Then you understand nothing about our fight. Every nation has a deep state but not all nations are 100 deepstate.

AlfredMcCoy ago

Like how in the fucking world did Americans liberate Jews from death camps and a few decades later they are in America telling us how ashamed we should be of being white?

Fucking vampires.

Pentos ago

Part of it is that they were set up as the fall guys for the American elite, just like they were set up by the Catholic church before that.

They don't realize that the favored status always ends in them being locked in their house and burned alive.

AlfredMcCoy ago

Catholic church did what now?

Pentos ago

Don't get me wrong though, the Jews were willing pawns and deluded themselves sometimes into thinking they were running the show. But they're never really running the show as you'll soon find out.

Pentos ago

So the Catholic church got the money, but to avoid being run out of town they made Jews the tax collectors and put them in charge of finances. But if the Jews didn't do exactly what the Catholic church wanted, the church got mobs to execute them all from the area.

That was the deal, and why Jews were imported to all of Europe. To be the decoy, to be the pawn, to be the fall guys.

AlfredMcCoy ago

Catholic church MADE the Jews tax collectors?

You sure the banks didnt tell the church to publicly do this in order for it to look like the church was calling the shots?

It's always the bank calling the shots.

Pentos ago

The Catholic Church was founded by Jews that went by the name "Christians".

AlfredMcCoy ago

Hardly. The Catholic church was responsible for driving the Jews and Muslims out of Spain.

You have some weird Protestant/Freemasonic brainwashing going on.

Pentos ago

The Catholic church banned Islam in Spain, but they let all the Muslims stay. They became the Spanish.

The Catholic church is not a White institution. The Muslims enslaved and castrated the Whites there, and the Catholics let them live and gave that territory to Arabs.

AlfredMcCoy ago

Reality: Christianity flourishes throughout Europe


The Catholic church is not a White institution.

Okay. You're the expert.

Pentos ago

You realize under Christianity Europeans were enslaved and beaten into submission?

Serfdom is slavery.

And Christianity ended literacy in some places of Europe, since letters were associated with paganism, in fact taught by paganism as part of the religion.

Christianity destroyed European trade networks.

There really is nothing good about Christianity in Europe. The Renaissance only occured when the plagues made it clear that Christianity had no divinity and people started shunning the churches.

AlfredMcCoy ago

How do you fit that much Freemasonic propaganda into one reply field?

Pentos ago

Oy Vey! Look over there! It's the Free Masons!

WhiteChickens ago

I wouldn't mind going, whacking the fuckers and taking everything they have.

These aren't wars.

greydragon ago

I don't want the genocide of Israel, I just want them recognized as a primary enemy of the United States. I'm a softie on this site. Oh well.

bonghits4jeebus ago

Like some large percentage of Israel is Arab. If you mean both carry on :)

tom47 ago

May GOD have mercy upon your soul! #REPENT of this #EVIL thought before it becomes too late for you.

MuricaPersonified ago

Who the hell do you think you are, boomer? Christcucking for (((our greastest ally))) here? You've been here for almost two years and haven't soaked up any red pills on the kikes? I guess you're simply too old and stubborn to be deconditioned and see the truth of the jewish question, so what are you doing here?

You think you're godly, but you're a traitor to your kind. Please fuck off.

Pentos ago

Oy Vey! G-d will punish you! Blah blah blah oooga booga! (Middle Eastern gibberish)

Groff ago

I don’t want to expend the energy. I would prefer that we simply cut off all aid & support - leaving the Israelies to drown in their own bullshit. The same, by-the-way also applies to the muzzies - they are the same race of maggots - tribe of Abraham.

pointmanzero ago

no no no, just use the sand niggers, they also hate them.

Pentos ago

You know, this idea of using proxies is stupid. Everyone knows who is a proxy for who. All these countries are doing is arming primative people so they can become a problem later.

If a missile is launched from North Korea, you think anyone will be fooled? Missiles will be aimed directly at China.

pointmanzero ago

when you arm them they thin their own numbers with in-fighting

Pentos ago

If a group of people is a threat, just genocide them yourself.

Russia and the USA could have genocided the Middle East a thousand times over, divided the land between themselves, and not have to deal with Muslim or Jewish terrorists from the Middle East.

pointmanzero ago

Look at how they demonized the germans for a fake genocide event.

A REAL genocide event would be demonized for hundreds of years if not thousands...

Unless you are a primitive brown person in some shithole country, then you can genocide your neighbors all you want and liberal journalists don't give a single fuck because those slaves mine their cobalt so they can have Tesla's

Nishnabe ago

So you would have them all killed for the sins of thier secret government?

Fuck you fucking ignorant puke ass motherfucker.

How that feel retarded bitch whore.

Just kidding I love you.

RCCollier ago

Holocaust for real this time.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I support turning the entire region into a sheet of glass a mile thick

MadCatTimberWolf ago

You just might be cruel and evil.

Pentos ago

Do you think it is unprovoked? Jews deserve it. They tried to genocide Whites, now it's their turn.

What did you think was going to happen?


lol 22 days and he's already going at it.

CanIPlay2 ago

I've noticed that too. 22 day old account. Meh, that's fine, I've given up a few accounts here and there.

A world wide embargo & ww boycott would bring the Israelis to their knees. Why? Glad you asked. Israelis can't feed themselves (as an illegitimate nation state.) And would not work to do so. And with nowhere to buy food:

The kikes favorite method for eradicating Christians was starvation. It's estimated that communism killed over 110 million people. Most of them by starvation. Why bother with radioactive fallout on a massive scale. Use their own favorite weapon against them. Then hunting rest of them down worldwide and kill them. Use the civilian populace to do so. While we're at it, niggers and muslims too.


This account is new for me. My last stopped letting me log in

hillaryisanigger ago

We can tell that you're a kike tho.

CanIPlay2 ago

Read Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn. Learn history. It's estimated that they killed over 10 million Ukrainians, nearly all of them, by starvation.

Learn how Mao came to power in China. Learn who sent him money in the 1930s.

"Your a kike" Thanks I needed a laugh!

Mind_Games ago

The last world war.

The best world war.

Somefuckinguy ago

Wow nigger if you havent learned from luke that the greatest punishment for gods chosen parasites is that they be told the truth about their christ killing history for all eternity, then you should definitely return to the kitchen and make marse a sammich

Pentos ago

Do you think I'm a Middle Easterner?

Why are you quoting Middle Easternisms at me?

Do I write like a goat herder?

FirstLine ago

Like Pakistan, I just want Israel to be stripped of all nuclear arsenals. Religious states shouldn't have any of those.

Pentos ago

That's not good enough. They tried to genocide us and only their genocide will settle their debt.

BumbleTummy ago

A genetically engineered disease that targets Semitic genes would clear up the entire mess and just leave the Persians behind, which I would be okay with.


Better hope you have zero genetic ties to Jess. We are mixed ymyou could end up with the death gene.

BumbleTummy ago

Let's give it a shot.

mudbear ago

no, we need israel... as bait to draw out the jews in the rest of european countries. better they all move there first.

Pentos ago

Not really. There's still the Russian Jewish Autonomous Oblast and they've already doxed themselves into neat lists with DNA testing services like 23 and Me. Locking them out of civilization will be easy soon thanks to the plans they have pushed, thinking they will use it against us.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

I hereby demand you start here sir.

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

Nope. Make them slaves for a few thousand years first.


Israel is only a small part of the problem...Bahl has left piles of shit in every corner of the world. Hey, nuking them would leave a warm fuzzy feeling but it doesn't cure the plague of Babylon.

Doglegwarrior ago

I wish I could upvote this 1 million times.

If the United States said we will arm and support a volunteer army that will go fight with the Palestinians against Isreal and it was 100% legit no fucking back stabbing how many would sign up? 1 million? 4 million 20 million?


I wouldn't fight along side the Palestinians. You can have it. They need to go too.

tom47 ago

NO_ONE!!! Spiritual suicide!

juschippinyababe ago

I would, I want the jews and the zionist slavery control system extinct. Degenerate kikes need heads on pikes.

