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Splooge ago

The concept of the monopoly on violence involves the concept of your social contract with the government, wherein the people implicitly agree to allow the state to have the final say on the use of violence.

When the state no longer maintains its monopoly on violence in the interests of the people and their protection (eg. police resources), the only recourse is for the people to reclaim that monopoly for themselves. The dissolution of the state is part of this process and agreement.

GumbyTM ago

That's well said and common logic for anyone with a brain or studies history but it's an uphill battle when, even here, there are so many faggots blaming Kyle and screaming that everyone needs to stay home, do nothing, and just wait for everything to get better.



Kyle threw his life away over communists and niggers destroying shit that Kyle had zero interest in.


Kyle went out armed with an AR and played TV hero.

I think qtardism it contagious.

RevDrStrangelove ago

What you 'think' is irrelevant since you obviously have an IQ lower than room temperature. Anyone that listens to you deserves the inevitable negative outcome.

RevDrStrangelove ago

No, you lying kike scumbag piece of shit, people need to wait for things to get WORSE so when we come for pieces of subhuman garbage like you no one will go to jail for it.

GumbyTM ago

What's "lying" about quoting you? I even provided links for anyone that might be as lazy as you. Also, you've made it perfectly clear that you aren't willing to "come after anyone".

But it's good to see that Shanequa level anger of yours is still well under control. Perhaps if you weren't so politically impotent you wouldn't be so angry at me for simply pointing out what you said?

However should you eat your tranny Wheaties one morning and be feeling your oats please feel free to 'come for me' anytime you want, I'm totally sure by your commentary and philosophy of sit and wait coupled that you train more than me.

That or just go back to sitting and waiting while others deal with the problems that you help enable by blaming those making an effort. As I've said it's fine that you want to sit on the bench just stop reeing when others decide to get off one.

You won't lead, you won't follow and you refuse to get out of the way. You are an enabler for the problems we face today.

RevDrStrangelove ago

What's "lying" about quoting you? I even provided links for anyone that might be as lazy as you. Also, you've made it perfectly clear that you aren't willing to "come after anyone".

You're not quoting me. You're editorializing and deliberately misconstruing my statements. You are a confirmed lying sack of subhuman shit.

GumbyTM ago

Then please feel free to explain how a nation of people who think like you.

i.e. People who will only look you for [them] and [theirs] (your words, repeatedly)

....ever unify and fix the problem. Especially when that same nation of people keep reeing about anyone doing anything.

It's a pretty straight forward concept I've been trying to get you to address for days and all you do is talk about how Kyle is fucked. (a point I've never disputed and literally started a thread to point out)

Is everyone just supposed to wait until you say it's ok, do you believe there will be some magical event which spontaneously unifies everyone and galvanizes them into action? I've literally written paragraphs trying to engage you in a civilized way and at every turn you just sperg out.

All I've seen you do is advocate that everyone hide from a totally corrupt system rather than trying to overwhlem it or stress it to the breaking point. Tactics that have never once throughout history as this gives the initiative of engagement to the corrupt system allowing them to engage when they are ready and prepared. If you've ever read Sun-Tzu you would understand this. But please, make a clear rational case for long term solutions using the strategies you profess.

RevDrStrangelove ago

I've already broken it down repeatedly. I'm done with your bullshit. Drink bleach you lying, worthless sack of subhuman shit.

GumbyTM ago

Ok jamal then go back to your fried chicken and STFU while I just keep using you as an example of the problem.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Go ahead, faggot. All you have is lies and fantasy. I deal in facts and reality. You're a fucking scumbag kike that wants good Whites to throw their lives away over nothing. Drink bleach you subhuman filth.

GumbyTM ago

I thought you were done with me?

(Adds lies like a nigger to the list)

RevDrStrangelove ago

Again you lie. I'm done with your bullshit. I'm not breaking down or explaining my position any further as you simply ignore and pretend that it wasn't stated.

You lie and lie and lie. You are truly a worthless lying piece of subhuman filth. I will happily repeat that as many times as needed.

GumbyTM ago

Fact, you've only advocated for White people to do nothing, you have never once proposed how to fix anything. You have only advocated for White people to 'not throw their life away' (by doing anything) This position is identical to the desires of a jew.

Feel free to provide a link to your posts showing me where I'm factually incorrect.

RevDrStrangelove ago

You are lying piece of subhuman garbage. The sooner you are out of the gene pool the better. Drink bleach scumbag.

GumbyTM ago

Is that your plan, use your masterful power of internet persuasion to banish all your enemies?

Sounds like how a jew would attempt to fight.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Drink bleach you lying sack of communist filth.

GumbyTM ago

Keep repeating that like the nigger you are, it's worked so well for you and is clearly your plan.

You: I know I'll troll all my enemies into drinking bleach. (herp derp)

For a guy who pretends to advocate to White people you can't seem to express yourself like one.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Fact: I've explained my position clearly and concisely repeatedly. The fact that you LIE about it and feign ignorance does not change the reality.

You are demonstrably a lying piece of shit. You lie and lie and lie.

Fact: Kyle is in jail and remain there for the foreseeable future. Anyone that listens to your kikery will end up there as well and be equally useless.

You are scum of the Earth. Drink bleach already you waste of oxygen.

GumbyTM ago

Fact: I've explained my position clearly and concisely repeatedly. The fact that you LIE about it and feign ignorance does not change the reality.


RevDrStrangelove ago

Like I said: I'm done with your fucking bullshit you lying piece of subhuman filth. Drink bleach and get out of my gene pool scumbag.

GumbyTM ago

That's what I though. Keep claiming you did something but be unable to show evidence then just strut around like the proverbial pigeon playing chess.

P.S. How many of your fellow JIDF agents are working my case 'reverend'?

RevDrStrangelove ago

LOL. You lying kike piece of shit. You're the one talking about "WE". If anyone is JIDF it's you. You're advocating for Whites to take self destructive action that will result in their incarceration. You are a confirmed kike troll subhuman scumbag piece of shit. All you have are lies and fantasy. Drink bleach already you subhuman filth.

GumbyTM ago

One teeny weeny link no bigger than you circumcised penis is all it would take to prove me wrong. Show me where you've advocated for anything more than "Sit at home White people and wait, Oy-vey don't throw your life away!"

Also show me where I've encouraged others to act as you can't seem to discern the difference between that and refusing to condemn those who choose to do something.

Is this because you possess the English level of someone in middle school or perhaps it's because English is not your first language....

Initiative is the single biggest advantage one possess when facing an overwhelming force and you only advocate for giving it up.

RevDrStrangelove ago

I'm done with your bullshit you lying kike piece of shit. Drink bleach and get the fuck out of my gene pool you subhuman filth.

GumbyTM ago

There's that master plan of yours again coupled with nigger tier repetition delivering a one two punch of abject impotency.

I bet you get paid by the post reply, you could at least thank me for all the shekels you'll be getting this week.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Oh look who's back: Gumby AKA Special Agent Schlomo.

Drink bleach you filthy subhuman piece of shit kike.

GumbyTM ago

Sorry you missed me so much but not to worry, I just had things to do today with actual people. I hope you had a good day of sucking baby dick, making motza balls, shooting Palestinian children, or whatever it is you do all day that isn't work.

I see you didn't use that time to learn more English or even google 'how to smack talk' but I suppose that would be too close to physical labor for a kike. Instead why don't you tell us more about how all White people should sit and do nothing rather than attempt to fix their broken government and how this aligns with your world view of only looking out for yourself. Related here's a nice link to help you learn more English.

Don't forget your standard drink bleach comment as this has worked so well for you and seems to be a staple of lefty jews like yourself. Is this because bleach makes things white and jews have some secret fascination with killing white people with things that make other things white? (I know how you like your symbolism)

Still waiting on that link which explains your long term strategy.....

RevDrStrangelove ago

Like I said Special Agent Schlomo: I'm done with your bullshit. The fact that you are unable or unwilling to understand the words I have written does not constitute a failure on my end.

GumbyTM ago

Yes, you repeat yourself more than an angry nigger and say even less.

Has it occurred to you all (JIDF team) that by replying to everything I post within minutes, regardless of time of day one might think you either have no life or, more likely, you are really a team of kikes with a script which explains why you aren't allowed to deviate from your 3 phrases. I'm going to post them below so you can just reply by number and save us both quite a bit of time. You're welcome.

  1. Drink bleach
  2. I've already explained my plan but refuse to show anyone where or provide so much as a link
  3. Everyone who doesn't fall for my "Oy vey sit at home do nothing and don't throw your life away" spiel is a jew

RevDrStrangelove ago

You are so stupid you're too fucking stupid to begin to grasp how fucking stupid you are. You constantly make assertions that have no basis in reality. You constantly mis-state or outright lie about my statements.

If you knew 1/10 of what you seem to think you know you'd be impressive. But, in reality, poor Special Agent Schlomo, you're just a pathetic joke and an annoyance.

Again, Special Agent Schlomo, I'm done with your bullshit. Read what I've written. Consider getting an adult with an IQ higher than room temperature to explain it to you, slowly, as many times as needed. I'm not doing it anymore. Go fuck yourself, retard.

GumbyTM ago

It's funny that you will spend days replying to everything I post yet not provide a link to the thing you claim you've said repeatedly even though I promise you doing so will shut me up.

Keep claiming victory while you shit all over the chessboard my little pigeon.

One little link proving what you claim and I'll go away.....

....just one.

Not that I'm counting but this is like the 8th time you've been done with me but keep responding like my biggest fan.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Again, Special Agent Schlomo, I've written more than enough.

Not that I'm counting but this is like the 8th time you've been done with me but keep responding like my biggest fan.

Another example of your hilariously pathetic reading comprehension or your pathetic insistence on misrepresenting (AKA lying about) what I have written.

I'm not spelling anything out, Special Agent Schlomo. If you're going to try to entrap me you're going to have to work for it. If you lack the reading comprehension or analytical thinking required to understand what I have said - well that's YOUR fucking problem you undereducated mental midget. Like I said, find an adult (because you clearly lack maturity) with an IQ higher than room temperature and have them explain it to you, slowly, as many times as needed until it finally sinks in.

Fuck off retard