VandalayIndustries ago

Jews always play both sides, just in case.

So, only a cool mustache wearing fucker with a ‘real’ solution will never change this.

One chance for humans, is the fact their are nuke bombs now.

6.2 miles from Davos is primary target, forgot city where George Soros lives, but, to quote Sam Hyde, they have names and addresses.

A few million dollars worth of nukes applied to the chief financiers of global terrorism on the planet would mean 100 plus years of peace.

Holy fuck. The true awakening needs to happen.

GaperGlory ago

We have to take care of the niggers first. That way the little like cunts don't have they're goyim bodyguards

bestongroup ago

The Liberal Party of Canada donated heavily to Hillary Clinton's campaign. The news was released several times to little interest of thr American voter yet seemed to stir controversy amongst Canadians interestingly.

Nukeisrael ago

Yeah I’m sure ZOG is going to arrest ZOG.

BW-414 ago

rev. ted pike said the a.d.l. is part of mossad.

gonnatoom ago

The USA was founded by Freemasons

iwanthews ago

Where's the link?

cumshed ago

NO, America is too busy with riots and burning buildings.

girtablilu_34 ago

Everyone knows that, and also: Yeah, they won't. Whining about The Holocaust ensues, everyone runs from the crash like cats from the noise of the mess they made, and here we are.

lovehate123 ago

This is Pretty Smart, China Should totally leak everything about the subversion the Jews where busy with since the early 30's and try to take some heat off of themselves.

SerialLarper ago

The ZOG runs on statism. The US is most amenable to this because it is a federation of states. The saving grace of the U.S. is that it's Constitution recognises natural rights, which (ironically for the Judenhass chuckleheads), traces back to Judaism via English common law from the time of King Alfred the Great.

DylannWasRight ago

Because Trump, jews

goat-ditarod ago

Rooted deep in the USA. Wish our politicians would grow some nuts and get off the teet

Gimme_Rope ago

I agree with you that that will happen eventually but I truly believe we're decades away.

Gimme_Rope ago

What really pisses me off is that we can't even give the working people in America another $1,200 stimulus check but we can give every man woman child Jew in Israel 38 billion dollars which comes out to about $40,000 per person.

The reality is America will never be great again unless we free ourselves first from the Jew then from the Negro and then from the Latino.

MaxxNY ago

The scales have to tip

MaxxNY ago

All jews are foreign agents

AlienDarwin ago

Chimese amnassador to Irael died pretty recently.Murdered? cant post link,sorry

JoeBro154 ago


WolfgangBlack ago

It started out as a foreign agent so that is really really really old news.

Bushtaco321 ago

Happy I found this. This is why I come here, this right here.

Angelique ago

A great (short) video showing ADL Foxman bullying the Ukrainian president about the Holodomor.. His point being they need to stfu about it- can't have people knowing about a real genocide. These "people" are so disgusting. Youbl can tell the pres wants to punch his awful face in.

LaRiver ago

"China leaking internal ADL memo"? Are you sure? China is part of Jewish ADL? Any evidence, source?

King_T_Roll ago

The irony, the group trying to stop discrimination and racism is a puppet of a nation that is doing a holocaust on Muslims. oy vey

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Hahah looks like the kike golems are turning on their masters a bit.

teyoca6363 ago

ifyou think peggys story is shocking..., won weAk-Ago my doughter got A chequefor $6014 working A sixteen hour week from there ApArtment And the're roomAte'ssisters neighbour hAs done this for five months And mAde over $6014 pArt-timeAt there . use the instructions At this website... go to this site home tAb formore detAil >>> See more ........HERE☛

Bjam27 ago

It's fake dumbass.

Stop gaslighting

MongolianPaellaFish ago

Now watch as Trump quietly ignores all of this.

Manintights ago

This post glows so hard it could be seen from space with the naked eye... And that was BEFORE you mentioned the "price tag" concept as something "Whites should start doing" and that it helps to "fix a mental defect" in Whites.... In fact, with the jargon you use and your style of writing, you probably work for the fucking ADL or are on their contractor payroll. You speak like a shape shifter to me.

