menstreusel ago

They'll never get the smell off of that street.

minx88 ago

Ha ha that’s true they stink Jewish women stink Knigge stink bad muslim bugs stink they a disease to demon shit

jimmyb52 ago

I saw the star right away in the other pics where you see her milk bags.

concernedpikachu ago

should have shot her in the tit with a pepper round lmao

minx88 ago

No she needs a flash ball all the Jews need a flash ball they need to be burned the inquisition was very good that worked for a while but see what happens when you let one of them live they come back with their Muslim cockroaches and Knigge monkeys murdering children so this time they need to be exterminated they say that to us all the time so we can say that back and not a fake fucking holocaust with scammin us for reparations and delousing agenct No no delousing just fucking Burnham like the inquisition ,Not one single Jew was gassed in the 30s that was a Jewish lie the whole holocaust shit was a lie but you know it was real the bolshevik jewGulag.Where they were actually gassing and shooting people so they are the copycat they want they are the ones who are doing the murder the ritual murder the Jews of the murderers

And then they scream victimhood and we got to stop listening to their fucking victimhood bullshit it’s used as a weapon stop listening to it let them cry and nasal whine all the fuck they want fucking kill them anyway because they’re tired of their fucking bullshit victimhood every time they use victimhood ignore it and send them back to hell burn them send them back to hell

Tired of these bullshit words like anti-Semite and racist and hate speech and blah blah blah this is all victimhood shit they stab you in the back well they cry victimhood it’s the same every single time every century every decade stop listening to the fucking jew whining

Rahav ago

Marina Abramovich that street is dirty, but then again, so are you!

minx88 ago

That’s Abramovich really oh that female she does not have any talent she’s not even mediocre and actually she was seen with a dead body and drinking it’s blood and with Lady Gaga because the Jews are fucking vampires it’s not an exaggeration OK they have been doing ritual murder since the beginning of time because they are vampires they are the actual vampire that’s where the story comes from and look at the andrenochrome sick evil demonic Torturing little children because and then eating their adrenal gland because it gives the Jews the high and makes them live longer or something I don’t know but that is actual vampirism OK and they used drugs also so never never eat by a Jewish house never eat in a Jewish restaurant because they poison you with actual poison or with drugs if you see a Knigge working in the restaurant get out because it’s owned by a Jew they don’t wash their hands and they will poison you

Steinmacher ago

Liberalism defined in one pic...

xolotltlaloc ago

every fucking time

Old_Gravy_Leg ago

Pepper ball to the cooch would be very very entertaining indeed.

minx88 ago

If you see that it is a Jew use a fire flash ball

minx88 ago

If you see it did you use a fire flas ball

HiJoker ago

"Hey 'lady', there's a manhole cover next to you, it's a bit small for the job, but can you cover your 'manhole' with it? Some of us cops are married and need to be able to look at vagina again." - Dirty Harry 2020.

minx88 ago

Jews are disgusting diseased ugly fucking females look at their big nose or maybe they get their nose done but they still have it sunk in witch face.

And all Jewish women have diseases guys don’t go with these disgusting things that you’ll get a disease and it’s so ugly and not attractive. when women are aggressive.

It’s a demon I mean look it’s like the Jews worship Satan they are anti-Christ the book the Talmud is antichrist so they worship the Satan their Messiah is the Satan so of course the Jewish women and men they stink they have diseases they’re fucking uglyz

Creeksidewilly ago

I smell fish.

minx88 ago

Rotting fish

areyoumygaffer ago

what's the story on here? is she attempting to repulse people into backing away with her gigantic meatflap shecunt?

minx88 ago

She needs a flash ball any of these disgusting Jews homosexual or straight Jewish they do disgusting things like this need the flash ball burn the jew because it’s disgusting

minx88 ago

Ha Hah Hah Hah Hah that’s a good one

Yeah I mean it’s a Jewish skank a disease slut but what she’s doing is like the kali or like is sheila na gig.

like Lillis you know she’s a demon and really I mean guys I understand that you’re manipulated by your penis but don’t be you need to be disowning you need to be strong and by the way I know a lot of guys who find that disgusting with a girl is very obvious mystery is much more attractive much more appealing you can be sensual but when these disgusting sluts are so obvious it’s not sensual but it’s just keynotes like your disease she’s doing it in aggressive way

I mean maybe guys some guys are desperate but I think a lot of guys don’t like obvious slutty behavior guys have to just not be drinking and going to a bars because then you meet these disgusting sluts that can you know rob you and give you diseases so don’t be swayed by these things because it would probably be a Jew with a disease that could kill you or a Nager that will definitely kill you and give you a disease

boekanier ago

A rubber bullet between the eyes legs would have been fun.

SkipBrutale ago

Wow I cant believe someone involved in an orchestrated blm publicity shoot was a jew!

minx88 ago

Yes there’s also no videos of the antifa bitch is giving money to the BLM Nager’s and you know giving them orders out what to do next they are working there the same shit and if I bolshevik antifa or juice and they work with BLM it is the same shit whether it is a Muslim Nager or a Muslim it’s still the same shit due and Muslim or the same shit they are not enemies they are the same shit it’s called confusion tactic it is the same shit they are both demon shit they are not human they are subhuman fucking shit

GoyimNose ago

is this real lmao

HndrxMn ago

I'm pretty sure the storm drain/sewer she is sitting next to smells better than her. Oh God I made myself gag.

minx88 ago

your right

bonghits4jeebus ago

Why is she walking around nekkid?

Poinifie ago


GoyimNose_1948 ago

(((They))) don't even follow (((their))) own rules. Desecration of the body.

Scyber ago

Kike Dyke

Leveraction ago

Gross, disgusting, skank. There are no other words for someone like this. Ugghhh

minx88 ago

The word used for that thing is a jew demon skank

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Imagine how satisfying it would be to shoot a bean-bag projectile straight into [its] beanbag

minx88 ago

If you see its a jew !! you burn it!!

They’re making it easy for us now with tattoos of star of David.

Let’s have the inquisition so we can burn these fucking which is it worth the last time but see what happens when you let them live they bring their Muslim Nager’s to help them that’s what the antifa and BLM is it is the bolshevik and they’re muslim cockroach

physicscat ago

Looks more like a henna lotus.

minx88 ago

lotus do not have right angles

ardvarcus ago

It's against Jewish religious laws to get tattooed. I don't think she's a very devout Jew.

minx88 ago

They don’t care there’s plenty of them that eat ham sandwiches they don’t care they I have no shame they don’t care if they embarrass themselves they are degenerate and disgusting did you wish men like Scat fetish.Did you wish women do not bathe Or very rarelythey’re disgusting.They are sluts therefore they have diseases


I bet she has some heavy beef curtains

minx88 ago

Oh that’s just the Jewish porn industry making it think that all blacks have large penises and that’s a lie I’ve heard from a lot of other women that heard from other women that it’s a lie

HappyMealBullshit ago

Probably not if shes confident enough to be letting it all hang out like that.

minx88 ago

no they have no shame. They don’t get embarrassed I mean look at the retard Trudo embarrassing himself with this people kind comment and jewAOC and the retard things that she says


She's jewish

HappyMealBullshit ago

What jewess would be walking around butt ass naked? That would get you expelled from the tribe mighty quick.


Whilst subverting? You know better.

aefibes99 ago

Woman call their meat holes flowers and take credit for mother nature. People then get soft and empathize with them.

Diggernicks ago

I'd rail her poop chute

registeretakes10s ago

thats amazing

HappyMealBullshit ago

More funny or arousing?

registeretakes10s ago

funny. concerning. weird.

HappyMealBullshit ago

I have to say your username is an exquisite pairing to go with this specific story haha.

JohnnySkidmarx ago

I bet she had a huge afro down below.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Crazy chicks dont shave yo.

minx88 ago

No that has nothing to do with mental health .

it has to do with in the winter in the winter women don’t shave in the summer they do.

But I would not like to imagine but I’m sure that Jews because they stink they don’t take care of them selves so they don’t shave their pubic hair and they don’t shave your under arm hair that’s where you see all these disgusting women with her underwear like Madonna she’s a Jew

yt4cz9 ago

What is this group supposedly rioting over?

Gorillion ago

Bitumen burn on dem jew meat-drapes.

Road rash on dat kike skin-kite.

Asphalt abrasion of dose heeb hole-shutters.

HappyMealBullshit ago

What are those references to? I get the meat drapes one.

Reverse-Flash ago


Our Xi, who lives in China,

Hollow be thy name.

Thy kingdom crumble,

Thy yuan tumble,

Enjoy earth, 'cause you won't see heaven.

minx88 ago

Back to hell demon kike chink or burnt

RM-Goetbbels ago

Eww! That filthy kike is getting the road dirty.

I have to drive on that shit. wtf.

minx88 ago

haha well said man yes they stink because they have diseases and Jews are ugly sunken face yes some of them get plastic surgery or some of them are not as ugly if they have their nose done but you can tell they have a sunken face it goes in in the middle they have crazy eyes they have weak chains they scream and whine and complain and I have this nasal sound

Azibase ago

Yeah it really is every fucking time.

