Jujubean ago

He may have knicked the first guy that kicked him, if you watch the video you can see him limp off.

cattarhero ago

Never underestimate a 17 YO. When I turned 18, I had been a US Marine for eight months, and that's not counting the three months of boot camp, because I wasn't actually a Marine until I graduated from boot. There is more to this kid than it looks like, and that's what those idiots found out! Did you see the comments about the illegal "assault rifle"? An AR15 is not illegal and it is not an "assault rifle." LOL. When I was 17 I was issued an M16, that is an assault rifle!

CheeBooga ago

I heard those pistol shots and couldn't indentify them.

kestrel9 ago

Good thread laying out what happened based on close examination various videos, include map for perspective of locations of Antifa chasing down Kyle and the resulting shootings https://twitter.com/Kaitain_US/status/1298713689927774215

WhiteChickens ago

Wouldn't care if he did.

dampkitty ago

Don't worry, I believe he had to be arrested because the cops need time to get a specialist to go over the video evidence,

also it's a pragmatic decision to keep the niggers from burning more stuff. Also refusing bail at least keeps the orcs from burning his house.

It's also a good thing to make it first-degree murder - "defined as an unlawful killing that is both wilful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after planning or "lying in wait" for the victim", because that's a much higher standard of evidence required.

Clearly the video evidence of his calm interview before it kicked off, and the threat to his life on several occasions is going to clear him (eventually).

This will be the same as George Foley, the cops will get off because it was an obvious OD. Sadly the dummies who goodified Ahmaud Arbery probably won't, but normies just don't see the enormous plus side of nigger reduction yet.

CowWithBeef ago

This glows like the guy who hit James Field's car with a flag pole.

albatrosv15 ago

You people don't understand, do you? It doesn't matter how ridiculous things are, jews will always twist things against white people.

robertdebruce ago

I'm hoping the Judge will sentence him to serve in the elite forces of the Military. Don't you know the Rangers, Seals, Special Forces are chomping at the Bit to get him enlisted.... no training required. lol Go KYLE> God Bless you.

DrPenguin ago


Firinmahlazer ago

So why was he being chased through the parking lot in the first place? That's what I don't understand.

Elderberries ago

Niggers act on different insticts than humans do.

Derpfroot ago

Doesn't even matter if he was laying there dying and shot back, killing his attacker as his final act. He'd still be arrested because you're not allowed to defend yourself anymore. That's daddy state's job now. If police had any balls, they'd have refused to arrest him.

kaliyugajnd ago

Honestly, I don't see any of this evidence actually making a difference. I think he will be convicted regardless and made an example of for all whites, that self defense is no longer tolerated. The only thing I can say is that if and when he is convicted, the world better realize that a mistake was made.

Nesano ago

Oh, if he gets convicted the other half of the country's gonna riot. Hell, I'd stand aside my fellow Americans to break that kid out of prison.

sjwtriggerman ago

It's easiest to take him in transport, honestly. Have someone watching the sentencing from inside the courtroom and send a message to a team when he's taken into custody. Pull a Heat move using spike strips, radio jammers, and a big ass truck.

c0ck ago

So let me get this straight,


-Gets berated, intimidated, and ganged up on

-Chased by feral mob

-Dodges Molotov cocktail

-Kikes with handguns

-Hears a shot in the air

-Fights off skatefags

-Almost deceived by armed kike’s “fake surrender”

-Dodges pistol inches from his head

-Cleanly handles his own gun jamming

-No sloppy decisions or panic behavior

-Neutralizes and dissolves mob of armed rioters in a few minutes

Chad did exactly what he came there to do that day. Protect his community.

sjwtriggerman ago

He handled it way better than just about any cop I've seen on YouTube would. He didn't shoot any randos because he feared for his life. He didn't shoot before the attackers entered his immediate range. All of his shots landed.

LibertarianForChrist ago

On social media, I can tell who watched the video and who was told what to think.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

they're saying if you're 17, you're not supposed to have a license for a gun. I guess he could be charged with that but not murder if it was self defense. Like if someone with no gun license is being attacked, and the assailant drops their gun, and the victim picks up the gun and uses it in self defense, is that considered murder, no.

WolfgangBlack ago

Keep in mind the left has wanted to have 16 years olds vote. Kamala is even on video talking about it...

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

They probably want every age except a fetus to vote, cuz they want them dead

RoundWheel ago

You can own a rifle before you're 18. You can't buy one until you're 18.

sjwtriggerman ago

I'd like to see that any time someone is tried as an adult, they're considered an adult by the law. So, if they want to charge Kyle as an adult, then he was an adult at the time the crime occurred, meaning that the minor possessing a gun charge disappears for reasons of contradiction.

bonghits4jeebus ago

That makes way too much sense for a prosecutor. FWIW when I was 18 I was charged as an adult with "Minor in possession" for being at a house where other people were drinking beer. I was neither a minor nor in possession.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

not in wisconsin tho

observation1 ago


observation1 ago

good thing he's from IL

Nesano ago

We live in a fucked up country where a KID can go through this and be in jail for it. Going to jail for defending yourself and your community - what the actual fuck?

bonghits4jeebus ago

Did anyone look into who the prosecutor is? Soros has been funding a lot of these guys

Nesano ago

Who the fuck is this Soros motherfucker and why's he so malevolent?

bonghits4jeebus ago

He's some sort of Eastern European Jew turncoat who survived the Holocaust by turning in fellow Jews. He looks like he's possessed, so maybe he is. He's freaking ancient, but he's groomed a son to take over for him.

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robot7247 ago

I'd bet Kyle was also targeted specifically because of his youth/appearance. He looked like a soft target... surprise!

itssomatic ago

How much you want to bet that the former prison-fag Pedo-Jew made some sodomy threats when he attacked?

77777777777 ago

Soft like a woman cuz kyle is a woman. Ftm

ostreet ago

they defending beta cucks here now it’s hilarious 😂😂😂

77777777777 ago

They are mad cuz theyre ftm trannies too

Splooge ago

Relevant video with notations: https://files.catbox.moe/g98zyq.mp4

checkthenose ago

Big if true, only issue is no definitive shadows, could easily be a hand. Niggers and fags been doing the fist in the air shit which could be explained here.

No muzzle flash seen either. Could be low flash powder though which is typically used in self defense ammo.

Any other angles?

Kilofive ago

Crowd literally did shoot first.

In this video you can see the smoke from the left side when the shot goes off. Same dude


checkthenose ago

Well that video actually shows something versus the video posted. Can see muzzle flash and smoke.

His defense case is getting stronger and stronger.