minx88 ago

Get his name and Dox that jew

gosso920 ago

He's a jew, which means he's a member of a protected class - the Permanent Victim.

yousir ago

Rookie mossad agent

CrudOMatic ago

Leftists will never be brought to justice unless we have a violent, full-spectrum civil war where we completely crush the faggots and their kike masters.

minx88 ago

Diss robe and dis bar the jewish judges

Because they are letting the Muslims and knickers get away with actual rape and murder and the girls and children die from complicatiin of rape often so it is murder.

Plus did you judge is a criminal you you said they do not adhere to the oath therefore when they let these knickers and Muslims get a light sentence they are in fact an assessory to murder

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

He's a joo!

Outstretched_Bill ago

Why isn’t he being charged as having a gun while being a felon? That’s even more cut and dry.

CeasarSalud ago

He already lost and arm and is a faggot, punishment enough.

serfer0 ago

Because cops never believe the “one armed man” defense

It_was_the_juice ago

Kyle's new lawyer should be on top of this. The best legal defense is offense.

SirGauffre ago

(((Oy Vey))) That's why.

Merlynn ago

Because he is a "hero" who tried to "stop" a "crazed gunman" from "killing" "innocent people". Now put the correct words in the quotes to make this sentence true.

Putzmiester ago

Or better het, why is this prohibited possesor not having his dog shot by the ATF?

rayfarmer ago

Are you too dense to understand they won’t frame it as murder? They will frame it as he was reacting to protect others from a homicidal shooter? He was trying to stop someone killing innocent protestors.

Heil_Kyle ago

His defense will be that he was disarmed too quickly to pose a real threat.

calcy454 ago

Either the shooting is justified precisely because there was an attempt to harm Kyle or, which I don't believe, Kyle was the agressor and shot for no justified reason. If scenario 1 is the case then ya absolutely the person attempting to harm Kyle should be arrested. Just because he suffered an injury doesn't mean the original crime is voided.

Nesano ago

Leftist faggots

FredFlinstone ago

this guy was wearing a black neck scarf that had a baphomet in a pentagram with the words believe in yourself, is anyone here going to address that of is /pol the only place?

were in a battle against satanists

satanists rebuilding his arm, satanist father standing next to him declaring his pride in the boy

and the powerful satanists with money and political power are generational satanists

BadBoyBubby ago


Yuke ago

This place sure can be fickle sometimes. A few weeks back people on here were saying that the guys that defended their home from the antifa mob that broke into their gated community didn't do anything wrong. They got charged (Endangering safety by negligent use?) because they pointed the gun(s) at the mob. Then there was the woman in the car park that got assaulted by the black she-beast. She also pointed her gun at her, and she got charged for that. If this guy didn't fire it, surely he should get the same charge as the other two, right?

MetaCog ago

Why? Because not enough dead Jews, that's why.

Gorillion ago

Deceit is dey culcha.

Hektik ago

Same reason the FBI only go after "boog boys" and not gangbangers.

Two tier just us system

boekanier ago

Did he sent the hospital bill to his boss, mr. soros?

Chimaira92 ago

Because this is how the media is reporting it to the masses of sheeple.

“His whole reason for being out here was to provide medical services to protesters in Kenosha, and when Gaige tried to detain [the active shooter], he got shot in the arm,” Walton said.

People on here have vastly underestimated how many sheep the Jews have under there thumb, wearing masks for their fake virus showcases how many sheep they have and its a growing number.

For every person slowly getting redpilled, the Jews brainwash thousands if not millions more using their multitudes of platforms.

892012518HEROS ago

The American Patriots know who he is they know his name the cops know who he is he will be watched and he will be the one arm bandit God help him

dayofthehope ago

Because he is an actor, just like Kyle is an actress.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

Probably because he never fired his weapon.

H3r0n ago

That’s why you double tap

H3r0n ago

Because he’s a J E W

Optional_Reading ago

http://chng.it/96tztBjr There is a petition

MuricaPersonified ago

Not anymore.

Mind_Games ago

"Guy with no arm" ???...ahhh...you mean lefty ?

Maat4u ago

Good fucking question

892012518HEROS ago

When the law cannot protect its citizens it becomes the citizens duty to protect themselves and their neighbors. This guy will face the wrath of Patriots nation wide he would be safer in jail.

minx88 ago


invalid_user ago

I guess they figure that because he will no longer be able to rub his hands together intensely, that his life is basically over.

VAT ago

Hah! so true! Its less satisfying waiting for 3 years of staged arm repair surgeries to be able to properly intensely rub his shekel grabbers together! Even better.... if incompetent series of "diversity surgeons" playing doctor cause him to glumly amputate arm after 2 years if it stays non-sensate and hand even loses grasp. I think lots of non-well-funded people after 2 years chose amputation after living with a dead arm for 2 years and worse and worse surgery outcomes.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

These are the types of things that I PRAY get revealed in court, or hopefully even before that, in the investigation stage, but I unfortunately have little faith in the justice system. I hope that because his event has so many eyes on it, and because it is yet to have become as radioactive as charlottesville, that this info it won't be swept under the rug and this kid won't get railroaded, but idk.

veteran88 ago

Because he is a jew and Jews only go to jail for hurting other jews. our so called legal system doesn't prosecute anyone for hurting whites.

They are making white nationalism the only solution available to us. Jewish rule is intolerable.

minx88 ago

Everyone in the world is already suffering from this Jewish shit how many countries were in lockdown for this holo cough

Mr_Wolf ago

he's also now on record stating he wished he killed kyle

minx88 ago

Burn did you burn him no one’s going to miss him

OrangeIs33 ago


special effects makeup

Leveraction ago

Too bad Kyle did not obliterate number 3.

Sympozium ago

Because (((the guy with the arm))) is part of (((the same tribe))) who completely controls the justice system. Thus, the US judicial system, as well of that in any ZOG-puppet state, has no legitimacy and is not to be recognized by any true white nationalist.

Vc83 ago

because he's a filthy kike antifa operative that was there under orders.

Sometimesineedhelp ago


(Don't mind me, I'm just trying to fit in)

Xax ago

Exactly! He had intent and he intended to shoot Kyle twice and regretted not shooting him after the fact.

So, he’s.a danger.

We need to put pressure for an arrest.

RussianGoyBot ago

or the job finished

con77 ago

felon with a gun

iyskreem ago

He's a jew, if I had to guess

CheeBooga ago

oy vey because QRV mods and other jews like them will keep screeching that they were the victims

bingbang ago

I enjoy toying with (((them))). They are too damn easy. hahahaa

anoncastillo ago

Because he's a jewish pedophile and has jewish pedoarchal privilege.

Nosferatjew ago

He's a jew. That's why. Go read the Talmud, then you'll understand.

yousir ago

If you come across a talmud, just burn it while live streaming.

TonyTronic ago

A jew that's why...

SpreeFeech ago

It's because we gave our country to the jews.

minx88 ago

no we did not give anything they snuck in like a rat snakes in every aspect who only hire their own or Nager‘s complain won’t Mont bitch and whine with the insecurity inferiority complex while stabbing you at the same time that’s how they do it using psychological war tactics like blame shifting in their constant fucking victimhood like this bullshit word anti-Semite and racist is bullshit words meant to guilt and manipulate and silence critics of the Jewish crimes they came in they snuck in and they stole things because the Jews a scam artist and a pathological liar so they came in with the then they took the banks and they do Usery they’ve been picked up before numerous times also for the Jewish ritual murder brainwashing our kids killing themTorturing them killing them you’re leaving them and then did you complains if you pointed out and does the fake fuckingcrocodile tears.You Muslim Nager have absolutely no remorse they do nothing but murder every century every decade since the beginning of time you’re nothing but daemonic shit that will not do nothing but destroy and murder people need to get that through their heads now quickly

because it’s not just the vaccine that they will kill you and poison you with but it’s the bolshevik shit of starving you by not allowing you to go to shops to buy food without a mask to track you to put you in gulags or would they like to call it now with his vaccine shit trying to put you in a camp even though there is no fucking Covid everyone knows it’s a scam OK everyone knows there has never been any Covid

All the hospitals had actual plastic dummies in them and the majority are empty after we were videotaping them and you cannot

Get a virus to another person it’s a cellular thing!!!

numerous things they don’t add up and for a reason because it’s a fucking fake it’s big or fake as a holocaust agenda 21 New World order is mass genocide that’s the Jew they want to murder they are satanic they are shit out of the ass of Satan and Jews Muslim is a Nager‘s are the same shit they need to be sent back because they will never stop the murdering then we never stop trying to control humiliate torture mutilate children

every serial murder has been a Jew just look it up!!

And now they have brought their Muslims in Nager’s which breed like cockroaches to outnumber us and that issue needs to be addressed and dealt with

SearchVoatBot ago

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LarryWhiteContrary ago

Because he is an Israeli IDF operator here with the US governments tacit approval

LibCucks ago

Funny you mention that. I found out last night while digging around that the 2 camera operators that filmed the shooting in Kenosha were sent there the day before the riots started. In fact, they were sent there the day before the nog was even shot by the police. It's almost as if they knew that Kenosha was going to be the next target for riots, even before the triggering event took place.

Want to see the proof? Here is the video of the road trip, filmed on Saturday night. The nog shooting which triggered the riots didn't happen until Sunday.

Just for added flavor, here is one of the camera men saying "No goy music" as he begins his road trip.


This is the response they give to the stream when asked why there are going to Milwaukee.


Also the lady sitting in the back seat is their C#A handler.


rumorhazard ago

I don't see anything weird going on here. You're being a nutcase OP

LibCucks ago

Doesn't seem odd to you they drove to the scene of the riot before the thing that triggered the riot even happened?

rumorhazard ago

Perhaps, but I don't know what networks antifa or blm use to inform their people. If they were legitimate agents, why would they livestream their drive over?

LibCucks ago

No, you don't understand. There was a black man shot by police in Sunday which was the cause of the riot. Why did these 2 drive to the town on Saturday, a full day before the shooting took place?

And there is such a thing as hiding in plain sight.

minx88 ago

Just like the Jews created the false flag of the mass shooting in Vegas and all of these of them in order to push to the trying to ban the guns the Jews are creating all this destruction and chaos just to take away our rights

To silence us with masks which is actually illegal threat and attempted murder since you’re breathing in your own carbon dioxide also to vaccinate us which will paralyze or kill you injust a couple of years

Or to try to create a cashless society which makes you dependent and therefore you cannot travel it work do anything without being tracked

people need to wake up or actually we already have but more need to be waking up the the riots are waking people up that’s definite but there’s still a lot of red pilling that has to go on because the Jews have their constant propaganda shit and from every angle media fashion every angle they are constant incessant daemonic from every angle they’re trying to brainwash our kids and as young as possible so we needCan you read feeling keep our kids out of public school otherwise your child will be attacked or hurt seriously or murdered by these Jews Muslims and knickers keep your kids out of public school only homeschool we can get our degrees in lessons online only homeschool

minx88 ago

Because both George Floyd was a bullshit why everyone knows that now but also the other one is a bullshit there’s already videos out showing proof why force flags to make a excuse to riot that’s the Jews mo

rumorhazard ago

Oh shit. Fucking hell. Yeah that is insane. Very, very weird indeed.

AR47 ago

What makes the link to her being their handler?

derstoyvsky ago

He says "Go away music".

bingbang ago

holy shit anon

Chingchongtingtong ago

Day of the rope

tourgen ago

Leftists are the government. They must make it impossible to legally defend yourself before they can go full communist revolution, round you all up, and kill you. Their foot soldiers will enjoy legal protection until then.

Vc83 ago

stop saying leftists, its jews

yousir ago

Oy vey what a cohencidence

lemon11 ago

Because kikes, feds, and kike feds get protection.

satisfyinghump ago

He's part of that group that makes him untouchable.

tury ago


paralentor ago

The fact they have instant free lawyers, the media, big tech in their side ....yes indeedy

SuperToes845 ago

And a huge gofundme page ready to go.

Nosferatjew ago

He's a jew.

anoncastillo ago

Shhh, no spoilers. You're giving away the good part!

Civil_Warrior ago

This is a full jew operation...standby for 🤡CLOWN WORLD🤵👏🤡🇮🇱✡️🕎😈

GumbyTM ago

I didn't know this 🤡 existed.

Thank you, you glorious nigger-faggot.

P.S. While looking up the code I also found a dindu emoji


a merchant emoji


and of course a goat emoji


Civil_Warrior ago


minx88 ago

Jews are casseroles related to the turks they only were light because they mixed with whites in order to blend in and backstab but they are not white they are Jewish there for their Middle Eastern shit skins like the Muslim Knigge the Muslim sand Nager n nigger are 50 to 70 IQ jew is 70 to 90.

✡️=🦍 ▶️🦍=💩 ergo ✡️🦍=💩

jews are synogogue of satan andrenochrom demons therefore ✡️=🧛🏿‍♂️

not vanpire Bella Lugosi in a suit more like Jack the ripper cannibal

Civil_Warrior ago

I approve of this message.

Meatwood_Flac ago

Now if we could just get a klansman emoji. We already have two semitic emojis:

🤑🤥, and three if you count the (((satanic pedo))) 👺

minx88 ago

Oh that nose thing is accurate

also the emoji for jew

🧛🏿‍♂️=Andrenochrome Jewish ritual murder demonic kike


🐀= Disease spreading poisonous rat like every time with the vaccines like every time there was any poisoning radium or lead in the toys make up wallpaper everything was owned by a Jew rat they love to poison people and wells yes they admitted that

alot will deny n And some will admit it.

They also like to create famine like the rat Stalin Trotsky Lennon I wanna people to starve to death or starve so much has to be cannibals like the jew canable demon.

By the inquisition which was very effective in burning Jews the rats scurried away real quick and pretended to be gentle using Christian names Pretending to be Christian because they were scared

Enough they’ve infiltrated the Catholic Church to bring it down from within like the disgusting Jew pedophile Francis is a Jew and the Jewish priests that they infiltrated in according to Bella dod in the 60s or beforeAll those Priests that molested the children they were not white they were Jewish simple research and you can find this information and I did that to blame shift and try to turn it around to say that oh yeah I see it the Catholic Church is bad too

To give them a reason to justify their hate of the church when the only business they are the synagogue of Satan extremely anti-Christ to say the demonic talmud

Koran is just a the psychotic or rather more psychotic of the tower mode but they are the same look at they how they worship Satan satanic things Saturn Look at the black cube that the Muslim cockroaches swarm around it’s the same black cube that’s on the forehead of the Jew rat when he humps the wall they arevthe same shit

Do you looks lighter but that’s because they mixed with whites but the Jew is still the middle eastern side Knigge actual demon

VAT ago

in 2019 thousands of 14 year old kids in USA texted this two symbol combo:



1488 = 卐 = ϟϟ = # = milk = 👌 = 13/52 = We Wuz Kangs = Jews did 9/11

✡️ = _| ̄| ⍤⃝▃▅▆▓▒░

Shoot Antifa holding knife in the head (eye blown out) ... :

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)-︻デ┳═ー - (ಠ_x) ༼☉

obvious-throwaway- ago

❤卐⇨🔥☠🇮🇱 ☠🔥 🐷☪🐖🔥

Splooge ago


















Atkho ago


Jiggggg ago


CheeBooga ago

Nosebergshekelman always had cool emojis

Ocelot ago

I miss his Shaloms

SixBajillion ago

🚪this is one we use as a dog whistle for the holohoax (wooden doors)

shifty_pete ago

👩🏿‍🦰👨🏿‍🦰 I is a transnigger

CalibanFresco ago

Because the system is on his side?

tidy_athiest ago


AngryInVirginia ago

Having a firearm at the ready should not be a crime, especially in these situations. His actions were highly suspect and I would not find somebody guilty of acting in self defense in response to those actions (a real wrong place wrong time situation to be out there with a handgun). But his actions did not clearly show that he was attempting to kill Kyle.

Glory_Beckons ago

What are "these situations"?

He chased a kid who was trying to get away and reach police lines. He drew his gun when he saw the kid stumble and fall. He pretended to surrender when he thought he was in danger. When he realized the kid's rifle jammed, he immediate flanked to his side and raised the handgun behind his back, getting within inches of pointing it at his head, before the kid recovered and shot back. Afterwards he confessed to a friend that his only regret was not shooting faster.

Those situations? You think that's a matter of "wrong place wrong time"? Are you fucking insane or just plain stupid?

tidy_athiest ago

Seems like the St. Louis couple tells a different story.

They had their "firearm at the ready" and the DA went with felony charges.
Something, something, rioters, jews, and Whites - you figure it out.

AngryInVirginia ago

Did they get attempted murder charges?

tidy_athiest ago

They had no intention of attempting to murder anyone.

offender ago

He tried to jump him with a pistol in his hand instead of keeping his distance. He also admitted that he was going to kill him but got cold feet. How is that not an attempt to kill kyle?

AngryInVirginia ago

If he was trying to murder Kyle then why would he get close? If he admitted that he was going to kill him but got cold feet than it sounds like he is saying that he did not want to murder Kyle. How are these two things attempted murder?

I do not have an interest in defending the guy. I only want to answer why they might not charge him with attempted murder.

offender ago

Again, why was he chasing him with a pistol and then charged in when he noticed him on the ground with a jammed gun?

"I do not have an interest in defending the guy. I only want to answer why they might not charge him with attempted murder."

dumb fuck

AngryInVirginia ago

You do not get to ask why when trying to get attempted murder charges to stick. You have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he intended to murder somebody when making that claim. My point is that while his actions were suspect and reckless that I have yet to see anything that shows attempted murder clearly.

dumb fuck

offender ago

Well he's obviously not going to be charged with anything because he's a jew, so what's the point of your concern trolling?

AngryInVirginia ago

I was trying to answer the question OP presented and spark dialogue you fucking faggot.

WreckfulZebu ago

He didn’t get cold feet and decide not to kill Kyle, he was shot and disabled by Kyle before he could kill Kyle. He said he regretting not shooting Kyle sooner.

Unreasonable ago

Cause he's a Jew and Jews are dumb?

uvulectomy ago

Not just tried to sneak up. He feigned surrender and pretended to be a medic in order to get close. When he saw Rittenhouse's gun jam, he pulled his pistol and moved in for the kill. Luckily, Rittenhouse knew how to quickly clear the malfunction and ended the threat. Even more fortunate, the injury to the kike's arm made his muscles clench, rendering him physically unable to drop his pistol in order to try and act innocent for the cameras.

Side note: Feigning surrender in order to draw your opponent in is, IIRC, a war crime. Pretending to be a medic is also a war crime.

yousir ago

I made a meme from your response. https://i.ibb.co/PrMjwYc/gaige-grosskike.png

freedomite ago

Civilians are not bound by conventions on warfare.

Get your chemical weapons, exploding bullets, and lasers ready, because neither are states acting against their own people.

HeavyBrain ago

Is there a video where you clearly can see those happenings besides the original one that is floating around?

(Currentlly on shitty phone so I can't really analyze the vid)

FightingTheDarkArts ago

But he's a Jew(which should be a war ctime) so I'll be shocked if he's even charged.

Nuffin ago

False surrender is a type of perfidy in the context of war. It is a war crime under Protocol I of the Geneva Convention. False surrenders are usually used to draw the enemy out of cover to attack them off guard, but they may be used in larger operations such as during a siege.

Sympozium ago

It is, it's called perfidy and is in the geneva convention.

Atkho ago

If you watch the video in slow motion he cries out in pain as here's attacking BEFORE the shot is fired.

lordv1ldemort ago

You must be in a war to commit a war crime, and America never signed the fucking Geneva Convention.

Just, you know, be advised.

VAT ago

OP stated a fact, it IS a war crime, if it was in a congress declared War. Congress has not declared war , not even Viet Nam, in over 60 years.

You are correct that USA no longer honors parts of current Geneva Convention after 1972.

GENEVA CONVENTION signed and followed by all nations and HONORED until 1972 :

IT IS A WAR CRIME for a medic to carry a rifle and use it for offense!!

In 1864, sixteen European states adopted the first-ever Geneva Convention to save lives and alleviate the suffering of wounded and sick persons in the battlefield, as well as to protect trained medical personnel as non-combatants, in the act of rendering aid. Many revisions and resigning after that year. Shooting a medic is a WAR CRIME, and a fake-medic is a WAR CRIME.

"Chapter IV, Article 25 of the Geneva Convention"

The Viet Cong shot so many field medics, that the USA de facto, not only allowed medics after 1972 to carry sidearms, but in current years USA field medics in muslim conflicts often carry a carbine (rifle), the same type Kyle carries, but with annoying carry handle, and no siderails.


Tandemlee ago

Well, he is a jew.

Are you surprised he acted like a rat?

checkthenose ago

War crimes and laws do not apply to civilians. IE, illegal to use hollow points in the military, civilians can use hollow points legally without violating any treaties.

Not saying that the move isn't wrong or sleazy, but it's got no legal bearing. Now if there was a declared civil war or something along those lines, he could be tried for violating war crimes.

VAT ago

OP stated a fact, it IS a war crime, if it was in a congress declared War. Congress has not declared war , not even Viet Nam, in over 60 years. OP never stated war was voted on by US Congress,, OP was merely being 100% factual.

Interestingly, USA no longer honors parts of current Geneva Convention after 1972. The USA is upfront about which parts they ignore. I think landmines is another the USA ignores. USA Medics now carry carbines sometimes in Muslim conflicts.

GENEVA CONVENTION signed and followed by all nations and HONORED until 1972.

IT IS (WAS) A WAR CRIME for a medic to carry a weapon and use it for offense!!

IT IS A WAR CRIME for a combatant to false surrender (perfidy)!!


checkthenose ago

If there was a war between two nations out in stone, it is a war crime.

Between civilians on the street. It's not a war crime.

VAT ago

He meant it WOULD be a factual war crime, if it was in a congress declared War. Congress has not declared war , not even Viet Nam, in over 60 years

checkthenose ago

Foreign conflicts still fall under war by the rules of conduct.

Again, if the guy was in the military and acting under the military and proceeded to false surrender, yes it would be a war crime. Between two civilians it is not a war crime.

If we're going to apply the war crime standard to civilians. Wouldn't surprise me if Kyle used hollow points into his rifle which would fall under a war crime if used in the military.

The argument your making is retarded as it is irrelevant. It has nothing to do with the facts of the situation. The guy cannot be charged with a war crime, even under a non pozzed government. Other crimes, yes, but not a war crime.

VAT ago

I never siad war was declared by congress, or we are at war, or that they are soldiers.

I only said that it is a FACT that if it were a war those are war crimes.

Quit shifting the narrative and reading things into it never alleged.

The OP is correct about the guy committing TWO separate war crimes (if congress declared war and if this was a battlefield).

checkthenose ago

Yes I'm shifting the narrative by acting like something that doesn't apply to this situation applies to this situation.

HE DID NOT COMMIT ANY WAR CRIMES. Nor even if war was declared tomorrow by whomever it could not be construed as a war crime as it was before the fact the war was declared.

Worry about shit that actually matters such as details that happened at the event. Destroy the persons that attacked Kyle. Mention charges that should be against the initiators in the situation. Don't bring up fucking war crime bullshit, as nearly every American that owns a firearm for self defense is in possession of ammo that would be a violation of the Geneva Convention if used in wartime. The argument is weak as a whole.

Grunge ago

these terrorists are connected to the democrats, so like the democrats, they are also immune to the laws. Duty to Die laws are most likely incoming, but only for whites.

ant_earth ago

There’s no such thing as a “war crime”. That’s an absurd notion. It’s just rules for gentiles given to them by their masters, hence why it doesn’t apply to the guy in question.

minx88 ago

Jews are not Gentiles master they want you to think that because the Jew is extremely insecure and is trying to play a power struggle with Gentiles because they are afraid of the Gentiles and they should be

VAT ago


GENEVA CONVENTION signed and followed by all nations and HONORED until 1972 :

IT IS A WAR CRIME for a medic to carry a rifle and use it for offense!!

In 1864, sixteen European states adopted the first-ever Geneva Convention to save lives and alleviate the suffering of wounded and sick persons in the battlefield, as well as to protect trained medical personnel as non-combatants, in the act of rendering aid. Many revisions and resigning after that year. Shooting a medic is a WAR CRIME, and a fake-medic is a WAR CRIME.

The Viet Cong shot so many field medics, that the USA de facto, not only allowed medics after 1972 to carry sidearms, but in current years USA field medics carry a carbine (rifle), the same type Kyle carries, but with annoying carry handle, and no siderails.

Vc83 ago

OY VEY HE DIDNT FOLLOW THE GENEVA CONVENTION!!! lol at thinking up these kinds of excuses

JustAName1488 ago

For some reason I thought due the ambushes on medics in later conflicts that they could shoot their weapons if need be but that throws out their status as a medic? And they can’t pretend to be a medic then shoot?

altident ago

use it for offense

Firing your weapon in response to an ambush is defense

VAT ago

Its so complex of a topic. Remember Medics treat BOTH sides of soldiers, not just their side.

Its such a grey area, but at this point, the Geneva Convention is for Congress declared wars only, and additionally only honored among WHITE nation armies against WHITES. And that has not happened in a long long time since H-Bombs and Nuke rockets were created.

uvulectomy ago

"There’s no such thing as a “war crime”. That’s an absurd notion. It’s just rules for gentiles given to them by their masters"

Take a page from their book. "Force your enemy to live by his own rules."

Jewstice ago

Tribal Thinking by Dr. William Pierce Quite often I make fun of liberals on this program: you know, feminists, egalitarians, New World Order kind of people who identify with Bill Clinton as a fellow child of the „60s and who admire Hillary as the American woman; filters on their Incorrect facts ideas; people who refuse even to look at the world except through Politically Correct goggles. I mean, it‟s pretty hard to take such people seriously. Hypocrisy makes such a wonderful target, and practically everything a liberal says or does is glaringly hypocritical. Liberals think it is terrible that Serbs were rough on Albanians when the Serbs had the upper hand in Serbia‟s Kosovo province, but they don‟t want to hear about what the Albanians do to the Serbs when the tables are turned. They claim to be for peace and love and brotherhood, but they are the first to call for cruise missiles and smart bombs when someone who doesn‟t share their peculiar mind-set gets in the way of one of their pet projects. They say that they are against war on principle, that negotiation and arbitration and compromise are international enthusiasts, the very model people who minds to and of the modern have keep out Politically the ways disputes, to but handle they were solidly in favor of the most terrible and destructive war in history, and they ridiculed as “appeasers” and “isolationists” those who made serious efforts to prevent that war through negotiation, arbitration, and compromise. Liberals‟ hearts bleed at the thought of pickaninnies going hungry in Africa, but it bothers them not at all that the policy of their favorite President has caused the deaths of nearly a million children in Iraq. When South Africa had a White government just a few years ago, liberals were constantly in an uproar, demonstrating, agitating, lobbying, writing editorials, screaming for new sanctions, and flying into a rage at the news of every new incident of perceived “racial injustice” or White mistreatment of Blacks. Then there was an instant of delirious joy and triumph among liberals when the White South Africans foolishly permitted themselves to be persuaded to vote for Black rule in their country. Since then, however, as South Africa has descended into chaos and ruin under Black rule, liberals have completely lost interest in what used to be their favorite preoccupation. They don‟t want to hear anything about South Africa these days. If you press them on the matter they will tell you smugly that the epidemic of murder of White South African farm families by Black gangs and the rape of White South African women by Blacks is just retribution for years of apartheid. But the fact that ordinary Blacks in South Africa, whom White liberals in America used to cherish and sympathize with-the fact used to cherish and sympathize with-the fact that ordinary Blacks are much more likely to be crime victims now than they were under White rule doesn‟t interest liberals in the least. For years liberals have deplored violence by skinhead gangs in Europe and America, especially since that violence often is directed against non-Whites. And they complain about White football hooligans, who are notorious for starting riots after soccer matches in Britain. But when seven Black thugs were expelled from a

high school in Illinois just a few days ago after starting a Black riot at a football game in which a number of White students were beaten severely, liberals began marching with the Reverend Jesse Jackson to pressure school officials into rescinding the expulsions. In America police brutality always has been a favorite source of liberal indignation. They love the thrill of outrage that they feel when they remember how the police used fire hoses to wet down disorderly demonstrators in Selma, Alabama, or thumped so—called “freedom riders” with their nightsticks. They still work up a pretty good head of steam over those things after more than 30 years. One of the liberals‟ folk heroes today is Black cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal, formerly known as Wesley Cook. In December 1981 Abu-Jamal walked up behind a young White policeman, Danny Faulkner, in Philadelphia and shot him in the back. When the White policemen fell to the pavement, the Black killer stood over his body and pumped four more bullets into him. Abu-Jamal was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death in 1982 on the basis of testimony from eye witnesses. There has hardly been a more clear-cut case of cold-blooded, first-degree murder adjudicated in an American court. Well, that conviction was more than 17 years ago, but Mumia Abu-Jamal has so far avoided being punished because White liberals have decided that he is a martyr in the struggle for justice for Blacks. Prominent media liberals, including a number of Hollywood stars such as Paul Newman and Susan Sarandon, have demonstrated for his pardon and release. Mention murdered White police officer Danny Faulkner to them, and you‟ll get nothing but a sneer. But don‟t jump to the conclusion that just because there is a conflict somewhere between the police and members of a despised minority that liberals always will be on the side of the despised minority. In Israel, for example, police always have routinely tortured Palestinian prisoners in order to extract information from them. A number of Palestinian prisoners have died from torture at the hands of Jewish authorities. When the question came up in Israel just a few weeks ago of whether or not the practice of torture by police during the interrogation of arrested Palestinians should be continued in the light of international disapproval, and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak came down on the “yea” side, there was even discussion of the issue in some American publications. But that‟s all very ho-hum stuff to liberals. People other than me have pointed out this selective indignation and selective compassion which is a distinguishing characteristic of liberals. I sometimes have characterized liberals as trendy airheads because of their inconsistencies. But I don‟t really mean to imply that I think liberals are stupider than the bulk of the American population. The very fact that they are utterly inconsistent, that they do not base the positions they take on principle, but nevertheless are able to march in ideological lockstep with one another means that they have to be fairly alert always to know what the Politically Correct position on every issue is at any given moment. They have to know instantly whether a particular incident is one they should be outraged about or should ignore. They have to know whether or not a specific individual victim of injustice or a specific group of victims deserves their compassion or their scorn. That requires a certain degree of mental agility. Liberals certainly are

minx88 ago

pierce ! yes brilliant!

Jewstice ago

crooked, but not necessarily stupid. No, when it comes to stupidity I believe that conservatives take the prize. Let me read you a letter I received this week from a conservative listener. I‟m reading the whole letter from a true-blue conservative, a real believer in the Protestant work ethic. He writes, and I quote: “I am a single, white, non—Jewish male—a Lutheran—who resides in New York City. As you‟ve mentioned, Jews do control a decent portion of this country‟s media as well as permeate most of corporate America. But I believe this was done through hard work and promotion of education among their people. Instead of slighting them at every opportunity, why not highlight their achievements as a positive motivation for us Gentiles to excel. Otherwise you come off sounding like a whiny hillbilly who is simply jealous. America is a free country. If Jews have excelled faster than the rest of us, hats off to them.”—end of quote- The letter is signed J. Koepp-K-o-e-p-p.<==Jew You know, living in New York City does something to people, and I might attribute Mr Koepp‟s letter to the morally debilitating effect of his environment, except that I‟ve received letters from conservatives in other parts of the country which are just as stupid. Well, anyway, Mr. Koepp’s letter made me think about conservatives and liberals: about their differences from each other and also about their similarities. How are liberals and conservatives different from one another? I believe that their most fundamental difference is that liberals enjoy destroying things, smashing up existing structures and institutions, while conservatives are much more inclined to hang onto what already exists: not only to hang on, but to support it, so long as it has an aura of -- authority, whether that makes sense or not. Conservatives respect authority and crave respectability for themselves; liberals respect nothing and desire above all else to be fashionable. The conservative and the liberal are similar in that neither is a systematic thinker-at least, not with regard to the ideas and policies which define his conservative or liberal nature. He does not derive his ideas on specific matters from general principles, but rather from attitudes or psychological tendencies. Mr. Koepp believes that we should take our hats off to the rich and powerful Jews who control Hollywood, New York, and Washington. Why? Because, according to his letter, they have worked hard for their wealth and power. Should we also take off our hats to Mafia bosses who have worked hard and taken big chances to become capos? Mr. Koepp probably would say “no.” Why not? Well, Mr. Koepp might not be able to tell you, but in line with the conservative‟s way of thinking it‟s because the Mafia bosses aren’t respectable, while the Jewish media bosses, using their control of the media for the purpose, have managed to wrap themselves in a cloak of respectability. The media bosses are respectable in the eyes of the conservative, and the Mafia bosses aren‟t, despite the fact that the media bosses do infinitely more damage to our society than the Mafia does. Probably the conservative would agree that the Negroid anti-

Jewstice ago

culture promoted among our young people by Sumner Redstone‟s MTV is not a good thing. But Mr. Redstone is a very rich and very powerful Jew: a respectable Jew, by Mr. Koepp‟s standards. Well, anyway, as I said, conservatives are not systematic thinkers.

Nor are liberals. I‟ll tell you who the systematic thinkers are: the Jews. The Jews not only think systematically, they think tribally. Jews aren‟t afraid of hard work when it is necessary, but they don‟t really work harder than conservatives or liberals—at least, it‟s not just hard work and education which are responsible for their wealth and power; it‟s their systematic approach to things, their tribal approach. That is the secret of their success. They‟re not distracted by things such as conservatism or liberalism. They know what they want, and they go after it in a rational way. Back during the early part of this century conservatives used to scratch their heads and try to figure out whether Jews were basically capitalists or communists. Jews had become very successful as capitalists in America and had amassed huge fortunes. But in Europe the Jews were leading the communist movement, and Jewish capitalists in America were giving them financial aid. The conservatives couldn „t figure it out. It was too much of a puzzle for them. As I said earlier, conservatives are not very bright. The answer to the puzzle, of course, is that Jews are basically neither communists nor capitalists. But they also are both when it suits their purpose. I‟ll repeat to you an anecdote told by Lazar Kaganovich, the bloodiest and most powerful of the Jewish Bolsheviks during the height of communist power in the Soviet Union. Kaganovich was known as the Butcher of Ukraine and the Wolf of the Kremlin and was personally responsible for the murder of millions of (White)Ukrainian and (White)Russian farmers and workers. In 1957 Nikita Khruschev himself publicly accused Kaganovich of murdering 20 million Russians. Kaganovich told the anecdote to his American nephew, Stuart Kahan, who wrote the official biography of his uncle, which was published in this country in 1987 by William Morrow and Company. Kaganovich‟s own uncle, Levick, had told the young Kaganovich as a boy in Ukraine the basic rule by which he expected the young Jew to guide his life. I quote: “Whatever is good for the Jews,” Uncle Levick had said to him. “Follow only that line of reasoning.” -end of quote-Actually, Kaganovich mentions several other occasions on which his Uncle Levick impressed him with the same rule of conduct, the same rule to guide his thinking, during the time when the young Jew, who was a yeshiva boy, was attending his first communist meetings in the synagogue in Kiev. The interesting thing about that in this connection is that wealthy capitalist Jews have written about the same rule being pounded into their own heads by their elders when they were boys: “Always base your decisions on what is good for the Jews. Always choose the policy which benefits the Jews. That must be the rule which guides your life, my boy.” That is tribal thinking. And it is successful thinking. And neither conservatives nor liberals understand In the 1970s, after it was apparent to astute observers that communism was bankrupt and would not last much longer in eastern Europe, thousands of Jewish intellectuals in America who formerly had supported Marxism, began changing their tune and announcing that henceforth they would be conservatives. Today they are called “neoconservatives” or “neocons.” And Gentile liberals felt betrayed. They believed that their Jewish fellow travelers had let them down, had betrayed the cause of liberalism. They didn‟t understand that the Jews had no more been

Jewstice ago

genuine Marxists or genuine liberals in the past than the neocons are genuine conservatives today. They were just doing what was good for the Jews, paying lip service to whatever ideology was best for the Jews at the time, and as the times changed, so did the ideology. Today, despite the abandonment of Marxism and the large number of Jewish neocons around, Jews generally are still regarded as “liberals” by most people. That‟s because, regardless of whether they support Al Gore or Bill Bradley or George Bush, Jr. President—regardless of their economic policies or their party affiliation—- they virtually all are for gun control, for open borders, for multiculturalism and more “diversity,” for racial mixing, for permitting homosexuals to be Boy Scout leaders, and so on. But the essential point, which both conservatives and liberals fail to understand, is that the Jews don‟t base their policies on any inherently “liberal” tendency. They base their policies on what’s good for the Jews. And that also means, in nearly every case, on what‟s bad for the Gentiles, on what weakens the Gentiles, on what makes easier prey of the Gentiles. Tribal thinking. We live in a rapidly shrinking world, with rapidly increasing competition for limited resources. Everywhere, both in America and in Europe, the land which used to be exclusively ours is being overrun by non-Whites. We already are a minority in California, and we‟re headed toward becoming a minority everywhere else in a hurry. We are losing our neighborhoods, our cities, our public schools, our workplaces to non-Whites. Really, that‟s an understatement. We’ve already lost many of our cities and many of our public schools, and the suburbs and the private schools are going fast. Racial intermarriage is skyrocketing. Our young women, thoughtlessly trying to be fashionable and imitating what they see on television, are running with Blacks and other non—Whites in increasing numbers. We have before us the example of South Africa. That is, those of us who pay attention to what is actually happening in the world and don‟t depend entirely on Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, and Peter Jennings, have that example before us of a formerly White civilization going down to ruin in just a few short years after the Whites there relaxed their grip. We have that example before us, and we can see what is happening all around us in America, just as we can see on our television screens where the Jews are pushing us. And the conservatives among us tell us that we should take our hats off to the hard-working folks in Hollywood, New York, and Washington who are orchestrating this wonderful Jonestown, America, while the liberals are elbowing each other aside in their eagerness to be first in line at the Kool Aid dispenser. Its about time for those of us still capable of thinking tribally to begin doing so. It‟s about time for those of us who understand what it means to be White, to be European, to be Aryan in a darkening world, and who understand what it used to mean—those of us who treasure our heritage, who honor the sacrifices and achievements of our forefathers and appreciate the civilization they created for us-those of us who feel a sense of responsibility to the future and are determined that our people shall inherit the future, not the mongrel offspring of the rappers and jivers we see on our television screens, but our people--it‟s about time for us to begin thinking and planning and acting systematically in a manner aimed at our racial survival.

It‟s time to stop being spectators, to stop listening to the hypocritical cant of the liberals and the mindless ramblings of the conservatives. It‟s time to base everything- everything--on the proposition that we must survive, our people must survive. If a policy strengthens our people, if it increases the survivability of our people, it is a good policy. If it weakens us or puts us at a disadvantage in the struggle for survival it is a bad policy. That‟s all that matters. That‟s all that we should consider. Racial survival, racial victory in the struggle for life and dominance, must be the goal of every plan, of every policy, of every thought and action. Tribal thinking. We used to understand that, back before television. Everyone understood it who survived. The Jews still understand it. We‟d better learn it again-soon.

minx88 ago

Yeah according to the missing it for the miscegenation the race mixing people take your kids out of school immediately do not send them to public school tell your daughters to stay away from the black shit because they will give u a disease definitly you and or kill you ! n tell your son is the same.Sheboons have killed a lot of guys too!! and she Boones 98 to 99% of them have genital warts guys stop people stop going with Nager‘s and Muslims and Jews there have diseases and will kill you spread the word quickly do not let your kids go to public school home school home school home school because your kid will be kidnapped by a Jew for entering a crown Jewish ritual murder or six trade child pornography they will be beaten or killed by a Muslim or Nager teacher kicked in the head or by nigger students.

Now we homeschool from now on only homeschool and by the way you can get your degrees and your lessons online you do not need to pay a fortune to go to university being indoctrinated by these fucking kikes !!!!

Spread word quickly come September do not let your kids go to public school I repeat do not public school!!!

Also record your kids on zoom video schools because you don’t want these Jewish professors trying to make that you can’t record because then they will take out their penis and start to show it to the kids

Text your kids online do not allow your young children to have access to any sites were pedophiles which are Jews can communicate with them be strict to protect them and then if they complain you tell them I am strict because I want you to live and be and have a long life and not be attacked by some demon

everyone knows there are good people in there are bad things in the world we’ve always warned our children against not taking candy not going home with someone even if they claim it’s a relative not talking to strangers there’s a reason why we say this because now we have a very serious presence of the daemonic and it’s breathing like cockroaches did you Muslim Nager or demon shit and they are very serious about wanting to murder innocent angelic children because the Jews muslim n nigger are actual shitskin demon!!!

It’s not an exaggeration it is a fact unfortunately

Nukeisrael ago

This is actual at the end of the day a based take that I even thought of when I was like 5 years old. How can war have “laws.” At the end of the day it is might makes right. You could rule the world and make a “war crime” ever talking about the state in a negative light. You think niggers are thinking about war crimes when they eat each other in Africa? Another fucking meme made up by above the world whites. I wish we aren’t so empathetic.

lipids ago

War crimes exist to extort the losing side into paying damages and tribute.

Nukeisrael ago

In reality there is no such thing as a war crime because war implies total war. Everything else is jewish.

satisfyinghump ago

My God... If his last name wasn't enough to tell us he's Jew, this important detail you posted is a fucking 100 foot poster, proclaiming he's a jew!

digix ago

I feel I have to address it here too: in order for this to be considered a war crime, this has to be acknowledged as an exchange during war. Is everyone going to finally admit we're in the throes of another American civil war?

Merchant_Menace ago

Fuck that. Suppose the situation were reversed. Do you think they'd try to go after us for war crimes?

If your answer is yes then stop arguing against it and start pushing FOR it.

PygmyGoat ago

The US has been in a declared state of war since 2001.

Martenzo ago

Doesn't change the fact that this was an incident between two civilians.

892012518HEROS ago

If this is not a civil war what will it take for people to realize the truth of what is going on in America.

DaftCunt519 ago

My first clue was Obama spent millions on small arms for every govt agency that doesn't use them in his last year in office.


Arrvee ago

It's the GWOT. They're all taking orders from the SAAR network, Hamas, and the PLO which were all part of Osama bin Laden's network in 1991.

Mr_Wolf ago

the lack of that admission is holding people back. although people are starting to call blm and AntiFA terrorists. surprisingly had several conversations across 3 states with people in person over this with them bringing it up.

Nukeisrael ago

You realize that even in war the EU would not consider any war crime by antifa as such? Do you realize how rules over you yet?

minx88 ago

jew= bolshevik murderer

Nesano ago

The EU is a fucking joke.

Jiggggg ago

Relevant username

AbrahamShekelstein ago

It couldn't be more relevant :)

THSenior ago

Nigger, spell right if you want to be taken seriously

GumbyTM ago

I'm on board with what you are saying. Calling this a war crime is jumping the shark.

A felon with a gun and attempted murder is enough to put this faggot in a federal pen for a long time.

By the time he gets out he won't even like getting fucked in the ass anymore.

bcboncs ago

Is it jumping the shark though?

What if you can prove this Jew is connected to other Jews funding him?

I guarantee the anons could make it happen. The guy is the happy merchant meme in the persecuted mode. I don't care that he was just shot. That jew was posing.

GumbyTM ago

Act of war

You seem to be struggling with this term. Even during the civil war it wasn't considered a war but an insurrection. War crimes are between nations and you just make yourself sound like a nutter to normies.

Stick with the easy win that everyone will support and stay on message: Felon with a gun and attempted murder.

It's called tactics.

mudbear ago

absolutely, stick with what you can prove, calling it a war crime gives us nothing and it detracts from the stuff that actually matters, it shifts the discussion away from what is easily apparent.

We are moving our own goalposts, its not necessary.

pretty_innocuous ago

Being a duplicitous nincompoop doesn't make you a war criminal.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

In order to push the war-crime narrative, and to actually get any people to accept it, you must first convince those people that we are in a war. Which is what we have been trying to do for years, so if you have a plan for that, I am all ears, but it unfortunately seems like a long shot.

altident ago

I think the history books, as long as they’re written by the right people, will tell of the second American civil war starting with the battle of Kenosha, the same way the American revolution started with random defensive firing at Lexington and Concord

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Idk if I hope that you are right or wrong. But I'll keep note of this post.

RussianGoyBot ago

of course he can be connected to other jews. motherfucker is the one who was leading the painting of "black lives matter" in front of city hall in Milwaukee days prior.

Civil_Warrior ago

jews. jewing.

minx88 ago

burn them!! evety single one of them Because they’re not going to stop mutilating and torturing children for Adrenochrome or pushing their demonic bolshevik fucking bullshit victimhood while pushing genicudal shit

Civil_Warrior ago

They had me at bolshevik...

VAT ago

yup. and jews and dems saved his arm for reconstruction:


PHOTO of ARM 47 hours later!!:

Antifa arm saved by best orthopedic surgeons in Chicago via unlimited Democrat funds, shown 47 hours later here, 3 more years of surgeries await (tissue grafts, muscle relocation, nerve redirection, etc) :


Look at those Soros funded traitors gloat! Fucking smug muted smirks.

minx88 ago

All the Westerners medicine that the Jews can scam because the Jews are fucking scammers they can’t make any of the stuff themselves they copy and then they take credit for it

Civil_Warrior ago

Homosexual beta virtue signaling for jew slavery at its finest. A disgrace to the race. BLOOD EAGLE!!!