LibertarianForChrist ago

Gg white women facebook. You were put on this Earth as nurturers of children and now your offspring are all going to die because of you.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

The argument against this is always "why protest? The nigger got arrested and charged". As if a nigger encouraged to kill a kid by the JewsNews isn't worth getting angry over

friendshipistragic ago

And still no motive released. Not a word.

HiJoker ago

So when are we going to find dead niggers all over the place with 'For Cannon' written in their blood by them?

NoseSubversion ago

This isn’t even the worst part. The worst part is his living sisters who witnessed his murder will still have to endure the indoctrination of (((white privilege))) during their (((education))).

RIP Cannon.

grantorino43 ago

I was driving on the freeway yesterday and saw someone with the message "His name was Cannon Hinnant." I drove up next to him and put my hand upward in a fist as a sign of solidarity. He knew what I meant and nodded. I hope to fight side by side with that man when the time comes.

Splooge ago

put my hand upward in a fist as a sign of solidarity

Given all the options in the world, you threw up the one gesture that’s most commonly used by niggers and communists? C’mon man, you could’ve at least thrown a Roman or something.

grantorino43 ago

You're right about that. But just like the NWA sought to take back the word nigger because it was their word, so should we take back the raised fist from BLM since the earliest recorded use of it was done by White Europeans.

Splooge ago

from BLM

But BLM is a jewish organization. :/

grantorino43 ago about cultural appropriation. Fucking Jews

OldGoatNewKid ago

Lol and nobody did anything. A 5 year old child was executed in front of his 2 sisters, who are now traumatised for life.. And not one of you did anything.

Only in America folks!

the_magic_man ago

Well, the guy who did it was arrested and charged. It's not like nothing was done.

OldGoatNewKid ago

Lol so much was done! Now that nigger will get 3 hots and a cot and never have to work again lol. Good trade!

bcboncs ago

Need to have two sisters in background with wide eyes

OldGoatNewKid ago

Traumatised for life. Their hopes and dreams, shattered. They will never have a full family ever again. Some feral nigger took that from them. Robbed them of their little brother. And NO ONE fought back. So, I guess we deserve our fate.

dassaer ago

No fck you, someone posted a twatter post where some dude had painted a big-ass mural of him with his name. MY suggestion on the post was to plant a grass track down in front and have the neighbourhood kids ride their bikes on it ...

Splooge ago

I’m gonna just hazard a guess that said mural was painted on private property, using private funds.

dassaer ago

To be fair, yeah it did seem that way, and honestly, i just realised what you were actually meaning bout the mural now too - a huge publicly funded exhibition mural with a 5min news clip and msm photos bringing attention to the 'atrocity' all over the net ...

freedomite ago

reprisal killings when?

Aranarth_Dunedain ago

This is why you don't relax.

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AlexanderMorose13 ago

The details of the case are what make the whole thing far more horrific. Just like the picture, that empty cold nigger walked right up to the kid and shot him without any warning. The kid didn't even have time to pull his hands across his chest or his face.

That nigger gets the death penalty or the justice system needs to be torn down and reevaluated.

OldGoatNewKid ago

In front of his 2 sisters. Why does no one else mention them? Is it because I'm a dad and I have daughters? Maybe.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

It's not because of any prejudice, like, or dislike of them. It's because they wouldn't be considered witnesses in court. Children's testimony, while often times very accurate, is mostly discredited in court because they don't like to admit that they're capable witnesses. Mentioning the daughters only functions to make the public want to hang this nigger in the open. Like we should rightfully do. A little bit of old school justice would go a long way today.

Nukeisrael ago

Niggers must be killed.

DontBeRacist ago

Oppressed POC kills white, racist oppressor.

blackguard19 ago

That’s the fakest name I’ve heard since Guybrush Threepwood.

Killnigs3 ago


goatboy ago

If I win the lottery, one of the first things I'll buy is a bronze statue of this.

ApolloPupper ago

Your a pussy and will never do anything like that ever cause you suck

goatboy ago

Pray I win the lottery so you can prove me wrong, Faggot!

