ConanLibertatem ago

The hook nose is a shocker. Never thought a jew might be involved,

minx88 ago

same goes for gates and Fauci poisonous fucking Jews that want to stab you with actual poison that will kill you vaccine will give you deformities will make you sick and eventually kill you in it just a couple of years it will change your DNA it is the mark of the devil and the fact that they want to force you and say you have no way to get out of it is it’s murder is attempted murder they want to promote murder people and they will deny it and they were denied they will say it’s good for your health but actually they’re trying to murder you and they’re getting nasty about it and they seem calm but when you say fuck off you see the evil in their eye they will play victimhood Don’t mistake them never trusted you they will stab you in the back they will literally stab you in the back with a knife or a needle but they want to kill you Jews are cannibals

minx88 ago

Burn her burn her name burn her picture get her out of office and burn her

minx88 ago

Look at this ugly fucking big nose kike with her sunken face because she’s rotting on the inside, She looks like A skeletorShe is a Jewish ritual muderer Torturing children She needs to be burned at the stake like we used to she is a witch not like a hippie witch but like I cut the child up and put it into a pot kind of jew occultist witch

minx88 ago

Child ritual Jewish ritual murder ministration raping and murdering little children they tried to deny it but there’s also too much proof like podesta and Hillary and Adrenochrome and Planned Parenthood blood masks eating children for their adrenal gland bathing in blood like Milo kidnapping children we’re shipping to Malik and bathmat they try tonight but they also are Oregon to show it there did you have schizophrenia it is daemonic they are demons the vampire like jack the ripper was Jewish all the mass murders that were cannibalizing their victims do basic research to find that they were Jewish they will victimhood with her anti-Semite bullshit word and cry and moan but they also are arrogant to say that they do as well do it His blood libel they want to destroy white children and white women and white men because they are the Jew deformed ugly psychotic bolshevik holodomor murderers Arrogant now because they have their invasion of that they pay for of knickers and Muslims that are doing most of the the murdering for them while did you secretly mutilates children and drink their blood and laugh the Jews are laughing and they need to be silenced permanently every single Jew is a cannibal they are not human their cannibals the Muslim and you a Nager of the same cannibal shit

minx88 ago

look at that which this is a Jewish which everyone look good learn how to recognize that you big massive nose concave face psychotic eyes and she’s a fucking pedophile and she mutilates children they are the ones who are kidnapping children and mutilating them and eating their adrenal gland it is a vampire and or a witch it looks like a witch we have been burning them in the inquisition times and we need to do this again and now

They will not stop they are the antichrist Talmudic demon subhuman shit and she needs to die and every single one of the Jews Because every single ZHU adheres to that antichrist talmoodic asswipe pamphlet

Usernamenameuser ago


poopscooppp ago

Is that a jew pretending to be a women


The HOLOCAUST the kikes keep dwelling on is just around the corner.

olltre ago

look at that beak

Maat4u ago

While people in comment section try to identify Jew tranny male ect. She’s making headway to get the future children of az are further away from morality, cracking foundations of what makes a civilization. How did she get into this position is probably a better question, or how do we get her out, and how to stop this from happening around the world. Protecting the future is more important than the obvious.

LargePeter ago

That is one ugly bitch! Suspect she’s out to take vengeance on a universe that made her so fucking ugly by harming kids.

Olivefigs ago


What an ugly creature

A homosexual trying to get little children interested in sex. so what else is new?

SirNiggsalot ago

Hook nose psychopathic cunt

dcosta77 ago

That is one disgusting looking mother fucker.

forgotpwagain ago

teh hook

terminator7 ago

One thing that always amazes me- evil people often have evil/ominous looking features.

tom9152 ago

Brain growth and facial features are linked together.

Here's an extreme example...

Xax ago

Do we know whether or not if he’s Jewish?

keksupreme ago

giant jew bird...interesting

CheeBooga ago

They are demons walking amongst us. Just look at that demon. Evil, disgusting.