781842_Anon ago

America needs to rule that land. It is the only way.

Pentos ago

We paid for it, so that makes sense. But honestly I don't think expansionalism is the right strategy. We don't need Israel for anything.

It would make sense to take back all the historical territories we held, like North Africa and West China, depopulate them, and reforest them. We could use drones to patrol them once a year to ensure no other groups encroach on our nature reserves.

781842_Anon ago

A new New World Order?

spaceman84 ago

As long as the sand niggers stay away from Europe we won't have to nuke them too

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago




Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Nukes huh


111MrGuy111 ago

You want to punish them? Force them to work hard labor. Jews abhor physical labor.

philmchawk ago

Last time we did that we got our child indoctrinated with the holocaust, no more half measures.

KillDaSpooks ago

that's how they came up with the 6 million dead in the holocaust. it was simply a work camp and it felt like death to them.

tom47 ago

The BLIND trying to get the BLINT to see! Consider carefully what you say.

111MrGuy111 ago

Uncle Adolf knew the truth, that's why he worked them so hard.

bcboncs ago

he failed the white race and held back in the war when he could have won...

he was a great orator and leader if he didn't sell out as all tend to do vs the jew

the jew = temptation. their tentacles run deep.

111MrGuy111 ago

The white race betrayed itself when it sided with the Jew world banking system against the independent German Reichmark. THIS was Hitler's greatest sin against Judea.

The truth is that Hitler openly did not want war with other white countries, but they wouldn't stop attacking.

bcboncs ago

it was all theater to destroy the white race... warburg financed him you fool

look at the result, not the theater. hitler used stop orders when he could've won the war. he declared war on the USA when he was in no strategic advantage to do so licensing America to end the war...

noob_tube ago

I don't care. I don't want to punish them. I just want to survive. I'd rather we just kill them all, men women and children, and be done with it once and for all.

Pentos ago

I'd rather not give them the opportunity to beg empathetic Whites to let them in again later.

111MrGuy111 ago

Then sterilize them all and continue to work them in the fields.

Pentos ago

We don't need field workers and I wouldn't accept them living within our nations. I never want to see another non-White ever again.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

“You know what jews really hate?”

“Chocolate ice cream sundaes”

111MrGuy111 ago

I agree. Give them ONLY chocolate ice cream sundaes indefinitely.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Whatever kike.

Mortals fear mortality kike.

111MrGuy111 ago

  • Which is worse: the death penalty or life in prison?
  • Which is worse: a quick death or a slow death?
  • Which is worse: toil while healthy or toil while sick?

Stick around honey, you might just learn something.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

It’s death.

You’re so full of shit lol.

111MrGuy111 ago

When did you begin transitioning to a woman?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Oh no!

If you want safety... you shouldn’t have done things like 9/11.

Trying to manufacture safety afterwards is kinda stupid.

111MrGuy111 ago

It's afraid.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

I bet it’s double afraid of going in that briar patch over there.

I sure am! Please don’t send me into that briar patch @111mrguy111

111MrGuy111 ago

Keep responding so I can downvoat you.

Smokybubbles ago

Nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

Octocopter ago

Yep, best option, not a single reason to risk any more lives on the ground over there when we have orbital weapons and ICBMs.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Why do you guys keep pretending you didn’t just watch what American wars look like for 20 years?


They only play video games. They don't get much of what is happening obviously. Plus we can do without the racist shit they brainless fuck toss around.

Octocopter ago

When has a modern nation ever just glassed an area? It was never about wiping out but instead about keeping control of an area and whats in it.

This is what happened when they decided they would rather just annihilate an area instead of trying to control it. MOAB dropped

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

“Area” means surface area right?


Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Sure sure.


You like talking about nukes lol.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

They’re underground.

We need to pay the subcontractors. Invasion is a given.

You nuke people are funny.



Monarch981 ago

Some real dumbs alright

Stealth_Sessions ago


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