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lemon11 ago

It would have been nice to know what specific leaks you were talking about. I guess it was these from a month ago (the only two I found searching for adl memos):

/v/politics/3907970 / /

/v/news/3900036 / /

Most voters celebrate foreign interference when it works to their advantage, and gaslight their opponents to pretend it's evil when they don't like it. Pop politics has morphed into jewish psychological tricks, so you'd have to find somebody opposed to those to to talk to outside of Voat.

How is anybody going to turn on AIPAC when most people would have sunk the USS Liberty themselves given the chance?

Thomas_the_Roman ago

According to Israelis are not Jews no matter they say so. Interesting.

DontBeRacist ago

It's hard for democrats to oppose niggers as well, because they both vote for the same people. Generally, though, white people around large nigger population have mostly turned to republicans, the defacto white people's party.

Drjekkyl ago

You sweatin' , bra?

Inaminit ago

FISA Courts are supposed to investigate THIS, not spying on an incoming official before he's even elected.

NoseSubversion ago

I’m with you. But look around at these posts. Voat has gone to shit.

Brotherhoodlum ago

The Liberal Party of Canada donated heavily to Hillary Clinton's campaign. The news was released several times to little interest of thr American voter yet seemed to stir controversy amongst Canadians interestingly.

moirai11 ago


BoomerHater1488er ago

Most voters celebrate foreign interference when it works to their advantage, and gaslight their opponents to pretend it's evil when they don't like it.

In other words, some people enjoy the short term benefits of serving the Jew while others know what a vampire does with its meal when there is no more blood to drain.

AlpineSDP ago

Most voters celebrate foreign interference when it works to their advantage, and gaslight their opponents to pretend it's evil when they don't like it.

This is most Humans.

SigniferLux ago

Nah, niggers and kikes are like that too.

Gimme_Rope ago

Like the Jews niggars deny everything wrong about them.

We all know who trained them and train them good!

funny-ha-ha ago

Exactly right. Israel got away with the USS Liberty, murdering JFK, and 9/11, and OP thinks that some fucking leaked ADL document is going to bring them down? FFS.

Details on Israel and 9/11: