Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

"White Supremacist terror action". We all know this entire diatribe would depend upon the completely unlikely event of a national White uprising. In the event of public unrest over the election, I would suppose that people of all races would be upset about getting their voice taken from them, not just whites.


Even if that were true... IF the trump admin is removed from office despite massive voter fraud evidence, THEN we should go full send on scorching the earth. Doing it before all peaceful Avenues are exhausted makes us look crazy and unhinged.

modsrcuntz ago

What this guy is saying is what I felt the entire time. I was talking to my cousin about this soon after the election. Trump is not going to win. This election mess was supposed to go this way and is part of the demoralization process and breaking down governmental procedures. Faith in institutions on all levels must be broken before a new system can be brought in. It's part of collapaing the country.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Jesus H. Christ. Look at all the "internet warriors" in this thread. All a bunch of losers, just like the fucking shit-stains on reddit, all puffing up their chests and acting like 'real men'. You all fucking know that the moment the kikes turn their gaze on you you're going to fold like the faggot pansies you are, turn in your guns, and beg for mercy, while letting said kikes inject you and your family with a sterilization "vaccine".

Tallest Skil was right: you're a bunch of blowhards who're at your core nothing more than whiny bitch-ass cowards. Don't believe me? Let's see how many of you bend the knee to the vaccine, and then try to justify it months down the road; you'll be laughed out of Voat as the fucking vermin you are, as you should be. Hope your kids become sterile, too, because your genes have no business being passed on to the rest of the human race.

i_hate_sodomites ago

I'm ready. I'll go down as a crazy person who had a "psychotic break" or what-not, but I'm okay with that. I'm not some asshole who thinks he's the hero of the story like some loser soyboy, I'm just a guy who's okay with dying for what I believe in. Doesn't matter to me at all if anyone remembers me as anything other than the "crazy" who "snapped"; at least I'll have tried, which is more than 99% of Americans will ever do.

TheOriginalChefDong ago

Was that real?

ClaytonBigsby313 ago

A database of people like me that I can use to connect with them and form more brotherhood? Sounds like another jew plan that's going to backfire. Shit if that site goes up mine it and reach out.

blighty ago

Un huh. This would not fly anywhere. People are already pissed off and calling someone a White Supremist will have the same consequence of calling someone a racist. The words have zero meaning now.

Optional_Reading ago

Hahahaha. My name is on a sealed indictment? Lol

If there were a terrorist attack that were to be blamed on ypipo the response would be another terror attack from BLM/klantifa. Once the atmosphere is warlike, the gun owners they’re describing in the post will make their stand.

That post assumes a lot. China/demonrats may think they know the American public but they have never seen gun owners with their backs against the wall. Hong Kong gave vachina all they could handle with umbrellas and tennis rackets.

Crikes ago

Hypothetically were this the plan, it wouldn't work if Americans stood on American principles.

If they can convince cowards to be bigots, however, this plan would work well.

If this were the plan, and the communists have large digital armies, they'd probably use them to spread bigotry as much as possible. Hoping that Americans would forget individual rights, and insividual merit, and be the boogieman they need them to be.

Carpools ago

On January 21st, if Trump isn't the President, there will never be another reason to pay attention to any of this noise ever again. If Trump is the POTUS, there is a chance he is a good actor and attempting to do some good. If he is not the POTUS on January 21st, he has been in on it, and all this noise has been a distraction and waste of time.

We always knew we were supposed to do all we can with what we can control, and not worry about all the shit we can't do anything about. If Trump leaves the White House, he is complicit with this show, and it'll be a reminder not to lose sight of our lives ever again.

foltaisaprovenshill ago


No mention of kikes anywhere.

Plus all this would do is push people who are already pissed off over the edge.

BackAsswards ago

All of you guys who think this is actually true need to calm down. Nothing you can do now but prepare for it. Which is something you should have done regardless. But don't worry because it's not happen happening anyways.

dassaer ago

Part of the marxist 'walk through the institutions' is to spread absolute distrust of all the government agency including 'free and fair elections' - makes it so much easier to convince normies and npc's that change is needed ...

piss_right_off ago

Heard someone say in some vid somewhere yesterday that "the Democrats have a plan, and it's a good one, but it is not going to work."

Doglegwarrior ago

So I am on a sealed indictment for saying I fucking hate jews for mutilating defenseless babies?