GrandmasterAssassin ago

You demons are going to die a most horrible death!

jthun2 ago

look at that fucking face

looks like a tranny, but so many jewish women look like witches or goblins that it is hard to tell

Landrictree ago

It's on youtube. And after hearing it talk I still don't know...

meowski ago

definitely a tranny

GrizzlyDark ago

fake and ghey. This has gone past the point of absolutely complete lack of self awareness to troll level. This man got a reverse nose job and swore in on a Dr Suess book just to see if he could get away with it without being called a kike tranny. It is the only possible answer

MomsDontMakeGoodDads ago

Jesus... She looks like Frampt from Dark Souls.

Kaptaan ago

Jew? Hoffman?

King_T_Roll ago

your starting to make me LOSE MY MARBLES!!!

Sympozium ago

Look at that crane lmao. EVERY.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

What a fucking freak! It looks like some sort of pedophile tranny.

GreatWhiteBeyond ago

That fucking beak holy shit...

Voats_conspiracy ago

Is that a bird. God damn

thebearfromstartrack ago

She LOOKS trans. Is she trans?

PsychoticBreak ago

The eagle is soaring there

Duchozz ago

Someone needs to just kill her on minecraft

DemocratsAreAssholes ago

If it hates the Bible that much, then I guess she can't be sworn in.

Obammy the faggot wonder monkey pulled the same shit and look what happened.

slwsnowman40 ago


bingbang ago

You mean He is grooming. That's a dude!

everlastingphelps ago

Dude looks like Golum.

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

That thing is wretched

Kregan ago

What a hook nosed cunt

Shaking_My_Head ago

She is scary looking. She reminds me of a troll.

jewsbadnews ago

I thought that was a tranny. I had to look "her" up. And apparently it is a woman.

rumorhazard ago

Where's 1488 with his tagline?

Nosferatjew ago

That's a man.

Enaashby ago

It looks like a tranny.

con77 ago

The guy in the middle looks like he's in pain.

con77 ago

In the immortal words of Austin Powers. "Thats a man baby!".

Uncle_Slob ago


con77 ago


Bundyfly ago

Jewcan childraperstein is obvious!!

ardvarcus ago

What a crone. All she needs is a broom and a pointy hat.

alacrity167 ago

Guy is like: That's one freaky looking broad

Misskylie42 ago

Jew alert

telleveryoneyouknow ago


hollywood2020 ago

the guy next to it is throwing up in his mouth

Drenki ago

Guy in the middle of the picture is at 250% doubt.

Deplorable_Me ago


selpai ago

Holy shit, that’s some beak.

Fabricwelder ago

Bird Man!!!!!

fightknightHERO ago

That nose is demonic!

kidcip16 ago

Disgusting kikes. Why do we ourselves to be ruled by these rats?

northlord ago

i dont know what that is

ScarletTanager ago

That's a hook nosed kike man.

Wahwahweewah ago

That's a dude

Steinmacher ago

the chosen race...

AdaptOrDie ago

My Tranny radar is in the red with this one.

PogotheClan ago

Nothing shocking with jews. Vulture looking fucks.

TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

That disgusting bag of flesh is supposedly only 33 or 34. I'd be more inclined to believe it's a woman before I believe that.

Sprouted01 ago

Not too surprised to find out that sh s from Portland

puggy ago

"I swear to the cat in the hat..."

Scyber ago

Do gold coins fly out of (((its))) nose when it sneezes?


Hodor123 ago

That's a man baby!

Smallest_Skil ago

that is quite the jew horn on that slut.

SendMeYourTitties ago


spumba07 ago

I though these liberals kid all the time. I just realized they are kidophiles and want to groom others too

Yuke ago

That guys face in response to that hideous manbeast is pretty much how mine looked on seeing this image.

Rellik88 ago

AZ here.... Yay.....

acesneights ago

One kike monstrosity and enabling two cucks.

AlwaysBWhitePositive ago

It's a walking beak.


How did this freak show win in Arizona???

Hoboritler ago

Look at that honker!

secretMEnsfw ago

Is that a five o' clock shadow?

Armpit_and_Ass ago


wanderingblade ago

Looks like a tranny jew

Moln0014 ago

Holy Mary. That beak

ManchesterT ago

Oh wow. She "figured out" that there is "no such thing as God".

What a clever, modern girl. Such an individual. No one has ever had this creative thought, in all of history. Our ancestors were just blind and stupid. None of them questioned or doubted religion, at all

fluxusp ago

Oi, you got a loicense for that?

ingeedingee ago

Look at that nose on this groomer!!