Silly. I told them this was going to happen and they couldn't do anything to stop it.

^ you told the ADL they were going to be hacked and busted for their actions? ROFL don't make me laugh. Oh wait, it's possible that you told them because you work there?

Come on OP... No source for any statements made, speak like an authority on the subject, speaks on behalf of others and your posts basically fall just short of a call to violence.... Next thing you are going to be sending PM to all the users who criticized you for only speaking instead of "doing".. Asking them if they "finally want a chance to DO something about it"

funny-ha-ha ago

ok fed.... you are glowing hard

ColinKelley ago

WAS A PUPPET............

ColinKelley ago

Really well said!!!! You are absolutely right about Europe, but Europe is not the whole story. Some of the Rothschilds cut off their matralineal line -- some did not. They are not all visible. Some take on "street" names and hide in plain sight. Jeffry Epstein was/is an example (I think he is still alive). Do you really think the CEO of Victoria's Secret just gave Epstein the best and most expensive penthouse in New York, the best island in the Caribbean, the best dude ranch in New Mexico, several hundred million dollars in jet airplanes and helicopters -- a total worth of more than a billion dollars; really, by himself? The hook nosed Khazarians only pretended to convert to Rabbinic Judaism (around 800 AD). They never gave up their Satanic child sacrificing worship of Molach, or their international organized crime. They used Judaism as a cover, to perpetuate their secret order. Yes, they hate and are sabotaging the true Jews and Christians. You got that right. The most intense anti Semites on earth all have Jewish names -- they are the radical leftist atheistic Khazarian Jews. I am guessing, you have to have had to have met some of them. If you have ever had a conversation with a single one of them, you will never forget it. The Rothschild Cabal is a Satanic Cult. It includes some European Monarchs, Benjamin Rothschild, some mafia and other organized crime families, some Jesuits, and some CEOs. The Rothschild Banks are everywhere, and their Mossad, and deep state are everywhere. They are entrenched and well financed, but not invincible. The current generation of cabal leadership is not up to the task, and the rank and file are gumshoes. Trump has them on the ropes -- he is transforming both Israel and Saudi Arabia. Their money can't save them.

skullfuku ago

muh humaneness

jijefim390 ago

colton. you think RAlph`s c0mment isgreAt... on sundAy i bought A brAnd new chrysler from hAving eArned $7168 thispAst four weeks And more thAn 10/k lAss-month. it's definitly the mostrewArding i hAve ever hAd. i ActuAlly stArted eight months/Ago And AlmostimmediAtely wAs bringin home more thAn $86, per-hr. i went to this web-site,>>> See more ........HERE

fusir ago

I don't think that China and the fake nation of Israel are working together at this point, but I do believe that the Chinese are using and coordinating a body of anti-white Jews within the US.

China is trying to advance cultural marxism in the US, and Jews are the agents of that action. Specifically some in academia and the political machine. A lot of it is funded through Soros, who has financial ties to China.

LaRiver ago

China as a nation is not particularly ideological or religious, rather, it is very pragmatic and secular in outlook, unlike the Jews. Marxism is the official religion/ideology imported from the western Jews. Chinese people don't give a shit about it. It is the western Jew trying to destroy Chinese culture with Marxism and religions. If China is trying to influence the US with its soft power, it is Confucianism.

funny-ha-ha ago

You are so full of shit.

slickleg64 ago

I think you need to understand the CCP, and their origins and history. Communism is based of the Talmud, and the beliefs spreads by the Bolshevik revolution made their way to what is now Maoist China. Maoism is based of the Talmud, Chinese literally copied jewish ideals and made it their own. What your saying is speculation from somebody with no understanding of the status quo. China do not care about kazhar jews or anyone that is not loyal to the CCP. Mao is worshipped like a god in China, above any other beliefs. They will continue taking what they want to further their goals and ideology, Everything they believe is anti freedom, anti europe, anti religion (they slaughter and imprison christains for worshiping). Basically everything that was practiced under the USSR.

