WisDumb ago

Jews are humanity’s test. If you make it through the world they have created, you are golden. They were chosen to inflict evil on humanity. If you make it the end without becoming them, you will get your reward.

WisDumb ago

I’m more concerned about those kids he kidnapped .

Splooge ago

Nah, I don’t think so. IIRC (it’s been a long while), ghostskin was mainly aggro bragging, not acting like god king emperor with laws and shit.

He_Was_Seth_Rich ago

'Wheeler' I just love how they try and change their names to the whitest and most blue collar names that exist. Then they get the plastic surgery to match.

shillaccount3344 ago

Yeah wheeler is definitely not jewish sounding...I knew a wheeler and his son was a little crazy and he involved in packet sniffing cable internet. Setting it up for someone even bigger.

ggolemg ago

He shouldn't be allowed around children, they can't help their evil compulsions.

SparklingWiggle ago

How the hell is the first comment not

Look! A shekel!

MockingDead ago

No wonder Germany gave them stars.

fuck2020 ago

Weird how they look whiter when young.

ardvarcus ago

Words to the wise:

never vote for a nigger

never vote for a Jew

never vote for a woman

Shotinthedark ago

There is a sign for carrots and no carrots growing

She2002 ago

Lol tiny hats are nature phobic

con77 ago

that explains it

Quince ago

That explains everything.

Civil_Warrior ago

It's not that I hate kites. Its not that I hate juice. It's not that I hate having politics all chewed up. I CANT STAND TINY HATS!!! I FUCKING HATE LITTLE HATS!!!

Killnigs3 ago



jthun2 ago

How many of these fucking mayors are Jews?

Wheeler, Frey.... two big city centers walloped by antifa and their nignog allies. Who else?

bubbahicks ago

De Blasio

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

I get that sometimes goy are expected to wear these things like when in a synagogue, and a politician risk creating a public stink if they refuse, but aside from Orthodox Jews, who wears these things when just hanging out outside? I don't think even regular Jews wear them to garden. This seems like trying to hard.

GreenCherries ago

Ted "Greenthumb-Baum-Wheeler"

obvious-throwaway- ago

How many people have suffered and died because of this jew?

wigson ago

Too many. This kike faggot needs to be tried for his crimes against the city and put in prison with the biggest and blackest criminals.

LoveDeadNiggers ago

Jesus fucking christ, it is just jews all the way up isn't it?

ardvarcus ago

And niggers all the way down. We are stuck in the middle with each other.

KillKillary ago

Stuck in the middle with Jew!

tury ago

Always has been.

Xax ago

My fellow white people.

AbrahamShekelstein ago

The lemmings dont luke when you point this out🙄

ListerOfSmeg888 ago

the level of mental retardation and cognitive dissonance in adults on this site (and Reddit and others) is fucking disturbing.

no wonder we have elected pedophiles and psychopaths into positions of power globally... we are literally living in the real life movie "idiocracy" (terrible film...but fuck me, you should watch it!...or just turn on the TV and watch the news, it's more or less the same thing!)

Vangelisdxc ago

Bah, the delusional Q-tards on here are next level...

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Holy shit, a politician pandered to a specific demographic? Stop the fucking presses.

ListerOfSmeg888 ago

lol... go drink the Koolaid it might do you some good.

IF he was the Saviour YOU all think he is... how come EVERYTHING he has done while in office has profited Israel?? (as much if not MORE than the US. lol. fucking joke of a president)

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I don't think he's anything like that. He's a politician, and like pretty much every single politician he's got some massive glaring faults despite occasionally doing something right. I'd definitely classify everything he's done that has profited other countries at our expense as a fault. Same goes for pandering and any kind of manipulation technique used on the public. You should still try to avoid seeing all this in terms of black and white, because there's a lot of nuance and different facets to the equation that you're missing by focusing on just this one issue.

LittleTony ago


Wheeler is also a former Democratic treasurer of Oregon. He was appointed treasurer of Oregon on March 11, 2010, to fill the vacancy left by former treasurer Ben Westlund.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

(((He))) enthusiastically supported the Communist rioters that now want him out of office. I thought Jews were smart?

AbrahamShekelstein ago

I'm sure there is another kike waiting to replace him

heygeorge ago

Did he borrow it from Donald

Fetalpig ago

Photo op....

mitoriomyt ago

Now it all makes sense...

Sunflowerz ago

Is this for real? I did some cursory research and I can't find anything to corroborate that he's jewish (although I would not be surprised). Do non jews wear the tiny hat at jewish events? No doubt this is sketchy AF

thebearfromstartrack ago

WHY are ALL the mayors and police chiefs either feminists or niggers or nigger feminists NOW??? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???

tury ago

Women voters.

thebearfromstartrack ago

They've ALWAYS been around. but yes they are definitely a puzzle piece of this recipe for mystery.

tury ago

women are the first to be kiked

thebearfromstartrack ago

Agreed. Also pussy boy lackeys of women (actually ALL liberals). The "let's unite"..."love (as if they know what love is) everybody!" crowd.

the parasites (niggers) are another class of minion (tool).

Fried-Laptop ago


mitoriomyt ago


TheGook ago

round eye

Fat_is_healthy ago

Jiang xiao ching mi....

VicariousJambi ago


VAT ago

omnimattymattymatt ago


NakedWarrior ago

Has a sign that says "carrots" in front of a row of strawberries. Guessing this man has never gardened in his life.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

he's pointing at it, maybe he's telling his kid he's a retard for putting that sign there

hollywood2020 ago

makes sense, who else would kill the land they occupy

Veggiehead ago

Would assume he wasn't actually voted in.

ForgottenMemes ago

He was, but who counted the votes?

There's a great documentary from one of these cities where a bunch of pissed off boomers are at the city council meeting and the council says "vote us out" then laughs in the boomer's faces.

SearchVoatBot ago

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xXTRVXx ago

I'm a pretty mainstream guy but some things are beyond coincidence.

bonghits4jeebus ago

I was, too. Then I started noticing things.

tury ago


Fried-Laptop ago


dassaer ago

Cohencidence theory ...

AnnihilatorOfJews ago

This is just a coincidence: gab.com/ModernLawgiver/posts/104841017795062862

SixBajillion ago

Nigga are you retarded

Killnigs3 ago

lol he deleted his account after i accused him jn my post to you of him being an obvious jew plant lol he got scared

Killnigs3 ago

he really is its how i know its a jew real strats are ones that work simplest. natural forces are our ally nsture is an abomination ro the jew and the bane of the nigger. this is no war call from an intelligent fellow of our kind just the psychotic musings of a self hating jew afraid of the apocalyse we are designing for them. they will not be the dictors of our battle plans and actions. and i assure you we will not have to do much to tumble the house of cards and in the calamity know our people will rise above and our lessors swallowed into the dark abyss of chaos and nature


Splooge ago

You again? Fuck off.

This is at least the second time this faggot has done this. Here's what the first round looked like: https://voat.co/u/NonWhiteAnnihilation/comments

drdej7 ago

Splooge I left VOAT because of you insulting everyone left, right, me. You call everyone F...K or F....T.

Fat_is_healthy ago

Sing along with me folks!! Moon cricket, porch monkey, tar baby pavement ape. Spear chucker, jungle bunny, ooga booga gorrilla tape.

Killnigs3 ago

fuck off you niggerloving aids riddled kiddie diddlin' Degenerate reprobate commie whoremonger kike cuck faggot fuck cock gobbing cumguzzling anal cumdumpster heeby haggard trannyjew niggerfaggot

AnnihilatorOfJews ago

THIS is TRUE fucking poetry:

A Member shall as Defiler have 1 vote per each Gentile ultimately convinced to join this League by such Member, 10 votes per each jewish baby kidnapped by such Member, and 100 votes per each jewish baby killed or for each jew raped for impregnation or irreversibly sterilized by such Member.

A Member shall as Annihilator have 1 vote for each jew or their servant slain by such Member, 10 votes for each rabbi slain by such Member, 100 votes for each wealthy jew slain by such Member, 1,000 votes for each Chief Rabbi slain by such Member, and 10,000 votes for each jew tortured to death by such Member.