Planetoftheclown ago

What is the point of a swearing in ceremony if the person doesn't have the moral fortitude to recognize and make the oath to a higher power?

concernedpikachu ago

fucking kike beak

Drunkenmoba ago

Ballotpedia on her

She isn’t directly jewish, just a shabbos goya. Her opponen In the primary was not laying the jewish and bullied for it against her nonstop.

Shes just an ugly childless brainwashed liberal teacher turned to politics.

BadBoyBubby ago

jew or someone who is brainwashed and thinks like a jew, no difference

tokui ago


awwisnotafarmpromise ago

What will anyone on voat do about it?


What will anyone, anywhere do about it?


Just cry like a faggot on voat.

Invisiburu ago

When did sex education become sex instruction?

ciaozuzu ago


dirt_reynolds ago

I've caught fish with less hook than is in that nose.

ALIENS2222 ago


MDEfugee1939 ago

Old news, just FYI. This is from over a year ago. Apparently the end result was that (((she))) backed off of the sex ed reform (which she apparently "brought up for consideration" because some leftist taco nigger and their LGBT friends in the state house wanted it to change), because she claimed its "not the DOE's role to legislate, the house should pass a law if they want sex ed to change."

So, code for "we'll try again in a few years when the demographics are even more in our favor".

JesusRules ago

What an evil looking Skeksis

1Sorry_SOB ago

Progressivism never stops. There is no barrier it will not break down. They make every small step seem reasonable.

None of it makes your society a better place.; Progressive school curriculums from 1960's thru the 1990's has resulted in, lack of religion, gender dysphoria, rioting in the streets, declining white birth rates, mass drug use/homelessness, high suicide rates among white males....

Guess who has been cementing control of our society during that time?

NicotinicAcid ago


Speaking of Jude, have you seen the side profile of Princess Anne from the UK royals?

Mobilus ago

A nose only a flamingo could love.

ChosenUndead ago

That is a goddamned demon. Kill it with fucking fire.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago


Animals9 ago

Even the dude holding the book is like "fuckin' a look at that beak!" "What a disgusting creature!"

1Sorry_SOB ago

Swear on a Jewish book? why not just go full Talmud?

M80TheMan ago

We’re going to need a bigger oven for that nose.

1Sorry_SOB ago

She bitter over her face and taking it out on little children. Sad.

kafkaq ago

UFO files unsealed. Did Aliens make contact with top US officials?

maaaxheadroom ago

Look at the beak on that (((vulture))) gonzo the muppet didn’t have a schnoz like that!

892012518HEROS ago

When you been on voat so long that all you see is nose

vastrightwing ago

Yea, the other day, I was looking at Magic Eye images. All I saw were jew noses.

1Sorry_SOB ago

When you've been on voat so long the first thing you check in every MSM news story is berg, stein, cohen....

500five ago

When you been on Voat so long seeing a nigger, spic, jew, gook, pajeet, or muzzy ruins your day.

892012518HEROS ago

Truly a great red pill site see through the Jewish smoke and Mirrors

Gringojones ago

That's not grooming children.

That's creating the next generation of pedophiles.

CelticMutt ago

It looks like a Skeksis.

WD_Pelley ago

B-But skeksi am friend of Gelfling!

The_Dogfck ago

Skeksis drain essense from Gelflings - it's an apt metaphor

RedBullTrooper ago

He should stick with his day job, sitting on the edge of a glass and dipping his beak in the water.

lemon11 ago

And the campaign was run with taxpayer money (as reported here) against a Republican who spent mostly (about half) his own family's money.

Instead of making evocative titles that claim this is going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back, we should dig into these processes to find out how to break them. But what do you do when a state like Arizona has an income tax that funds destroyers?

Let them burn in the hell they've made.

SaxonWolfcock ago

What a goofy looking beak on this long necked parrot kike

buzz99c ago

It couldn't get laid. Tries to produce kids that may touch it's nasty ass.

TripleZ ago

Her nose is in a different time zone than her face.

OandAPartyRock ago

Again - unless they are in their 20’s and haven’t fallen apart yet, liberal women are almost never attractive. Most are downright repugnant. This is why you never meet a happy, well adjusted feminist or transgender.