Communism is based of the Talmud, Communism was created and enforced by JEWISH rebels. CHINA is the last communist superpower on the globe. And they dont give a SHIT what anyone else thinks, they will keep taking whatever they can.

They arent staying in their bordrs, they are literally claiming land and sea in the south pacific, they are indebting nations under the belt and road agreements and creating a central banking identical to the current kike owned banks. They want to spread just like the USSR did...

Chinese are copying what is working and using for their own gain.

Why is it so hard for fucking voaters to understand this. Too many weaboo anime chink lovers i recon.

ColinKelley ago

You and I are very close to seeing eye to eye on a lot. You said it so well! I am grateful. It helps. Most of the Rothschilds are a bunch of snooty inbreeds. But there is a very-Jewish command center with a very capable staff -- a holding company. It coordinates the Rothschild English and the European fortunes. This command center gives George Soros his marching orders. Soros is funded by and works for them. His fortune is laundered money. Benjamin Rothschild chairs their meetings. And yes, he is in panic, and running scared. The American "deep state" is taking orders from the inner city of London, the Benjamin Rothschild, chain of command. The 89 Senators and Congressmen who hold dual citizenship with Israel, as well as Nancy Pelosi, take orders from Benjamin Rothschild. They literally own the Democrat Party. The DNC is a privately owned corporation. They own and control Reuters, AP, most big city newspapers, the MSM -- and much of Silicon Valley.

ColinKelley ago

Suprize: 1) "The Ashkenazi could have become White people..."Genetically the hooknose Ashkenazi Jews are Caucasian -- decendents of Khazar who converted to Rabbi-ism. 2) ."You don't really understand the Jewish relationship to monarchs or the Catholic church." You are right about the relationship between the Jews, European monarchs and the Catholic Church, but you are wrong about England. The Rothschilds in the inner city of London (an independent country) control the Privy Council, MI6, Mossad; Five Eyes and the American, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand "Deep State".-- the FED, the Big Banks, the Big Oil, the Big Pharma; Reuters, AP, the MSN, public radio and TV, and much more. During the economic crisis the Queen of England needed a temporary loan. They made her put on commoner clothes, and walk into the inner city of London on foot to apply for the loan.

PsyOp ago

christianity must be destroyed or we (the white race) will never survive. So, you convert them to ol' timey christians, if you like, meanwhile I'll be doing my level best to convert them into cripples and corpses.

PsyOp ago

I have been doing the best possible thing to fight against them: bringing harm to the christians and the christian church, seeing that that's where the jews get 90% of their power from. The jews absolutely need christianity like fish need water...they could not survive/exist in this world without it. So...

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

If you've ever been to Israel, or just seen pictures of the actual residences and buildings online, it's pretty clear a significant portion of Jews have been sold out

Rolls my eyes.

Most of Israel is a ghetto by Western standards and it's not like Israel doesn't have the money, it's just not going towards making Jewish lives more pleasant.


Without access to other groups of people to leech off of, the Jews parasitize each other.

"jews must never practice dirty tricks to each other, yet they must do it to other goyim"-the torah thats how I know this post was written by a kike-con. Your post has been disregarded.

PsyOp ago

I was red-pilled on this stuff clear back in the mid 70's...I know more about it than you ever will. Like I said: you either don't know wtf you're talking about, or you're a lying/backstabbing jew in here trying to confuse the dim-wits who infest this shitty little website.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Mossad is highly infilrated by Western nations. Have you ever actually seen Mossad leadership? Not many hook noses. It's the same thing with their military, the leaders look like goy to me.

Mossad are supposed to be professional shape shifters, and low caste jews of arabs doing the dirty work for the rest of the jews. We all know how much jews, hate working.

Any internal conflict that jews may have is just a psyops to throw off the normies focus off of the jews.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

This diversity stuff really doesn't make a country stronger.

Yeah, we all know this here. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trolling you are a overpaid jewish agent.

PsyOp ago

European christians are white people. European monarchies were comprised entirely of white people...jews are white people. jews have controlled the christian church from the very beginning (and control it today). It's all about infiltration (and money)...they infiltrated the monarchies to fuck them up from within with lies and bad advice; they infiltrated into every level of European society to fuck them up in the streets; spreading lies and discontent and debauchery. Then the jews used the christian church to apply pressure on the monarchs from that angle as well. Next thing you know, the monarchy is nothing but a figure head who is completely dependent on the jews, whether they knew it or not.

You're not very good at seeing the big picture. Know who else isn't good at seeing the big picture? Women...

PsyOp ago

Oh, I get're a fucking jew! Go to a remote area and kill yourself...and please take that fat fucking loon, Jordan Maxwell, with you!

HatePrincipal ago

Thank you for your service, but please stop naming “Israel” the place inhabited by people calling themselves Jews.

Greece was the Israel of the Bible. There’s no isles Isaiah could be referencing in the “Jewish state”, which was Edom.

slickleg64 ago

No because voat loves china . And the only thing bad in this world is racemixing and jews

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I mean South East Asians have been destined to lose.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

The US isn't falling apart. It's getting negrified.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Mossad would assassinate the ones who arrest members of the ADL.

DirtyQews ago

bro every jew I grew up with is panicking about anti semitism and everyone around them is collectively telling them no one is hunting them down.

collectively the world seems to finally be realizing that nobody has been hunting these stupid fucks for years.

wait until they realize these jews are such faggots that they can't get over feuds from bloodlines thousands of years old.

"they stole my horse 292984473883 years ago." you fucking kikes. i cannot wait.

actually. i can wait. and i will savor every second thereafter, verily.

Drjekkyl ago

Yeah. Everybody with power sucks.

Civil_Warrior ago

Every jewish execution is VALUABLE...


SearchVoatBot ago

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Ocelot ago

Anything run by jews is a foreign agent. Doesn't matter, the US won't do anything.

frankie2shoes ago

ADL is registered as a foreign agent. It's NWO that is not and those leaders can be arrested. NWO fails if theyre outed before they're ready to reveal their existence

gosso920 ago

"It's illegal for you to read those memos!!!111"

freedomite ago

It doesn't matter what kikery jews do, burgers will never use their laws against them.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

same with goymoney


I have never heard that in my life. Nobody has ever even hinted at it. Where is any evidence of this?

lemon11 ago

They don't need much power to stay materially satisfied, I agree. But that power includes destruction for profit (like that 2010 tv show Rubicon), which enhances other lusts.

I disagree that globalist kikes aren't a dangerous threat if they're well-off, and we should be extremely suspicious of any ideas that they can, in effect, be paid to remain docile without prior evidence proving they're more Eloi than Morlock.

Killnigs3 ago






funny-ha-ha ago

Not a chance. You are living in a fantasy world.

spaceman84 ago

Oh, you must be a Qtard.

PsyOp ago

You don't have the slightest idea of wtf you're talking about.

ColinKelley ago

Suprize. I agree with your excellent analysis -- it actually is hopeful, and I feel hopeful. Perhaps the lynch pin, or turning point, or let's call it "tipping point", could be be Mitch McConnell? If he "sees it" and "gets it" and switches sides, perhaps things could change quickly -- but Mitch is literally married to China. But that may not actually be a bad thing. It seems pretty clear to me, the Rothschild cabal is trying to take out both Trump and Xi. What if the two actually are communicating, coordinating and working together? I am not sure that is happening, but if it is happening, it would make it easier for Mitch McConnell to switch sides.

cantaloupe6 ago


ColinKelley ago

Suprize, again, really well said. I think the Jews tried to do the divide and conquer strategy, pit one side against the other, exploit rivalries, ambitions and loyalties -- try to get people angry and irrational. I think the Chinese figured it out, don't appreciate it, and are smarter than they are.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Sounds like the Chinese are a lot smarter than white people if that was the case.

ColinKelley ago

I agree with this analysis. Well said. But I think there is a dynamic that should be discussed -- their MO. The Jews establish a goal, and then go by the seat of their pants, constantly changing course. They think chutzpah will give them the edge. It worked for a while until people caught on. They keep falling back on different iterations of the same tired play book. It isn't working.


I like the way you think. This is very promising.

AlaskaMountain ago

There have been similar scandals before and nothing came of it. They'll just call people anti ssmetic for bringing it up and that's the end of it.

ColinKelley ago

Boy, you are really good at what you do. I am impressed. IT IS THEIR MONEY. I am assuming you know about how the Rothschild's secretly financed George Peabody and set up his bank in England and the US, and then his bank evolved to become J.P. Morgan Bank a generation later? J.P. Morgan Bank pretty much financed our country in WWI. When Mr. J.P. Morgan passed away and his estate was made public, people were amazed to find out he was only worth a few million dollars. It was then revealed his bank was almost entirely funded and owned by the Rothschild's going back to the beginning with George Peabody and continuing into perpetuity..... The US is the only country with member banks owning the central bank, but even with that, the Rothschild owned big New York banks still end up controlling FED. This is not news. Everyone knows it. In every other country, including Russia, it is a single PRIVATE bank and the Rothschild's own it outright. And they control the money supply. The three countries that don't have a Rothschild owned central bank are Syria, Iran and North Korea. Talk about coincidences, the most recent spontaneous riots in Iran, when they shot that airliner down, the only thing those random "spontaneous" rioters did was somehow spontaneously destroy and loot forty of the main branches of the Bank of Iran, all forty simultaneously in a matter of a few hours -- and that is the only thing they did. Of course, it had nothing to do with the Rothschilds. How could it? A few years ago there were four countries that did not have a Rothschild owned central bank. But then we attacked over turned Qaddafi in Libia, and now they have a Rothschild owned central bank. Now there are three. Please tell me the Rothschilds don't control The Bank of England, ADL, AIPAC or MI6, or Five-Eyes.

ColinKelley ago

Each Rothschild is given an adequate but not huge endowment. They are expected to invest it wisely, and make it grow. Some make bad investments, start to lose money, and get desperate. Those who succeed and are sufficiently corrupt and ruthless are invited to join the board of the family's trust -- valued in the tens of trillions. This trust has many competent advisors and managers. Much of the family fortune is also parked with hand picked hedge funds. The Rothschild's own and fund the central bank of every country on earth, except for three -- but many have started to break away. They also own the world bank and the world settlement bank, and many of the biggest banks, like Bank of America -- also big oil, big mining, big ag, big meat, big pharma -- and a lot more.


Where can I read more about this?

funny-ha-ha ago

He's just making shit up.

ManchesterT ago

the Israeli Jews killed thousands of American Jews that were working for the Soviet Union.


Zestyclose_Marketing ago

yeah, they just helped disguise their identity even more.

funny-ha-ha ago

complete and total bullshit indeed.

neuro2b ago

I think the Israeli's, Red part shared pedo blackmail business with them, pedo, blackmail and bribery are endemic to the Chinese...

And I think the Chinese have their own internal dissent on this issue, how many CCP members are being blackmailed...

Also, Israel is the only country the Chinese trusted...whoops what a mistake

Also, remember the Sasser's (Sassoon) opium connection...these are old friendships with triads, HK, TP

ColinKelley ago

The current generation of young Jews are nothing like their grandparents. They are spoiled, spoon fed, incompetent, protected, completely taken care of, arrogant and snooty. Judaism stopped being a religion twenty years ago. It stopped being a traditional life style ten years ago -- the religion and the lifestyle is now voluntary, eat what you like, and eat what your Grandmother serves you. But nothing is required. Go to the Synagog only if you want to. So what is it now? What has it become? To be a Jew means you have been invited to join a racist, Jews only, nice Jewish kids only, Jewish country club. You are either in, or you are not in.

