StinkyZebra ago

To be fair, the patriot was being followed and antagonized by these idiots, but he was the first one to turn around and throw the first punch.

If I was him I would of just walked up to police and said take care of this or i will or given them a verbal warning to stay back and stand my ground.

minx88 ago

Get the names of the police because now they are an accessory no they are criminals I need to be charged

ChimpEvader ago

This story had a happy ending for him. He wasn't charged. I don't know about the buffalo though. I updated it but with all the comments it must have been buried.

boekanier ago

Fine police you have. Better get rid of those useless civil 'servants' and take the law into your own hands.

BoyBlue ago

EVERYONE should have been arrested and let the courts figure it out! FUCK! No wonder Soros has been funding DA's.

Merlynn ago

When the Tallahassee police wonder why they're defunded,just point at them and laugh.

jimibulgin ago

Agent Provocateur?

lordvain2 ago

Antifa is the police. Antifa and BLM are the thugs that will be deputized and will be used for gun confiscation and forced vaccinations and quarantine. How do you think that will turn out in your gated communities?

Any half hearted attempt will be met with failure, and made an example of. Soon will come rolling blackouts. Food shortages. Burning residential neighborhoods. All because we have a completely dysfunctional government holding a gun to our head because we elected the wrong person.

ChimpEvader ago

digix ago

Once the guy cooperated the police seemed to realize pretty quickly they had to get him out of there before the situation escalated. I don't see anything wrong with what they did, especially if charges were not filed.

Drenki ago

This video doesn't tell us what happened to the guy with the gun. Personally, I don't blame the police for detaining him first in a chaotic situation that they're not fully aware of yet.

Bushtaco321 ago

Let's call him destroyer

pnwpatriot97 ago

Needs to be on the news. All officers involved need to be stripped of badges, guns, and charged with public endangerment, police brutality & wrongful arrest at the very least. They need to be made an example of.

One more example of a democratic run city.

Sprouted01 ago

The cops are not on the side of goodness or righteousness.

The best of them are just out there enforcing laws and taking orders

The worst of them which is most of them will sell out to highest bidder, or happily go along with the ones that did sell out.

The police is a culture of corruption that the enemy would have no power without.

TheMaskedAnon ago

Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this.

Look, I support Kyle, but nothing good comes from going to these protests. At best, nothing happens. At worst, you get hurt(if not killed) and get jailed.

el_llama ago

I like how she moves the camera to her own face when she screams that he has a gun. (Her screams sound a bit forced too)

XSS1337 ago

Lawsuit and death should follow.

Every officer there could have intervened and stopped this but didn’t ... they are accomplices to Antifa and should be charged with Federal crimes as Antifa is a terrorist organization.

Then arrest the mayor and governor

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Fucking pigs. This shit is why no one cares if BLM kills you motherfuckers. I hope you enjoy everybody hating you & thinking you’re just collateral damage, piggies.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

This is why every time I hear a cop die in the line of duty it brings a smile to my face - another puppet of the Jewish state perishes after dealing with the devil.

rayfarmer ago

I mean, if a group starts attacking you and you legallgnpull a legal weapon to tell them to back off, what do they think the next progression in this clown world will be?

They Probabaly want a white guy to get into shootout with cops.

CheeBooga ago

Any questions, goys? The ZOG will not save you. They side with the jewish and black terrorists.

SpreeFeech ago

This is what happens when jews run the country.


They are loser bullies.

DanaNordic ago

Didn't see him get arrested. This video only showed he was disarmed. What are the gun laws in Tallahassee, Florida? Absolutely not condoning the disgusting behavior of the mindless idiots and sometimes you can't avoid crossing their path. The banshees serve to egg on the cucked males. As for the police: many departments have been infiltrated for the past 20 years and owe their allegiance to the sjw Captain, Commissioner, Mayor, city council, DA, and judges. The average patriot citizen has no idea how deeply infiltrated the USA has become. Draining the swamp will take years.

IntrospectiveDeviant ago

take the beating, or go to jail.



