Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

I just donated to Kyle $20.00 and a tip to his attorney of 10% .. $2.00 is the website to donate. Scroll down to donate to Kyle.

plasmah77 ago

I just tried to go there and I got a blank page that said: Forbidden

collin6173 ago

I'm looking into this site called They have raised $66000 so far for Saint Kyle. The site says they give 100% of the money raised. Does anyone know anything about this site?

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

These cunts took it down. They better refund my fucking money

ibepokey ago

AAAAAAND it's been shoah'd

Scratchie ago

A Monero crypto wallet that his parents? or he controls. No scams or takedowns

you-do-you-dude ago

They took it down. There are several other funding pages created for kyle, but they're all below $300 right now.

stoicmanchild ago

Look out for scams.

This kids parents need to post a dated photo with handwritten bitcoin address.

I'm not believing rando sites.

dayofthehope ago

Stop trying to take people's moneys. They need it more than Kyle who is a character, not a real person. Who knows whether the actress playing Kyle will get any of the money?

saltpricesplummet ago

Links not working. Did they take it down?

terminator7 ago

It was working earlier, I'm pretty sure they removed it. Last I checked it raised about $55k.

hang_em_high ago

unbelievable. Fucking kikes.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Nothing happens when you click on his picture??

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

GoFundWhoresandniggers just took down Saint Kyle's page..

Splooge ago

It was via a site called Fundly, (((GoFundMe))) shoah'd the ones they had well before this one.

I guess that was the last one, I can't find any others alive.

VoatIsRunByJews ago

Appears the link got Jewed

BarbaricHamSammy ago

the site is 404ing for me. Anyone have any luck getting to it?

Zen-Zinxe ago

Retarded. These kind of things have scam written all over them.

Logwarrior ago

I just gave 20 bucks

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Fuck the DA and fuck the State legislative body for not doing their jobs to protect the citizens. This isn’t on Kyle, this is on their lack of leadership.

blighty ago


At 52k now.

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SexMachine ago

This is what the Chipotle couple is using:

Chimaira92 ago

Kyles charity is now higher than one of the commies he killed but the 20% to non-profits brings it under

Can't believe people are donating to that commie cunt

Glipglup ago

Obviously self defense they chased him down

con77 ago

gofundme should be publicly flogged for not supporting conservative causes

Hand_of_Node ago

Everyone running it should be on the list.

NoBS ago

I would not chip in unless the parents can be charged for aid and abetting an underage terrorist.

In fact unless the (((kid))) has an honorable discharge before legal drinking age then he is just a punk.

I want who ever helped this punk with a roof over his head to be publicly hung for terrorism. My money is one or more parent is a Socialist, Unionist or public servant.

Guy_on_a_buffalo ago

Over $50,000 now.

CheeBooga ago

I bet money right now this is a jew doing a cash grab

Splooge ago

Well if that was the case, then I guess their plans are foiled because this one got shoah'd too.

Hand_of_Node ago

Someone listed a mexican name for him, but his text on that page is full of sketch. Talking about Fentanyl Floyd being murdered. Saying he's fighting for the 87% of Americans in the middle...

CheeBooga ago

I think its all a cover. I really do. I think he's far right spic. He's an honorary honky now.

Hand_of_Node ago

Hmmm, I tend to take peoples self-descriptions at face value. But you could be right.

AR47 ago

Who the fuck is American Wolf, and why is 20% going to non profits?


What evidence do I have this is not some fund raising scam set up by a jew?

Splooge ago




That can be used to identify you.

cyclops1771 ago

SCAM. Fucker is skimming off the top, and probably the bottom.

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dv1155 ago

What nonprofits are they?

voat4895 ago

we need a south park meme now

Asshat69 ago

Good for the kid getting $. Hopefully it's not a scam. Btw the group running this fund is a cuck libertarian group.

KLDB ago

We want his pay pal or crypto wallet so we can send direct and he can have control. Send as gift and he won't need to claim as income.

Splooge ago

Crypto would be awesome. I dunno about (((PayPal))) though, they get a whiff of this shit and they won't shutter the account, they'll freeze it (as they've done before) and lock up the funds (as they've done before).

KLDB ago

Agreed. But the more accounts PayPal freezes the deeper the legal hole they dig themselves into.

Splooge ago

It's a top-down problem. You have to attack the top, going after branches won't do any good.

So you sue PayPal. (((Who))) defends them? (((Who))) will hear the case? (((Who))) passes laws allowing them to continue their practices?

I'm not saying you're wrong, PayPal is indeed digging themselves into a hole, I just hesitate to say it's of a strictly legal sort. My guess is this whole thing will come to a head when we start seeing actual (((figures))) start to get assassinated. Big tech CEOs. Bankers. Politicians. When they start getting taken out, that's when this whole thing will crescendo.

KLDB ago

I agree with you 100%. The draining of the swamp might have a leader to help. But he will be on the shoulders of giants who take action in lined with their shared values.

MockingDead ago

Yeah. We are fucked.