ForgottenMemes ago

Why are leftist/jews so fucking disgusting? It's literally peepee poopoo all the time.

minx88 ago

weve Been doing some research and it has been a lot from us in the fetsh scene or Or just from other women and other areas of work where they say that the majority of scat fetishes are Jewish you can see that even in their literature in the course of time they always added something to do with poo Look at how also the Jewish are trying to destroy the fashion were on the runway it’s really just like they look like demons and clowns they’re trying to like glamorize ugly because Satan is very jealous of beauty did you lose your fucking ugly I don’t think their superior but they actually deep down know that they are inferior they’re afraid of us that’s why they’re attacking at every angle with his LGBT shit and pedophile all the all the pedophiles in Hollywood are Jewish like nambla . All the child traffickers are Jewish

Planned Parenthood which is similar to Jewish ritual murder is little Jewish look at and andrenochrome Every single one of them is Jewish that’s Jewish ritual murder

look at the art scene that they’re trying to manipulate look at all these idiots who are actually Chinese or Jewish or Jewish and they are or Jewish faggots and they’re trying to make art and I do kind of like a pseudo-thing you know but it’s like not even mediocre it’s just disgusting it’s like a kind of shit literally or a big plastic resin container filled with piss no one wants that shit because you see Satan likes self Jews always live they love the filth look at Muslims they live amongst shitAnd knickers and they have sex with goats and monkeys they destroyed the property they own it’s covered in shit they live or five to 10 in one place and it’s completely destroyed and covered in bugs and shit if it’s clean it’s because they have someone to go in to clean it for them like a Filipino or some thing but they have to stop doing that Filipino Hass to stop working with Muslims unless they want to get killed look at all the Muslims that are raping the little children then Muslims need to die you see Muslim shitting in the street from Pakistan you see Muslims masturbating in broad daylight in the street because Muslim n jews Are literally daemonic shit they are not human they are subhuman shit they love shit they are shit

ForgottenMemes ago

While I agree with 99% of what you just said I want you to know that you come off as sounding insane. In order to persuade people of these things you have to present things as an extension of what they already know, or ask them a leading question.

Isn't it strange how jews have been convicted of ritually murdering children over thousands of years and now they run planned parenthood?

Is far more persuasive than.

PP is a jewish operation to murder babies and harvest their adrenochrome.

minx88 ago

because they are Satan‘s turds literally they came out of the ass of Satan did you Muslim and Nager that’s why they all shit color and the Jew is the same as the Muslim they are not enemies they are there they are the same that it’s just confusion tactic it’s a war tactic what they did as a mixed with a blue a white Europeans centuries ago when they had white slaves and this way they can and they keep doing that so they can get the blonde hair so they can blend in and stab people in the back so we have to be more discerning we have to see look at the face and the skull of the Jew that is a dead giveawayThere are many information on how to recognize a Jew

bingo-bango-bongo ago

Also theres no way that fucking photo wasnt staged.

Have a few insider journo friends and I've heard stories

TripleZ ago

Disgusting filthy sub human jew whore.

Misskylie42 ago


shitface9000 ago

Classic Every Fucking Time

asdf23 ago

She might have gotten that from the camps

SurfinMindWaves ago


shitface9000 ago

Likely story

DamonAxemaker ago

Jewish women are complete fucking whores. I lived years in a very Judaic east coast city and you wouldn't believe the shit they do. I can't believe anyone would marry them.

TripleZ ago

I banged one once. She truly was a whore. Told me afterwards about having threesomes and two abortions. I was disgusted with myself.

minx88 ago

How disgusting first of all you know how did you has manipulated women and to think that abortion is OK that was an actual demonic assault made onto white women and poor wake me up in our suffering and I’ll tell you definitely that white women that have self-respect even if she had had one abortion would never have two!!

And she would never brag about it that’s a Jew that brags is a Jew that has two or five portions It’s the Jews that are pushing the abortion is the Jews that run the Planned Parenthood it’s the Jews that attack white girls that stabbed him in the back

TripleZ ago


minx88 ago

Yeah guys don’t have sex with Jews they have diseases.Are they push race mixing so that white man oh go with black women and black women all of them every single one of them have genital warts!!