 Circumcision is an evil Jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits

yewotm8 ago

So where's the "white supremacist terror" attacks? We should have been due for tons of those by now.

spaceman84 ago

And those same men will attempt to disarm and imprison you if someone in their chain of command says you're a Nazi terror cell member. Better go to the gulag peacefully or they'll shoot your ass dead in your home.

murface ago

The real key here? Stop fucking caring.

When the time comes, no mercy, we take back our country.

When is the time coming? Probably after we're all enslaved and have nothing left. Perhaps not.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

No canary.

WhoWasSethRich ago

your social media

everything in front of cam

One day I will find this twat and give him the rope.

1RealHeretic ago

He’s got a great point - and he’s not entirely wrong - White Supremacy is the ultimate scapegoat - people that don’t know history or can’t see logically through the Abrahamism (trapped emotionally) will concede to the White Supremacy fallacy.

goatsandbros ago

This is fucking retarded, and likely written by the one leftist shill with an IQ above room temperature.

everef ago

Everyone knew the election wasn't going to be called election night. For months Trump had been saying the winner should be the one that's up election night. This person is likely retarded, and therefore likely a low paid glow nigger.

Had ago

That makes a ton of sense actually. Nice honeypot we have here.

SparklingWiggle ago


Kernalkurtz ago


cantaloupe6 ago

"Big attacks" they'll be big false flags.

Sad there's been so many guns lost in boating accidents.

Shadowlight ago

Fear no evil. Die on your feet if you have to, if the time comes.

SparklingWiggle ago

If there were any truth to would be the catch. And I hope my comment gets read, but I know it is far down the post.

There would be so many "white supremacists" that those who are silent would realize they are not a minority and could begin to speak out. Only the weakest among the millions would puss out and turn in their guns. This would actually be a great thing because if I were to lose my job and get black balled, I would truly be free. And as I am by nature the most dangerous creature ever to roam the Earth, it would make for some serious reckoning.

Laugh at my boast. I am the Saxon.

robot7247 ago

This is a good observation. It's similar to the arc that most gun owners are on realizing how they can become "criminals" overnight.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Bullshit. I see internet tough guys like you talking revolution, but you never, ever do anything in real life. The moment the kikes and their stooges come to your door and threaten you and your family, you'll fucking cave. All your tough-talk is nothing more than a self-important loser trying to puff himself on the internet for virtue points.

Hope I get to watch you and your family eat a bullet.

SparklingWiggle ago

As the statement reads, "if there were any truth to this", I don't believe the OP post.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

It also hilariously underestimates the sheer amount of guns that simply aren't traceable at all (no FFL records). There are many.

prairie ago

if I were to lose my job and get black balled, I would truly be free

“You only have power over people as long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power—he's free again.”

― Alexander Solzhenitsyn

WhiteChickens ago

You would become homeless and cut off from all support, eventually die.

This is a tough concept for some.

"I'll just not work, oh ok. Why didn't I think of that? I'll just have 5 less knick knacks in the house." lol

SparklingWiggle ago

You don't understand how this works. We often don't act because of what we have to lose. The moment you have nothing to lose, you would act. There is no walking around homeless for months, destitute and hungry.

WhiteChickens ago

If nobody helps, that's a fairly quick death.

SparklingWiggle ago

Again, the post is that it is all going down in one big push. Context. Put it all together.

HiJoker ago


I give you 48 hours and you'll be tagged and bagged. They've been studying us like bugs for decades and know what they are doing to gank us down and out. They've got the tech and they'll use it.

Welcome to the dystopian future. Are you ready for it? Thank the retarded boomers for their contribution to it.

SparklingWiggle ago

See you in two days.

alcogiggles ago

^ This comment didn't age well.

RealitySucksSorry ago

Glowniggers should be used as coals.

Nosferatjew ago

Leftist fantasy LARP.

akilyoung ago

Fear porn.

Very creative. Well thought out for a shill.

robot7247 ago

It's a good yarn and authored by someone with enough tech knowledge to spin it. But also view it as a warning of what might be.

akilyoung ago


ForgottenMemes ago

Also nothing most people didn't already know. Even normies were talking about how Trump was going to get frauded out of the election because the mid terms were so full of bullshittery.

SpreeFeech ago

Jews like to tell stories instead of working because it's easier to make bullshit than it is to make something with your hands.

HiJoker ago

Hey that's a nice term to deflect with without addressing any of the points.