SparklingWiggle ago

And gay.

ShadowHelp ago

Trumps america. Law and order if you support him.

Don't support him? Do what you want, he's not your president, laws don't apply.

TripleZ ago

In situations like these, cops are domestic terrorists.

reason247 ago

Police are the weapon of the jew. Police are the bad guys always. PAY YOUR TAXES

Lil_Scavenger ago

I fucking hate women.

Instead of screaming like hysteric whores, why can't they just have a heart attack and drop dead silently like all normal human beings do?

Ken_bingo2 ago

Keep supporting police, assholes. They will be turned on you and yous next.

LurkedForever ago

Just because the rioters are our enemy doesn't mean that the police are your friend.

MrDarkWater ago


Kyle was not the false flag they wanted. This shit right here is a fucking scripted piece of crap.

19810708321b ago

The bitch who yells; "We didn't do anything."

If they are this weak, they can be defeated.

shitstartercarter ago

I can't believe the scum on the left think it's us who are unhinged. Look at any given video of a protest with both sides present. THEY are always the ones screaming, swearing, burning, and destroying.

AlxCapwn ago

Get a load of (((Adam Schrader’s))) article about this incident. I’d say it’s unbelievable, but it’s actually totally predictable with a lot name like that.

xenochrist15 ago

How difficult is it for people to understand that COPS ARE NOT YOUR ALLIES!!!!!!!! I don’t get how this can be surprising to people after decades of violence against innocent people.

ingeedingee ago

This is an argument in favor of defunding the police. Go for it man, level the playing field.

We won't feel any more sad when BurnLootMurder and Antifa are killed than the assholes in Portland felt about killing a Trump supporter.

AngelofDeath ago


RM-Goetbbels ago

Great police work there fellas! Back the Blue! all the way hurr durr. muh pohleece da thin blew line doo dooo dee

basedmangod2016 ago

hahaha nice.

The_Ghost ago

I can't seem to open the video.

mydogiswhite ago

Quietly the Christians need to monitor these Antifa fucks and follow them to where they live. From there they won't be exposed to the cops and can take the law in their own hands!

HiJoker ago

We need to clarify that these groups are not peaceful protestors and that they are terrorists in the streets.

Cops are out there told to act as if these vermin are law abiding citizens when in fact they are criminals and traitors belonging to a seditious movement that uses terrorist tactics.

The guy did nothing wrong, he'll walk.

892012518HEROS ago

So it comes to Florida we've been waiting. Florida is a "Stand your Ground State" he will get off. He was attacked and trying to flee.

MrDarkWater ago

Stand down buddy: this video is staged

Bushtaco321 ago

Blood is boiling. The police should be sued. We had a guy breaking into my house and mace my roommate's. When I awoke to yelling, came out and it was ass wooping time. I mean we kicked the shit out of this guy, broken ribs, broken nose, the works. After I figure he has had enough we let him go out the front gate. We all go back inside and lock the door. Watching through the window, this dude goes into his truck and grabs a shot gun. Comes to our front door and starts to load it with shotgun shells. We are on the phone 911. Somehow they show up in 45 sec. They have a stand off in my front yard for a bout 20 min. I am at the window screaming shoot him. Somehow they talk him into putting down gun and surrender. Dude was like 50 years old we were all early 20. Find out latter the dude was a lawyer. After about a year we had a professional investigator come and talk to us. Guess the guy was suing the police for 5 million. Said he was the victim. Fucker almost won. If not for our compelling testimony he would have lost for sure. After that I got a shotgun. I have had it ever since. The worst feeling was his reflection in the front door windows as he was loading the gun. Not anyone in my house had a gun. My 14 year old little brother was there and all I can think about was which window I would throw him out when this guy bust into the door fuck Yosemite sam style. I have been armed every since. A few times I hear a bump in the night I grab my shotgun and walk around (i have family now) like I am hunting for the predator. But one thing for sure, that feeling of not being armed us a plum terable feeling.

PriMerovingian ago

good with the shotgun, but you need a few more guns. That shotgun might be by your bed, but you need one hidden in every room of the house. When someone breaks in, as you know, you have no fucking idea and you could be unable to get to it in time. I wear mine typically, but to each his own.

jimibulgin ago

You're a pussy faggot. if he's in your house you can shoot him, wait a hour to let him bleed out, and the call the cops to report a burglar.

dundundunnnnn ago

A lawyer was breaking into your house?!

Bushtaco321 ago

Yes. I found out after the fact. Took a lot of unraveling to find out that one of my roommates broght home this chick from the bar and it was her estranged boy friend. He came in after one roommate opened the door half drunk wiping his eyes. Dude pushed him and started opening doors yelling for Kelly. Jeff first roommate said dude what the fuck, get out. Well he opened the door on "kelly and roommate chris, chris was like, " hulk smash " I mean he had this chick with fake tits in his bed ready to get busy and homeboy was about to take the dogs stake. Both of them got ready to hammer when dude pulled the peppers spray. Enter me. I heard the screams and ran out. Oh the seen I walked into. First i was like wtf but no time to think. Roommate was blocking spray with papasan chair the other got it dripping down his face. I told my little bro to go back to room, big brother is going to drop Zeus thunderbolts. I was Kim Jong and this south Korean just stepped over the 38th parallel. Looking back it's really is a funny storie. Morel is always be armed cause if he came in the house it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. We did not have a snow balls chance.

waringi ago

Thats why I wouldn't call the police. I was raised to take care of problems myself and look forward to break ins.

Oh mY gOD WhY dOnt YoU CalL PoLicE! YUo PsyCho!" Never listen to a woman.

I moved to a new place and the first weekend someone tried to open my front door at 3am. It was unlocked but had the deadbolt on. I got up, grabbed the shotty and stood behind it waiting to see who they are. If they got in then the fun began. They probably thought the place was still empty because it didnt look lived in yet.

I accidently bumped and made a noise and they took off. I never got to find out who it was. Had I called the police, they would show up an hour later, scare them away, and I would never know who was trying to break in. They might try again.

Police wouldnt have done jack shit other than clean up my body if I was the victim.

WD_Pelley ago

Oh mY gOD WhY dOnt YoU CalL PoLicE! YUo PsyCho!" Never listen to a woman.

You gotta love the typical appeal to authority/shaming that women do.


When seconds matter, the police are only minutes away

smokratez ago

Find out who the cop is and where he lives. He shouldn't be living without fear.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I'm struggling to see the problem here. Why'd the guy pull his gun?

FreeBreivik ago

To stop the assault.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Was there an assault? I can't see shit.

FreeBreivik ago

It starts when the big guy on the right either shoves or hits him from behind.

user9713 ago

Reminder that we voted for a President who would put an end to all of this, but instead stands by idly because he either supports it or believes he it will hurt his chances of winning the black vote.

uab ago

It's called Anarcho-Tyranny

collin6173 ago

Yes, she was so scared and in fear for her life, but somehow she still thought to turn the camera towards her face for a few seconds to show how afraid she was.

VandalayIndustries ago

Cops are jews with the power to fuck goy over.

Its the reason they get paid. Shlomo needs his uninterrupted vig for eternity, and, he wants more.

fightknightHERO ago


Adriansun ago

Amazing. Police are pigs no matter who they are.

petevoat ago

Looks staged.

They put these things out so to embolden the mob.

MrDarkWater ago

Absolutely staged.

Jammer78 ago

Definitely staged. The girl puts the camera on herself screaming.

If you're 10 feet from 5 cops you're not going to pull a gun.

Seen so much staged news at this point it is obvious.

JustAName1488 ago

Putrid.. they just let the fuckers waltz off...

Sunflowerz ago

Tallahassee is such a shithole.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

This is crap. OP needs to post whole story or post is ZOGged. I can't tell what is happening or where. What's up? Sensationalist title FO SHO. Where da PO?

MrDarkWater ago

Staged video

Splooge ago

The civvie had the situation under control before the cops came in and pretended to get control of the situation.

Also, the screechy woman needs a paddling. Fucking switched to selfie-mode just to make sure everyone could see her shitty acting.

hang_em_high ago

Fucking pigs. Same thing every time. I can't believe half the people here STILL think they are on our side. They aren't

Helena73 ago

You really have a short memory. They did not side with terrorists in Kenosha.

WolfgangBlack ago


Kyle is in jail.......

PriMerovingian ago

and bicep kike is not arrested

hang_em_high ago

Wow, one of a thousand. Their lack of doing their fucking job led to that. The entire city was being destroyed while they did nothing and let them get away with it.

Hand_of_Node ago

Their "job" is whatever their police chief tells them it is. Police are literally employees who work for a boss. People of a town or city generally vote for a Mayor and City Council, who tell the police chief what their job is. Point is, you can't say police have a particular job to do in a certain way, when 'their job' is generally defined by a couple layers of management above them. Police in a leftist town or city are going to have different priorities than police in an American town or city.

hang_em_high ago

Absolute bullshit. Did police and military take an oath or did they not? Don’t give me the just taking orders line. They are getting a paycheck from the taxpayers that they aren’t protecting.

Hand_of_Node ago

The California police officer’s oath states, “I, (employee name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California.

Notice that there's no reference to protecting or serving. Related: The Supreme Court has ruled that there's no requirement to protect.

As for "Don’t give me the just taking orders line.", taking orders is how jobs work. The boss tells them ignore certain levels of crime, and they do that, or they get a black mark on their record, and/or fired. Many try to find less corrupt departments, or quit, but while they're on the job they kind of have to follow orders.

Sounds like your focus is on the employees doing their jobs, when your disagreement is actually with the job description, and the policies/politics/people that created it. That comes down from the Mayor and city council to the police chief they appointed, who is expected to follow and promote their policies. That's how you get cops abandoning their station to a rioting mob instead of just shooting them until they stop rioting. That's one of the downsides of electing city officials who want to destroy the city.

hang_em_high ago

You are going to quote that shit and sit here and tell me i'm wrong? Which Constitution did they read because that makes it even worse.

Helena73 ago

“Not doing their job” — i.e. cracking Antifa and BLM skull, which I would fully support— is not the same as having sympathy for conservative/2A types.

hang_em_high ago

Not having the city burn and having people getting attacked in their city would be a good start. Same for all the nigger cities.

The_Ghost ago

It's really silly to declare that police is "on our side" or "not on our side". Police by and large come from local communities, so some police are on our side and some aren't depending on the locality.

Helena73 ago

Yeah but Tallahasee is a bit surprising. I would thing theyd be better

GeneralDisposition ago

Wait you go to war and don't expect to die? Pampered generation. Hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires are telling you to ease up a bit.

juschippinyababe ago

So sick of these kikes and their nigger puppets

Merchant_Menace ago

"We didn't do anything!!"

The lack of self awareness is amazing.

jimibulgin ago

"we didnu nuffin."

pauly_pants ago

They do it for the videos used as evidence. I've seen them pass around infographics in their social media channels.

Literally-Oppressed ago

The most cowardly, infantile tactic imaginable. Serious pussies. MOMMY DADDY COME HELP US BUT ALSO FUCK YOU WAAAH

SubhumanDeplorable2 ago

At least fire it

MisterGrieves ago

If you pull out your gun you better pull the trigger.

videocodec ago

Just another reminder that the police are on the side of antifa and the rioters. They can not be trusted.

DantesInf ago

Antifa and rioters are clearly against police but you say police are on their side? Hold up... No. The mayor's and DA's maybe. We've had police chief step down and blow the whistle saying they were instructed to stand down and not press on rioters.

This whole thread fucking smells like bullshit.

PatriotLove ago

This is varies by city

Grunge ago

I fear the military will be the same. For one thing, they don't give a shit about the oath that they have taken (they haven't once protected us from domestic enemies and there are a shit ton of domestic enemies in this country and they've never once cared about that part of the oath).

EccoTheDolphLundgren ago

I overheard a small brown girl say "I'm joining the military. I don't like believe in war or wtv but they will pay for (((college)))."

I hope the military has a good use for these types.

Grunge ago

another thing that's important to point out is that a lot of the officers have to go to some indoctrination camp aka University for ROTC. I knew 2 of them and I know they have serious TDS.

reason247 ago

Ohmyholyfuckinggawdthis. I try so hard to tell people this.

ingeedingee ago

they haven't once protected us from domestic enemies and there are a shit ton of domestic enemies in this country and they've never once cared about that part of the oath

To be fair, until recently, the military has served as guinea pigs for big pharma - the cognitive function necessary to see and act on domestic threats was likely intended to be medicated out of them because the domestic enemies were running everything for so long.

armday2day ago

Police are jewish slaves

Fuck them

Did you think civil wars only had two sides?

Sampson2020 ago

That last statement is genius. Thats what all this is really about. While we are fighting each other tptb are consalidating power.

Usernamenameuser ago

No war has only two sides.

ForgottenMemes ago

ww2 was only jews and the good guys

Usernamenameuser ago

And the Japanese conquest of Asia.

offender ago

and the shabbos goys

armday2day ago

Right and wrong?

Usernamenameuser ago

Sorry, let me rephrase. Ill edit.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

This (((country))) is in serious trouble, goyim

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Ghostofmajorkong ago

I keep trying to tell them. What the hell is wrong with their brains? This is seriously twilight zone shit.

ChimpEvader ago

Demoralization is complete.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Don't be a simp, evade the chimp

RoundWheel ago

Not even close. Though you clearly are.

DrYiddingston ago

I’ve been warning you, folks. ZOG doesn’t care about Antifa terrorists. Armed white vigilantes protecting themselves and their property scare the shit out of them.

ChimpEvader ago

Update man was arrested but no charges. They had a camera with a different angle. You can see the buffalo stomping on this man.

SparklingWiggle ago

This story looks fake and gay. Police aren't seen until after a cut to the screaming womqn.

McPooperton ago

That camera switch didn’t make sense. Why would somebody do that? That alone pegged my bullshit meter.


You get wealthy when you purchased properties when the price is very low. That's what is happening.

MrDarkWater ago

This is a scripted event. Total bullshit

TripleZ ago

Sure looked like it. The propaganda knob goes to 11.

TJFash ago

They're using antifaggots as bait to draw out dissidents imo.

Nukeisrael ago


Helena73 ago

It depends. They were clearly on Kyle’s side in Kenosha.

Nukeisrael ago

Maybe as individuals, but they won’t give up that pension to be a hero.

Helena73 ago

With any luck the leftist will take it away and we can just sit back and watch.

We should promote the idea of cops pension funds financing reparations, what do you think? Blacks will love the idea and cops will defect en mass.

Napierdalator ago

ZOG doesn’t care about Antifa terrorists.

On the contrary. They're the ones dispatching them.

ThAssOfHats ago

Depending on yourself for protection doesn't make you a vigilante. It makes you a citizen.

vastrightwing ago

Except we are controlled by an (((enemy))) who hires mercenaries like Antifa to destroy us. When we defend ourselves, we are attacking (((them))).

minx88 ago

Time to kill Soros and his son Alexander which is part of the immigration invasion

minx88 ago

Yeah but that’s the psychological war tactic of victimhood and blame shifting and hypocrisy double standard and that’s why the judges and the politicians need to be put in jail for this particular crime of breaking their oath .treason

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Do it anyway. Most if these pussies won't show up if they know Americans will eagerly ventilate them.

minx88 ago

Yeah every single fucking time it’s the antifk bolshevik canabal kike and the Muslim demon extcrement and the Nager a Nager Muslim and they always hit you from behind ,they wait until you’re not looking , they suker punch .even a Nager the guy with the brick fucking actually crept up behind the guy because not only are they cowards but they really don’t want to see they want don’t want you to see how bloodthirsty and psychotically jealous they are and they just want to kill . and it is a crime ,And they need to burn for itand the only thing that is hate speech is that fucking Talmud and the Koran and the fucking Nager shit .

