Interruptedagain ago


That's what I've been saying.

cantaloupe6 ago

Well did they dance??? Because that makes it true.

23423534246 ago

can somone link the newsmax a rticle/video?

hytreap ago

If sworn affidavits can be debunked, does that mean the sworn affidavits regarding the holocaust can be debunked too?

What is it kikes?

fusir ago

There is not more evidence of voter fraud than there is of the holocaust.

RCCollier ago

JEWISH media. They are inherent liars. Now you know why the National Socialist Germany wanted them out and especially couldn't stand them being involved in the press.

peacegnome ago

in the internet age it would be very easy to take control of the internet if the government would use the current laws to do it. banks cutting off fund raising for ideological reasons is not legal, but it is being done. similar laws exist or should exist for services such as cloudfare, registrars, etc.

Alhambra ago

you're expecting these kikes and shabbos golems to admit their crime?

SpreeFeech ago

News max is owned by a jew.

BasedWolf ago

Oh yeah, every single article says "false" or "debunked" claims.

Oh really? Don't remember them instantly presuming that the russian collusion accusations were false.

Derpfroot ago


puggy ago

C'mon man. If Snopes says it's debunked then how can we expect the NYT to do any investigation of the issue?

LibertarianForChrist ago

They don't even acknowledge its existence, so how can they debunk it?

wigson ago

The deep state, media, and big tech want to expedite the "transition" as much as possible for obvious reasons.

It's like what happens in nogball when there's a missed call (like if a receiver's foot was out of bounds but the play was ruled a catch). The offense wants to hurry up and run the next play because once that happens, the booth cannot go back and review the previous play.

drozzxd ago

I wonder how many already have exit plans when the people come marching for them.

hang_em_high ago

You can look up the dead voters yourself. How is that fake

FridayJones ago

Yeah whenever evidence of terrible Democrat behavior arises, they just wave their little verbal wand and say "It's been debunked!" And yet when you follow the links to the "debunking" it always turns out to be the opinion of some college student who joined the "fact checking" group. And we all know how stupid and ignorant and indoctrinated college students can be.

Mittermeyer ago

Last I checked it was 50. If it doubled to 100 that is actually really big news. The long and short is with an anonymous election system you can show a million dead people voted, but you still can't prove in court beyond a reasonable doubt who they voted for. The affidavits are considered pretty solid evidence in court cases considering if they were lying they would go to jail for several years. A lot of this will end up with "well what can you prove in court" type situations, and the more sworn affidavits the better, as each one is in a court case is more proof than what most would expect with some of the stuff that is easier to prove in the court of public opinion. Such as videos of poll workers filling in ballots. That is harder to prove than the affidavits because there is a poll process where one reads to the other what us on one ballot and the other fills it out to make sure some ballots filled incorrectly end up counted instead of discarded. Oddly enough to the normal person, these sworn affidavits are harder evince then some cases of the video evidence of voter fraud because some of the videos don't have audio too.

junesunflower ago

HAHAHAHA Pooooor baby. Donny lost.

BasedWolf ago

He lost the same way Bush lost in 2000.

Thereunto ago

Yeah, that's a really great example of gaslighting

Interruptedagain ago

Of Course twatter and the jew york slimes are going to cry "debunked".

They "debunk" everything they don't like. Just because they call it debunked doesn't make it debunked.

They are in on the steal so they will obviously try to cover their crimes!

ardvarcus ago

The corporate news media might as well be part of the Democratic Party. They have no connection with actual news. They exist only to propagandize Democrats.

peacegnome ago

They are establishment party, not Democratic party. They would do this for bush, kerry, whoever.

CenturioChameleon ago

Time and again corporate news media have more extreme leftist views than Democrats and that's why they have to stay "separate". But in reality those views solely exist to shift the overton window more in the leftist direction.

BlackJivesChatter ago

cut away. “These things are not substantiated.” - fake news.