glownig ago

2005, NOT 2015 !!!

And posted on voat before any other news outlet 2 months ago.

Two months ago, the OP link to that science paper from 2005:

see DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69 mentioned first on voat here, before any web site on earth :

It was on before any news site, anywhere on earth. Do a wide search of all new sites. Its a fact.

The paper was first disclosed only on voat, and 8 weeks ago, in that link to DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69

Sheeitpost ago

I just don't understand, SARS and COVID-19 are 100% the same so why didn't chloroquine work?

JesusRules ago

Because it does

Sheeitpost ago

Oh but the scientists say it didn't, could it be because SARS and COVID-19 are not the same? Or is it really all about money... even though without a cure there won't be any money?

glownig ago

SARS is COVID-19, in fact all science papers now claim the disease called "COVID-19" is caused by the SARS-2 virus.


The species Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus: classifying 2019-nCoV and naming it SARS-CoV-2:

SARS and COVID-19 are the same but its 90% efficacy, not 100% unless you take the TRUMP CURE (two drugs together).

No trial of the Trump Cure for 6 days has ever NOT cured 99.1% or more of very sick.


Sheeitpost ago

Humans share 60% of its DNA with bananas... but who knows maybe you share a bit more? It's not the Trump cure he was just open to not impeding the scientists who wanted to test it.

fusir ago

I think it did work, but not well enough for their ivory tower standards. Or it was a cover up. This paper is based on tissue cultures.

Sheeitpost ago

China's scary as shit coronavirus that is similar to SARS is actually NOT SARS! That's why chloroquine doesn't work on it because it's different. 60% of the DNA of humans is shared with a banana and we aren't race car yellow.