few days of symptoms. By the time the test comes back positive, it will already be too late for grandma.

But you’re real good at “dissing”, that’s got to count for something?

Hey, totally unrelated observation— why is covid so rayciss?

totes_magotes ago

I know more about covid than you.

You ready?

It'll suck your peepee.

Shhh, don't tell anyone.

Helena73 ago

I dont have a peepee and neither do you.

totes_magotes ago

So that's why you're butthurt.

lulz, you don't have a peepee. Get back in the kitchen and make me a sammich.

Helena73 ago

Im fairly certain you’re a woman too at this point. Refusing to engage in the scientific discussion was one of several indicators.

totes_magotes ago

lulz, if that's your way of categorizing women, no wonder you don't know shit.

Helena73 ago

Then you want to talk science about covid then! Happy to. Lets begin. Ill start okay? HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE INHIBITS THE REPLICATION OF ALL POSITIVE SENSE SINGLE STRAND RNA VIRUSES. Now you.

totes_magotes ago

It sucks your peepee until you squeal!

Helena73 ago

That is one of the few things that HCQ does not do ma’am.

totes_magotes ago

No, that licks your asshole.

Helena73 ago

You are confusing Hydroxychloroquine with what your dad does. But they both cost about 40 cents a pop.

totes_magotes ago

You're just jealous. I got plenty of virus to give you.

Helena73 ago

Im sure your dad gave you plenty.

totes_magotes ago

You sure are triggered.

Helena73 ago

Oh if you say so.

totes_magotes ago

Yes, ma'am.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

And their research frequently sites experiments that cannot be replicated, performed by ‘scientists’ who were paid off to come to a specific conclusion, rather than discover one.

keksupreme ago

yet we are supposed to believe bill gates who has no degree...

and we can't do research and learn about the doctors who say hydroxychloroquine works etc...we must do what the billionaire run con artist company "gilead" tells us to do because it will make them more money.

it's almost like these people don't give a shit about science and only care about money

lemon11 ago

Forbes gave up and turned into a blog aggregator a few years ago. The name is just a brand like wants to be, as opposed to an editor-curated periodical.

TheMatrix ago

*Follow your orders sheep

Gumbatron ago

Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.

Richard Feynman

Trusting experts is as far from science as you can get.

Misskylie42 ago

the same experts who fucked up this whole scamdemic ?? haha

MrVictorVegas ago

Shut your fucking mouth and put on your mask!

WolfgangBlack ago

Don't worry, the coronoa virus vaccine will stop people from questioning experts.

SleepySleepy ago

Painful. Who is this author? Is Forbes connected to Gates?

Helena73 ago

Crescent ago

Read that subtitle:

"Research is for the experts. Listen to them instead."

I can smell their fear and I love it.

knightwarrior41 ago

we are living in a technocracy where the" experts" will decide whats acceptable or not for you

HeavyBrain ago

Do you understand Mr. Fleming, you can't follow up on your accidental discovery.

Also research that washing bedsheets with bleach can save the lifes of hundrets of mothers isn't valid because it was your own research.

Less you may start research other things.....

Helena73 ago

The law of gravity does not apply to other planets, Mr Newton. No one has done a double blind peer reviewed randomized study to see if apples fall to the ground on Mars. Its wrong for you to extrapolate. You are banned from Cambridge for propagating lies. This Principia book is racist propaganda.

Anam ago

Feminists have already called Newton's Principia a 'rape manual for the universe.'

Helena73 ago

Cause he used Force!

Broc_Lia ago

Yep. We live in an age where faith based anti-science is called science.

prairie ago

It's true that you can't do the kind of research scientists do, but you can at the very least see what various scientists say, and also scrutinize the non-scientific aspects of what they say, like politics and loyalties to politicians.

sneakythrowawaysnek ago

THIS. Like holy shit, I have no clue why people want you to just take our word (I have a doctorate in the medical sciences and a master's in the biological sciences and have several published papers) for gospel. I work with these people every day. Sure, they're experts in their field, but they have political opinions, an agenda, and aren't any smarter than you are except for a very narrow field. We are all aware that there are taboo topics that we can't research or publish about. The hilarious thing about cancel culture is people think it got started on social media, what they don't know is that cancel culture has been a thing in science for decades. If you publish something that challenges the accepted narrative without having ironclad proof, you can kiss fellowships, grants, and any chance of tenure goodbye.

