thebestisyettocome ago

How did this ever get to this level of wickedness?

How many white people did this go by before it finally changing?

It's ok to be white..ouch!

Rivets69 ago

Identify the individual who sold them on this crap and follow up.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Armed forces should be I/Q ist. every recruit should be tested for intelligence. Oh wait, that's what ASVAB is for!

AngelofDeath ago

Executive Order signed by Trump in action.

goatboy ago

Canceling a contract is the highest white privilege.

HeavyBrain ago

Correct me if I am wrongg but the guys ,afik all of them, who took the challange of using motorized power for transportation, be it car, train, plane or chopper, were all white, rockets and jet engiens as and idea and the product were produced by whites, as well as the fule, its processing and the necessary elements that were aranged in a neat grid for easier comperhanantion.

Did the Indians tame the horse before the white man stole their land? Afrikans sure didn't.

So where is the privileged in using your own shit?

Imagine having to trust your life and maybe the whole country to a sonwfalke who cries for or takes that shit seriously.

Smokybubbles ago

Fucking communist bullshit infesting everywhere.

smokratez ago

I remember shills saying Trump didn't achieve anything when he cancelled critical race theory. I laughed at how dumb they are. As usual.

MrBateman ago

Man imagine how much these "contracts" are making the dnc / subversants.

jewsbadnews ago

The fact that SJWs have taken over even the military shows how far gone we are.

Nesano ago


Covfefeandeggs ago

Can we please replace this with training on jewish privilege?

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Why were they teaching it in the first place?

Zyklon_Bear ago

The cynic in me wonders if they'll still keep indoctrinating people, but in a more subtle way.

lostinapes ago

They will rehire them in 6 months when no one is paying attention.

Civil_Warrior ago


Charmark ago

"White privilege" Getting up every day at 6 and working 40 hours Or more for 40 years to EARN a pension and Social Security for a good retirement, and Never Collecting a dime from the Gov.

Nukeisrael ago

Reminder that affirmative action is technically illegal in the USA but still happens.

AngelofDeath ago


DeliberatelyNosier ago

It's one of those "fun" things, where you're fucked either way.

Don't discriminate, and outcomes won't be the same. Which is taken as evidence of discrimination, and gets you sued because that's illegal.

Discriminate to get equal outcomes, and well you're explicitly discriminating. Which is illegal (if you get caught).

If you've applied for a job and some of the paperwork asked what race you are? That's because the equal opportunity people track that so they can investigate those unequal outcomes I mentioned.

thebestisyettocome ago

White is not a color i have been told.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Which is taken as

Is taken as but isn't.

If we can not agree up front on facts because anything and everything can be "taken as" by everybody, any possible peaceful discussion and debate becomes futile and the only remaining solution is total war of annihilation.

SparklingWiggle ago

How so?

ForgottenMemes ago

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and later sexual orientation. It prohibits unequal application of voter registration requirements, racial segregation in schools and public accommodations, and employment discrimination.

ruck_feddit ago

He's an idiot. It's about a few ccp, not a discussion.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Blatant discrimination

we_kill_creativity ago

Against white men...Where are all the good, strong white men? Stuck doing low level jobs while literally every other person gets whatever job opening there is before white men do. Donald Trump, SOTU address 2020 "75% of new jobs this year went to women." Said to grand applause...

MrBateman ago

Where are all the college spots going to? Foreigners. Foreigners who often even have a visa requirement to not even stay afterwards (Indian student visas require them to go back for 2 years before they can be hired in the US).

9000timesempty ago

"we'll cancel them one they're done"

SparklingWiggle ago

You edited this and still have a misspelling? Shame on you. Just kidding. I understand your point and you are probably more correct than you realize.

SaturnDust ago

Thank God and Trump!!!

Azryael ago

Wait. This was a thing? Is that serious? What the hell.

lanre ago

Yes, and the trainers that "teach" these "classes" can make six figures.

KillKillary ago

All of the trainers must be flaming liberals.

thebestisyettocome ago

White women who sadly raised all those white boys by themselves.

SparklingWiggle ago

How much can I make teaching classes on nigger privilege? Being willfully ignorant is a privilege because you don't have to worry about anything.

lanre ago

Nothing. Because teaching that doesn't contribute to the destruction and replacement of the white man.

SparklingWiggle ago

I should start a GoFundMe on an alternate site. Make me independently wealthy and I will speak publicly about my true feelings and convince the world of the right path.

RCCollier ago


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voatuser1128 ago

This should have been done on Day #1. Trump has been too slow to use EOs and do administrative reform.

AngelofDeath ago

Maybe so, but tell me one other politician you know of that would have signed this??