Chinese are the Jewish Asians and they have a lots of massage salons and they’re passing around genital warts to buy massaging the guys and they’re cheap and greedy and the guys are desperate and they know that so they use that all the Chinese massage salons need to be boycotted and shut the fuck down.

be careful of Jewish women because they since the 20s like Hollywood they die their hair blonde or they have mixed with European women to look European but they’re not you could see on the concave ugly witch face that they are Jewish and not European guys you have to look closer look at the face not just the big nose but look at the face and the rest of the skull there are many giveaways to have the Jews luck we have to learn to recognize these disgusting rats to avoid getting diseasesAnd so we can deal with them accordingly inquisition

minx88 ago

you can see like Kim Kardashian and her blood facial treatment that’s not a white girl looks like a Jew with a big fat ass do you women always have big asses and look at the porn industry and look at Beyoncé then that Knigge figure they can never do ballet because they have these big fucking asses and these curved spines they are fucking ugly monkeys with retard level IQ they stink old Nager stink an old Nager’s have diseases including the men and the women

Look at this big popularity of having a big butt like Beyoncé that is a very bad I’ll thing they know the Jew that men are attracted to that but to make it really really big is a very primitive banal disgusting sodomy sodomy thing where you get diseases that way but they want to make it they want to glamorize it because they want because it’s the Jew but the Jew it’s the one pushing race mixing because they know that the nigger Is violent and they’re going to beat or kill the white men and women so white women stop going with these fucking Nager’s stop going with the Jews and the Asians stop

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I was disgusted with myself.

TripleZ ago

Ur pnt?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I need one?

DamonAxemaker ago

I used to date one and some of the shit she told me she'd done turned my stomach. That shit wouldn't fly with me today but I was a lot more tolerant back then.

She was directly related to the deep state so if you ever had a feeling about the people that run shit there you go.

Intrixina ago

Tell us some of the shit that she'd done.

DamonAxemaker ago

She whored herself out to a college party. She stayed in a back room while people went in and out and fucked her all night

This is a VERY well connected woman who is very, very left wing. I haven't spoken to her in many years but I'm certain she's at the front of the pack for all the liberal causes.

minx88 ago

Size do not be controlled by your dick you have to do not go with these Jewish sluts they have diseases you do not go with the black they definitely have diseases and they will kill you and do not go with Chinese they have diseases to but the Jewish black and Muslim and Nager will always they could kill you in your sleep so do not go with these disgusting things they are daemonic ugly fucking disease shit

Intrixina ago

Wouldn't surprise me one bit. Those leftist "activist" types think that lots of people showering attention on them means they're "better" than everyone else and that their opinion means more because of it. These are also the same cunts who will say "LOL U JEALOUS" if you call them out on their shit.

minx88 ago

No European women are angels we are superior beauty we are not jealous of his ugly fucking which face diseased rat cakes they are jealous of us they try to get blonde hair maybe they have it because their parents mixed with white but they are Jewish they are disgusting you have to look at their face it has a sunken which face guys you have to be more discerning you have to look at her her entire skull and see if she looks anything of Jewish there are ways to tell there are videos and information out there and look at these disgusting Nager’s black as coal with blonde hair it looks fucking ridiculous like a monkey with a straw hat

DamonAxemaker ago

It's more that she was spoiled as shit so she never had to face any real consequences. There's never the threat of being completely fucked. No matter how bad it gets she can always get out of it. That's how a lot of leftists are. They're the way they are because they always got to do what they want

TripleZ ago

My guess is the one I banged was from the same Judaic east coast city as yours was, lol. I met her in a college town but she was from a big city.

DamonAxemaker ago

Yep. Would be fucked up if it was the same one. Not surprising though.

HappyMealBullshit ago

If that was a fat chick those cops would have packed up and gone home. Just not worth their time.

minx88 ago

We are keeping a healthy distance because she probably stinks so bad she’s trying to assault them with her stink

This is an attack like sheila na gig.

There always the Jews are attacking people with the moment that you say stop it you filthy animal that they start screaming victimhood everyone is so tired of their bullshit like a victim hood

minx88 ago

Yeah but the Jewish face is ugly they have a big nose OK even then if they get their nose done like the Hollywood girls still they have that sunken witch face.

And they stink and any woman who does that act behaves like a disgusting agressive slut is diseased.And real guys they don’t want aggressive slutty females because it’s emasculating so the most men use their brain and think OK you might sometimes feel desperate sometimes but if something is so ugly then I don’t think any guy was self with self-esteem once somethings so so ugly and so nasty and so loose and easy because they have disease you know that then

Like OK a lot of European girls were brainwashed into this hippie shit pushed by the Jew and this New Age shit but most European girls yeah you could you know maybe do they have done their hair crazy colors or got a tattoo but most European girls would never do something like this they would never go into the street completely naked that’s insanity

Only a Jew would do something like that

Deplorable_Me ago

Moist Merkin

Gibbsmecrack ago

What's their intent with sitting their lewdly? Do they think the cops will be too shocked to shoot her?

SnoopGoatieGoat ago

Haha you degenerates. This made the top of the front page cause naked female.