Now, I'm not advocating crystal healing or taking vitamins for cancer (only vitamins, I mean), but people should absolutely read and stay on top of literature.

These globalists are out of control.

TauCeti ago

If you publish something that challenges the accepted narrative without having ironclad proof, you can kiss fellowships, grants, and any chance of tenure goodbye.

Sigh. It's true.

Helena73 ago

Superstitious thinking + Science = Scientism

Human beings didn’t become less superstitious, they just transferred their irrational beliefs to new institutions and ideologies. These dumb cunts think that a diploma magically imbues people with a deeper understanding of things. A PhD in organic chemistry, or a Harvard medical degree, is correlated with scientific expertise but is not neccessary and sufficient for scientific expertise and frankly, to an increasing degree, not even sufficient— thanks affirmative action. That is what is truly scary— that the certifications issued by gate-keeping institutions are becoming more and more associated with bad thinking and corrupt academics. Most of these covid patients are dying unnecessarily.

thislionsheart ago

This is the general attitude of health and science lately.

It's all about you are stupid and need the state. It's all about being mindless and acting like you are dumb so therefore you need people to think for you.

Read between the lines, stop doing drugs and wake up and smell the coffee. If you do not react to these very obvious hits at your intelligence you are fucked.

Vaccine commercials act like vaccines are the holy grail and you have to mindlessly rush to get them.

Health commercials for prostate checks act like you are a baffoon that can't fix anything and you need your ass diddled by the doctor.

Commercials featuring white men always show stupid white men who are fat and can't accomplish anything.

Television always makes white men look like fat fools or idiots.

I didn't want to make it racial but it all ties together. The fact of the matter is I can leave racism aside and note that white culture has a great importance on sovereignty. This is why white culture is being destroyed because it's all about thinking for yourself, doing for yourself.

Who needs doctors or scientists when you can figure it out for yourself? That's the white way. You don't have to be racist to understand that this is intelligent.

Mind_Games ago

You must not listen to people who have no medical training or education when it comes to the health of you or your loved ones.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Fuck off reddit faggot.

Mind_Games ago

I can't believe you stopped sucking dick long enough to type something.


And what, just blindly listen and follow only one professional when it comes to your health? Even if it sounds crazy? You are stupid and deserve what you get. “Experts” use to bleed you when you were sick and call in a priest to perform an exorcism when faced with someone suffering schizophrenia, so spare me you brainless lemming.

Mind_Games ago

No you dumbfuck, stop listening to celebrities and actors about your fucking health.

Get more than 1 opinion when you fear something is wrong. Don't take any single doctors word for it.

if you're told you need surgery...get at least 2 other doctors to confirm it.

tokui ago

No, they're not kidding. Now, go make a sammich and squeeze it into your orifice of choice.

Helena73 ago

I will make you a grilled swiss on rye with a thinly sliced fresh tomato from my garden and I will squeeze it into my mouth. Hope you enjoyed your sammich.

You should voluntarily chemically castrate yourself. Then you wouldn’t hate yourself so much. Many psych drugs would do the trick.

tankingwrong ago

"Science as Religion" has occurred for quite awhile now.

Those that argue against alternate unobservable theories of the unknown very frequently let it slip: "I believe in science."

Gorillion ago

Journalists are front line enemies in a propaganda/information war.

And because they present as your allies they are subject to the same rules of engagement regarding spies and traitors.


I thought doing your own research is what science is

Ralemlol ago

Yes goy, listen to bill nye. He’s an (((expert))). One race, the human race!

SwearGoatISane ago

hate that faggot, brain dead idiots hanging on his every word because he had a kids show and they grew up watching him.

Ralemlol ago

That’s exactly why they use him as the “official narrative” scientist. They are abusing nostalgia for all the millennials and pushing “race is a social construct but gender is settled science” bullshit through him. He’s just like black science man at this point. They are both a disgrace to actual scientists like Watson who speak the truth and get striped of everything.

chirogonemd ago

They're just saying what most of their people are already operating according to anyway.

