extrakushy ago

It’s beautiful isn’t it? A young man just coming of age and taking out two commies while defending himself.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Good breakdance video on the entirety of the Kenosha, Wisconsin shooting



When Antifa or BLM are armed in the streets, who’s running up to attack them? Nobody.

It’s right to have a fire arm. The act of attempting to take your fire arm is justification for what was shown in the video.

He also turned himself in.


ToxicWhiteMale ago

I wish Sir Kyle could have shot 15 or 20 of the scum bags.

Neongreen ago

If they keep it up, some autistic fuck will get going. We can only hope.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Good call. On both the well made video, and the nice shooting on display.

BentAxel ago

Still pleases me to see those assholes shot dead for being dumb motherfuckers.

d3r ago

The kid is so calm. Amazing.

rumorhazard ago

How?! Man I wish I could be more like this kid

Merchant_Menace ago


If you check about 3 min in he explains that the reason they went after him was probably because he put out a dumpster fire hahaha

Silver_Sky ago

The irony of putting out one dumpster fire creating a whole new dumpster fire of epic proportions.

prairie ago

The thugs really hate dumpsters. They are jealous that people prefer having dumpsters around than thugs around.

Silver_Sky ago

I would think they would feel a bit more sympathy for their closest kin.