soulacola ago

Hope all goes well for him

AngelofDeath ago

What about this famous guy?

Whyskrakrakaa ago

gr8/ he is a hero.

stoicmanchild ago

We need to throw this kid a parade, and I want to see him on Tucker

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I wish I could buy dat nigga 2 million beers

minx88 ago

The beers are not good we should support him though financially and in every other way because it’s not just him defeating the evil but it’s also the concept of protecting her ability to defend ourselves

Splooge ago

Reminder that the presiding judge set bail at $2M after learning that Kyle raised $1M.

If not disbarred for such an act, that sort of fuckery should earn him the rope.

minx88 ago

Because it’s a spiteful ZHU choose a spiteful they are backstabbing spiteful demonic fucking rats every single ZHU yes every single solitary ZHU is a Backstabber people need to get that through their heads quickly before they lose them to the Jew or their assassin demon cockroach Muslim and yes every Muslim is a litteral Backstabber

And every single Muslim is a child rape her that includes the black Muslims especially and you can never tell which black is Muslim or not so it’s better just to get rid of these fucking monkeys they are demon shit out of Satan’s ass and they’ve been put on boats to to come here to invade to outnumber us and travel in packs they hit people from behind they they attack women and children and elderly and handicapped the Muslims nigger and Jews work together Because they are the children of the dark shit out of Satan’s ass this is not an exaggeration this is a fact these are demons stop thinking that being surprised how humans can behave this way they are not human they are demons demons you have to kill and the Jewish judge district attorney and lawyers they need to be fried demons you have to burn a rope does not work you need to burn them

con77 ago

he needs to shut the fuck up and let his attorneys do the talking.

minx88 ago

Jews need to shut the fuck up and go back to hell Satan’s ass that squeeze them out Jewish judges lawyers DAs need to be diss robe disbarred drawn and quartered

Sum-of-Nun ago

Somebody get that ̶b̶o̶y̶ man a steak and a blow job.

midnightblue1335 ago

I'll get the steak.

You get to work on the other thing.

petevoat ago

Kyle should be smiling.

He has done a great service to the human race by taking out a pedo and a wife beater.

midnightblue1335 ago

Kyle should be smiling.

He is living a waking nightmare. His trial looms. He knows he will probably be found guilty by the corrupt courts and the inevitably nigger/commie stacked jury. They probably broke him in that jail. Smiles likely won't come easily to this man anymore.

He probably thought that some of us would try to help him. And not just by throwing money into his PayPal or whatever, but by doing what he did- TAKING ACTION.

Kyle is an example of why no White men are taking action. It's because we know that even if, say, some guy nutted up and murdered a vicious, evil politician... he would be killed/jailed. And then all of the people that support his actions would just make memes and call him a saint and talk about how much of a travesty it is that he was killed/jailed. They won't actually do anything. They won't follow his lead. That's why no White American men are willing to take that first step and throw themselves into the fire to become a martyr- because the rest of us cowards will not follow his example.


minx88 ago

Well OK that’s a black pill and now time to grow up and start defending each other there are numerous ways that we can contact each other there are numerous ways that we can support each other the black pill is unproductive it’s unattractive it does nothing was attractive and interesting is doing your research and helping each other out in practical steps

Credible_Hulk ago

I hope he sues the fuck out of all them niggers especially BLM

minx88 ago

BLM is Nager’s they are communist they are paid for by Soros they are a bunch of stinking diseased aids are in Vudoo Seabourne and retarded Nager‘s and Jews and probably some Muslim to it is a terrorist group they need to be sent back to the ass of Satan that squeeze them out including the antifa bolshevik jews which they are working together

ilovejuices3 ago

He's like our John Connor against the rise of the pedophiles.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

Oy vey time to increase bail to 3 million

minx88 ago

Time to burn the Jew

ketoll ago

So who gets the $2 Million back when he returns?

BeerNinja727 ago

Somebody needs to arrange for Kyle to be shipped to a country that doesn't have a extradition treaty with the US.

superspathi ago

When he gets acquited they'll give him back the 2 million in bail. Not a bad payday for removing commies.

midnightblue1335 ago

Do you know how bail works?