Go to Reddit.

Find any mildly politically controversial topic.

1st comment will be some verified PhD:

Expert in XYZ here. 30 years. # of academic papers. # number of dicks sucked. # reasons why I am God here.

Ackshualllly, it is like this, and here's why multiculturalism is actually good, why common sense is worthless, and why 30 years of statistics doesn't matter because of some stupid fucking technicality.

dampkitty ago

Hierarchical voting on social media feeding approved opinion to top of comments.>

No different to in here though, just a different bias

zyxzevn ago

Those PHd's are usually the most stupid ones.
They often have no practical experience of the real world.

Lurker618 ago

It could be some fucking Reddit staffer for all you know

It could be some fucking Reddit staffer Ghislaine Maxwell for all you know

SwearGoatISane ago

Expert in XYZ here of 30 years.

became a very popular trend on reddit for any armchair professional. lately it's turned into think this way because i told you so.

Gorillion ago


This what I call these guys now: "The Ackshully Squad". Sooo full of corrections and "rumor control"...but only when the mainstream narrative is getting btfo. Never when the mainstream/globosphere issues bad data.

5 straight years of "Jesus says turn the other cheek! So you have to let yourself be abused!". The second that little neatly curated cultural trope started collapsing, along cam The Squad with their oooh sooo fucking detailed and normie-alienating collegiate thesis on how it was an extremely extremely specific response to an archaic system of law and cultural practices in the Roman empire, and totally not an open call to resist and use systemic aggression to your benefit in all contexts, you silly goy.

Where were they when it was obviously being twisted to mean "Spread thy cheeks, Christian!"? Where was that autistic spasm of highly energized essay-writing and feverish correcting-of-the-public-record that spurs them at every other turn?

And of course, it all quietens down for a few weeks, the "New Interpretation" fails to take hold and the "Spread the other cheek" variant is the one that comes back into use. And "The Squad" is (yet again) nowhere to be seen.

I'm not even saying that these are even shills. I've know very smart semi-autistic types who will spew large passages of shit they've learned from books when "triggered". They have vast stored knowledge but a strange inability to review same in new contexts and in the light of new revelations and understanding. They only know when something spoken or written in the now contradicts something they learned perhaps decades ago. So in a strange way, they are protectors of old propaganda without knowing it. So in this, perhaps they need our help.

When encountering them, ask them to rephrase or connect their deep-stored lore to the events happening today. What is the modern equivalent of "Turning the other cheek"? If they're shills they'll flee, but if they're robots/autists, we may break their robotic relationship with their large stores of information. They can be powerful allies when their "instinct-to-correct" is turned on the mainstream datastream.

This is how we stop them being this:

a bunch of fucking mouth pieces for machines now, just speakers and voice-boxes to spread the machine consciousness.

And attach the negative connotation that "robotic retrieval of irrelevant/ephemeral and generally esoteric data is bad".

Obviously Reddit isn't where you make this fight. It's a fully rigged system and always has been. But here and on the Chans it's worth first noticing the pattern of The Squad's behavior, then bringing it into our camp. An autist will happily review old information in new light, but only when primed to. For some reason they never seem to make these important data-vs-culture connections themselves. Give them a new legend/key to old information and they get to dig through it all over again (which is hog heaven for a sperg) to find newer and truer semantic meanings to what they already know.

Then maybe, like us, they'll stop "correcting" their peers on behalf of the elite and actually turn that red robot/Terminator targeting-eye towards the mainstream where it may actually have a meaningful outcome. A guy who can regurgitate whole subjects worth of information on the fly and also bring it into contemporary focus/relevance/context is worth his weight in gold.

Helena73 ago

And attach the negative connotation that "robotic retrieval of irrelevant/ephemeral and generally esoteric data is bad" to shift their internal reward systems away from rote regurgitation.

An anti-bot bot, man that is deep. I mean that was one of the best aspects of our now moribund liberal culture— we were programmed to be sceptical about authority whether it was government or the scientific establishment.

Great comment.

25019022? ago

how ["Turn the other cheek"] was an extremely extremely specific response to an archaic system of law and cultural practices in the Roman empire, and totally not an open call to resist and use systemic aggression to your benefit in all contexts, you silly goy.

