Rubberdong ago

if you dont control your own media, then your enemies will

stoicmanchild ago

imagine being a faggot twitter user

trump needs to move on to gab

SeanBox ago

I use crypto twitter.... profit

nomorefat ago

That's good. Trump's a cry baby bitch. All he does is bitch and moan. Having a president be a bitch on such a public sphere is such a stain on America's greatness.

Mind_Games ago

You’re still supporting twitter = you have nothing valuable to say

SeanBox ago

I follow crypto twitter...I make money

KingOfTheCorpses ago

He squandered the massive following he had. Could have used it to get something done. I know a ton of normies that would have actually involved themselves in an armed insurrection if he simply gave the word. But he didn't. Just as planned. His whole term has been used to build up support and then take the wind out of their sails.

RicardoSanchez ago

This is not true. Spreading disinformation (like the left) does not help the cause of the right.

SeanBox ago

It was true this morning. They appear to have changed it back now

xExekut3x ago

I just liked an retweeted a Trump tweet...

SeanBox ago

Disputed election tweets are held back

xExekut3x ago

I WON THE ELECTION IN A LANDSLIDE, but remember, I only think in terms of legal votes, not all of the fake voters and fraud that miraculously floated in from everywhere! What a disgrace!

From five hours ago. That's the one I just iked and retweeted.

SeanBox ago

Maybe they changed it back then. They were ducking around this morning and everyone else mentioned it too.

tastelessinvective ago

I guess he'll have to join voat.

SeanBox ago

That would be interesting.

tastelessinvective ago

We have the best Fed posting, don't we folks? We love our Fed posters.

SeanBox ago

He would wreck sanegoat. I would giggle so hard.

bcboncs ago

This is planned. Trump will use this as leverage to push Sec 230 which will kill Voat and the Chans, leaving us with a Reddit cesspool of information and kikery

Derpfroot ago

Even if something is disputed by a single person, would they still put that notice there?

SaneandAware ago

Why shouldn't they? The work for the DNC and have bought off enough Rinos that NOTHING will ever happen to them.

Nothing will stop any of this but US.

easywind ago

Burn all their offices to the ground. Same with jew media.


You can tell they're really intimidated by the GOP and their threats

HighEnergyLife ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

Twittering is what twits do. They don't think much of their users do they?

God_bless_America ago

FUCK TWITTER, incase I studdered FUCK TWITTER........ his days coming when the EO gets launched on him

mustangjayyyme ago

There are plenty of comments, likes, retweets on there now

joshafool ago

Stop using Twitter. Use

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I was just able to just fine

SeanBox ago

Apparently the retweet is working but not the others on disputed election tweets.

1-eyed-king ago

its 4d chess...

he is monitoring the situation

SaneandAware ago

Yes, him and Bar monitoring everything diligently and never doing shit.

They better monitor the moving company moving all their shit on Jan 19th.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

The King of Israel doesn't give a shit about anything but his own ego

Diggernicks ago

Stop using Twitter you retarded niggers

SearchVoatBot ago

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Eleutheria ago

Maybe this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. At this point, Trump is doing all of this grandstanding and litigation out of concern for his own ego, not his White voter base. If they outright ban him on twitter, that could be enough to force him to do something useful.

Pattern_Blind ago

It's almost like your plan trusting still goyim?

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago


but yea, stop being faggots you qew queers

Hoppes9 ago

Why shouldn't they? Nothing is going to happen to them.

Pattern_Blind ago

Exactly. Their a private company so the only rules that matter are make more money. The more you make the smaller your fine is comparatively. Look at all the jewish banks and businesses that have been caught money laundering, stealing etc. They just pay a .1% fee after a couple years of dragging it all through the courts. Why should anyone care about stupid laws? Just pay a politician to make the laws change.

MrPim ago

Trump is such a genius he still uses their service. He could have built his own twitter. It would have immediately been filled w Patriots and people who love to hate him. It would have been giant, but he continues to use their service.

Cat-hax ago

Is he allowed too since he's president?

19841989 ago

Trump is on Gab.

MrPim ago

Is he? But why is he still on twitter? He doesn't need them for visibility. Millions would follow him over to gab if he posted there only.


