BernieT ago

A little too late. If trump wants to take care of business he needs to declare marshal law now.

NotaQjackass ago

Is Mike Pence or Trump going to promote taking a covid vaccine at this rally?

0rion ago

People would lap it up like utter fucking mouth breathers.

LargePeter ago

Now is the time or lose the Republic to terrorist communist scum!

Maat4u ago

Unless you’re draging politicians out in the street. Imma stay home and wait for the mandatory vaccines to roll out in the new Biden plan.

AlwaysBWhitePositive ago

The glowniggers won't let any protesters within a mile of the inauguration.

heretolearn ago

The media will claim it's all Biden fans

cantaloupe6 ago

Canadians welcome, after all the left says it's okay. Grab any kind of armaments, because rule of law doesn't matter.

ScratchYourHead ago

I have just returned back from a state occupied by leftists and a totalitarian style of state government. It is disgusting and shocking what is going on, and we have the power to stop this. THESE PEOPLE WORK FOR US - not the other way around. They are paid with taxpayer $ to protect us - not throw us under the bus. It is IMPERATIVE that we show up by the millions on January 6 to surround Washington, DC. The local police department will not be able to handle the magnitude of people. We will dwarf them. If we sit back and stay silent (like Biden and Kameltoe want us to), we are going to be very sorry. I'm calling on my fellow Americans to leave the comfort of your home behind and show up in force. They cannot ignore the voice of millions they work for that we are going to take this lying down with an election stolen from us. They hate Trump because he threatens their criminal networks thru America. Get off your duff and be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hispeedtim2876 ago

Any volunteers that want to ride a horse carrying a beautiful big American flag that day?????? Mount up patriots.

NakedWarrior ago

If I had a horse I would go.

tastelessinvective ago

So much glow nigger black pilling in this thread.

They'll encourage you all day to do something violent so they can weep about it to normies.

This peaceful show of force they try to discourage you from though.


Braintrust ago

Exactly. Nobody is advocating violence. Nobody is advocating violence on the 6th.

But if you really want your country back, or at least start the path toward that, nothing less than a massive show of numbers will suffice on that day.

As the Serb guy said, millions upon millions of people around the world are watching and hoping with you, hoping that enough people (and it will have to be nothing less than a historic-sized demonstration) show up and make a statement.

WolfgangBlack ago

Uh, they have shut down access to D.C.

The Mall is closed too.

They will not allow 10,000 people in to protest.

tastelessinvective ago

Surround the checkpoint and refuse to leave. They can't arrest a million of you if your all at the blockade.

ScottMAGA ago

In the confusion. it would take just one gunshot to get both sides to shoot at each other, then the checkpoint is gone and patriots would stream into the capital.

tastelessinvective ago

Thank you FBI very cool.

cantaloupe6 ago


tastelessinvective ago

What are you trying to say?

I'm trying to say u/ScottMAGA is an idiot for wanting things to get violent.

That would be unproductive and a propaganda coup for the opposition.

We're at the point where we need a massive peaceful demonstration. Nothing more, nothing less.

cantaloupe6 ago

Correct, a peaceful show of support should should be achieved.

Also pointing out key areas of the FBI appear corrupt and lawless.

tastelessinvective ago

Ok, got it. Thanks.

Doglegwarrior ago

I'm going. Should I bring a giant doglegwarrior flag so you nigger faggots can recognize me?

cantaloupe6 ago


Babadookk ago

yea lets follow our jew loving leader into battle.

secession please, israel is our best friend

ScottMAGA ago

If there is civil war, Trump is likely to be assassinated, but the Right will ultimately win. We'd end up with a nationalist government, and maybe even a purge of the jews.

Timur9000 ago

You mean like how Germany won in wa2?

Babadookk ago

jews always control both sides. they will want you to kill whites. you cant listen to them

AR47 ago

Do it....i.dare all of you here to be at this...doubt any of you will....sure you will claim you were, post your memes, show your stupidity.

GitmoVacations ago

It doesn't matter. This country needs president Biden and Harris to unite everyone that knows we are so fucked. And unite them to show that we are backed into a corner and there's only one way out.

TheSeer ago

They will block the roads after 100k.

cantaloupe6 ago

Push through, they don't care about the rule of law. Just make it a chaz zone

Matthew1103 ago

I will bet at 50,000 if not less.

TheSeer ago

They've already done that with some of the DC protests, in the last few weeks.

Faustian_Spirit ago

Hey let's all invest our blood, sweat and tears for a billionaire who sold his soul to jews so he can give more of the White man's taxes to racial alien invaders!

Fuck off.

0rion ago

No, kike, YOU fuck off.

Or keep subverting. We will find you either way, and your foreskin eating days are numbered. .

We will prolong your suffering as long as we possibly can.

TheSeer ago

This isn't about Trump, it is about fighting back against a Communist revolution!

Babadookk ago

yeah because trump totally helped the white man escape communism

thats why universities dont discriminate against whites anymore and nobody has to wear a mask

TheSeer ago

Why do you want Trump to do it? Agreed, he is pretty obviously compromised, but isn't organizing en masse still the best way to resist these sick f*cks?

Babadookk ago

hes probably blackmailed

MuzzieJuice ago

He's literally owned by Sheldon Adelson

cantaloupe6 ago

After all the shit they already tried, kek. Nobody cares what the media says.

Faustian_Spirit ago

The jewish revolution already happened. We're 4 generations deep post the destruction of the United States of America. We have not been a Constitutional Republic since 1861.

Braintrust ago

Do you have any better ideas at this point in time?

What would you have us do?

Faustian_Spirit ago

Think Nationalist, Act Localist.

It's shocking how few "dissidents" know anything about who rules over them. Who is your mayor? Ombudsman? City Council member? State House/Senate rep? We've worked for decades to "clean house" where I live and it's yielded far better results for White people than any faggot zionist could.

everef ago

Until kamala harris declares that your area is too white and moves a few thousand Somalians down the road from you.

sjwtriggerman ago

That’s when white people help the section 8 housing accidentally burn down.

Faustian_Spirit ago

In case you haven't noticed, nearly every State in the Nation is in open defiance of federal laws in one form or another while also operating in violation of their own laws. They've tried for decades to inject muds into communities which reject it, and often you find the place which are not mask fagging and it's business as usual. Your local gangs matter much more than which zionist is president.

lord_nougat ago

All of them heavily armed.

Pattern_Blind ago

So Trump can announce his 2024 campaign? No fucking thanks.