Way to pussy away from the subject and give the other pussies something to cling to. Elections have consequences and stolen elections have dire consequences.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

6,000,000% demoralization

SolidFoundations ago

Agreed. If the outcome was so fixed and certain the deepstate wouldn't be acting so blatantly. But in all seriousness, Americans need to start 'acting' without mercy to their politicians and big business owners.

The stage is already set for technocratic elite and their control and manipulation of the upper class Vs lower and middle class people. Just get whatever based family members together and start doing 'something.' Do not be afraid! Don't act in fear! You are the only country left in the world that has any chance of the people holding their overlords to account. And I don't necessarily mean in the courts...

SumerBreeze ago

Exactly this. The only thing white Americans would do to counter a Biden win is not contribute to the system.

Good luck with niggers and kikes in charge. 👌

Good_Ole_Boy ago

Not contribute to the system?

How exactly would we do that? Taxpayer revolt?

Taxes are already witheld, there's nothing we can do. They've already won. All we can do is survive

SumerBreeze ago

hire a white kid for tax deductible purposes

robot7247 ago

You can however choose to participate in the economy as little as possible. Disconnect from optional internet services (Hulu, Netflix, Prime), buy used from private parties for or from 2nd hand stores (less tax collected), and stay out of big box retailers. One person, not much difference but en masse a huge impact.

Good_Ole_Boy ago

Yeah, all of those are good ideas.

We also need to start buying silver for when they inevitably outlaw cash.

robot7247 ago

Keep a list of every thing you buy during a month as well as general expenses (mortgage/rent, utilities, etc.). Then sit down some morning without distractions and look through everything. If you have a mortgage consider refinancing to few years. If you have a car payment, can you pay it off, does it need the total insurance coverage you have on it? And so on. Basically understand your general expenses and begin to plot how to shorten or reduce them. Everything else is optional, even food. What kind of food do you buy? How much of your monthly is fast food, how often do you eat out? You go through everything and don't be surprised if you discover you can cut a big chunk of optional purchases out. Then with that savings you can build up your household towards better self-sufficiency. If you have a hobby can you develop skills that become a barter worthy? Do you need to buy tools etc. that increases your capability? Are there classes you should take to invest in yourself (welding, plumbing, etc.). The goal is to move yourself out of one system and way of thinking into another. The current consumerist model relies on you never thinking of alternatives beyond what is present by popular culture and mass media. It's calle FOMO (fear of missing out) and it is bullshit. Do the above first them worry about silver.

WhiteChickens ago

You won't know whether to shit or go blind.

prairie ago

Stop participating in government. Opt out.

SumerBreeze ago

are you talking about Sanhedrin 54b and 55b, and Mishna Niddah 5:4?

those faggot jews rape children for a living and want you to do the same

prairie ago

No just in general stop participating in it. Let it whither from disuse. What if nobody showed up?

SumerBreeze ago

Sanhedrin 54b and 55b, and Mishna Niddah 5:4

its a disgusting book but that is what jews believe

cantaloupe6 ago

Also being a pain in the ass.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

We do need a "Day Without White Men".

That would be hilarious!

cantaloupe6 ago

This is a good move....

We may be stuck with the moron four years.

Lucky77 ago

I'm not a shill, just saw it and wanted to share to see people's thoughts.

akilyoung ago

Again. Fear porn. Crap written to poison your mind with doubt.

It's bullshit.

Look no further than the massive amounts of arrests of elites, humanbtraffickers, ms13, etc. High level ppl going down the past few years.

If Potus was one of them he would be doing all the rallies, essentially massing a massive standing army in every state.

He wouldn't have built the economy up the way he did before the chynah attack.

He would have been expeditiously been building the wall.

The list goes on.

And no, those examples and everything else he's done wasnt done to pacify us.

Q wasn't here to pacify us.

Ffs ppl. Where is your FAITH.

SparklingWiggle ago

Make a list of all those "massive amounts of arrests of elites." It didn't happen you delusional fuckwad.

akilyoung ago had a great rolling list of arrests and resignations. Till your fellow kikes doxxed the owner.

We're 40k ft and y'all are skurrred.

SparklingWiggle ago

So what if he was doxed? Why would that make him shut down? What is wrong with publishing that garbage? He likely bailed when he realized it was fake and gay.

akilyoung ago


He was threatened. He came out and SAID as much. Get you facts straight.

SparklingWiggle ago

Threatened with what and by whom? And what kind of faggot patriot would cave like that? How do you know he didn't say that to keep people from getti g mad at him? Qtards...

akilyoung ago

Fuck off faggotcunt.

