aronno1 ago

this is so nice The article did specify "barbaric" so that settles it.

Broc_Lia ago

How did you find this post?

riseagaineire ago

They are black there is no other reason for this, blacks just being black, most carry on like this, we get nothing off them, they get everything out of us and even then they rape, stab ,acid chuck, burn and kill with their bare hands, sick disgusting ungrateful entitled people , and look at france now, paris the 'gay city' a tent city now!

doubleanalbypass ago

remember, wear a mask, slave.

Broc_Lia ago

How did you find this post?

custardcompass ago

This also happened in France last month.

A white bus driver was beaten until brain dead by the niggers he had to let on.

Civilisation has become a fucking joke....

Broc_Lia ago

This is the one in france I think.

Out of curiosity, how did you find this post? It's over a week old.

charliebrownau ago

Do we need more proof that we need to segregate via political leaning

Commiefornia for Global Commies

Texas right wing nationlists

jonnyquest ago

Shit ... this is actually prettty terrifying even beyond the situation.

...This means that the leftists have actually figured out a way to force folks to become one of them...!

SaxonWolfcock ago

Lol jew york post trying to throw a curveball.

Not wearing the mask but i do carry weapons.

Stan76 ago

The mask nazi got what he deserved

Cancerstickman ago

Wonder why they didn't mention any first names, bet mohummer is in the majority of them.

Broc_Lia ago

The names have since been leaked by the french police. The page that had them is down but I found them in a comment on voat:

Mohamed C., Mohammed A., Moussa B., and Sélim Z.

ADaniels ago

Stop making people wear face masks, the nogs are right on this one.

Broc_Lia ago

I agree, but this wasn't some high minded act of civic disobediance. They beat him to death because they think they're superior to white men and a white man coming around to check tickets and enforce the rules is going to cause groid rage.

Cat-hax ago

He's white, and got beat to brain death over a ticket and face mask, has got to be niggers

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

"identities have not been released"

it's either moose limbs or ghouls

around blacks never relax

avoid the groid

he who frequents negroes his own life will depose

mudslime ago

France is a shit hole. go to Gare Du Nord (Paris North Station) at dawn and enjoy the cultural enrichment.

Chechen "war" in France

Some GIGN Training and nIGGER videos

worthlesshope ago

He probably wasn't actually brain dead, because EU medical establishment sucks. They can't pronounce brain dead so quickly. Probably is in a coma and french doctors didn't wanna keep in alive till he wakes up so they'll kill him.

EU really likes killing their patients since it's difficult to afford their free healthcare.

Broc_Lia ago

True. I have no idea why anyone thinks it's a good idea to put the government in control of their health. Even in the countries they hold up as paragons of their ideal it's usually a shitshow.

AngryInVirginia ago

The attack left him brain dead. The title should simple say that they murdered him.

ScionOfZion ago

Remember, it's not your job to enforce mask rules. Your employer should be telling you to enforce it no more than they tell you enforce any other "law". Like, do you go after a shoplifter yourself? Do you defend the cash drawer in an armed robbery? Don't do it.

surfsup ago

"Five people face charges in connection with the grisly assault, but their identities haven’t been released, the outlet reported"

Who wants to take a guess? If it were white people doing the kicking and punching it would be in the headline.

rubberdougie ago

Diversity strikes again. They didn't have tickets and didn't wear masks. I bet they don't have jobs either.

Broc_Lia ago

Why would you expect doctors, scientists and lawyers to have jobs? They're already contributing so much to France just by being there.

okimaracist ago

iwonder what part of africa or the middle east his attackers were from? i hope they dont lose their refugee status because of some racist prosecutor ...these perpetrators could be doctors ,lawyers and sheeit

nullifyNWO ago

Let me guess - 'Youth', 'Southlanders', 'mentally impaired people', ...

Broc_Lia ago

Southlanders is new to me, where did that one come from?

nullifyNWO ago


NoseTrimmer ago

"Following this heinous attack, an African in his thirties was arrested on Sunday evening and four other individuals were placed in police custody on Monday. Unsurprisingly, their profile is not that of the average citizen: the first person arrested in the apartment of Mohammed A, is known to the police."

FreeinTX ago

French niggers are really bad.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Le brain dead oui oui?


Amish must be at it again those unpredictable virus spreaders

gibsmegibs ago

And nothing of value was lost.

boekanier ago

Yes, they have a lot of muslims in france (and elsewhere)

Broc_Lia ago

Even if they did have the guts to vote for her, they've practically been replaced. I wonder if they'll wake up when the politicians stop pandering to them.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Coulter's Law.

Niggerific Muslims.

NoseSubversion ago

Nypost. So read through the bullshit to see the story. It’s France, it’s Bayonne, White bus driver, “passengers” attacked him, white guy beaten for “standing up”.

Translation: White male in a White country savagely beaten by a pack of imported niggers who were told to comply with the rules and then beat him after he tried to get off the ground and is lucky to be alive.

Do they have hate crimes in France?

Broc_Lia ago

and is lucky to be alive.

He's brain dead. Not in the liberal sense, in the actual sense.

Do they have hate crimes in France?

Yep. Whitey only.

DrYiddingston ago

He was beaten into a coma by the Muslim invaders and is brain dead, and none of his countrymen will ever avenge him. What do you mean he’s lucky to be alive?

NoseSubversion ago

Yeah I fucked up on the alive part.

errgnomeous ago

good, i don't care if it was niggers. some low IQ chimps who can't understand who to express their anger without being violent. anyway, FUCK making people wear face diapers! If you think you have the right to force people to wear a fucking diaper over their face then you're a brain-dead pile of fucking shit who gets what they get.