Recyclops14 ago

That looks like a fucking man. Lot of Trannies getting into politics.

mEyck97 ago

Transsexuals are the perfect politicians for the ruling class. They promote consumerism and marxism. Plus they have no concept of morality, so they are the perfect sheeps of our ruling class.

Mugman ago

Its their calling.

heywoodnj ago

Holy fuck look at that cartoon creature! I wouldn't let my kids watch this on tv let alone send them to its lair.

JaffaKree ago

Yikes, that is one scary looking pseudo-broad.

Conejo_loco ago

The Jew is strong with this one. I smell gefilte fish through my phone!

metricisokay ago

The Grinch who stole all the nasal spray

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Thats a dude.

constitutionranger ago

That is a demon, not a human.

SearchVoatBot ago

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bluedeath ago

From Portland Oregon .... you can't make this shit up

Deflo56 ago

Kinda jumps out at you. Whew!

ShadowHelp ago

Clown world

ForgottenMemes ago


ISlooshyYou ago

Is that thing a male? Is it a female? Is it human?

NakedWarrior ago

All I know is "it's" so ugly it would make a train take a dirt road.

Ocelot ago

Dunno. Dunno. No, it's a kike.

86753090100 ago

Wonder what its voice sounds like.

$5.00 says its deeper than mine:).

Groove_Control ago


ravensedgesom ago

their faces are hideous as their souls. Truly remarkable how vile these things are.

letsgoallthewhey ago

She looks like Big Bird.

wigson ago

It looks like a super jew assembled of various parts taken from other jews (and trannies).

uvulectomy ago


big_fat_dangus ago

Lol I wonder if jewish men actually are sexually attracted to long noses, and that's how they all have them? Fuckin whack but then again, some people are attracted to feet.

LiamOdinThomas ago

SO....he/shes not a valid swear in....right?

WD_Pelley ago

She looks like an ugly Afghan hound after it was shaven and put in a suit.

Misskylie42 ago


favoritecoloriswhite ago

My fellow Golden Retrievers...

BeerNinja727 ago

That is one fucking ugly ass kike

SumerBreeze ago

That’s exactly what I wanted to post; I had to scroll down and make sure I wasn’t posting verbatim what you just wrote.

BeerNinja727 ago

Great minds think alike

WhoFlungPoo1132 ago

The nose knows

Varlet ago

How else are they going to breathe in all that free gas?

clubberlang ago

Beat me to it fucko

Nietzsche___ ago

You could hook a fish on that.

TheReeesistance ago

Look at that fuckin beak

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

I'm pretty sure that's an avian creature with very low intellect who collects shiny, worthless objects, pesters children, reads Dr Seuss and loves playing with crayons while little kids play with his beak.

the_old_ones ago

literally a tranny to boot

GG_Allins_1989_Shit ago

Right look at that fucker.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

She hooked that one.

vastrightwing ago

Wow, look at that schnauzer. Jeeze!

minx88 ago

juden nose What’s the nose of a pedophile demon which really she looks like a witch.

We used to burn those we need to do that again because they are cannibals like Hillary torturing eating the face of a child and then eating the adrenal gland Yes that information was found on the dark web many people have seen it they will not stop with their torturing and cannibalizing children they’ve been doing that since the beginning of time every century they try to do this shit I know because they brought the words of Islamic animals and Nager cannibals that they’re arrogant and think that they can get away with it but they are mistaken!!!

people need to learn to recognize that you concave face because they are rotting demon shit on the inside there are many ways to tell a Jew the back of the head the forehead the chin people need to start looking closely at peoples faces you do not need any technology you just need to look closely with your eyes and then you need to listen to them do they have a whiny nasal victimhood voice because just a Nager‘s and Muslims always play victim used to use it as a weapon and look she’s out right promoting pedophilia and they try to make a normal that’s how arrogant they are they think they can get away with this evil fucking shit because they brought their breeding like cockroaches Muslim a Nager shit well now they’re not gonna get away with it not this time this time it’s not work camps this time is not expulsion this time we’re going to kill everyone of these motherfucking Jews Muslims a Nager‘s because they Cannot get away with torturing our children

Unreasonable ago

That's a man

LurkedForever ago

Yeah, I looked up that name, and she doesn't have giraffe neck. Photo might be shopped.

minx88 ago

Yes because they are deformed the Jews are deformed look at that massive knows OK some Europeans have big nose but they always have big massive quick notice but although sometimes I get a nose job like in Hollywood but you can tell in other ways that is due people need to learn to recognize a jew

look at her concave face you cannot escape the fact that they have a sunken face because it is they are rotting on the inside all the witches look like that she looks like a witch from the Halloween shops we burn them in the inquisition for a good reason because they were mutilating children they were eating them they were cannibals and now they have brought their Muslims and Nager horde so they are arrogant and they are making it even popular like to have a blood facial mask like Elizabeth Bathory and Where they think like Hillary Clinton can you let a child eating its face and then eating is adrenal gland These Talmudic demon shitthink it’s funny,They think it’s funny to Mulate and molest children and talk about pedophilia as being normal like nambla The pedophile group ring they are Jews like the pet transvestites dressed up as demons these are Jews they are concerned they are recorded pedophiles with the record that are trying to take up space by going into public schools it is a war that they are trying they are occupying and trying to colonize and trying to take over and you need to learn to recognize a Jew because there they not only are dying their hair blonde or like these stupid Nager‘s wearing blonde weave looking like monkeys with a wig but they also have mixed you have to learn how to recognize a Jew because Jews have mixed with whites when they had white slaves centuries ago and still do so that they can have it look like white people so that they can pretend to be us and manipulate whites into race mixing to destroy the white race so you have to look good at the face and head there are not it’s not just the nose but there are other giveaways like look at this which bitch here she has a sunken rotten in phase she has a big nose she has psychotic eyes end it and the just the fact also that she’s pushing this pedophile thing as normalcy You can understand that even when they get plastic surgery they cannot hide their intentions they expose them selves they openly call for pedophilia that is daemonic

LurkedForever ago

@SendMeYourTitties already corrected me with pics. You guys are right. Look at those hands. That has to be mtf

kestrel9 ago

Trannies usher in the end of civilization.

Olivefigs ago

End of civilisation is what brings out all the trannies

kestrel9 ago

I think you're right. It's a hard truth to watch happen. The pedo takeover of the world is a bitter pill, they probably got tired of regular boys and girls so they create trannies (using social conditioning and political pressure) as a fetish and to further destroy the traditional family structure where parents actually protect their kids from sexual predators, not hand them over to them. BLM stems from the Marxist Communist Tranny based organization called Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), they want to target traditional family structure and destroy our country. We've seen the results that has had on the black community. They are liars owned and funded by pedo enabling globalists.

Olivefigs ago

It’s no secret they targeted traditional family since it is the building block of our civilisation. They started breaking it with feminism and bringing the women out of the home to work, leaving the kids with strangers. Soon the divorce rate was sky high. Single mom families are rampant, there’s no foundation left and the society comes crumbling down

SendMeYourTitties ago

No she literally does.

Damn that’s an ugly bitch.

LurkedForever ago

Holy hell you're right. Then that is defiantly a man. Look at those hands.

bingbang ago

And his relative height to the other men. Hasn't learned the Michelle technique of downplaying the height and shoulders. The "man hands" are a dead giveaway.

mfquesodindunuffin ago

There goes my appetite.

whatisbestinlife ago

jews have 8 genders in their talmud. sometimes 6. they are so inbred they have created hybrids from birth

minx88 ago

Because they are not human they are demonic so humans they have been for centuries expelled but expelling is not good they need to be exterminated I am not with a fake camp but just exterminated because they will not stop with your bullshit fake demon shit they are not human people have to get this through their head they are a vampire it is not a fantasy figure it is a real thing to torture child like a Jewish ritual murder and to cannibalize to eat them like Hillary or Jack the ripper Or drink their blood or eat their adrenal gland that is called vampire the black the Nager’s are cannibalprimates Same with the Muslim they play the child with drugs they gang rape the children and then they cut them and serve them in their Shawarma shops they are cannibals they are demonic animals people there is evil on the planet it’s the same evil for centuries it has been showing itself and every century and it’s Satan’s shit out of his ass and of course he in lies so they are liars they have human skin that they borrow from Seton but they are not human they are daemonic shit and they need to go back in the ass of the demon that shit them out because they will not stop with Torturing and murdering our children men and women and they will not stop pushing pedophilia and trying to make it normal Jews Muslims and Nager’s need to die now and do not let any of them live Including the little half black Nager babies from the mixed race that the Jews have been pushing to destroy white ,Tell your daughters and sons to stop talking with these primates they will be beaten and murdered stop it it does not make them tolerant it makes them that they will be murdered or there and their child to murder them because anything with any fraction of black in it’s blood is a murderbecause they would do this whole thing over again.

They will never stop because they are demonic psychopath murders every single Jew Muslim and Nager is a literal Backstabber and they can they’re going to always use victimhood and cry the crocodile tears and bitch n moan n nasal whine And screech do not listen to it just fucking kill it because this victimhood shit is a used as a weapon in the very second you turn your back they will stab you

Olivefigs ago

Holy shit, I thought this was a joke, but it’s real!

All of a sudden, all this trannyism everywhere makes way more sense

whatisbestinlife ago

they want us all to convert to their religion

Olivefigs ago

I thought we are not allowed to convert to their religion, it had to be inherited by blood

whatisbestinlife ago

they have 300 VERBAL interpretations of the talmud. do you reall think they play by any rules?

1trizz ago

This info needs to be spread around vote more readily. Someone said something like this a few months ago and it blew my mind. That’s why you see people like chucky shumer And his man wife in public. It’s a Jewish mitsvah for them to be so gross.

whatisbestinlife ago

i did. theres lots of info on it widely available that no one has dug into.

TechDumb ago

I thought I had gotten all I could out of Voat, but it just keeps teaching me more and more all the time. It's worth wading through the boomer memes and the Qtards for pearls like these.

WD_Pelley ago

This explains their obsession with sexuality and various identities.

TechDumb ago

And if you're trying to redpill someone on the jews just talk about their civil rights involvement and point to the talmud as the explanation for their prominence in this gender fluidity bullshit. All the transsexual literature Hitler burned that was written by jews just makes so much more sense now. Jews are fucked!

WD_Pelley ago

It's all coming together now; everything is coming to light.

2fat2move ago

Intersex conditins


Ocelot ago

Hard to tell with jewesses. It's hiding the brow so can't tell by that, but the ring finger is shorter than the index which typically indicates female.

Olivefigs ago

That’s definitely a man, bro

ScarletTanager ago

She is like 8 inches taller than both guys. Even if they are short, it would make herm in the top 1% of female heights , I am also seeing a slight Adam's apple.

2fat2move ago

Its a dude. You cant even see the fingers in this shot.

altident ago

ciaozuzu ago

Its confusing. Just watched a video of it speaking and it had that affected tranny voice.

themaestro777 ago

She still lookie like a man

Olivefigs ago

She lol

altident ago

Yeah she’s definitely unattractive. But in the first pic she looks straight up like a drag queen, not even trying. At least in the second pic she looks like an ugly woman with some masculine features

77777777777 ago

Yeah thats a horrible obscured angle.

Photos can be decieving. They arent a 100% real life facsimile. Thats why angles matter.

altident ago

You really can look at that picture and think that her ring finger is longer than her index finger? This isn’t some posed photo designed to be deceiving, that’s literally just what her hand looks like

77777777777 ago

Its a dude. Its obvious. And yeah, tilt your hand away from yourself. Index gets longer. Perspective changes things greatly. You could go find another photo with a better angle but here you are reeeeing.

altident ago

Right, because there are just tons of photos of every superintendent’s hands, retard. No matter how I tilt my hand, my fingers do not appear to be different lengths in relation to each other. And her hand isn’t even tilted. It’s straight up, and perpendicular to the camera

Ol_Hickery ago

What the fuck dude, no gore warning?

Porsonkorno ago

Jesus Christ! Was that really necessary?

Inaminit ago

Sorry, I thought they were sisters...

showbobandvagene ago

Look at the fucking hooter on that.

QewTheJew ago

I think she will get a rhinoplasty (plastic surgery)

Heer_me_roar ago

Nah, at this point they’re proud of it

ravensedgesom ago

they get off on rubbing their political control in our faces.