Dont worrry hes going to declassify everything and muh Guantanamo;

Olivefigs ago

Trump is a shill

MrShill ago

I am a faggot kike shill

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

and you're a kike

Olivefigs ago


Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Hi kike

Gaviba ago

I g­­­­e­­­­t p­­­­a­­­­i­­­­d o­­­­v­­­­e­­­­r $­­9­­0 p­­­­e­­­­r h­­­­o­­­­u­­­­r w­­­­o­­­­r­­k­­­­i­­­­n­­­­g f­­­­r­­­­o­­­­m h­­­­o­­­­m­­­­e w­­­­i­­­­t­­­­h 2 k­­­­i­­d­­­­s a­­­­t h­­­­o­­­­m­­­­e. I n­­­­e­­­­v­­­­e­­r t­­­­h­­o­­­­u­­­­g­­­­h­­­­t I­­­­'­­­­d b­­­­e a­­­­b­­­­l­­­­e t­­­­o d­­­­o i­­­­t b­­­­u­­­­t m­­­­y b­­­­e­­­­s­­­­t f­­r­­i­­e­­n­­d e­­a­­r­­n­­s o­­v­­e­­r 1­­0­­k a m­­o­­n­­t­­h d­­o­­i­­n­­g t­­h­­­­i­­­­s a­­­­n­­­­d s­­­­h­­­­e c­­­­o­­­­n­­­­v­­­­i­­­­n­­­­c­­­­e­­­­d m­­­­e t­­­­o t­­r­­y. T­­h­­e p­­o­­t­­e­­n­­t­­i­­a­­l w­­i­­t­­h t­­h­­i­­s i­­s e­­n­­­­d­­l­­e­­­­s­­­­s.

H­­­­e­­­­r­­­­e­­­­s w­­­­h­­­­a­­­­t I'v­­­­e b­­­­e­­­­e­­­­n d­­­­o­­­­i­­­­n­­­­g..--- W­w­w.W­o­r­k­83.Co­m

Datagod ago

sucking dicks isn't a real job bro

Olivefigs ago

Good one! Can we get this faggot outta here tho? He spams every thread

SearchVoatBot ago

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RustyEquipment ago

Coulda shoulda woulda

Could have put Hillary in jail also

Should have ended immigration completely

Would have gave us our entertainment by squashing antifa/blm but didn’t

Seems he gets too caught up in social media rather than anything else. He shoulda have created a nationalist (not meant as nazi but American citizen only) social media where only Americans could be on it and abided by the constitutional protections guaranteed to us. But also would be flooded with glowniggers

It probably ain’t hard to build one from a coding perspective. If there was someone here that could guide me in setting up the developer stuff I would get into developing one but I never kept up with all the modern languages

Mind_Games ago

He’s a 14 year old girl in an old man suit

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

You're quite the kike @RustyEquipment

RustyEquipment ago

Zomg. He did a larger font! Must be true

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Hi kike

RustyEquipment ago

ouch #myFeeFees

Nukeisrael ago

That would require him not being controlled opposition.

virge ago

It's still painful how obvious this is, yet how strong the rejection of reality the room-temperature IQ NPC must perform.

Nukeisrael ago

Humans hate to admit/believe:

1) they have been fooled

2) there isn’t a powerful being who has their back from a position of power

This hits both of the cogdis creators. It’s the equivalent to leaving a religion essentially or a cult. Kikes have learned exactly how the mind works and studied propaganda to essentially create golems through media and institutions.

abear ago

Your YouTube broke or you just too retarded to do it yourself

RustyEquipment ago

I’m the retarded ceo of cnn... duh

My development experience is in lab systems. I have my own website and other activities. I don’t want to use YouTube for something like this because I would want to ask questions and be able to get answers from someone. It ain’t hard to figure out but I like having another brain to bounce ideas off of

Olivefigs ago

He would have done all this if he weren’t a paid shill

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Hi kike.

Olivefigs ago

Yeah say that to trump

Pattern_Blind ago

We all would have put on armbands and marched for him if he was that based, but he was a Israeli cuck shill that only focused on kike issues.

RustyEquipment ago

I wouldn’t have but I would have gladly taken the chance to edit some gene pools out of the world. Regardless of who they voted for

NorthSeaPagan ago

Good, fuck ZOGnold, he didn't stop any of us from getting censored or outright banned from the internet (outside of Voat), ZOGnold can go get assraped by niggers and kikes for all I care.

RustyEquipment ago

Hey now. Did you stop drinking the kool aide!? You better toe that line goyim! Haha

Never got me banned from any of the sites... cause I don’t use them. Haha. Can’t get banned when you don’t participate!