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gabara ago

One thing among many... many things we have over @crensch is we are not Simps. Fuck that shit.

-Dude married to a naked lady

Crensch ago

You admitted to having Jewish friends.

You're still friends with the pedos of SBBH.

Here you are defending the simp of Gothamgirl who sent pics of his wang to srayzie unsolicited, causing SWMBO to go nuts and hate her forever. Gothamgirl had child porn on her phone and accused srayzie of putting it there. Gothamgirl financially supported that meth-head pedophile zyklon.

Y'all have nothing over me.

gabara ago

Which boomer karen is logged into our dead friend Colin's account? You're not connected from Kalamazoo.

Crensch ago

Thought you were smarter than that.

Really genuinely liked you at one point, never wanted to think the worst of you.

You're just one of (((them))). Kinda sad.

gabara ago

Colin didn't write like that, karen.

gabara ago

I don't know where I said what you say I said. Quit your pilpul.

gabara ago

So I was friends with Christians and you have a problem with that.

Crensch ago

You specifically said Jews.

gabara ago

That converted to Christianity. That's what your hero Hitler wanted. Why do you defy that angry asshole Hilter?

Crensch ago

He's not my hero. I would make them convert and then gas them anyway.

gabara ago

This is why I say Nazis and Commies are just two different flavours of shit.

Crensch ago

Not a nazi. I'm better.

I want Jews exterminated.

gabara ago

So you're butterscotch shit instead of vanilla shit.

Crensch ago

I'm a white nationalist that doesn't want my descendants having to deal with Jews

gabara ago

Seriously, watch this:

Might give you some fresh perspective.