We fucked around with diversity and democracy and we found out.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Fuck off parasite.

WTF was the kid DOING there WITH a gun???

lord_nougat ago

Shooting commie terrorists who were attacking him, looks like.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Was he ONE of them?

Lurker618 ago

Well, protecting neighborhoods and business from literal terrorists. People who commit arson, robbery, assault, murder to coerce people into furthering their political cause.

thebearfromstartrack ago

He is NOT a licensed ARMED security agent I BET. Was he ONE of them?

captainstrange ago

He is NOT a licensed ARMED security agent I BET.

Why would this even be relevant or important. 2A is your license.

Was he ONE of them?


cb1 ago

Killing communists. And doing a damn fine job.

whambamthankyouham ago

He's a man.

Nuffin ago

Well at 17 he is most likely legally still a minor.

And what is a minor doing out on the street with latex gloves holding an AR-15 in the middle of a riot? I’m reserving judgment overall right now, but on its face this looks like bad parenting and a terrible life choice for this kid.

whambamthankyouham ago

Doing many many of us should but won't.

thatguyiam ago

What R the peaceful protestors doing setting neighborhoods on fyre

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

Are they stupid? The jews are gonna take that shit down before the day's over.

tastelessinvective ago

Never heard of fundly. Maybe it's new enough that they still allow freedom.

sionblade22 ago

Post a receipt for proof nigger

Splooge ago

You got me, I didn't actually chip in, I was hoping no one would call me on it. Boy I sure feel silly now.

Interruptedagain ago

Over $25,000 now!!!

The_Venerable ago

38 minutes later it's up to $42,116

Interruptedagain ago

Good! And thanks for the update.

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

Why can't it be 100% to him, why did they have to take 20% for a non profit? Makes no sense to me, he needs every penny!

Splooge ago

Every charity that raises money does this one way or another for overhead and other bullshit. Some of the (((worst))) ones take as much as 80% or more for themselves. The fact that this one was up front about their cut is a sort of counterintuitive sign of transparency for me.

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

I got ya man. But even gofundme only takes a small single percent fee I believe. Either way I donated ...Justice for Kyle!

Splooge ago

There were at least two on GFM, but they were shut down. This is the only one I've found still going.

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

Got it man. I saw that they had taken it down. Such bullshit

obvious-throwaway- ago

  1. Is he Jewish

  2. Who runs Fundly?

veteran88 ago

One of the guys here shot has a hook nose.

I guess that is why he is being charged even though it was obviously self defense.

Brawndosaurus ago

Will they pull it?

toobaditworks ago


Splooge ago

From what I understand, (((GoFundMe))) has already pulled the ones there. This is the only one I've seen circulating that (despite the 20% rip) seems the most legit.

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kammmmak ago

He should get a pat on the back and say go home buddy you did good they have no case.

But noooooooo....

Voats_conspiracy ago

Guilty until proven innocent....

thisgoyfux ago

20% to non-profits my ass. I'm fine paying webhosting costs and throwing 0.5% to the webhost for operational costs, but 20% is the same rate as usury. Fuck that. It should be 99.5% to Kyle.

mudbear ago

80% to boy who got assaulted, 20% to the jews attacking him

Chimaira92 ago

Yup and look there was no 20% to non-profits for Steven Baca

flaxom ago

Here's the website for that non-profit, I can't tell what they do.

He also admits to not being in contact with the family. I really do want to support this kid with everything I can but Peter Diaz is entitled to exactly 0% of that...

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

When the public EXECUTION of George Floyd in Minneapolis occurred...


We are working for the 87% of us in the middle, Americans.

Send this guy money at your own risk.

Glipglup ago

White people love to give away money as instructed by (((the church)))

SuperToes845 ago

He also admits to not being in contact with the family.

The fuck!? So it's not even guaranteed the family would accept the leftover cash anyway. And what would he do then? Refund all the donors? Doubtful.

Rotteuxx ago

It's a cash grab on the kid's back.

20% of funds will go towards non-profit groups and American Wolf who are actively defending and protecting affected communities as well as holding corrupt politicians accountable.

Anonymous non-profits, probably giving it to jews.

American Wolfe is dedicated to preserving... wolves. Not actively defending and protecting affected communities as well as holding corrupt politicians accountable.

This smells.

Scyber ago

The shekel sniffers are coming out of the woodwork like roaches.

Donors be aware.

illuminalto2 ago

This smells.

I thought this immediately after reading the title.

Seems like a snag.

Have to research.

AR47 ago

He is an owner of a tree trimming service in Washington.

Started his own militia. Let me pull his records....I will get back with you.

Rotteuxx ago

Well now I'm confused, their site lists Rachel D. Guthrie as the founder and it's almost all women in Kansas.

AR47 ago

Yeah.... something ain't right. Doing some DOT inspections now so don't really have much time to dedicate to this.

Honestly think it's a scam all the way. Until the family says donation here.....I wouldn't trust shit

cyclops1771 ago

Yeah, this fucker is raking 20% off the top for himself - notice that the poster lists themselves as a "non-profit."

