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jthun2 ago

Jews flooding your country with third worlders is apparently 'natural change'

You know what is natural? If another tribe comes onto your territory and attacks you, you kill them.

minx88 ago

exactly.It is invasion even the demented Biden Admits to wanting a constant flood of invaders saying that he is a white man will be the minority but you know what he’s not a white man Biden is a Jew they only pretend to be white in order to manipulate whites it doesn’t work kike.We know who the shelves are like Alex Jones and Adam green because they might write themselves out but mention expulsion and they start to twitch and use your bullshit whiny ass nasal victimhood as a weapon tactic.Like these bullshit words racist and anti-Semite while they stab you in the back with this word the hypocrite ADL n thier ilk are defaming people and they need to be taken down .Gates and macron and Trudeau and Merkel and AOC and Pelosi these are all Jews there are some that pretend to be a Christian and Catholic but that’s called crypto Jew backstabbing Morano kike And yes every single solitary jew is a back stabbing demon

Burn_minorities ago

Seems like americans are content with the take over. Or rather christians

minx88 ago

no that’s not true that’s Christians that are brainwashed it’s like a drug that’s a brainwashing is and it’s very easy to read pilled people it just takes simple determination and those who still play along they are probably not Christians but Jews pretending to be Christian because Jews have always thought they can get away were just changing their name but now we can see their big fat nose even through the mask that they try to humiliate and suffocate people with theirsFake fucking Covid in order to vaccine people which is actually murder because it has numerous poisons like Matt mercury and barium it is also mark of the devil and a way to track you and actually destroy your DNA and they don’t want people to know that’s why they censor people but this is why we are spreading the word like wild fire so these fucking cakes need to know the more they push and bring these fucking subhuman things here the more they’re going to fucking be sent back to hell

Burn_minorities ago

Youre insane. There is no heaven or hell. No god. Only stupid humans.

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RCCollier ago

Yes and totally "consensual." We soooo signed up for this to have us being killed off and replaced by third worlders coming into out country and living off of our labor.

Sk8rminion ago

It's not genocide if you have consent.

minx88 ago

And we will get rid of them and they’re begging for it

minx88 ago

Except there is no consent the baby boomers and the millennials were brainwashed into this hippie bullshit socialist crack into thinking that to help the stupid retarded violent negatives and thinking that the sub humans are humans but they are not human there are some species of the app that includes the Muslim and the Nager in the Jew they are the same shit they are khazar turq cananite vampiric demon.We need to teach our children to not think that there anything else but the demons that they are you’re not just psychotically jealous schizophrenic sacks of walking shit they are actually demons that want to genocide and murder track and trace mark of the devil and murder more they’ll never stop I will never stop murdering and torturing children until we get rid of these fucking things

RCCollier ago

But we didn't. We never consented or signed up for it. The immigration act of 1965 was orchestrated and set up by jews and sell outs. It was against the will of the people.

Sk8rminion ago

we (as a society) choose to idly consume the propaganda, choose vanity over genetics and the well being of the future. kicking the can further down the line for future generations as we continue the trend of our parents and grandparents of stealing from the future for short term gains, and ignoring the problems all around us because there isn't enough time and it is too much work and we have our own immediate needs met so it is some one elses problem.

AtheismIsAjewCult3 ago

I beat up as many niggers as I can. As a society. Do you personally do anything to resist?

GrowUpNoSpacePixie ago

I beat up as many niggers as I can.

Oh, no! Not another keyboard warrior!

Sk8rminion ago

I advocate to everyone I can, while working contracts around the country, and work to bring change from within at every opportunity.

AtheismIsAjewCult3 ago

So you do nothing. You accept and then talk shit about others.

Sk8rminion ago

i do everything in my power, live off grid, dont watch propaganda tv, redpill co workers, vote, goto caucuses, i do a crap ton. wtf do you do

AtheismIsAjewCult3 ago

I blame my people for what the jews did to use, and pretend we had agency.

RCCollier ago

Yes. Kind of like a teacher passing a failing student in order to not deal with him again and have someone else deal with him. It snowballs and gets worse the longer we wait. Many White folks still don't understand that the ice is melting underneath their feet.

Volcris ago

They agree with you, the above was all sarcasm