HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Says the guy with a least 3 shill accounts

Rellik88 ago

Right we should of rioted and looted.

Elcycs ago

And rigged.

erivesmoi ago

i shouda just put a bumper sticker on my hybrid and sniff glue outta some guys ass instead, huh?

the_magic_man3 ago

You can do whatever you like as long as he's also a consenting adult

erivesmoi ago

you'd probably like to watch, to get your mind off the fact that all your satanic heroes like Biden are all about to be shipped to Gitmo

the_magic_man3 ago

The right are obsessed with the butthole and putting things inside it.

erivesmoi ago

you are right, if by right you mean left you kike faggot.

the_magic_man3 ago

Don't worry, Biden and Hillary will be arrested any day now.

Charmark ago

Do you morons think that the 'press' decides who is POTUS?

the_magic_man3 ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

BeerNinja727 ago

Trump was a ZOG controlled stooge , just like OP