minx88 ago

Wasn’t Tom Hanks escaping to Greece because he’s a pedophile to or at least did you were supporting this pedophilia shit

minx88 ago

It’s a fucking Jews it look at the Jewish antifa constantly complaining about right wing is the communist the demonrats

and they want to murder and rape your child and drink its blood and eat it’s a dream gland every due is a fucking Backstabber people need to get that through their heads it’s always been the Jews every country every century every decade they have been bitching about being against whites be calling us any day that they can find using every victimhood bullshit tactic basically they just want to make pedophilia legal so they can murder and rape children that’s what a Jew is and if you go against what they say that they call you right wing like it’s some kind of derogatory

Fucking Hollywood Jews are raping little five-year-old children like Spielberg and the fucking Muslims are raping three-year-old children and gang raping 10-year-olds are the Nager’s which are also Muslim or raping and murdering children people time to wake up and get rid of his fucking Jews Muslims and Nager’s because they’re not gonna stop attacking and murdering children they’re not they never were and they never will they never gonna stop until we fucking kill them

basedmangod2016 ago

its not a right wing thing at all just ask donald trump and roy moore

boekanier ago

'Right-wing' is everything that doesn't suit the official narrative, which is far-left.

psilocyb ago


ForgottenMemes ago

Always has been.

Nesano ago

At what point do people realize the slippery slope fallacy is not a fallacy?

TreeMan32 ago

well, it is.

AnotherGrayman ago

Remember and/or write down EVERY news outlet and person who defended this movie.

Any time they give opinions in the future, post screen shots or comments reminding readers the outlet supported pedophilia.

fritz_maurentod ago

(((Richard Brody)))

minx88 ago

Fighting each other or getting beat up most of them fighting each other

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Protecting innocents and civilization has always been Right wing.

wanderingblade ago

YASSSS KWEEN SLAY #cancelallnecrophobes. It's time to end bigotry against corpse fuckers. Necrophiliacs is a slur, the pc term will henceforth be known as "deceased attracted persons" or DAPs. It is also time we find out where the necrophobes are and get them fired for their bigotry. Bigotry against the N in lgbtpnz is bigotry against the entire community. Stand against hate!

minx88 ago

Go take a rope and kill yourself jew

cheatch ago

same bird

RyleKittenhouse ago

Oh no! More Republicans!

Ocelot ago

It always was.

user9713 ago

It's always been right-wing.

BasedWolf ago

Right. I've noticed the left has tried especially recently to coopt "working class" and other terms that describe regular, decent people. They try to say that these antifa faggots and others are "working class", when they're actually NEETs, criminals, or employed doing busywork garbage that's not useful or necessary.

The real working class are fed up with the left's shit.

slowcrash101 ago

Left wing = child perverts? Is that something to be proud of?

minx88 ago

Its a fiking jew pushing their synogogie of satan Baphomet child molesting mutilating demonicagenda

newoldwave ago

Not suddenly at all

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Nukeisrael ago

The truth has always been right wing. There is nothing right of my political views but the wall.

Nesano ago

not being for the wall

Merchant_Menace ago

Antipedophilism and antisemitism are essentially the same thing. Antipedo is a subset of antisemitism.

We should associate the two in everyone's minds.
Not only for the purpose of making meaningful achievements in the our antipedo pursuits but also so people gain a better understanding of semitism itself.

minx88 ago

Semites are termites parasites and will be sent back to Hell sooner than they think

Until on mass then individually doesn’t matter how much money you have jew you’re going to fucking Burn.

n the more that are you threaten people with fines and lockdowns ,, the harder you will to burn!!!

the_magic_man ago

Antipedo is a subset of antisemitism

No it's not. You can tell yourself that to make yourself feel better but it's not true. The whole "the right are against pedophilia therefore the left are for it" is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

BasedWolf ago

The left are the ones putting drag queens and other degenerate garbage in kids libraries and classrooms.

If the left aren't explicitly for it they're still more than complicit in it, and therefore should be killed.

Merchant_Menace ago

I never said the left are for it.

I'm saying JEWS are for it.

I'm saying that the push for pedophilia in modern culture is an inherently semitic move.

BiochemistryStudent ago

Alright... I'll ask, what is the wall?

Nukeisrael ago

It’s nothing. 2+2=4. You can’t be “more true” than the truth.

BiochemistryStudent ago

Ok, let me try this another way. I haven't found a solid/unifying definition of facism, and I'm trying to figure out what common ground I'd have with you. I'm closer to a classic Libertarian than anything else I'm aware of, the government exists to protect life, liberty, property and enforce agreements between citizens, not control your life or opinions: It should remain as small as feasible to still accomplish these goals.

Small government, national interests ahead of global, leave people alone to do their own stuff within reason. Death penalty for anything abusive of minors. Usury is death.

How far left am I from you, are we enemies?

armday2day ago

Forget the left-right dichotomy, and forget the 4 corners on the political compass. The major ideologies of the modern age, or in other words the enlightenment and post-enlightenment theories of governance are best described by a triangle. One corner is equality taken to the extreme, another corner is order to the extreme, and the last corner is liberty to the extreme.

"Real" communism would best be defined by the purest equality. Fascism in the ultimate form would be the strictest order. Libertarianism is its AnCap form would be the extreme for liberty.

All modern political opinions land somewhere on this triangle. When a policy is changed to favor equality, for example, something is lost in order (and hierarchy) and something is lost in liberty. There can be trade-offs where one corner gains, one corner loses and one corner remains constant. If the geometric form is accepted, then this is fairly easy to prove.

To actually answer your question, when viewed on the left-right scale, fascism is centrism, in the absolute sense, i.e. independent of the overton window, but to an extreme degree. Fascism is culturally traditional. (I avoid the term conservative because ultimately conservative and progressive are terms dependent on the era). Fascism exalts the hierarchies that we recognize at a fundamental level. Hierarchies that need not be spoken to be understood. Fathers as the head of the household, for example, is one of these hierarchies. Valuing the citizens of the state above all other peoples is another example. (As an aside I want to point out that fascism does not require an ethnostate and groups like the Blackshirts of fascist italy and the american Blackshirts party, or the national reform party manage fascism without a racial requirement.)

Fascism is economically left-wing. Fascism protects the working class and is pro-union, but does not shun the sole propreitorship. Fascism invests in maintaining public lands. Fascism uses the power of the central state to organize society via corporations, as opposed to allowing corporations to influence the government. There is so much more and I'm not truly a fascist anymore, so I would encourage you to check out the national reformation party to get some interesting reading on the subject.

Nukeisrael ago

“Small government” just means kikes eventually subvert and you allow it because it doesn’t break the NAP. They are allowed to own all mega mass media corps and brainwash your kids into fucking niggers. They are allowed to censor the de facto public square in the form of social media because its private. They are allowed to manipulate search engine results which leads to changing the zeitgeist. They are allowed to lobby the small government to allow mass migration into the nation for profit over the sanctity of the race/culture of the nation. That’s what happens in real life with “real libertarianism.” So yes you are my enemy for allowing a system to continue where kikes have free reign to do anything they want including brainwash people because it doesn’t break the NAP. You need a strong morally righteous state to keep out subversion or it will always worm its way back in because capital will eventually become the de facto morality of the people in a hyper individualist multiculti shithole that will naturally arise. The paradox of small government is that it is easily corrupted and subverted. Libertarianism only works with a white ethnostate with no jews. We don’t live in that reality anymore. The free market is not going to kick out jewish subversives because they run it. They aren’t just going to pack up and leave. Libertarianism makes too many assumptions about human nature just like communism.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

Actually, i think liberals have been pro-pedo for a while.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

more brazen than ever about it

Brodude101 ago

The funny thing is that Tom Hanks (aka Hanx) is a pedo too

330 ago

BIG is such a pedo movie. Makes me naseous.

RyleKittenhouse ago


succubustop ago

Watch it, it’s obvious. And if you have watched it and still don’t understand what he’s referring to, you probably need to put down the blue collar comedy tour box set and pick up a set of reasoning skills. Just saying, in case you’ve watched it and can’t grasp where the pedo vibe in that movie could possibly be.

RyleKittenhouse ago

Correct i cannot. I see a woman attracted to a man

ReadPastHeadlines ago

I watch movies literally as well. Some see beyond the immediate story and watch between the lines, if you will.

Often, directors are intending to tell a story beyond what's being presented so it is very likely that they are correct, especially if they cast tom hanks.

330 ago

Youre sick or naive.

smokratez ago

Blacks have done more for the nation of america than any immigrant offspring. Most east coast families were boiling pots of onions in Poland and calabria for generations while blacks were building the US economic engine.

He's a jew faggot.

Octoclops ago




77777777777 ago

Wow thats quite the statement from that person... haha

Hit all the buzzwords

succubustop ago


330 ago

A really young boy becomes older and gets groomed by an ugly woman and has sex?

The entire premise revolves around a young boy being let in the adult club. Thats how pedophilia works. They tell the children theyre special and being allowed in on secret fun adult stuff.

SouthernCracker ago

That's fucked up. I remember thinking that movie was cool when I was a kid. Guess it works, eh?

RyleKittenhouse ago

He is a straight teenaged boy in the body and apartment of a 30 year old man...

330 ago

The boy is 13. Youre okay with 13 year old boys having sex with older women because of a plot point? Being in an older man's body is irrelevent. The aggro jewess in the movie goes way out of her way to seduce the child.

Also you missed the point. Pedos lure children in with pretending to let them do adult stuff with them.

RyleKittenhouse ago

You didn't wanna have sex w women at 13?

77777777777 ago

So, you dont see how youre a pedo appologist?

At 13, no, i didnt want to have sex with overly aggro jewish looking "women". I was playing videogames and not fantasizing about having sex with adults.

Its sick to suggest that consent from the 13 year old makes everything okay.

CleftFootAmanita ago

When I was 13 I wanted to have sex with other 13,14 and maybe 15 year olds. Pretty much anyone older than that was creepy to me.

Glipglup ago

At 13, no, i didnt want to have sex with overly aggro jewish looking "women". I was playing videogames and not fantasizing about having sex with adults.

Great but that's not what he said. If you have to make up the argument you are already wrong. Also you never thought about tits at that age? Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullshit. And I bet you loved school and wouldn't skip a day free either.

Usernamenameuser ago

Tits were the only fucking thing I thought about at 13.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Hes also a pro masker. Fuck that faggot.

DrYiddingston ago

Hate to say it, mate, but about 60% of "America" is pro mask. The ubiquitous mandatory mask requirements nationwide would not be happening if the majority of the new Hart-Cellar Americans didn't consent to them, and desire them. Yet they are.

minx88 ago

Fuck off with a mask bullshit everyone knows everything is exposed already and it is people that are walking around with it still is enough social media that people are getting a clue the only thing maybe they’re scared that and we can sue the jew that illegall threaten.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Fuck off back to reddit mate.