CryptoBard ago

If it were up to me: traditional oil canvas painting of Cannon the Martyr, massive and renaissance style

the_magic_man ago

Good. People on both sides of the political spectrum are saddened and the lost of the little boy.

Shotinthedark ago

But niggers think its funny

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

don't buy lottery tickets, that's a tax for being bad at math

goatboy ago

I buy them to support the schools. DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN?

GreasyCaveman ago

It's a tax on the poor. "Too poor to pay taxes? Hey, pay to play this game where we come out waaaay ahead!" I get what goatboy is saying though. Doesn't have to be lottery.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yeah bad at math and being poor often go hand in hand. Yeah he had a good post except the first part about the lottery triggered me because that is what dumbasses do

GreasyCaveman ago

The term "triggered me" pisses me off.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yeah i admit I was nitpicking and being a faggot about it

But I'd rather do that than buy a lottery ticket

BasedWolf ago

I can understand if someone wastes hundreds of dollars on them but what's wrong with buying the odd 5 dollar lottery? How nigger poor and/or cheap and jewish would you have to be to not spend 5 bucks once in a while for a tiny chance at winning millions of dollars?

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

not many buy just one, it gets addicting, you get a rush from thinking you're about to win, similar to how gambling at a casino is addicting. So I stand by it, don't do it. One thing that should tell you is that state govts are ones running lotteries. Not trustworthy. They will then use the money for their marxist public school brainwashing.

EnragedShitlord ago

I agree with your points. I won $100 off a $5 scratch card once and proceeded to waste hundreds of dollars before I realized how niggerish/white trashy I was being.

poly ago

Adam Smith, in his book Wealth of Nations, called out the lottery as being a scam, in 1775

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yeah they're not a new concept. They were part of the Roman's bread and circuses. Mostly only black people buy lottery tickets nowadays.

LibertarianForChrist ago

So white people indirectly

Killnigs3 ago

can we also make sure to use some the money to blow this nigger and his wholee families bloodlines brains out please.

Nukeisrael ago

I’d make a huge Hitler statue in my front yard.

HeavyBrain ago

But blood will be spilled.

lovehate123 ago

In time. Let us weaken the enemy first, We must protect what is most sacred.

If we had a Civil war half a million to a million would lose their lives. tens of millions of them would lose their lives but the real enemy would escape....

We Must not let them escape their crimes. Without the head of the devil there is no crime there will be no end. We can undo the damage to the Blacks We can rebuild and Procreate in peace to undo the damage to the Whites but we must not let the evil go free.

The Truth Will be taught to our children everything is as stake if we lose this chance to go after the devil worshipers and bankers loyal to china.

OldGoatNewKid ago

Yeah! Let's spend 200 years weakening the enemy! While they breed and America falls to 29% white, we will weaken them! Haha thats how you win boys!

King_Freya ago

It’s literally the movie Idiocracy but instead of smart people not breeding, it’s white people being outbred.

lovehate123 ago

Its to late. their Numbers are Capitulating. the blacks dont have a clue how to fix it any time soon. the current inflation...

If You really want to kick them when their down Simply research Where they are succesful at finding meaningful work above poverty level and ADVERTISE the hell out of that information give them no peace from each other....

The Blacks are 100% boned, the last generation that was spoonfed and housed and medicated by the democrats is now moving into the 30 year old range. Keep the presure on for 15 more years and in 60 years their population will fall to less than 3% of current US population.

The Hispanics are mostly male. Keep the propaganda coming and the wall building for 15 more years.... Watch the Demographics Shift, Watch them do it to themselves.

OldGoatNewKid ago

.... Sure.

lovehate123 ago

You mad bro?

OldGoatNewKid ago

No. Why would I be? So far today I've got to play with both my kids. I rode a horse and earned money. I'm not mad at all. Are you?

lovehate123 ago

Im sorry, it just seemed that You Where with the one word comment implying something. KneeJerk Reaction.

I do not want to do harm I do not agree with harming anybody. Pretty Sure You are an ok chap Yourself.

I bet those kids are the Joy of Your life =)

No hard feelings.

God Bless.

OandAPartyRock ago

Sure it will.

