feral-toes ago

Reading all the way to the end, the author Ricardo Duchesne turns out to be a right wing conservative.

We have rationally based explanations about the inequalities of man, the genetic differences between the sexes and races, and the differences between whites and non-whites in ethnocentrism.

The devious, corrupt, degenerate Left nurtured by Marcuse should not be allowed to claim reason for itself.

But not a traditional conservative in the mold of Friedrich Julius Stahl (1802-1861).

I think that I get where the author is coming from. Once upon a time the world adhered to religious and spiritual conservatism. Then the 18 Century Enlightenment happened, leading to rivers of blood and mountains of skulls. As the 18th Century Enlightenment project gradually self destructs, we ponder: what next?

A return to religious and spiritual conservatism seems unlikely. But I like to say

In the past, Monarchy was legitimized by priests preaching the Divine Right of kings. In the future, Monarchy will be legitimized by historians dissecting the failure of democracy.

So there is a third position, a mechanistic and materialist conservatism. The world works in a mechanistic way. This opens the way to social engineering; designing society for the greater good. But not on planet Earth; humans are too stupid. The best that humans can do is to conserve what works and make cautious tweaks, being careful to back out changes that are not living up to expectations.