RoundWheel ago

Non-profit only means profits are reinvested back into itself. This is why most all non-profits are scams.

Belrick ago

Not even. No profit typical means huge wages and board of directors salaries.

RoundWheel ago

That's the "reinvestment."

People confuse non-profit with charitable. This confusion is specifically why scam charities choose to be a non- profit.

Belrick ago

No. The profit made isn't reinvested. It is distributed to the management who pay taxes upon those profits as income tax.

Company sells product. Empathy.

Company becomes zero profit by distributing some of the sales to the cause of empathy but mostly to owners and staff.

Company uses non profit label to promote empathy sales

KosherHiveKicker ago

((( Usury )))

VoatIsRunByJews ago

Welcome to Islam, where usury, charging any interest, is considered a declaration of war against God.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Deuteronomy 23:20

You may charge a foreigner interest, but you may not charge your brother interest, that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you undertake in the land that you are entering to take possession of it.

You need to educate yourself to the truth.

VoatIsRunByJews ago

Oy vey the Jews edited the Bible, which isn't even the ver batim words of Jesus (the Gospel).

KosherHiveKicker ago

Oy vey the Jews edited the Bible, which isn't even the ver batim words of Jesus (the Gospel)

Educate yourself dumb ass. It also part of the Torah.

The Book of Deuteronomy (literally "second law" from Greek deuteros + nomos[1]) is the fifth book of the Jewish Torah, where it is called Devarim (Heb. דברים), "the words [of Moses]".

VoatIsRunByJews ago

And it's part of the Bible (the old testament), and they edited it. It isn't the unfettered words of a Prophet of God like the Quran or Bhagavad Gita.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Nonsense. Usury is absolutely practiced, they just call it a different name

VoatIsRunByJews ago

In a vast majority of the Muslim world it was treated like murder up until about 1900.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

It's a bit confusing, but here are the main points. It is essentially Jew banking with cleverly worded changes

VoatIsRunByJews ago

You cannot charge any interest ever.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

They just CALL IT a different name. They STILL GET PAID. You think Muslim banks work for free?

VoatIsRunByJews ago

I should also add that charging interest and paying it and being the financial witness for someone else charging or paying it is a declaration of war against God.

VoatIsRunByJews ago

There aren't really any Muslim banks that aren't run by Jews that are shipped in. And if they are run by Muslims they run at a loss, and usually state sponsored (Saudi Arabia).

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Jews have their tentacles in every financial institution, it is known

fellowwhiteperson ago

Turns out prohibiting it doesn't stop it from happening. Interest on loans is a normal part of doing business. Best build an honest system around it instead of payday loan bullshit.

Chingchongtingtong ago

I support him but what really grinds-my-gears is the ones who really profit all this is the jewish fucking law that has a hold on us. "Oy vey must goto court and defend yourself expensivelly"

Nukeisrael ago

That’s capitalism bro. But that’s a big no no to ever critique that god here for boomers. If you do you’re a communist! If only there was a third way...

Belrick ago

Only cunts have issue with capitalism . Go fuck yourself commie

Nukeisrael ago

It’s a lot better than communism but there’s a better third way. As I said, the eternal boomer thinks it’s PEEFECT because he’s been conditioned to.

XSS1337 ago

Shoot shovel shut-up. Or SSS.

It will be trending within the next 2 - 3 weeks hopefully

watts2db ago

yep this is the problem

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

If you started disappearing jews and got 5 other people to start disappearing jews and so on....

But you won't do shit, nor will anyone you know.

Other than cry like a faggot on the internet.


Unlike you. You're totally doing it? Right? I mean, you're not just some online hypocrite telling others to do what you are not choosing to do yourself? Right? You wouldn't do that, would you?

CockSlappingMassacre ago

Whoo boys! Look at this nigger glow!


Yeah no shit. He should have commented on the weekend and got some federal overtime pay

awwisnotafarmpromise ago


Splooge ago

It's a broken system, that's for sure. You'll get no arguments from me on that one.

Nevertheless, it's the system that's in place now. The ultimate goal of course is to destroy it and replace it with something actually fair and just, but until then, there are those (like Kyle) who are in immediate need.

watts2db ago

yep especially may be worth investing in this young 17 year old warrior he's earned it we need to keep his moral intact knowing his people support him

Splooge ago

Well look at the masses of drones that are fighting for BLM and antifa. Why do they charge in with dildos and hammers? Because they're shown time and again that they're protected one way or another. It emboldens others to follow in step, and it's a powerful tactic.

Our "side" might not have the infrastructure, the cops, lawyers, state, politicians, etc., but if there's gonna be more frontline resistance in the future, the ones that stand up now must not be allowed to take the full brunt of their actions. We have to show the grunts that oppose BLM/antifa/jews/etc. that they can be similarly guarded.

watts2db ago


ClaytonBigsby313 ago

Sounds a bit pink there bud.

godamn ago

Sounds like he’s taking a cut.