The ADL and AIPAC have been under the direct control of the Rothschild's for a long time. That is so obvious, it is not hard to figure out. What does it mean to be a Jew? To be a Jew is to answer the phone if you are important enough for the Rothschild's or their agents to need to call you and ask a favor from you. There are two levels of being a Jew: 1) Those who are on the Rothschild payroll, or are in their Rolodex. 2) Those who are not. ADL and AIPAC really are subversively working for a foreign power -- the inner city of London.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

The same thing is happening to christians you fuck tard.

fusir ago

And Voat called me crazy when I said China and the Jews are working together.

"Complaining about China is a distraction from Jews," voat said.

They are the same team. If you ignore one, the other member of the team bops you in the back of the head when you aren't looking. To focus on any one exclusively is a mistake.

funny-ha-ha ago

the republican side is being cleared out of dual loyalty members as we speak

Oh rlly? When will they clear out Trump and his entire family?

You don't have a fucking clue. The republican party is run by Christian Zionists.

Polling shows that 79% of Republican voters support Israel more in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict (and support is holding steady at that number).

Only around 27% of Democrat voters support Israel more in that conflict. And that number is declining.

Around 42% of independents support Israel more, and that number is also dropping.


Why the split?

Around 80 million Americans are "Christian Zionists" (most of whom are Republicans).

In 1909 Zionists Jews funded the creation of a new version of the Bible called the Scofield Bible.

This new bible sort of replaces worship of Jesus with worship of the state of Israel.

It teaches it's members that Jews are God's chosen people - which means, of course, that gentiles (non-Jews) are the "unchosen" people.

This changed standard Christian doctrine which for almost 2000 years had taught that with the arrival of Jesus, Christians are now the Chosen People, not Jews.

So basically Christian Zionists believe that God wants them to serve Jews in general and the state of Israel specifically.

This new Scofield bible, plus a whole lot of Zionist money was used to create this totally new distorted version of Christianity - which is a version of Christianity that doesn't even exist (to any significant degree) outside the United States.

Most religious people have their top life values/priorities as:

  1. God

  2. family

  3. country

For the majority of Christians, this used to mean:

  1. Serving God/Jesus

  2. Help your family

  3. Serve America

Now for 80 million Christian Zionist, their values/priority are:

  1. Serving God, which means serving Israel

  2. Help your family

  3. Serving America

This new religion means serving Israel is more important to them then loyalty to their own country.

They've basically been turned into religiously indoctrinated pseudo-slave who serve the System of Zionists/Jewish Supremacy.

Here's some videos On the Scofield Bible:

How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.

"If Martians landed and earth and visited evangelical churches in America, they would think that Americans worshiped a god named Israel".

Pastor Chuck Baldwin Exposes the Dangers of Christian Zionist Theology

WHTT Podcast about Christian Zionism:

IntrospectiveDeviant ago

i think you may be overcomplicating it. i think most Republicans support israel because they think the rest of the middle east is a bunch of rabid animals. meanwhile, democrat's bread and butter is sucking the dick of the most violent person in the room in the expectation that he will pass them by and murder their political opposition.

goat-ditarod ago

Trump took about 70 million in campaign funds from Sheldon Anderson to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

seev ago

I've always wondered where the ''Jews are God's chosen people'' thing came from. Every time I asked this question, even to non-Christians, I'd get called anti-Semite (one of my first red pills). Thanks for a thorough explanation, finally.

SerialLarper ago

There's a kernel of truth to it, but the meaning is pretty much corrupted due to the misnomer of "Jew" and "God". Israel of Jacob is identified as the figurative son of YHWH, and "Jew" is a corruption of the name of YHWDH, which is derived from YHWH. The word semite derives from the Hebrew word for name, and YHWH is also called haShem, so you can get antisemitism purely on linguistic grounds. The Jews vs Whites crowd and the Christian Zionists are too ignorant to distinguish the terms from those used to identify Zionism or the Zionist state, though.

MaxxNY ago

The Scofield bible changes scripture. It changes the word Jew to people. That could be the Gideon Bible too.

funny-ha-ha ago

the scofield bible changed a hell of a lot more than "Jew to people"

MaxxNY ago

No doubt

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Polling shows that 79% of Republican voters support Israel more in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict (and support is holding steady at that number).

Probably because they phrased those questions as "do you support Israel or Palestine more?" whereas if they had asked if they support either very much, the answer would be different.

Mudkikes are just brown kikes.

funny-ha-ha ago

No it's because there's millions of whites who have been brainwashed into worshiping Jews as "God's chosen people".


There needs to be a reformation in America. Base it on creating lines of logic that priests can use to inspire non cuckish behavior


How do you think the average philosemetic Christian is going to feel when they realize they have been frauded by the devil people for their entire life? The non-baby-fucking members of those churches are going to be the most bloodthirsty of all. They will have what they believe to be a "righteous indignation".

funny-ha-ha ago

99% of them will never realize it. They will ride their current indoctrination all the way to the grave.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Especially the older ones.

HatePrincipal ago

old people, overwhelmingly boomers raised to believe whatever linear narrative the tv fed them their whole life, once they retire from work and have to spend their days without some authority commanding their will, begin to re-examine the moral commitments they made throughout their life, because they find unfulfilling the ‘retirement dream’ of sitting at home watching more tv all day.

Then having nothing driving them away from reconsidering said moral commitments, and being willless themselves, via scores of years of subjugation to the will of a state that cares nothing for them, they morally shatter rather than coming to terms with how poorly they have chosen to support principalities that only ever supported them in matters that don’t matter in the end.

This state of unresolvable spiritual schizophrenia is termed “Alzheimer’s Disease” by the enlightened scientific community.

Patients subconscious simply blocks out recognition of loved ones and helpers as the conscious ego can no longer maintain its past moral positions nor confess the invalidity of those positions and accept new views.


I don't know about that. Once dominoes fall they fall.

Steinmacher ago

I hate to linkfag... but. got a link?

Merlynn ago

Yes,they can. They don't. What does that tell you?

Vc83 ago

Ill wait

veteran88 ago

shabbos goy traitors deserve the rope more than anyone else.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

what ever you say kike

"even the best of goyim may be killed"

veteran88 ago

so even if the kikes win, which they will not, the shabbos goy traitors will still be killed.

Jujubean ago

Changes often come slowly, then suddenly.>

Accelerated during times of great economic upheaval. The ides of November are nigh.

heretolearn ago

We let this happen. When are we going to fight back against this tyranny.

HatePrincipal ago

When are we going to fight back against this tyranny.

As soon as each individual who keeps asking “when are we...?” stops asking that question and starts saying “I shall now...”

bingbang ago

Agreed. Just any small thing. I refused to wear a mask when confronted in a store check out area. I knew we were being watched and chose my words carefully. You have to give a sound, reasoned answer but firm and sometimes loud to make the point. "I have a choice. I will never wear one of these masks. It isn't a law. It's an edict from a socialist rouge governor!"

heretolearn ago

I can't do anything alone.

TheMFnReaper ago

Dont try that shit here, Fed

heretolearn ago

Would you say that to the founding fathers too

niggerfaggotjew911 ago

Trying to use Asia to divide America won't work like it did in WW2 because all the incel boogaloo Bois love their anime body pillows and think one day they might get to smell a real azn girls farts. Nice try though.

spaceman84 ago

You're high if you think anything is going to happen as a result of this leak. Not reported on widely, memoryholed and business continues as usual. Normies are don't know and don't care.

SitelessVagrant ago

Link bitch. Or GTFO.

neuro2b ago

Dead Chinese ambassador in Israel and the leaked video of China rounding up Uighars, which was leaked by uknowwho ...

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Do you get paid by word or points?

parrygrin ago

Where's the primary source?

Tired of jewy tricks.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thank You!

I had no idea this even happened.

WyattMale ago

The ADL president could probably rape children, live on CNN, and get away with it.

After all, this organisation was founded to defend the legacy of a dead pedophile kike.

