boekanier ago


Butterbread ago

Semites, Israelites, and Jews are not the same thing:

Why do many people think they're the same, and why the confusion? The linked video gets into that a bit.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

People fall into the trap of isolationism, where who inhabits areas and names now are figured to have always been.

Take the Scythians for example. Quick searches would tell you they are mongoloid or modern Indians, but these are later admixture. Original, or "Royal Schythians", had ruddy skin, blue or gray eyes, blond or red hair. They travelled out from their ancestral home to build and shape empires across India and Asia.

european ago

Yes. Look at old pictures of muslims and many had red beards too.

DanielR ago

YESH we are the Israelites in the Bible

I mean hello! We conquered the world and blessed everyone, we are many nations

Le_Squish ago

The Levant was also a neanderthal strong hold and is the place were the first human/neanderthal hybrids were discovered.

Siniq ago

gonna need some sources on that shit schlomo!

Le_Squish ago

Manot Cave and other similar sites put humans in the area. The Levant would have been the only land route to Europe available at the time.

10,000 years later we start finding sites like this as humans move across Europe.

Native ago

It’s fascinating Alternative-history. Basically Neanderthals weren’t ugly and short they looked like Greek Gods with blonde hair and blue eyes. It’s the “humans” who looked like stereotypical Neanderthals who were ugly with brown eyes and black curly hair. We raped the Neanderthal women and that’s why Europeans now have empathy and blue eyes because of the genetics we took

Gigglestick ago

Wait... so Europeans are God’s chosen? Hah! Suck it you retarded browniez!

PunishedPatriot ago

this "god" you speak of was met in the middle east, not in Europe. in fact, Europe had many gods long before this foreign entity came along and murdered millions in his wars.

anticlutch ago

This is well known.

The whole (((Christcuck))) is a D&C. Same with (((semitic relgion))) which is laughable because judaism is extremely new and isn't a religion. Islam, while much older than judaism is also not a religon but has been co-opted to be a sect of the cult of Satan which judaism is.

FinallyOnVoat ago

You’re extremely wrong, Islam is the most modern of the Abrahamic religions, hence why it’s Old Testament follows that of the Torah.

In terms of their inception, Judaism predates both Islam and Christianity. In fact, some sources claim Judaism came to be from Egyptian theology (hence why the Jews like to do rituals on new-borns in the form of the Brit Malah (circumcision and drinking the penile blood of the infant).

The oldest known religion (to my knowledge) is Hinduism.

Newmemba ago

judaizm is a political movement

anticlutch ago

Yes. So is islam.

lord_nougat ago

Same thing!

Newmemba ago

from what I understand it was also invented by jews

Foursome ago

No, it was the Roman Flavians with help from Josefus.

Newmemba ago

more kikes

PunishedPatriot ago

as was christianity

PunishedPatriot ago

imagine thinking the enemy just lets proof against them sit on their platform for everyone to see yet they ban people who politically disagree with them.

christians deserve to be enslaved by the jews, why? because it is written.

you follow their bewitched writings, and so you are bewitched. be a good slave and maybe they won't whip you too often. fucking tool.

Folke ago

Imagine thinking that wasn't banned over and over again. It's a repost on an obscure account.

You are enslaved thru consent, they let you know and have told you over and over again.

Gigglestick ago

... everything is everything it’s all relative.