Killnigs3 ago

okay opie and kikey faggot lol go smoke some cock you faggot

thebearfromstartrack ago

God WILL avenge your death a MILLION fold.

goat4044 ago

Bullshit. Why did your God let it happen in the first place?

thebearfromstartrack ago

EZPZ. Same reason he lets people SPLAT that fall off of cliffs. Take care of YOURSELF as best you can without being evil. It's a quiz. It's a DANGEROUS world. If God monitored individual injustice all day long, he'd have time for nothing else.

ALSO, your life, its length, your happiness is NOT RELEVANT. Given the infinity of time and space (ratio of anything against infinity is 0) we don't even exist. It's, after all based MOSTLY on YOUR (and ancestors) CHOICES. Not God's.

NOW does it make sense? God is NOT a wish granting machine, and he LOVES us collectively, NOT on an individual basis. he might CHOOSE you for some special task, but PROBABLY not. You're here to LEARN about Good and evil and CHOOSE one to follow. THAT is what is important to him. YOUR CHOICE. He's NOT here to convince you or WIN you, he's NOT here for YOUR pleasure, it's the OTHER way around.

You seem pretty stupid. How is that God's problem or fault?

thebearfromstartrack ago

EZPZ. Same reason he lets people SPLAT that fall off of cliffs. Take care of YOURSELF as best you can without being evil. It's a quiz. It's a DANGEROUS world. If God monitored individual injustice all day long, he'd have time for nothing else.

ALSO, your life, length, happiness is NOT RELEVANT. Given the infinity of time and space (ratio of anything against infinity is 0) we don't even exist.

NOW does it make sense? God is NOT a wish granting machine, and he LOVES us collectively, NOT on an individual basis. he might CHOOSE you for some special task, but PROBABLY not. You're here to LEARN about Good and evil and CHOOSE one to follow. THAT is what is important to him. YOUR CHOICE. He's NOT here to convince you or WIN you, he's NOT here for YOUR pleasure, it's the OTHER way around.

goat4044 ago

You don't sound crazy at all

thebearfromstartrack ago

crazy is relative. Tell me of YOUR qualifications for diagnosing "crazy"? None? That WOULD be crazy on YOUR part. Psychotic, I believe, is the correct term. Break with REALITY.

goat4044 ago


wigson ago

God is a niggerfaggot who created jews and niggers.

thebearfromstartrack ago

God created a LOT of things. including Satan. should give you some insight. He's NOT a wish granting machine here to PLEASE YOU or WIN you. it's the OTHER WAY AROUND. You shouldn't listen to FALSE teachers for YOUR views on religion. READ the Bible (you have not). What it IS is very different than how EVIL people characterize it (as being stupid or cruel).

OandAPartyRock ago

Will He? Do you think this poor kid was the first or only one? Where is this vengeance? It is long, long overdue.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I'm coming.

goat4044 ago

Exactly. God lets it happen.

ForgottenMemes ago

God avenges nothing. Only we can bring justice.

Nukeisrael ago

Yeah this Q/christcuck larp about “sit back and wait, they will get what’s coming but just not through me” is cope. It’s the same as boomer who don’t care about the state of the world because “I’m going to heaven lol!” Yeah fuck the future of your children right? It’s embarrassing.

Ocelot ago

Whoever our god is, he's not just going to solve everything for us while we sit on our asses. In nearly every religion the high god is a father figure, and fathers don't just do everything for a lazy, spoiled child, they reward them for helping themselves. Be it Yahweh or Odin or whoever, they want us to massacre our enemies. You don't get into heaven by being a do-nothing faggot.

Nukeisrael ago

In Christianity you quite literally do go to heaven for being a do nothing faggot.

ForgottenMemes ago

The afterlife is literally that, the world you leave to your children. It's the future of your children. You will be judged, just not by some wizard in the clouds.

co2_emitter ago

God works through us, so we're gonna have to organize soon maybe. I'm non-combat vet and still remember my combat training and I'm willing to use it if Minecraft.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I'm a monster. A REAL one. WATCH.

ruck_feddit ago

Cheap nigger is holding a hipoint.

AnotherGrayman ago

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this detail.

The artist knows guns and niggers very well.

ruck_feddit ago

He really does. If you look even closer, there's no serial numbers. (: