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Kyrie ago

the only thing people can hope for is the people remember this and stuff like it and maybe with everything thats gone on for the last 4 years more and more people will wake up to the actual way things are. There needs to be sort of a tipping point of enough people of all ages knowing whats going on and then the establishment loses. That apparently almost happened back in during the occupy wallstreet things which were so effective that the establishment derailed the protest into a multi issue thing and then the people fought themselves and the threat to them went away...The big problem I see is that the censoring and control theyre doing is happening faster than people waking up and the people that have woken up can't agree on a solution. My generation (Z) has woken up faster than the ones before it but by the time we can do anything it will be too late. No offence to snowden but he's comfy in russia and currently not murdered, but Assange has suffered massively so that sort of by itself proves which one is more important. President Trump has nothing to lose by Pardoning Assange & he's not an idiot so what's stopping him? threats against his family or his companies? no more invites to the hottest parties or wine tasting events or something? Why blackrock? seriously...