Could you please elaborate or point me in the direction of this interpretation? I hear "turn the other cheek" a lot.

Here is the context in ESV (Luke 6:27-31):

Love your enemies

“But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Yeah, that's some cuck shit. Fuck that. Following those words does not make you a good person in any shape, way, or form. "Love thy neighbor" does not entail taking it up the ass.

Broc_Lia ago

My favorite trick of their lately are meta fact checker sites. So instead of even going to the effort of lucking up snopes or politifact to see if someone has come up with an excuse to call an article fake. They look up a meta-site that tells them the source is unreliable, so they don't even have to engage with the information.

gazillions ago

Yes it is. The very worst human bots are' "Do you have a source hat includes peer reviewed data?' As if they could tell useful data from bags of shit.

Ralemlol ago

And when you do have something like an in depth meta analysis for say the black white IQ gap in the US being in favor of hereditarians all the way back in 2005 with just quantitative genetics and without even GWAS they will either say “that doesn’t count rushton and Jensen were nazis!”, and then discount all of the relevant data. They don’t even care about reading papers and have no way to discern if what is being said in the “conclusion” from the author has anything to do with the actual data. They are golems.

gazillions ago

Oh well. The niggers will kill the oligarchs, and America will be a bunch of nogs with nukes.

Trash_Panda ago

Some NEET went digging through my post history and found an explanation I gave of how I was banned for saying "oppression" is not a scientific explanation for why homosexuals have a high rate of sexual abuse by pedophiles. When asked for evidence proving that pedophiles hunt down gay kids (rather than homosexuality being, in part, a result of being molested) he just started ranting about gay conversion therapy and likening that to sexually assaulting children. These people absolutely hate science. What they love about it is that most people are too dumb or too lazy to actually fact check their bullshit.

Helena73 ago

Oppression is the modern equivalent of the devil. Systematic racism, sexism is the ooga booga bad spirit juju of these cosmopolitan troglodytes. An ephemeral will of the wisp not required to be proven or quantified in any way, it’s there, racist. Stop questioning and asking for evidence. You don’t get to question my irrational unsupportable assertion, you cis het pig.

SwearGoatISane ago

Some NEET went digging through my post history

glad to see they're back to doing that that got real nasty for awhile, started deleting my comment histories because of that.

gazillions ago

They're not just nuts, I think they are only half alive somehow. They're utterly bizarre.

Trash_Panda ago

It's pavlonion conditioning. You gotta remember a lot of these guys just sit on Reddit all day every day mindlessly posting and voting the same garbage. That shit will absolutely change your psyche

gazillions ago

The problem is the morons who spend all day reading it

chirogonemd ago

I know exactly what you mean.

imgettingmymen ago

do you have a newsletter I could subscribe to?

chirogonemd ago

No, I don't. I have been considering taking writing more seriously lately. I just haven't really decided on what the best option would be. It's a big passion of mine; I just need to find the right outlet, and unfortunately, I don't have the academic platform for it. Where to write....where to write?

imgettingmymen ago

Yeah, I think you should. You definitely have a balanced take on things which is sorely missed. Most people just setup a wordpress and then host their own later down the line. Let us know if ya go through with it. Also loads of people just put up their points of view on BitChute. I'm more of an audio book guy. It's good to listen to while doing other work.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Pretty easy. Just write them here. They might circulate. Keep the text saved for future and/or simultaneous postings elsewhere.

JustFuckingDoIt ago

where to write?

Whatever happened to good old chain-mail?

Ralemlol ago

Based. Exactly right. The illusion of choice with regulated search engines made this even worse. People think that when they search on google (biased) and “find something out for themselves” it makes them smart and reinforces whatever they found out as “fact” to feed their ego.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

There's no shortage of 'experts'. I, too, am an expert.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Making science a religion. How noble of them.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Making science a religion.

Science was ALWAYS a religion. They just got rid of God so they can rewrite God's laws, but it was always structured like a religion.

25023417? ago

Science, for some, was an attempt to better understand God's creation.

Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics, did his work in a monastery. Or Georges Lemaître, who was both a professor, and a priest, beat Hubble on publishing about an expanding universe, and proposed what became known as the big bang theory.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Science, for some, was an attempt to better understand God's creation.

Thats what they claimed so you let them publish stuff to the public.

What it immediately turned into: "Look at me. I'm the pope now."

verboten ago

Science is doubt. The greatest heroes in science proved that their teachers were wrong, and they hope that their scholars will do the same. Otherwise knowledge would not evolve and you have alchemy as result. Religion is preservation of moral principles, without principles there is no morality at all. You need religion to keep science moral and most scientists are religious.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Science is doubt.

Science as a principle might be doubt, but in practice scientists tend to behave like priests and science as a craft behaves like a religion. From day one science and scientists attempted to position themselves as authorities not to fight religion, but to replace your religion with their own godless religion.

Ralemlol ago

Already is. Anything with implications against egalitarianism is soft or hard censored. Race realism should be taught in middle school to any sane society.

Usernamenameuser ago

Just like when Cuomo said that the wiki leaks emails were for reporters only and it was illegal for ordinary citizens to read them.

ElectionPredictor ago

Video of Fredo saying it:

bro_dawg ago

lending credence to wikileaks not being a prop in a psyop

Why is this place flooded with (((republicans))) now.

If you have the time and/or brain cells read "What ARGs Can Teach Us About Qanon" (it's related, in a roundabout way) & re-evaluate the role of wikileaks in public manipulation. Don't underestimate the lengths government neuroscientists will go to lead you astray.

uvulectomy ago

lending credence to wikileaks not being a prop in a psyop

"Why is this place flooded with (((republicans))) now.

If you have the time and/or brain cells read "What ARGs Can Teach Us About Qanon" (it's related, in a roundabout way) & re-evaluate the role of wikileaks in public manipulation. Don't underestimate the lengths government neuroscientists will go to lead you astray."

Your second comment ever in the 8 months you've had an account, and you completely missed the point.

It wasn't about whether or not the wikileaks emails were legitimate. It was about the jew puppets in the media once again promoting blatantly false information in order to silence dissent. Cuomo was on-air saying it was "illegal" for anyone but (((media))) to have or even read the "stolen" emails, and that they were somehow special and exempt from those legalities, therefore you should only learn and know what the talking heads tell you to know. 100% false.

That's why they brought it up. Because this drivel from Forbes is in the same vein. "Don't think for yourself. Only get your information from (((approved))) sources. Your betters will tell you what to think, slave."

But the fact that you've:

  • Woken up an almost completely inactive account in order to deflect the conversation into "Wikileaks is teh psyopz"
  • Intentionally misrepresented what was being said
  • Tried to link Wikileaks to the faggot Q-LARP
  • Claimed a bunch of people on this site are kikes
  • Made a retarded "this place isn't like it used to be" comment when your account is newer than even the Q-fags all leads me to believe you're desperate to shift the focus away from what's actually being discussed. So I'll ask you a simple question. How many nuclear weapons does Israel possess, rabbi?

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Ze state will handle it for you comrade. No need to burden yourself vith things like truth free thought. That makes you vant freedom and justice, which is bad for state.

I brought this picture to put up on your vahl.


Put it up.

HeavyBrain ago

Or watching the NZ vid.

heywoodnj ago

Wolf Blitzer, but yeah another jew bought scumbag.

assttaskmanager ago

Wolf Blitzer is a straight up jew

AntiMason ago

It was cuomo

tankingwrong ago

Both might've done it. Could've swore I saw Cuomo do it, too.

Mr_big ago

Yea cuomo was the one who said that. He was standing next to a monitor on a stand. I remember seeing clips of the dildo saying it haha

heywoodnj ago

I definitely remember wolf boy, sounds like they both pulled this shit.

Maroonsaint ago

Knowing how dumb the average person is, is exhausting. Also knowing with the 3rd word invasion the average iq will only go down from here. They’ve basically created Their own little army. You got niggers who arnt capable of thought. You got a bunch of brainwashed white people. All they gotta do is get on tv and say the sky is falling and despite the fact these “people” could walk outside and see it isn’t they’ll still panic like it’s happening

lanre ago

Cuomo definitely did it.