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satisfyinghump ago

Although a trip like this WOULD prove more or less, if the flat earth theory is true, these people will NEVER be allowed to actually venture to the edge of the earth. Very few people have that ability, as it requires permission from multiple countries (something to think about...).

What would be far more interesting, since it's not something that at the moment the government of any country can actively deny... is a trip by boat along the edge.

A properly staffed and equipped (provisions and mapping/charting equipment as well as all the high definition cameras and storage modes available (film and digital)) boat, which wither it itself is an icebreaker or is large enough and tough enough to swim the route with support from an icebreaker when ans if needed, and have the boat do a simple trip along the minds of ocean pioneers. Chart the edge of the north pole.

The North pole is claimed to be the outer edge of the flat earth. Everyone else says it's the top of the globe we live on.

Even better of an idea would be, if money existed, a 2nd boat, equipped and staff identically but their journey would be opposite of the other boat. They would both go to the same starting point by the coast of the north pole/flatearth edge, and one would spin to the left and the other to the right and they'd just... move forward. That's all. They would identify and record what they saw and interacted with as well as where their positions were to one another. Quite simply, if the boats go on a more or less straight line, since if the earth is a globe, the top of this sphere to a boat would be a straight line it could traverse. But... if the boats found themselves arching downwards and then again and meeting where the ice is SOUTH of then instead of NORTH of them as it was when the adventure first began... we would have a problem.

These boats, due to having a sheet of unbreakable ice, with an icewall a hundred feet in the air... would be forced to start their journey up/north.

And instead of docking at some port that's south of the north pole, let's say they instead docked at some port which was the southern tip of south-america... then the TV show would be truly popular. And... we would finally have an answer.

MrPim ago

Get in boat on one ofAmericas coasts. Let's say NY. From NY head east. Keep heading east. There are a couple of landmasses in the way, but there are routes around them. Keep heading east. Eventually you'll end up on the west coast of America. You have just proven the earth is a globe. Done.

Zacchaeus ago

No you havent.... youve just proven you can travel in a big circle.

MrPim ago

A circle around a globe. Something which is impossible on your retarded flat earth.

Zacchaeus ago

Draw a big circle. Now draw a smaller circle within that larger circle. Get it?

MrPim ago

That's some bullshit handwaving woohoo. On your flat earth if I travel in one direction continuously, eventually I will reach the edge, or the Ice Wall. Unless your flat earth acts like an old video game where I warp from one side of the screen to the other.

There really is no other way around this. If the earth is flat and I get in an East bound airplane eventually I reach the edge.

On a sphere I continue around until I end where I began.

You can not woohoo your way around this.

And it's Very easy to prove. You can do it yourself.

Except the earth is an oblate sphere and you'll never find that edge.

So, explain that to me. Do we magically warp from one side to the other like in the old Asteroids game? Or how would you explain such?

Zacchaeus ago

Compases change as you move around the earth.

MrPim ago

Utter twaddle. You've been forced into a corner and now you're making up absolute bullshit

And you should be able to prove this. It should be Very easy for some flat earth retard to get in a plane and prove everything you believe. Why has this not been done?

Because you can't, because the earth is a globe

And you're either a glownigger or so retarded you can't tie your own shoes.

Zacchaeus ago

Why so many personal attacks? You seem mad... airplanes dont go straight they curve. They even tell us that. They say theyre following 'great circles'.

MrPim ago

Because I find this retardation stupidly offensive and the only people who promote it are either dumb as a rock or glow in the dark niggers.

Why can't you answer a direct question w a direct answer? Because what you believe is absolute bullshit.

Airplanes absolutely follow a straight path if you desire. I know a great deal about aircraft. More than you ever will. I could build one from scratch w/o plans. And I could pilot that craft.

The earth is a globe. It should be easy for you to prove this wrong. But you can't, because it's not.

Zacchaeus ago

Youre a full of yourself ftm tranny

MrPim ago

Oh lord you're one of those retards.

So, you admit that you're completely unable to logically hash the out in a discussion. Your belief in the flat earth is indefensible. And not a single flat earther is able to fly an airplane or pilot a boat in a single direction long enough to find the Ice Wall or go around the globe whichever happens first.

You fail in every way.