SparklingWiggle ago

Trust the plan.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Fuck off, you filthy Q-tard. You aren't part of the solution, you're part of the fucking problem. If there is a civil war, you and your verminous jew-loving black-worshiping cowardly kind go up against the wall with the kikes.

robot7247 ago


akilyoung ago

🤣 you NPC's are hilarious.


ReAwakened ago

I didn't think the comment was aimed at you, but rather the OP.

That said, it's eerily accurate at this point.

shitface9000 ago

False flag is possibly useful in this scenario.

Witsend ago

They like to shoot the messenger around here. Post anything that counters opinions, even just to share something that the left is doing for the sake of exposure will get you downvoated into oblivion. All part of the plan. Two sides, who resent the other, with minds clamped tight. Divide and conquer. Don't get me wrong. I too am divided. I have no ability to have pity for those, as Yuri Brezmenov foretold, who are brainwashed beyond repair.

anticlutch ago

I also know that there are tons of sealed indictments and whore they are for.

Sorry guys. And yes most likely from what I can piece together, you are the names on the sealed indictments.

there are 85+ million sealed indictments.


muh false-flag White supremacy

Won't work. No one believes any violent anything anymore.

Nosferatjew ago

Yup. Just another LARP.

Hipsterrr ago

if that's the case; fuck niggers. fuck jews. fuck commies. fuck chinks. fuck liberals, and fuck you too.

cya in the streets you retards

GhostWriter17 ago

This post is obviously bullshit

But I wish it were true


[they] live in constant fear of US

Like I said: BRING. IT. ON.

I’ve been wanting these cowards to TRY for so damn long.

Watch what happens if [they] ever do


Wynterwhisper ago

Well this is creepy. Very creepy.

Tallest_Skil ago


bizzywiz ago

you're a jew, so I can't read your post

you're a jew, so what you say makes no sense

you're a jew, so you should die

you're a jew, and you revel in it

you're a jew whose favorite number is 6

I've called you a jew 5 times, and this is the sixth

you're hexed...

Had ago

Well if this doesn't just make me want to delete my account on the spot.

nowhat ago

Yeah, that will save us. Let's delete our accounts that have been backed up 50 times by various law enforcement and intelligence and ngos.

Had ago

lol, it doesn't stop the feeling from creeping in. Just on the off chance.....

SturmUndTrinker ago

What a load of bullshit.

tokui ago

I don't care. Just more theories.

Scrogzilla420 ago

To bad the amount of indictments don’t cover the amount of people on this side involved 😂

Lucky77 ago

I hope you're right man..

jthun2 ago

Interesting theory. It would explain the ham handed way in which this election was won. The cheating was bad enough to be detected easily, but also messy enough so that there is no one smoking gun... just lots of little pieces. Hard to challenge in the courts, etc etc.

So it all ends with a disappointed white majority, some of whom are angry enough to take up arms. Various provocateurs fan the flames, we get another Tim McVeigh style bombing, and there is a crackdown by the Biden administration. We know the Chinese and Israelis are deeply embedded into both Nat Sec and big tech, where they may have ample information on dissidents.

This is worth considering. If you are going to walk into a trap, it has to be with enough force to surprise your opponent despite their preparations. Otherwise best to avoid it.

There's every possibility that the RINOs and globalists like Dan Crenshaw are eager to bait out the more aggressive elements of the right.

Rawrination ago

We are all already on kill lists. Just take as many out as you can first.

They are probably going to drone strike some of us. So be ready to kill the operators not just looking for a zog bot.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Joke's on them. This is my only social media account.

Also, never use a social media account with your actual details.

RoBatten ago

I'm not on social media anywhere. You can see this coming a mile away, with the surveillance capabilities they are using today. Also, use a VPN outside of 5eyes . . .

revised2 ago

They know who we are.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The 1st Amendment still applies.

Besides, I am here to attempt to explain and defend the Catholic Faith first and foremost, not for any racial reasons. And the not-so-occasional shitpost, obviously.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Who cares.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

They knew who I was long before Voat was a thing.

talkingliquor ago

Fuck 'em.

the_illusive_man ago

This makes me want to vomit, Im sick

erivesmoi ago

have faith and live free or die!

NorthSeaPagan ago

ZOGnold won't encourage action, he will just disavow

jthun2 ago

true, but other people might

all it takes is one false flag anyhow