WolfgangBlack ago

So what % of these rioters are Jews?

Three shot and ALL were kikenvermin?

90% jew agitators at these riots?

Brawndosaurus ago

Heeb pedo

HelmutSchnitzelnazi ago

lol @ Hair: Red or Auburn

ChanceIIorMershekeI ago

In the order of which they were shot:

Joseph Don Rosenbaum. Jailed for 10 years for whatever was the first sex offense, looks he's been back a few times. Has '42 disciplinary infractions' (including assaulting staff, possessing drugs, attempted arson) https://www.bailbondshq.com/arizona/azdoc-inmate-JOSEPH/172556. FB accounts: joseph.rosenbaum.908 and jojo.rosenbaum.96. Probably threw a brick inside a bag at the shooter. Unclear why he was chasing the shooter to begin with.

Anthony M Huber. https://mugshots.com/US-States/Wisconsin/Kenosha-County-WI/Anthony-M-Huber.68231945.html. FB account: anthony.huber.50309

Gaige Paul Grosskreutz. Burglary offense was at age 19. Was some sort of 'medic' for them. Mother's Facebook profile pic literally has a "Together against anti-Semitism" caption over it.

indoctrophobe ago

They're aiming to do the same thing to him that they did to Nick Sandmann.

I think they're trying to do the same to him that they did to James Fields.

Splooge ago

Ohhhh I see what you're getting at. Huh.

Either way, glad this yid got what's what.

Splooge ago

Splooge ago

This link you shared doesn't list his charges as luring, but specifically "sexual conduct w/minor."

Splooge ago

This is the relevant page on that same site: https://www.ageofconsent.net/laws/arizona/sexual-conduct-with-a-minor

The records page didn't say anything about luring a minor, it says specifically "sexual conduct with a minor," with the following notations (emphasis mine):

(1) If the minor is under age 15, five years in prison; (2) if the offender is at least age 18 or is tried as an adult and the minor was age 12 or younger, life in prison and the offender is ineligible for release until serving 35 years; (3) if the offender is at least 18 or tried as an adult and the victim is age 12, 13, or 14, the presumptive sentence is 20 years

So this jew diddled a kid younger than 15, at least twice, which got him two 10 year bids (probably based on position of trust enhancements).

And as I speculated earlier, his violations record while incarcerated indicates he probably ran with a peckerwood gang, so the jew did shapeshift for survival. That final link you shared is a fantastic wealth of info.

Splooge ago

So I did some more digging on the official registry. Turns out this yid was non-compliant with the terms of his registration: https://appsdoc.wi.gov/public/offenderdetails?id=60063

He was actually convicted in Arizona, so I looked up their laws, specifically "sexual conduct w/minor" which is its own classification:

A. A person commits sexual conduct with a minor by intentionally or knowingly engaging in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with any person who is under eighteen years of age.

B. Sexual conduct with a minor who is under fifteen years of age is a class 2 felony and is punishable pursuant to section 13-705. Sexual conduct with a minor who is at least fifteen years of age is a class 6 felony. Sexual conduct with a minor who is at least fifteen years of age is a class 2 felony if the person is or was in a position of trust and the convicted person is not eligible for suspension of sentence, probation, pardon or release from confinement on any basis except as specifically authorized by section 31-233, subsection A or B until the sentence imposed has been served or commuted.

The Arizona DPS site didn't have him listed when I checked, and the WI site says he began registration in 2017. From that, it's possible he may have spent at least some portion between 2002 and 2017 incarcerated. A five year bid is not out of the question for a felony conviction, after which point he may have immediately moved to Wisconsin to avoid stigma.

This also would explain the nigger behavior, you know, the stuff he gleaned from being around niggers constantly for that long. Who knows, he may have even shapeshifted to blend in with the peckerwoods for survival.

lanre ago

Three victims are:

1.) Gaige P Grosskreutz (a felon with robbery charges who was holding the glock and got his arm blown off)

2.) Joseph D Rosenbaum (pedophile, shot in the head, deceased)

3.) Anthony Huber (criminal history of battery, resistint arrest, disorderly conduct in 2018, sk8er boi, deceased)

Splooge ago

Wait, where are the victims?

lanre ago

The guys that got shot trying to kill Kyle.

Splooge ago

Huh. What are they victims of? Seems a bit off to describe anyone that goes around attacking others and getting shot for their troubles as "victims."

lanre ago

I know you're being facetious, but you don't have to be a "good guy" to be a victim of something.

Splooge ago

Not clear based on public record, could go either way.

Someone with more time/resources than me can file a FOIA request with either Kenosha PD or Sheriff's Office and get the actual reports. Those should shed more light on the incident.

Based on the dates however, this yid was 18-19 years old at the time of arrest/conviction, so it's highly unlikely that his victim was any older than 11 or 12 when whatever happened happened. I can't see an actual conviction and ordered registration resulting from some 18 year old kike boning some 17 year old yenta, and given what we know about homosexual deviancy and pedophilia in the jewish circles... well.

Zyklon_Bear ago

Thanks for the info. Yep, it looks less and less likely that this kike just boned a 16 or 17 year old girlfriend and some angry parents turned him into the cops.

Splooge ago

Check the other comments here bud, tons more for your review.

Splooge ago

In my other posts ripping on this idiot, I caught some flak from goats taking the "well he was a brainwashed huwhite guy, he's a victim too" angle.

Well, here you go folks.