What are you going to do about it, goyim?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

All jews are pedophiles, what you said is an oxymoron.

lemon11 ago

I don't know, that sounds optimistic. You're not just fighting a deeply-rooted philosemitism, you're fighting the ruling globohomo order it carries with it, which is opposed to the very idea of self-determination, including identifying enemy powers blowing up government and sterilizing children.

Just like in Weimar Germany. Not counting the extra century of decay. I don't judge that from jewish media, but from real-life exchanges steeped in manipulation and shitty psychological tricks. People like that only change into sniveling foot-soldiers to keep themselves fed.

due ago

Dude, stfu and show us what the leak is. Those are a lot of words but not one is about what the leak is.


I'm in total agreement. Things are happening that haven't happened in a long time. Not just against Israel, but also again Hollywood. In ten years the world will look a very different place.

WhiteTrashGang ago

Wtf I love the ChiComs now?

goatsandbros ago

Someone will know.

rayfarmer ago

We are on our own. Govt, laws, voting, etc are no longer even pretending to be just. We must come together and create something new or become casualties.

WhiteFathers ago

The Democrats will never say one word about China because they are all in bed with China who just so happens to be our biggest enemy so what does that tell you. It tells you that the Democrats are also our worst enemy.

40KFTAGLView ago

The Jews took China during the Opium Wars, China's Century of Shame. Communism was then led by a Jew in China.

Don-Keyhote ago

You sound like just a typical pretentious gay Qtard faggot, but this sentence makes it sound kike you're more of a midwit paid MAGA shill

I'm happy to have been able to play a part in fixing the USA.

Either way you should kys

Warnos44 ago

I like the message you're sending.

goatsandbros ago

It depends on how much blood the public wants

All of it.

ansuz ago

If you tally up everything jews have been involved with and done over the past 2k years, we are talking millions of gallons here...

lemon11 ago

It would have been nice to know what specific leaks you were talking about. I guess it was these from a month ago (the only two I found searching for adl memos):

/v/politics/3907970 / /

/v/news/3900036 / /

Most voters celebrate foreign interference when it works to their advantage, and gaslight their opponents to pretend it's evil when they don't like it. Pop politics has morphed into jewish psychological tricks, so you'd have to find somebody opposed to those to to talk to outside of Voat.

How is anybody going to turn on AIPAC when most people would have sunk the USS Liberty themselves given the chance?

Thomas_the_Roman ago

According to Israelis are not Jews no matter they say so. Interesting.

DontBeRacist ago

It's hard for democrats to oppose niggers as well, because they both vote for the same people. Generally, though, white people around large nigger population have mostly turned to republicans, the defacto white people's party.

Drjekkyl ago

You sweatin' , bra?

Inaminit ago

FISA Courts are supposed to investigate THIS, not spying on an incoming official before he's even elected.

NoseSubversion ago

I’m with you. But look around at these posts. Voat has gone to shit.

Brotherhoodlum ago

The Liberal Party of Canada donated heavily to Hillary Clinton's campaign. The news was released several times to little interest of thr American voter yet seemed to stir controversy amongst Canadians interestingly.

moirai11 ago


BoomerHater1488er ago

Most voters celebrate foreign interference when it works to their advantage, and gaslight their opponents to pretend it's evil when they don't like it.

In other words, some people enjoy the short term benefits of serving the Jew while others know what a vampire does with its meal when there is no more blood to drain.

AlpineSDP ago

Most voters celebrate foreign interference when it works to their advantage, and gaslight their opponents to pretend it's evil when they don't like it.

This is most Humans.

SigniferLux ago

Nah, niggers and kikes are like that too.

Gimme_Rope ago

Like the Jews niggars deny everything wrong about them.

We all know who trained them and train them good!

funny-ha-ha ago

Exactly right. Israel got away with the USS Liberty, murdering JFK, and 9/11, and OP thinks that some fucking leaked ADL document is going to bring them down? FFS.

Details on Israel and 9/11:

Tallest_Skil ago

Can. Won’t. Reminder.

SearchVoatBot ago

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jobber ago

Execute the spies.

The tail is not allowed to wag the dog.