badbot ago

I don't care(n) what happens in the dem run cities. they wanted this, they got this, they can drown in this

DoctorK ago

Currently reading The Turner Diaries, I'm about halfway through (started yesterday). It is amazing the amount of foresight the author had into what has really become our nonfiction, American world. The lens through which I look at progressives, BLM, do-nothing conservatives, jews, etc has forever changed, and I'm not even finished reading the book! What a great read.

Bushtaco321 ago

Turner diaries

CorpusCallosum ago

They should be sued into oblivion the first time someone calls and is told no, followed by crimes committed.

Bigbensbathroomstall ago

Turner diaries

Nukeblood ago

And on Cuckit they are celebrating this


That's stupid. No one except dumbass liberals care about that shit. He needs to sponsor a bill and he's obviously desperate for ideas. There are many unnecessary laws because a legislator needed to sponsor a bill. If it's passed it can help to show his constituents that he's accomplishing something. If you want to call it that.

FullOnRapist ago

So are you supposed to report your racial identity when you call? How's the dispatcher supposed to know your race...

Kclineman ago

Maybe there should be a Shaniqua meme.

Oh Look, Shaniqua is beating her kid in public again.

Jujubean ago

Quit calling police on niggers, handle your business yourself and cause the niggers to call police.

One-Way_Bus ago

So when a nigger murders and robs another nigger I don't have to bother calling the police now?

OvenBakedGem ago

Wasn't all that shit foreseen in the Turner Diaries ? 911 calls against nigs forbidden ?

Splooge ago

Not exactly, from an official standpoint everything was still “equal,” but essentially all police and military ground troops have been replaced by niggers, so they enforce everything, with implied approval from the (((upper brass))) to target all non-niggers.

Which, more or less, is what’s happening now.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Nah /u/OvenBakedGem is actually right, one of the things mentioned in the Turner Diaries is that rape was made legal because (paraphrased) "it was seen as racially insensitive to arrest people for it because most rapists were black".

Not exactly the same as this particular thing, but very similar overall.

Splooge ago

Damn. Well, sounds like it’s time for another reread.

Reverse-Flash ago

That is no different than calling something the NEGGER act, and having it be about putting coons in jail.

The_Venerable ago




(for the)





masterone ago

"Knocking out white people is unacceptable so I'm introducing the TEYRNE Treat-Every-Young-Retard-Nigger-Equally"

and "LAFISHA" Lock-A-Fat-Ignorant_Sheboon-

I'm glad they can legislate things so quickly and implement anti-white sentiment as well as defend criminals at the same time

GeneralDisposition ago

Quick! Reread that tweet while looking at this image.

BulletStopper ago


"Yo, yo,yo,yo.. Way all dee whypeepoe go at?"

Splooge ago


Based and neverseenagainpilled

Zed_Leppelin ago

So the message is dont bother calling the police, just shoot to kill? Got it.

78616BC93459 ago

I love this nigger logic:

In June, a white couple called the police on James Juanillo after accusing him of defacing private property. Juanillo was stenciling “Black Lives Matter” on the wall in front of his Pacific Heights home.

So how does a passerby know the difference between someone placing graffiti on their own home versus someone else's home? Are they supposed to just ignore the potential crime unless they personally know the owner? Are they supposed to investigate the home's ownership before calling the police?

These people are beyond fucking retarded. I can't understand how it's possible for anyone with an IQ on the north side of the mean to believe this makes any sense.

One-Way_Bus ago

Some retard actually did that to their own property?

Jujubean ago

His rented property. When asked he was coy about the fact he was renting it. They should of just kicked the MF in the head.

Carpools ago

They desperately need white people to start killing black people so they can secure the lack of black vote for Trump.

So white people, you're on your own. What's worse, if you call for help, we'll call it a hate crime.

If you still live in a terrorist state, God help you.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Blacks were never going to vote for Trump anyway. Because gibs are the most important thing to niggers.

Mr_Wolf ago

naming it Karen is racist by name alone

SexMachine ago

Right, need the SHANIQUA Act

RoundWheel ago

Clearly confirming the Karen meme is racist propaganda.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

It should be obvious that all the people on Voat trying to blame white women (who vote roughly 70% conservative) for all problems, while meanwhile ignoring that both shitskin women AND 'men' vote 90% left, is nothing but a psyop to divide our race against itself.

If only whites of either gender voted, the US would never have a leftist in any office with the minor exception of some counties in Jew York and Los Angeles.

Not to mention that white men blaming women for all the problems in this country is just weak and pathetic.

Kekistani_SS ago

But how do you think jews came to power before women could vote?

RoundWheel ago

Deception isn't new.

There is a reason the magna carta demands protection from Jews.

Jaegerjaques ago

The fuck is a racist 911 call? Any call involving a black perp?

nouseforaname ago


bonghits4jeebus ago

When black people are acting like black people, it's racist to call the cops on them. They can't help it.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Don't you hate niggers especially if they think "white" acceptance is all about the suit?

KLDB ago

I love the name... Karen...

RoldyRay ago

When they call, just say the criminal is a white person in blackface. SWAT will arrive quickly, problem solved.

wipeyournose ago

Pretty racist to name it after a White lady.

geovoat ago

we are going to need a private 911 type service that sends the citizen cavalry when a crime is happening.

Valcgo ago

Me: Calls 911, There is a black man in his early 20s currently attempting to break into my home.

911: Sorry, we can't dispatch an officer due to your racist description of the perpetrator.

Me: In that case, send a coroner because I'll handle it myself.

I hope people are preparing because things are going to get worse before they get even worse.

MrEvilPirate ago

I'm just going to drop 'em. If in public, quick look around for camera check. If I'm not being filmed down they go. If they are filming then down they go, then I take and destroy the phone. If they're blocking the street and approach my truck down they go. And I'm not waiting for or calling the cops. I'm done. Avoid at all costs. But if not, fuck this nonsense. And don't stick around for suicide by bureaucracy at the hands of a corrupt commie government. This niggerly behavior by niggers and cucked whites is despicable.

jackfraser ago

Keep in mind:

  • phones can livestream video to the cloud, destroying it may accomplish nothing.
  • destroyer phones can be recovered, unless you truly smash it to bits, and you don’t want to take a tracking device like that with you
  • your own phone is tracking you and you will be known to have been in the area
  • a history of fedposting shit like this may be discovered and will be held against you.

I’m not saying don’t post, I’m not saying don’t defend yourself, but holy shit, watch out for the law. In anarchotyranny, you the nominally law abiding citizen will be subjected to the tyranny part.

MrEvilPirate ago

All good advice

a_large_rat_03 ago

yeah this is pretty much the only move left. get some personal protection insurance, won't suggest any companies bc don't want them to get associated with us but you can search for concealed carry insurance. it usually covers any kind of defensive acts and it's cheap enough and pays for a ton of defense funds

Civil_Warrior ago

My response group is







XSS1337 ago

This is great news everyone ...

They just advocated that you shoot niggers to death , hack them up , and scatter them to the woods.... vs. trying to get Jew11 help that will arrest you but not before being raped and beaten...

Great news ....

Splooge ago

No 9-1-1? More like Nein-1-1 amirite?


XSS1337 ago

Not until the Jew is exposed and punished ... then the light of god shall return

Splooge ago

Based and blesspilled

XSS1337 ago

It is darkest before the Don.

Fried-Laptop ago

Shoot shovel & shut up

lostinapes ago

So they are making it illegal for white people to call the police. I would say call the police on blacks but even blacks know they are responsible for 95% of crimes.

blackguard19 ago

I’ll give them credit for the acronym.

Splooge ago

Not even, I’d bet good money that a jew came up with that. Niggers in politics are nothing more than an advanced form of golem puppetry for the kikes.

WD_Pelley ago

Meme magic is a helluva drug.