These fucking Nager’s Jews and Muslims know very fucking well if they are skinny deformed fucking sacks of walking brown shit and they know that one of them could not go against another white man even a group of them can’t go against a white man with a gun and they are afraid of us that’s why they always travel in packs of Walking shit.And they’re so fucking retarded all you have to do is lure them with money Let them drop into a fucking hole and fucking burn em Just don’t get caught and the best way to deal with this is to get rid of the Jewish judges and the Nager judges of course and put more white judges in

bruddah ago

we do need vigilantes though

minx88 ago

But we need to get a rid of the fucking Kike n nigger retard sack of demonic shit judge and replace it with white judges

minx88 ago


Quidgybo ago

really.....dare I say is time for Florida man to shine!?!

JesusRules ago

Charles Bronson, Death Wish motherfuckers

Devils_Advocate ago

If youre out on the streets, always be in a group, be strapped, and have a bullet proof vest.

DrYiddingston ago

Oh, yes sir. Very practical and sensible advice. I’ll remember it the next time I take my kids to the park.

Reverse-Flash ago

You need to buy some Bulletproof Baby® clothing.

Devils_Advocate ago

obviously talking about when confronting these commie bastards. Dude in portaland was shot in the chest today and Kyle is lucky he wasnt killed when he fell.


That’s police aiding terrorists.

minx88 ago

Yes aiding and abetting.

Take the photos of every police that do not help you get their names and addresses and press charges for assessor he to murder or assessor to attempt of murder.

Get them fired get them put in jail and a fucking discussion

No wait if the judge does nothing you put him in jail as well because then he Breaking his oath which means he will be disbarred and is robbed asis an accessory

TheMaskedAnon ago

Antifa/blm are supported by the government.

I promise if right-wingers did even a fraction of the shit they did, they'd all be in jail forever if not dead.

Mugman ago

Yet they'll all get their tax payer funded month long vacation and we'll still be here paying taxes.

greydragon ago

I grew up around cops. My father was a cop. I now agree. Fuck the cops.

tankingwrong ago

So when are people going to start taking these agents out, one-by-one, when they disperse and head to their homes, their watering holes, their public restrooms. When their guard is down.

In Minecraft.

Grunge ago

that's exactly what that is.

It's all good for them to attack anybody, but self defense is illegal now.

The cops are clearly protecting the insurgents. So next time anyone wants to say back the blue or blue lives matter, tell them to fuck right off.

minx88 ago

Well I do see sometimes cops kicking the shit out of antifa so those are OK because they’re doing their job but the ones who don’t need we don’t do anything and let the answer for attack citizens they have to go into jail for eating in abetting an accessory to murder or attempted murder because all the time these Knigge’s in Bull shed cakes and worst Muslim Nager will throw rocks or hit you from behind or are use fireworks and once you’re down they kick you in the head and that is attempted murder or actual murder therefore the cops do nothing they are in accessory to murder and they need to go to jail and fucking Friday along with that fucking kike n sand niggers

Get the names of every cop that do nothing when a white is threatened!!!!

Get them fired and press charges

In fact all of the Jewish judges need to be disturbed and disbarred because they will never adhere to the oath that means that they are actual criminals

TheMaskedAnon ago

The government supports blm/antifa. If pro-Whites were doing even a fraction of this shit they'd be locked up forever and the government would lock the whole country down.

RoBatten ago

They let the guy go who assaulted him that he was holding at gunpoint.

Wheatstone ago

Employing terrorists!

They are all on the same team.

Team pedo!

SubhumanDeplorable2 ago

They are the other terrorists

ChimpEvader ago

Shhhh you might make the crying commie baby mad. All patriots must be arrested or the mob will burn the city down.