You pay 10% of it as collateral. $2 million bail only requires a $200,000 posting. And it is given back to you after your court case is closed. You don't actually profit from it.

If you flee or fail to show up for your court dates, they will keep the 10% and fine you for the remaining 90%.

Bail is so fucking retarded. System should be simplified.

What's the point of setting a $3 million bail for a nigger who has never worked a day in his life? Even if he scrapes up the 10% somehow, they'll never get the remaining 90% from him. Makes no sense.

steven_feelsperg ago

from him

They get the kike version of perpetual income through taxation to prop up the prison industrial complex, courtesy of the White man. Whether shitskins displace Whites in White homelands, are granted White jobs, kill Whites, or become imprisoned, they always benefit kikes.

The immigration valve must be closed, the deportation valve opened, and jews be expelled from Earth.

minx88 ago

jews must be burned

muslims must be burned

niggers must be burned

Because they are Satanic shit out of Satan’s ass and need to be sent back

Because they are breeding like cockroaches to number us and they will never stop raping and murdering and torturing children they will never stop the only way to stop it is to get rid of these fucking things stop trying to talk with it stop trying to debate with it it doesn’t want to hear you it just wants to kill you

superspathi ago

He didn't get a bail bond, he put up 2 mil in cash. He will certainly get that money back, whether or not he is convicted.

lepersbell ago

If the country collapses to where the money means nothing anyway then there's no reason not to.

con77 ago

they refused a bond in this case. It was cash

midnightblue1335 ago

My point remains, superspathi seems to be under the impression that this will somehow lead to profit for Rittenhouse.

con77 ago

his lawyers will get that money. for sure. he could probably auction off the gun like Zimmerman did.

Splooge ago

His lawyer is working pro bono.

Mittermeyer ago

Wood is, but there is a team of lawyers. Some of them are still getting paid, and these sorts of cases will be expensive in general.

11hrr ago

I'm so happy for him!

notajew69 ago

Fuck this clown world. Niggers get let out free because of “muh systemic racism” but white boy who defended himself has to post $2m bail? Even if he gets off he’s gonna have bail bonds to pay unless he has access to a large sum of cash.

minx88 ago

First of all people stop listening this bullshit word racism it’s a word that the Jews used to manipulate you with their incessant fucking whiny ass victim hood and guilt tripping stop listening to it it’s a bullshit psychological war tactic stop listening to it stop being manipulated by the Jews and their bullshit words likes anti-Semite it’s nothing but I am a victim hood war tactic used as a weapon to hurt people and manipulate them stop being manipulated I’ll say it again stop being manipulated by the fucking Jew and their bullshit transparent words and tactics

SexMachine ago

Damn. Do they get that money back?

midnightblue1335 ago

Here's how bail works:

Bail is set at $2 million. In order to get out of jail, you must put up 10% of that as collateral- so $200k in this case. The court holds onto that to ensure that you show up for your court dates. If you don't show up, a warrant will be issued for your arrest, and the court will likely keep that money. And depending on the circumstances, you might now be on the hook for the remaining $1.8 million.

However, if you show up for all of your court dates, and your case is closed- you will get the bond money you posted back, regardless of guilt/innocence. So he will probably be convicted of several counts of first-degree murder, and attempted murder... but at least he'll have $200,000 to spend on fucking ramen noodles and shampoo while he spends the rest of his life in prison.

Honk honk.

minx88 ago

jew lawysers are going to burn

It’s too easy to find you

SexMachine ago

No. Wisconsin is a no bail bondsman state. You have to put up the full amount.

RabbiPuttitout ago

Someone needs to murder the niggers that are prosecuting him.

Nekketsu ago

Great, but what I said before still stands: keep an eye on this kid. Just cuz he's out doesn't mean his story's over yet.

obvious-throwaway- ago

He needs to run for political office. Seriously, this kid has more balls than the combined total of Voat (aka the combined balls of twitter and faceberg combined).

midnightblue1335 ago

Can you run for office if you've been charged with felonies? I'm pretty sure you can't be elected if convicted, but it wouldn't surprise me if just being charged is a disqualifying factor for government jobs.

lepersbell ago

A felony charge, not conviction, can disqualify you from a security clearance. But not for running for office.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Uh... if you aren't charged with a felony, you haven't committed a felony. You can't be excluded from office for NOT committing a felony.

CuckleberryFinn ago

Just curious... who ultimately gets that bail money?

midnightblue1335 ago

Wow, kinda surprised at how many people in this sub who don't understand bail.

Bail set at $2 million. You must put up 10% of that ($200k) in order to make bail. This $200k is collateral, an agreement that you will show up for your future court dates. If you make all of your court dates, the $200k will be returned to you after your case is closed (whether guilty or innocent or mistrial, doesn't matter- you made the dates, you get it back).

If you don't show up for court dates, the state will keep that $200k and then set about finding a way to squeeze the rest of the $1.8m out of you. This is a simplified explanation of how bail works in most states.

lepersbell ago

Christ you copy and paste a lot for not knowing why a full $2 million had to be raised for this case.

OoklaTheMok111 ago

I'd be proud to call that boy my son. He has done more than any of us to fight ZOG. Hopefully they don't railroad his ass more than they already have.

minx88 ago

We can raise money for him and anybody especially all whites we race and money and take care of each other but go fund me is not good Go fund me is anti-white so we have to find and make many alternatives stop giving money to these fucking Jewish companiesthere’s better alternatives

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Is poor judgement the standard for becoming a judge now? He shouldn't be out on a bond, this is the exact type of case where someone is better off in jail. Everyone knows what he looks like and this idiot isn't safe because a ton of people are mad at him.

dontforgettolookup ago

I have concern for his safety too. I hope there is protection. If you would have worded that comment differently it may have been better received. It seems to me you are looking out for Saint Kyle's well-being.

minx88 ago

Yes people should be protecting him white people protect each other support each other because the Jewish and Muslim and Nager are backstabbing satanic turds and they hit you from behind they are back stabbers they do not want to hear what you have to say they just want to kill you yes every single Jewish Muslim Nager is a Backstabber I need to get this through your head before you lose it

bdmthrfkr ago

I think that he's proven that he can take care of himself lol.

Trannies btfo by the Kenosha Kid.

dontforgettolookup ago

What about an angry mob and didn't they confiscate his weapon? I hope there are defense measures in place.

mikenigger ago

used stimulus money to buy gun

posts 2 mil bail


bdmthrfkr ago



PotatoHed ago

If Trump is out, it will be interesting to see if this kid gets a pardon or not.

minx88 ago

Trump must stay in and first of all he won everyone knows he won and then the Jews are trying to cheat there is numerous hundred videos of them cheating by tampering with the ballots which means that the Jews lost Biden the Jew and his Pakistani transvestite Islamic communist will be murdering people quickly so they cannot get in they lost that’s why the Jews like Soros are trying to pay for this cover-up that’s why they use tactics like deny and lie and gaslighting but they know that they lost

Biden lost end of discussion

Lechuck60 ago

The President can only pardon federal crimes. Rittenhouse has been charged by Wisconsin. Trump can't pardon him.

midnightblue1335 ago

False. Rittenhouse crossed state border in order to commit the alleged crime. This makes it a federal crime.

If I'm flying down the interstate at 90mph, just below a felony speeding charge, and then I cross into the next state, that speeding charge is upgraded to a felony.

minx88 ago

Except he didn’t cross the line to do anything he merely defending himself against three pedophiles that used a gun and a skateboard which is a weaponUsed as a weapon or a kick to the head which is attempted murder with a knife so he defended himself that’s it it’s self defense case fucking closed

Lechuck60 ago

Jurisdiction is claimed by the authority that charges the crime. That claim succeeds or fails depending on the facts, but no fact "makes" the crime state or federal. It is a legal determination. If a federal charge is brought on the basis you point to, or any other, then Trump can pardon, but he can do nothing about any state charge.

minx88 ago

Look there’s already hundreds a video to prove that it was self-defense second by second where it shows that the pedophiles attacking Kyle with different weapons that’s it there’s video proof of Self defense against those pedophiles that attacked Kyle case closed and the Jewishprosecutor DH judge that gives him a hard time needs to be disrobed and disbarred and put in jail

OandAPartyRock ago

He should’ve pardoned him when he was arrested. Oh, I guess he can’t until he’s officially convicted. But whatever. The point is soon as he’s convicted, if he is, Trump needs to pardon him. Get something right for once you orange moron.

Call_Of_Goat ago

Trump will probably be sucking Jew dick

libertarianleeluu ago


minx88 ago

He is a model of a good man in general destroying evil this is what we need to do because we are invaded and infested and colonized by these poisonous disease demon rats and their cousin demon muslim cockriaches

RCCollier ago

I received an email from Mr. Wood mentioning this. I am happy that he got released and was able to raise the money. The amount of persecution towards this kid is insane but we must know WHO is behind it and why. We must name the jew before we can move forward. We must declare the enemy of the White race.

minx88 ago

You are Absolutelyright

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OandAPartyRock ago

Well, if you’re going to name him, chances are it’s Mortimer. Just saying. Statistically speaking.

erivesmoi ago

home for the holidays

poopscooppp ago

Oh hey some good news

ShapkaUshanka ago

"Kyle killed two people"

Bullshit. Commies aren't people.

minx88 ago

Kyle is a hero because he killed these Jewish communist terrorists they are parasitic invaders they are murders every single Jew is a fucking Backstabber and people need to get that through their heads real quick

ShapkaUshanka ago

Make holocaust real this time

ilovejuices3 ago

Two commies GOT killed while trying to kill a patriotic hero.

Ocelot ago

White commies used to be people. Commie jews were never people.

minx88 ago

Whites are not really communists they are just brainwashed and then they wake up the hard way but they wake up because whites are more intelligent but every Jew is a communist because communism is satanic and that is the Jew and synagogue of Satan

RCCollier ago

JEWISH communists.

Dougydoug ago


RCCollier ago


CowWithBeef ago

Jewish communist felon pedos.

RCCollier ago


SexMachine ago

Double not people.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Broiler chicks, that's all we are, broiler chickens.








minx88 ago

speak for yourself.The intelligent people to research and fight against the evil

itssomatic ago

Broilers don't fuck, slaughtered too young. But that makes your analogy even better, since most people just pump their crotches to flickering lights.

Call_Of_Goat ago


ForgottenMemes ago

The terrorist with an illegal gun who tried to murder Kyle still hasn't been arrested.

AngelofDeath ago

Not arrested because he is famous

reason247 ago

Bicep-less jew

clubberlang ago

He was doing the chosen peoples work. Rittenhouse had to pay the jews to be released.

cantaloupe6 ago

It's a state accusation not Federal, Trump could do federal.

ketoll ago

The corrupt DA is the only reason Rittenhouse went in the first place.

minx88 ago

Because the DA is Jew

Splooge ago

Corrupt judge is the reason Kyle continued to be held as long as he was.

minx88 ago

So all the Jews that are judges and the switch attorneys and lawyers and prosecutors they need to be disrobed and disbarred because they are fucking criminals because if you allow a licenses for these Muslims a Nager is that a rape and murder that means that the Jew judge and you district attorney prosecutor lawyer are aiding in abetting an accessory to murder so these Jews need to be fucking fired & fried

minx88 ago

Because the judge is a Jew

Rawrination ago

It's a shame that judge and DA are robots from the moon and don't have any homes or family that could be petitioned directly.

voatuser1128 ago

Trump should pardon Kyle but he probably wont since Trump is controlled opposition.

Rubberdong ago

Trump won the hearts of people because he is not a politician and he is reasonable.

You don't need to be smart to govern, you need reason And people are dying for a fucking spec of common sense in this sea of madness.

But Trump has also Been Exceptionally lucky.

And he does Not seem to know who Elected him.

The difference between 2015 2020?

No Milo. No Alex Jones. No PJW. No Coulter. No Silk Diamond. No the The Donald.

Every single Nobody that rose Into fame because of common sense is not deplatformed, Ostracised And demonetised.

And top of it all?

No Assange.

Reincarnak ago

Federal president can’t issue a pardon for a state crime. Not that he would anyway.

selpai ago

There are no illegal guns... or are your views a matter of convenience?

fedd ago

niggers should be disarmed for their own good as well as everyone else's


BeerNinja727 ago

The founding fathers never intended for the Constitution to apply to non Whites or kikes.

Pylote ago

it's not the gun that's illegal, it's that a felon was armed with it.

Reincarnak ago

Then duly disarmed.

selpai ago

Still not constitutional to deny them their human rights. They've served their time, and are exonerated in the eyes of the law. Rehabilitated, i think they call it.

BeerNinja727 ago

The Constitution doesn't apply to kikes or niggers. The Constitution was meant to apply to White men only.

OandAPartyRock ago

Don’t be pedantic, you know what he means. That pedophile wasn’t supposed to have a gun. It was illegal for him to possess one. God you people are assholes.

RCCollier ago

JEW terrorist.

minx88 ago

All Jews are invaders that’s why they use is bullshit word racist to use as a victimhood guilt tactic to manipulate people to allow them in they’ve done this since the beginning of time Caesars time Oliver Cromwell’s time every fucking century these fucking invader parasite Jews use victimhood to weasel their way in in order to backstab and do the Usery and Jewish ritual murder and this time they use this bullshit word racist in order to bring him there isLameck child raping subhuman Demon turds

krypt ago

One allegedly was arrested and released, a gunman.

But you should have typed "The PEDO JEWS".

3 of 4 armed violent attempted murderers of Poor patriot Kyle were JEWS, and 3 of 4 had sex crimes in their past, I recall.


Vc83 ago

you just need to say jews.

LostInTheStatic ago



SpaceAgePimp ago

I believe the correct term is tautology

ForgottenMemes ago

The armless fake medic who was a felon carrying an illegal gun has not been arrested to my knowledge.

minx88 ago

Find that Jew faggot with the messed up arm find him dox him make his life hell

minx88 ago

Find him and make his life hell Dox him

reason247 ago

Arresting him is antisemitic.

midnightblue1335 ago

Apparently, if someone tries to kill you while you are in the middle of committing MULTIPLE felonies, but you are just maimed- you are completely absolved of said felonies.

"Why charge him for impersonating an EMT, carrying a firearm while being a felon, and trying to ambush and murder a prone child who was fleeing a bloodthirsty mob- he's got a boo-boo on his arm. He's suffered enough."

Maroonsaint ago

That’s why you always kill them. Like a home intruder. My grandpa taught me to kill them cause if you leave them alive they can testify in court against you. Now that I’m older and Iv personally been fucked over in court I can attest to the validity of his statement. Let me see your dick

clubberlang ago

He must have sneezed #blm and all was forgiven

Pissed_Mapleboi ago

At least he will never do another bicep curl

Shotinthedark ago

Or effectively jerk off

midnightblue1335 ago

Hate to dash your hopes, but that fucker is fine. He'll make a full recovery.

There's a video of him speaking to a crowd of communists like a week or two after he was shot. He's all bandaged up and his arm is immobilized, but wounds like that will eventually heal. I was hoping he'd lose the arm.

lepersbell ago

Hate to dash your hopes, but that fucker is fine.

His days are numbered. He will be literally stacked in used tires and set on fire, alive, within 2 years.

Bookmark this post.

Trope_ ago

His bicep is gone, my guy.

midnightblue1335 ago

So what? He'll have use of that arm. Maybe reduced use, but still usable.

He should be one of two things: DEAD or IN PRISON FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER AND IMPERSONATING EMERGENCY PERSONNEL. Since Clown World makes those things impossible, I'd settle for "completely amputating his arm below the shoulder or elbow".

Pissed_Mapleboi ago

Just know that he will always have a sharpie sized column of scar-tissue going through a major muscle in his arm and it WILL cause him discomfort and some level of disability. He also knows that he is a pussy for life. He couldn't even sneak and lie his way through an assassination. He got completely bested by a child and he will never be able to forget it.

midnightblue1335 ago

Did you see the video of him speaking to the crowd I'm referring to?

HE IS A FUCKING HERO TO HIS COMMUNIST PARTY. He will bear that injury with pride. "I got this fighting a Nazi!", he will tell everyone who listed. "I was shot in the arm while protesting against the horrible practice of systemic racism! Look at how dedicated I am- I gave most of my arm!"

This is the kind of thing that, historically, leads to tortures for the defeated. Let's say his communist party fully wins and starts rounding us up. They may find it amusing, or ironic, or w/e to shoot each of us in the arm. Or cut our arms off (go watch some South America gore videos- cutting arms off of living victims is absurdly common) as a symbol. "One of you tried to resist us, and he hurt one of us. Now, we really hurt ALL of you." This is nightmare fuel.

Pissed_Mapleboi ago

Chimps do that too. They like to bite off fingers, hands, feet.... Penis. It's animal behavior. "You made me mad, so I'm going to take away something you need"

BlackGrapeDrank ago

congrats Kyle. enjoy freedom and Thanksgiving.

Lucid_seeker ago

Still hard to believe that face killed 3 antifa

Ocelot ago

There are a lot of young white men who have doughboy faces who've goodified the odd uppity nigger before. That's one reason whites are feared.

lepersbell ago

I remember seeing a meme picture showing some tween pudgy boy that killed two home invaders with his parent's gun.

Dave_ph ago

Confirmed, I saw that kid too

Lechuck60 ago

He killed two and maimed a third.

voatuser1128 ago

If his AR didn't jam,he would had headshot a third.

lepersbell ago

And based on that guy's history, his actions leading up to being shot and the post analysis, he certainly would've deserved it.

Turn_Coat ago

"Didn't look like much the tough guy"

"'cept for one important thing"

"Well that kid down there in Kenosha"

"To his AR he did cling."

lepersbell ago

We need a full recording parody of Big Iron about Kyle's achievements.

The1stLantern ago

In the town of old Kenosha marched some troubled rogues one day

Held hammers high above their heads, and looking for affray

No one dared to ask their business, no one dared to make a din

Save for one young man among them with an AR on a sling

AR on a sling

In this town there were some outlaws bound to teachings of the Red,

Many soi bois were among them as were trannies overfed,

They were vicious, prone to violence, burning gas stations and more,

And their leader rode a skateboard rolling swiftly on the floor,

Swiftly on the floor.

Now young man started talkin', made it plain to folks around

He was there to stop the mob from burnin' businesses to ground.

Didn't look like much the tough guy 'cept for one important thing,

And that thing of course an AR riding tautly on a sling

Tautly on a sling

Now the night was passing quickly as the mob moved wielding flame

And the youth called out to halt them when they spotted him as game

He was running down the pavement when a lout caused him to trip

And tempted the soi leader with with the skateboard on his hip

Skateboard on his hip

It was over in a moment as the folks had gathered round,

The skater sought the rifle as the youth lay on the ground,

Oh he might have went on livin' but forgot one major thing

And he fell down shot dead by the kid with AR on a sling

AR on a sling



He fell down shot dead by the kid with AR on a sling

lepersbell ago

Nice. I tried syncing it and it'll need some more verses, but yes. Great job.

The1stLantern ago

Link me when its done!

cantaloupe6 ago

It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy -- willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.

It will not swiftly abate.

Through the chilled years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date

That the Saxon began to hate.

omnimattymattymatt ago

Hope he stays safe. Hope he gets his gun back.

cantaloupe6 ago

Maybe a givesendgo from some new tools.

Brain_Spasm ago

Excellent. Good news to end the week.

RustinKohle ago

Continue the fight sir