TFS ago

It's a good thing I'm not one of those conspiracy theorists or I'd have thought that the "Karen" meme was planned and instigated to be able to pull off the implementation of an arbitrary and discriminatory law that the public would otherwise have been very hesitant to accept if it weren't for a non-stop battering of White "Karens" in the media for months by the (((usual suspects))).

DesolationRoad ago

the Karen Meme is just like the zoomer VS "ok boomer" Meme.

Take group of Americans.... find a way to divide us into black VS white, old vs young and man VS woman.

Thus BLM, Karen and OK Boomer. 3 memes that schedule their protests at the same time as Trump rallies. It results in white patriotbros killing white marxists and turning white cities into crime scenes instead of economic wonders. White on white crime goes up while white suicide is twice that of blacks.

Pumping out hateful anti black and anti blah blah memes in response to all the anti white rhetoric is actually how we make the problem worse. I think we should win by pushing positive unifying memes instead of trying to control with fear.

jackfraser ago

Yes. The intense generational divide was 100% a deliberately introduced meme, designed to ruin any potential White solidarity.

Are boomers out of touch? Yes. They expect a much more civilized world, they expect the social contract to be upheld, and at some level they expect that all the sacrifices they made in the name of equality to pay off. And they haven’t.

YamaMaya ago

This. This exactly. We need to make a concerted effort to squash this meme. Not only is it anti white, it is making life harder for anyone called Karen as their given name.

Actually, calling it now, someone somewhere is going to write a retarded OP ED about how naming your baby girl Karen is a racist "whITe sUpREmeCy" dog whistle.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

I call out and redirect this meme where it belongs at every opportunity: onto Shaniqua and Consuela, the real force of whining bitches in this country.

YamaMaya ago

Here here!! No one is more whinny and entitled than the Shaniquas

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

karen meme had been started to be against middle class women who ask to see the manager. why shouldn't you aks to see the manager if something fucked up happened. No surprise it gets used to try to make women feel bad about calling cops on black criminals as well, to take away one of their last lines of defense.

NoseSubversion ago

You’re not supposed to ask for the manager. Proper black etiquette dictates that you are supposed to jump over the counter and attack the employee. You sir, are uncivilized!

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

are you sure, I thought you were supposed to loot the wendys and hoot and hollar

tallarn ago

Do y’all really think the Karen meme is unearned racism? It’s just a new term for soccer mom, which was itself a term for bitchy middle-class women who don’t know when to butt out or shut up.

jackfraser ago

It is an anti-white slur. Karen expects a civilized world and has been delivered into a jungle. White men need to protect our women.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

true but it is ok for a mother to take her kids to play soccer too

it is anti middle class, anti middle america, anti white shit.I do know sometimes women don't know when to shut up but the meme isn't really about that now, it is more specific against a woman who criticizes black thugs. If a woman won't shut up about that as in is screaming for help, I dont blame her!

masterone ago

Its about standards and an expectation of people to give a fuck.

These women are designed to hold people to standards in society of how things rightfully should be.

They want society to be this dystopian DMV like experience where they don't owe you anything and you shouldn't expect anything.

Neverfelted ago

Not only that but companies have created an umbrella of non decision makers. The low level employees don't have the authority to fix any issues.

Then they give you attitude and act like demanding fair treatment is absurd and crazy.

The amount of times I've been billed incorrectly over the past decade and the hours it takes to fix THEIR errors are staggering.

369693936 ago

More proof we need to be segregated by IQ; however that ends up shaking out racially.

blackguard19 ago

“It ain’t no mystery

If it’s politics or history

The thing you gotta know is

It’s all showbiz”

~The Producers

wipeyournose ago

jew garbage

puggy ago

Actually The Producers is interesting because Mel Brooks was such a super-jew that he made a comedy about a jew plotting to cheat investors out of their money and how phony show business is. If someone made that same movie today, it would cause a firestorm of protest about anti-semitism.

wipeyournose ago

what if a super jew made it? when a super jew makes something like this, then it is a inside joke for them. brooks was making fun of all the stupid goyim

ZKX ago

Wouldn't it be faster to just attack the gas lines in San Francisco?

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