A Member shall as Plunderer have votes equal to the real market value of funds contributed to this League, votes equal to the real market value of jews enslaved by such Member, votes equal to the real market value of plunder stripped from jews, and votes multiplied 100 times by the real market value of jewish artifacts destroyed and religious buildings razed & salted.

curomo ago

If all the jew conspiracies floated around here are even half true .. how is it that the conspirators think that it won't eventually blow up in there faces?

fullAssed ago

As long as less than 15% of the population gives a fuck, they're golden. Lucifer works in mysterious ways.

dassaer ago

Bc its all based on lies deception victimhood and not reality and has to be continually propagated, propagandized through msm, education institutions and social media to demoralize through cognitive dissonance that the majority are too 'battered and beat down' for any opposing argument that it becomes much simpler and less problematic for anyone to just concede ....

horatioherbert ago

Comprehensive and true!

Warnos44 ago

They are seeking persecution to herd them all to Israel. Kikes don't want to go there. The ones who are pushing for this are using goyim to force them through pressure.

LarryWhiteContrary ago

You’re seeing it start to now. People are noticing (((things))) they haven’t before. This time the perpetrators are failing to leave (or being put the fuck on a boat and shipped off) the country like they have for 2000+ years, so it’s catching up to them

canbot ago

With time they get more and more arrogant and bold. Just like a serial killer gets careless, and eventually starts taunting police and purposefully leaving clues.

Killnigs3 ago

inbred hubris and the naivete and compassion for our people used in the most evil selfish hateful ways.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

The foundational element to zionism is getting caught.

You don’t understand the scam yet.

They WANT you to catch them... and then when they’re caught, some billy badass controlled opp will suggest TRANSPORTATION.

Killnigs3 ago

we must be like water

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Killnigs3 ago

read the 48 laws of power, and the tao te ching and the art of war for starters.oh machiavellli the prince

honeyshovingbikes ago

Stfu kid

Killnigs3 ago


Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


CowWithBeef ago

They have typically moved on to a new host claiming persecution while secretly carrying all of the gold they stole. There are cities in Eastern Europe that were once majority Jewish, and we know they weren't gassed, baked, or lampshaded. They simply moved on and blamed the bigotry of the former host 109 times.

They seem to have thought they were going to China next, but something went wrong so they're pushing chaos as much as possible.

16tons ago

What I can't figure out is why the fuck the kikes think the chinks won't HOLOCAUST them FOR REAL whenever they feel like it. They don't have anywhere near the same religious views. if they burn their bridge with America those DUMB FUCKS will have nowhere to fall back to. Are they insane. The chinks are just gonna KILL them whenever they've determined the time is right.

Are kikes really this bad at this kind of math?

CowWithBeef ago

No one ever let them stay this long before. They know the usury based money system is unsustainable and they're terrified they'll still be around when we figure out who was behind it. They can't even run to Israel because without the USA that'll become Muslim clay pretty quickly.

ScottMAGA ago

They seem to have thought they were going to China

They definitely will. They will breed with Chinese immigrants in Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, etc... their children will move into China and attempt to dominate it.

Bremertonbruiser ago

Interesting angle. Thank you.

CowWithBeef ago

There's a fundamental problem though. The Chinese are low trust. The Jews thrive by being parasites on people that are high trust.

JastheMace ago

China's leadership is already mixed Jewish blood. It already happened. Just like Iran's leadership, mixed Jewish. Just like Saudi Arabia, mixed Jewish.

ScottMAGA ago

China's leadership is already mixed Jewish blood

Do you have any evidence?

JastheMace ago

They have been mixed since the Sassoons who ran the opium trade on that side of the world. Miles Mathis has a write up somewhere on his site.

abwydyn ago

The oriental Jew can spot it's kind a Li away.

CleftFootAmanita ago

Yep, they can't play the "fellow chinese..." Game there. They need whites to try and blend in.

Killnigs3 ago

yup why do you think zuckerberg married a chink??

Warnos44 ago

There are such things as Oriental kikes

Killnigs3 ago

sure but not in great number certainly an ord3t of magnitude less pwrcentage wise compared to just han chinese

Fat_is_healthy ago

Probably a wife from xi to ensure loyalty.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

the book currency wars spread thru china which woke them up