Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

The lion will prey upon the sheep, but only to feed its'self, allowing the flock to continue to grow, however the wolf will kill the entire flock indiscriminately, primarily preying upon the young. Both predators hunt in packs, only the male lion rarely hunts, whereas the wolves all hunt together and may kill multiple sheep in one attack.

fightknightHERO ago

they're mostly in the minority, Cuckservatism is literally israel worship and proving you're not a racist

you'll have to be extremely dumb to be pro either of those things

ardvarcus ago

I'd vote for the wolf. He has a nicer smile.

Jack_Burton2686 ago

I would think the Lion is the safe vote, haven't y'all seen Lambert the Sheepish Lion.

blumen4alles ago

On of the first cartoons I added to my movie library. Love that one.

modsrcuntz ago

The lesser of two evils is exactly what the system is designed to make you think.

MetaCog ago

What if Trump is the lesser of > 2 evils?

veteran88 ago

Anyone know a more natsoc candidate than

Tbh i don't know if they will be on any ballots in Nov.

David Duke says from studying the bolshevik revolution we would be much better off under Trump. More than 10% are awake now but how many are armed and have a trusted fireteam formed ready to roll? With Biden we would likely have to go soon ready or not.

blumen4alles ago

I don't think a political solution exists.

Killnigs3 ago

if you think that trump doesnt buy time then you are so retarded please just leroy jenkins yourself and popoff early right now while things are still hot.

veteran88 ago

no harm in trying. it will aid with recruitment in any case. everything that unites us in a positive way for our benefit should be supported imo.

thebearfromstartrack ago

EXACTLY. Plus, girls are dumb.

SearchVoatBot ago

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pdpbigbang ago

The most important thing is not voting. It's unity and open communication amongst all political spectrum.

anoncastillo ago

Vote for good people in the primaries. Volunteer to monitor the votes. Prepare to get shot at if you observe fraud taking place.

hypersong ago

Divide and conquer. Never forget your real enemy is the Jew.

Sheetz ago

Assassination blackmail even if they are good when they get in

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

lions are cooler than wolves tho

blumen4alles ago

Yep, felines are the most advanced mammal on the planet IMO.

Killnigs3 ago

hah toxoplasmosis zombie

blumen4alles ago

I don't think it can effect shamans if they have a feline as a totem. Only effects the weak minded.

CrudOMatic ago

Lions are shit-tier - Wolves have much better strategy. Plus, wolves gave us puppers - WTF did lions give us? Uppity housecats?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

lions enjoy life like kings while they make the women do all the work, lions are based and chad. Wolves can't do shit unless they're in a big crowd they're pussies.

offender ago

Lions are shit tier animals that are basically gypsies. Wolves are like polish people, they only attack in groups, but at least they're not literal useless retards like lions.

Killnigs3 ago

wolves live with the white man but lions are from the realm of niggers lol

Nukeisrael ago

Lol a boomer downvoted you.

AnotherRetard ago

Ok retard. The Jews are the problem here.

fightknightHERO ago

Boomers on voat=Mossad Jews

don't forget that, the (((QRV))) is nothing but a bunch of larping israeli kikes and Hooked nosed Bagels from Jewyork

Nukeisrael ago

That’s exactly what the person I replied to said.

AnotherRetard ago

Yeah well BOoMeR = BOOMER

Nukeisrael ago

Yes, boomers for the most part are civnat libertarian retards who still think voting matters. So yes, boomer is a good way to call them out.

AnotherRetard ago

3-> I'm totally getting banned.... Just being facetious