Heartdisease ago

Saying "Every Fucking Time" will be considered hate speech. Lol

minx88 ago

No the only hate speech is the Koran and the Talmud

Stop being manipulated by these fucking Jews their constant victimhood bullshit that victimhood is used as a weapon that’s why they were trying to use his fucking bullshit word hate speech it’s just another way for them to cry for victimhood

ImperialGreaseMonkey ago

From my own observations in college, jewish women were the biggest sluts and would encourage their friends to do slutty things, or abandon them once intoxicated. They are the worst.

Sunflowerz ago

Omg this is absolutely true

ketoll ago

A powerwasher would take care of that.

minx88 ago

pepper spray the antifa commyfeminist jews

CheeBooga ago

I called it as soon as I seen it. I knew it was a jewess.

minx88 ago

You are right it’s a Jew because no self respecting European girl would ever go nude in the middle of the street never

And even the even the girls who were manipulated into the New Age or hippy shit or with the ridiculous color hair or tattoos sometimes but they are European girl does not go naked into the street with like that that’s disgusting

Barberofisfahan ago

The jews are very provocative!

What a detestable she-dog! Can you believe!

truth2025 ago

It's real or photoshopped?

Burn_minorities ago

Wtf can be done about this!? Its clear as day whos behind all this. I used to be so proud of America. Of being an American , now im fucking disgusted. This is why democracy is a joke. Two sides vying for control and when one takes over the other gets screwed. And they expect the losers to just conform and accept it. "Better luck next time!" They'll say, but, i dont see a next time ever happening again.

minx88 ago

America is great it’s full of strong proud people do not let the fact that the Jews infiltrated because they are not American they are Middle Eastern rats and they are everywhere and they have infiltrated but they are not Americans they do not represent Americans

TheSeer ago

Founding fathers imagined a REPUBLIC. I wonder why.

Burn_minorities ago

We have both aspects in America. Im simply pointing out that the democracy part of america is what makes it a shit hole

OvenBakedGem ago

What are you on, the two sides are here for your entertainment only, they report to the same master.

THSenior ago

Maybe you should've taken two minutes to figure out what democracy means instead of sucking dick or whatever you do for fun.

RoBatten ago

Anyone who thinks we have a democracy . . . needs to lurk moar

Burn_minorities ago

Democracy is giving people the right to vote. Thats a fucking problem because people are idiots. Democracy said it was ok to vote for obama because hes black. Democracy allowed people to vote for Hillary just because she woudve been the first female President. Democracy is a fucking joke. But unfortunately its the only system compatible with humans.

minx88 ago

Democracy is OK for Europeans with intelligence and honor but we have demonjew that has infiltrated and they find loopholes and manipulate and try to break down society is because they are the destroyers they Admitted their infiltrators even dare try to be right in the Bible this hippie shit of love the enemy no no no no no that’s a Jew trying to use this hippie shit to justify that they could be infiltrating that we should except them but we do not they are the jewish ritual murdervampire bolshevik

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

The Founding Fathers restricted the vote to White Christian male property owners and we became great. The downward slide began when the Radical Republicans made the niggers citizens without regard to qualification or condition. That was all the wedge the Jews/Communists needed.

Burn_minorities ago

Christians are why we are in this mess. Christcucks are why we have race mixing and legit retards. "All life is precious" fuck off with that nonsense

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

You consider devout Christian fighting men like Charles Martel, Jan Soebeiski, Vlad Tepish, Don John of Austria, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and George S. Patton to be "Christcucks"? I understand your confusion since the modern Church has gone to Hell with the rest of society since the Jews won World War Jew.

BeerNinja727 ago

Only a degenerate kike would do something like that, she should be gassed.

minx88 ago

Yeah but really gassed this time not fake holocaust and actually the inquisitional burning was best

BeerNinja727 ago

Reality I think gassing and burning at the stake are inhumane. It's something the kikes and niggers would do. Us Whites should be more humane in execution so I would settle for a firing squad.

Gorillion ago

Honestly, that's every tuesday night at the student bar when the football team turns up.

Complete with beta orbiter trying to shield m'lady from those bad nasty rough boyz (while trying to sneak a feel at the same time).

BeerNinja727 ago

I'm so fucking happy I went to a trade school after the Army. I would've killed somebody if I had gone to college.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Same here, after 1 or 2 days I would have run amok with a flamethrower

BeerNinja727 ago

I used to bounce/doorman at bar/nightclub here in St. Pete. By far this worst customers to deal with were niggers and college frat boys.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

What about screaming drunk women? As a bartender, I feared them more than niggers.

BeerNinja727 ago

They were bad too

clubberlang ago

Holy shit dude I just visited st pete a couple months back. Wanted to watch a boxing match with some friends at a bar a fucking bar. Their signature drink was literally a freshman college sluts reason for shamefully never living down that time mommy got drunk and "didn't know what she was doing" the reason we got for not being able to watch the fight. It promotes violence to kids. I thought the bitch was kidding and said something like yea right fuck off please change the channel to the fight. And she did 2 minutes later Blackman shows up at out table. I'm the manager and its our policy as a family restaurant that we don't promote violence. I look around the place was empty and I say to who? I mean you have football playing over the bar is that sending the wrong message to kids that contact sports might cause a boo boo? Silence even the guys that were with me. I fucking seriously couldn't believe I was in America at that point.

BeerNinja727 ago

I bet it was a restaurant masquerading as a bar. Lot's of those in the Tampa area.

clubberlang ago

no they had 24 or so taps that you use a card they give you to get the beer so definitely a bar

Argumentative ago

thought according to their own mad kike religious rules they weren't allowed tattoos? I mean that's blatantly a coincidence star though...

minx88 ago

yeah but that doesn’t matter a lot of Jews get tattoos anyway a lot of like Muslims and Jews even eat pork they really don’t care they say not just to make it a fuss I’m just a bitch and whine and tell other people what to do or try to anyway they’re not even supposed to be in Western countries according to their books but they do want to dominate it’s you know it’s Satan that he wants everybody to submit to him the ugly and the Jews mustMuslims a Knigge’s know that they’re fucking ugly and they’re extremely jealous of the angelic beauty of Europeans because the Jews Muslims in Nager’s are subhuman they are fucking ugly they look like shit shit is brown brown as shit and centuries ago the way the Jewish had mixed with the whites when they were slaves and I still try to do that and they take on Christian names like in Hollywood to blend in to stab people in the back because it’s you Muslim Nager are daemonic shit actual shit demons

Black or dark is demonic

white is angelic

Do Muslim Nager are psychotically jealous of whites

they can’t try to constantly copy cat whites

The Jews are thieves they try to steal and take credit for things like Einstein was a fucking Jew they trying to poison people like that jew gates And jew Fauci.

did you Muslim Nager have diseases they’re always the poison or they always the murderer look at all the insoles that were school shooters they’re all Jewish it’s been proven that Vegas guy Jewish big nose look at all the Hollywood big noses oh yeah some of the actresses get their nose done but you can see their Jewish from their sunken witch face.

Throughout history they’ve always pushed degeneration of the guys or the lie of liberty or like in the the 18 century or hippie times or the 20 century with the flappers and the drugs always it’s degeneracy every century from even as early as the 16th 12 from the beginning of time did you has always been demonic and has always been the vampire and has always brought degeneracy and disease

steven_feelsperg ago

Their "religion" is a front to fool the spiritual White man. They've had thousands of years to cover every angle on both sides.

minx88 ago

synogogue of satan

blackguard19 ago

Part of the religion in question is finding loopholes and technicalities to break the laws.

minx88 ago

Exactly but the Jews are not a religion it is a demonic cult just like the Muslims are I mean look at the cube that the Muslim cockroaches swarm around it’s the same cube that’s on the Jewish head when they hump their wall,They are worshiping Lucifer and now they are admitting to it now look at all these witchrs against Christ and churches.

Notre Dame and nantes n And the churches in America there’s are all done by the Jews and the Muslims they work together they are not enemies they are the same shit

All the Jewish lawyers have Christian names on the judges did you as judges and lawyers need to be disbarred and disrobed and dragged out and burned because they’re the ones who are letting the Muslim gang rappers b nigger go free

heywoodnj ago

They line up for the field goal attempt....the cunt has snapped...and the kick is.......goooood!

Hey they fucked up football, I'm up for a season of kick the kike in the kunt. The one sport where gender won't matter.

minx88 ago

Yes you’re right I mean I guess when she does that she destroys the whole gender agenda.

If you see it’s a Jew then just flash ball burn it


"Courageous". "aptly named for the warrior goddess of ancient Greece."

Did I accidentally enter another dimension? What in the fuck is happening with this world?

Chempergrill ago

Its a timeslip where the Weimer Republic manifests 100 years later in the most powerful country on Earth.

ChickenDeath ago

Grace Dyrness is also Jewish.

ShineShooter ago

Kinda, doesn't say anything about her identity or genetics. Oh who am i kidding, them posting her pic shows she is juden.

minx88 ago

It’s a diseaesdd demonic kike slut

Chempergrill ago

I'd say the Star of David tattoo is a dead giveaway.

minx88 ago


ShineShooter ago

That, and an ass that has never worked a day in it's life.

McBoogerballs ago

They really will use any excuse to spread their gash for an audience as the only thing a move like this accomplishes is hundreds of eyes on her mud flaps

minx88 ago

loool well said!!

European girl doesn’t do that no matter how brainwashed she is from the Jew hippie shit you’re being girls have respect for themselves unfortunately I see a lot of European girls brainwashed putting in stupid hair color and tattoos but they wouldn’t do this kind of thing this is what used to because they are the Lilith they are the demon succubus

American-Patriot ago

Another festering axe wound!

TheSeer ago

Don't trust anything that bleeds but doesn't die.

minx88 ago

Don’t say that that’s really stupid I mean your mother has a monthly. And she does it because a woman having her Ministration means that she is fertile to have children and to prepare her for childbirth so guys don’t say stupid things like that really all women have that in order to have children so that you were on this planet

TheSeer ago

You can love your mother, that is fine. What about every other woman? Maybe your sister and your niece and your aunt. Maybe. Sister-in-laws? Mother-in-laws? You got to be kidding me.

American-Patriot ago

I think she should see a dentist. Those teeth look sharp up in that gaping hole.

TheSeer ago

Vagina dentata huh?

ThereIsAGoldenRule ago

It really is every fucking time.

robot7247 ago

I came to voat with skepticism. Yet every time I dig even slightly there it is.

paybythepound ago

It's probably 50/50 whether it's a she-kike or a new ager who doesn't know the difference between a pentagram and a kike star.

minx88 ago

You are right it’s most likely if shekike. because they know the new ager know the difference. Even the stupidest hippie knows the difference between a pentagram and a star of David.Is it a new way just learned that what she’s doing is like a Sheila nagig

It’s really disgusting what she’s doing it’s like manipulation being aggressive it’s disgusting because you know mystery is more powerful this is just banality and degrading her self and they don’t care to be discussing the Jews want to be disgusting they are disgusting they are disgusting ugly slut they were the witches and burn them but if you leave a couple over then they breed again and come back and now it’s the worst ever because they brought their Muslims are knickers with them the Jews are doing dark magic they are the Kabbalistic which is that you have some Luaders that were just brainwashed into doing the New Age and they are innocent

but the Jews are very aggressive And they’re being sluts as a form of manipulation

It’s the difference between the sensuality of a woman wearing a corset or in wearing Dior Yes there is a sensuality with your budget there is also that you have respect for yourself European women have respect for themselves and they can be elegant and sensual but

The other side is the slutty that is pushed by the jew or It is the Jew when it is obvious like this disgusting cow in the picture then it is a Jew.

It’s like Lilith it’s like demon succubus they have no shame and they use actually the sexuality as an aggression

Men they need to be strong I need to know the difference between a innocent hippie that was brainwashed and a daemonic fucking Jew slut

ThereIsAGoldenRule ago

No. It's 100% a jewess.

minx88 ago

you are right man it is a succubus a demon bitch with absolutely no shame they have no shame they are disgusting they are degradation and they use the sexuality as an actual assault to manipulate I’m just it’s just disgusting mystery is attractive but being aggressive like that it’s it’s unattractive and it’s creepy she’s doing the kali or shelia na gig

ThereIsAGoldenRule ago

Since I woke to the JQ my mind simply will not let me see a jewess as attractive. No way. Not gonna happen. I literally feel like I can "smell" their nasty smell through the computer screen when I see photos of them.

It really is crazy how realizing that a special group of people has been manipulating you and your culture for long can completely change foundational natural urges.

Once you go woke you realize that there is simply no such thing as an attractive jewess. They are all beasts in human form.

I'm still not at the Tallest_skill level of wanting to kill them all. Never likely will be. Don't want to be.

But I don't ever want to spend any time around a jew or a jewess. Not anymore. Neveragain.

voatdied ago

we fired Lenny and just made the 0 permanent on the sign.

Vc83 ago

Awww nuts

Tb0n3 ago

Looks like a flower.

minx88 ago

Flowers don’t have right angles

Tb0n3 ago

Never hear of a Lily?

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Here's another angle:

I also saw a longer vid of this on bitchute earlier where she turned around to face the camera, and she had gooky eyes.

minx88 ago

jews have crooked eyes

Chempergrill ago

Good find. Perhaps its an Anarchy symbol

minx88 ago

antifa are kikes they are anarchists

jewer ago

"Shut it DOWN! The Goyim know! They are onto us!"

minx88 ago

And it’s too late to shut it down too many the fucking Muslims and Nager’s have been murdering innocent people are you fucking kike shit are going to be burnt And some of us could do it without moving a finger so you take your fucking Muslims and you take your fucking diggers and you go back to Africa and you stay there because we will I’ll fucking kill you not your fake holocaust but real burning.

Do you think your little dark magic bitches can have a fact but there’s stuff that some of us know we’ll burn the shit skin off you

minx88 ago

We’re more than onto you some of us have read the occult and we know what you’re doing and we know how to combat you Europeans are nice but some of us you really don’t wanna fuck with we’re going to send you demonic rats and your cock roaches back to hell in the ass of a demon that shat you out

strange_59 ago


mudbear ago


dundundunnnnn ago


Qqqqqqqqqqweeds ago


anotherdream ago


SkippyMcSkipperson ago

Good catch

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moveout ago

gutted out whore

TFS ago

A degenerate she-jew. Good catch!

refugee610 ago

Is there any other kind?

TFS ago

If there's normal she-jews out there somewhere they're a species that's phenomenal at avoiding detection since they've never been seen or heard from.

CowWithBeef ago

Orthodox ones are kindof not degenerate dressing modestly and having lots of kids, but then again having your vagina inspected by your synagogue seems degenerate to me.

minx88 ago

They are degenerate their demons just because they dress themselves doesn’t mean they’re not demons look at the Muslim she was a plastic bag in the name of modesty but they are disgusting sluts even have Muslims with Those plastic bags on porn. Muslim females are diseased deformed ugly slut and the Jews female are also the fucking ugly and we have to men have to know the difference because they pretend to be white they pretend to be on our side but they’re not you can see other big nose oh but they also go to plastic surgery like your pants so they want to look like us but you can see on there witch face jewish women are always fucking ugly even the less ugly ones still are more ugly they look like witches because they are they have a sunken face and you cannot change your skull you know a lot of the Jews have mixed with blonde in the history so that they can blend in with us but we can see their ugly witch deformed faces Gal Gadot

femka jsnsen Is a whole list of those Hollywood sluts that are actually Jews using Christian names they’ve been doing that since the 20s and earlier actually

TFS ago

Don't forget they have to show their bloody underwear to a Rabbi once a month, defecate on the floor in public bathrooms and fuck through a hole in the sheet. And that's the supposedly modest and respectable "orthodox ones". Don't get me started on the commies...

Shlarb123 ago

And they let their newborn sons’ genitals get mutilated and sucked on by a dirty rabbi. They’re all fucked.

jewer ago

At least those jewesses are genetic women, and not trannies with FRONT HOLE SURGERIES

noun01 ago

She's got hairy pits

HappyMealBullshit ago

I dont think chicks are allowed to shave in Portland. The governor issued a mandate banning stores from selling razors to women because its sexist and promotes toxic masculinity.

minx88 ago

Oh brother that’s the Jew pushing this feminist shit about not shaving and wearing and not wearing bras because of the hippie shit you know that was pushed by the Jew the whole hippie scene is Jew shit.Whole feminist thing is communist Jewish shit

rndmvar ago

Tonight on "Is it Babylon Bee, or CNN", this comment here.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Hah. The scariest thing is how many people there are who could see my comment printed as a headline in the NYT or the WSJ and they wouldnt blink an eye. That would be totally normal and acceptable in their worldview.

rndmvar ago

What a strange time to be alive.
Honk on, my friend.

Moln0014 ago

Are you sure it's a she? Never know now a days

idk ago

No thanks.

HootersMcBoobies ago

This is insane. Like look at what he's posting and how he's interpreting it. We're both literally watching the same thing and seeing two different movies.

The_Moistiest_Jew ago

Hairy armpits are always a bad thing. Bush isn't always necessarily bad, as long as it's well groomed.

Infearmal ago


Chempergrill ago

I wish it was that Bush.

Recyclops14 ago

Holy shit that guy posting this stuff is a massive faggot.

Nosferatjew ago

Should've pepperballed her with extreme prejudice.

minx88 ago

Yes.It’s a Jew it’s a witch it needs to be burned the men and the women Jews they need to be burned it was good but see what happens when you leave one behind

dingdong44 ago

Looks like street paint not hair.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Are you sure? Can we zoom in and enhance?

dingdong44 ago


MisterGrieves ago

I want the front view

BipolarExpress ago

I doubt there's anything worth seeing.

RoBatten ago


NarrativeControl ago

Coomer life

MisterGrieves ago

Can't look away from all the fat nasty and gore either.

Warnos44 ago

Why, once you've seen one you've seen them all until you have one that belongs to you.

MisterGrieves ago

The way he back was dirty it would have to have to be dirty too

NoseSubversion ago

Only one I would care to see is Abby Shapiro

DishingShitLikeA ago

Think moldylocks

minx88 ago

moldy thats definite

minx88 ago

Exactly so disgusting stinking diseased makes you wanna vomit

jthun2 ago

uh god, I was unlucky enough to see her porn pictures. Scrub the old eyeballs.

MisterGrieves ago

I know but my curiosity is still getting the best of me. Lol

minx88 ago

Curiosity killed the cat. Because once you see it and you vomit it’s not worth it