DrYiddingston ago

He is in fact officially brain dead in a coma after being beat to near death. Poor choice of words, mate.

errgnomeous ago

okay, faggot... still don't give a fuck :)

okimaracist ago

with the shit that " errgnomeous" dribbles i think HE should be forced to wear a face daiper

errgnomeous ago

I like to see you make me wear one you faggot

Mr_big ago

Fucking moslem niggers

bezzy ago

Sand niggers, 85% chance. Regular for the other 15.

bluedeath ago

Good ...

awoken1 ago

sand niggers

southern_fried ago

If he was wearing a mask, he was already brain dead.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Whatever. France imported those niggers of their own free will and called me a racist for not doing the same. Fuck those cunts. It was suicide if your ask me.

DrYiddingston ago

No. Unmarried French women voted to import exotic brown cocks to fight their native males, so the females could have their pick of the prime aggressive alphas.

Women’s suffrage will end your civilization every time. They build nothing. They only sabotage and tear down what men build.

bezzy ago

No both you fucking fags are wrong. Capitalist banker jews have been importing cheap labour from North Africa since the 60s.

Nice mgtow shit faggot

Cunty84 ago

Sarkozi - a Jew pm before macron ordered France to take the refugees, just following the pan European Kalergi plan for the elders of Zion.

bezzy ago

Like most Western countries the story of the browning of France doesn’t start with refugees in the 2000s, lmao.

Cunty84 ago

Is started with the Moors back in the 1500s. They were kicked out like the Spaniards kicked both the kikes and the black Muslims, they’re back in again ever since Tony Blair fucked the UK over.

DohBoy ago

So they culturally enriched his brain against the inside of his skull repeatedly until he’s life-diversified.

And right underneath it is that very suspicious story about the black man who “feared he was going to be lynched” - the story no one seems to have definitive details about yet. I despise the media.

DrYiddingston ago

Have an upgoat.

Diversity is strength.

shoot_a_red_hat ago

Aren't bus drivers brain dead to begin with?

Intrixina ago

At least he had a job, unlike your faggotry.

Octoclops ago

You people hate nothing more than working for a living huh?

DrYiddingston ago

Why would you say driving a bus is dishonorable work?

Broc_Lia ago

In France scoring a publicly funded unionised job is like winning the lottery: Decent income for life, politically bulletproof and bennies out the ass.

shoot_a_red_hat ago

and your point is?

Broc_Lia ago

Just that it's not the dead end loser job it would be in most places. Being part of a public union in france is like being a party member in the USSR.

savageB ago

France, how's that diversity working out for you?

Jagon ago

Poorly but nothing we can do with brain dead and dickless citizens

hang_em_high ago

their identities haven't been released

So niggers.

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TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Yes. Of the sand kind.

WorldClown ago

Yes, 100% niggers. Can you imagine a white mob doing this? Over tickets and masks? 5 vs. 1?

No. Niggers.

parnellsUprising ago

5 suspects, and really had nothing to do with masks, more the fact they didn’t have tickets, so that tells you the race.

bb4c35 ago

Last time I saw an article on this it said they were trying to bring a dog onboard.

Just a general disregard for the whole system.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I have a relative who drives a city bus. The company policy is to accept people's money, but let them ride for free if they don't pay.

registeretakes10s ago

most french controller will let go blacks without a fine when they dont have tickets telling them its theyre lucky this time, every time. because they dont want to be beaten up. ive seen this with my own eyes during my last vacation there several times

fuckyourownface ago

Fucking niggers

supermassive ago

fucking crackers

fuckyourownface ago

Crack the whip on you monkeys

CelticMutt ago

Not only that, but the jews are trying to blame this on White people, as the act of not wearing a mask has been attributed to Whites.

rebel_1812 ago

great point. i see so many shitskins not wearing masks and no one says anything to them. it is just another reason to start shit with caucasians.

ShadowHelp ago

That headline is infuriating

mf1776 ago


LoveDeadNiggers ago

That or sand niggers.

spaceman84 ago

France has a lot of Algerians

AmericanJew2 ago

Did they rape him? If so, sand nigger. If not, then common pavement ape nigger.

anoncastillo ago

Play cattle games, win cattle prizes.

Cat_anon ago

It was in France, but I bet the attackers were from a violent race.

Husita ago

It's not France anymore.

black_trash ago

Goths, it's gotta be the Goths. They hate the Gauls and the Franks. Couldn't possibly be the coons they imported.

registeretakes10s ago

i guarantee they were all blacks or arabs. white ppl dont take the buses in small towns or at night in France. heck being a white driver is taking a huge risk mask or no mask.

nwguy ago

and read the Koran?

FridayJones ago

Yea, the French foreign legions....

altident ago

Five people face charges in connection with the grisly assault, but their identities haven’t been released


metricisokay ago

The article did specify "barbaric" so that settles it.

fusir ago

So either they are from the barbary coast, or we are using even older terms and this guy was a visagoth.

Inaminit ago

But the Mayor says they're working hard to improve safety for bus drivers...

GlowWorm ago

Just a thought, maybe stop importing violent apes en masse.

Jagon ago

Have them carry gun and allow them to shoot violent people like this and problem will be solved

Tubesbestnoob ago

No. Have them carry a gun, but preemptively shoot all apes to prevent trouble.

Jagon ago

We'll settle for your idea

derram ago :

2020-07-07 | Bus driver beaten by passengers refusing to wear face masks left brain dead

'A black man in Indiana says he feared he was... '

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