ToxicWhiteMale ago

I can say it......niggas gots to go!

Bill_Williamson ago

Sense and nonsense cannot peacefully coexist. Violence is inevitable :) After that, segregation. Of course the cities will still exist but it will be 'chaz' tier. Whites will be called racist for not living next to a crackhouse heh. Maybe we get lucky and an absolutly massive earthquake destroys California.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Even with setting up Liberia for these nigger slaves, and giving them their own country. They fucked it up.

GasTheYikes ago

It would be a blessing to see a niggers with a jew on their backs swimming back to apefrica.

Xax ago

We’ve reached our niggerdom bandwidth limit. Let’s be honest.

Time to control/alt/delete and learn from our mistakes.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Propertarianism is the solution. Allow the Democratic cities and counties to separate into semi-autonomous city states. The Federal government will only manage defense of North America and protect the borders. All citizens of city states will have their American citizenship removed. In essence, New Yorkers will be on the same level as Canadians; able to travel freely inside the US and trade with American, but not be lawfully allowed to work or live there. They will have no right to live, work or accept benefits in the US. Likewise, Americans will not be able to have any of those benefits in the city states. A self sorting will take place as Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians, Arabs and Whites will create their own enclaves and multicultural centers.

Jock_Sniffer ago

The O.P.'s right about the thousands of years. Niggers were even causing problems before the Great Flood. From the Pearl of Great Price, Moses 7:22:

And Enoch also beheld the residue of the people which were the sons of Adam; and they were a mixture of all the seed of Adam save it was the seed of Cain, for the seed of Cain were black, and had not place among them.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I say it ALL OF THE TIME! What do you MEAN "no one". Fuck you, you baby brained goon.

You don't equate steak and shit do you?

100100011001 ago

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races -- that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making VOTERS or jurors of negroes, NOR OF QUALIFYING THEM HOLD OFFICE, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any of her man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

--- Abraham Lincoln

Doglegwarrior ago

our forefathers fucked us over so bad it is hard to understand. the constituion should have said.

  1. no jews in amwerica ever

  2. no slavery ever

solved our two biggest problems but some bitch ass white dudes didnt want to work and had to have fucking african slaves.

anzel2002 ago

Finsterbaby ago

I've been saying it since I was a teenager growing up in NYC and realized "racism" and stereotyping meant surviving.

Niggers were enslaved and segregated for 10s of thousand of years for a reason. Thanks, LBJ! You faggot.

Jiggggg ago

If you want to tell some stories about growing up in NYC I'm all ears

Finsterbaby ago

I wouldn't even know where to begin my friend. By the time I was 20-years old we had over 2400 murders a year here. That is not an exaggeration.

satisfyinghump ago

Im going to try to find it

Meanwhile small revelation, for me at least.

When I watch how dindus are acting now I'm starting to think if all those slaves who would fight for their freedom were merely fighting to not work, like they are now?

satisfyinghump ago

No one can live with them, not even other niggers

newoldwave ago

Does Op own any niggers?

SK63 ago

This post and all its upvoats is nothing but shilling to try to make voat look like a bunch of racists.

WhiteChickens ago

We are a bunch of racists, did you take the short bus in? lol

Finsterbaby ago

I am a racist. Fuck you and enjoy your all-white neighborhood, Jew.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I tried looking up Samuel Calhoun (I assume he's also Samuel Hargroves Calhoun, 1824-1899), but I can't find a single thing about him other than his grave marker. Do you have any information you can share, like book titles? Thanks.

CheeBooga ago

It should be law that no jew, woman or any other non-white be allowed in any position of power.

UsedToCuck ago

You guys sound like women, bitching about a problem without presenting a solution.

We all know this, even if it’s subconscious. What do you want to do about it??

boekanier ago

Simpel: nothing.

Fence_sitter ago

Even the archive doesn't have anything to that effect from a Samual (or Samuel) Calhoun. Do you have the name of the book?

They have the correspondance of John Calhoun, but it doesn't seem to be what you are looking for.

Jujubean ago

Niggers have been controlled and can be in the future. jews are the main impediment to us controlling the niggers. When you treat a nigger like a nigger they respect you. Most of you act like you did not grow up among niggers. I am a southern man and have lived among the nigger all of my life, longer than Jane Goodall lived with chimps. I am a fucking nigger anthropologist. I understand and can translate 4 nigger dialects from Gullah to creole. Morehead college should give me an honary fucking degree in African American studies.

LettItBurn ago

Jane Goodall observed chimp life and she was affected by her life long study. Diane Fossy was killed by local niggers because she was fucking gorillias. Jealousy? Who's to say?

LettItBurn ago

Hmmm... instead of "coal burners", we should call them "Dianes".

Sheisse ago

Get this man a discovery show!

Jiggggg ago

nigger anthropologist

Yes. I too have lived among the great apes my entire life and have often felt that I was studying another species, taking careful observations of their habits and dialect

boekanier ago

You are a real nigger-expert. Respect.

2Smedleys_butler ago

Good lord. Bravo negrologist. You made my day

Behuvius ago

Its too profitable for the Jews so they won't ever stop making you live with niggers.

geekpuk2 ago

Lincoln wanted to ship the freed niggers back to Liberia. John Wilkes Booth's bullet put an end to that

Goddamn actors. Sic semper tyrannis my ass

LettItBurn ago

Lincoln was a cunt. Ulysses S Grant was a cunt. This is 150 years later.....Why are we still dealing with niggers?

BitterBiped ago

Segregation works. Remember how peaceful South Africa was under apartheid until the commies started funding the ANC and liberal west did a hate campaign against whites.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


LettItBurn ago

Hey you motherfucker... Stop making me upvoat your comments.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

You shut your dirty face

WhiteChickens ago

Obviously it didn't work, because look what happened.

Eliminating them for good works.

peacegnome ago

segregation ruled by white people. The first thing shitty people do when they gain power is to get more power, and move productivity from productive people to unproductive people they are aligned with.

nullifyNWO ago

God gave them a separate continent for a reason.

LettItBurn ago

"...they never dreamed a sail..."

WhiteChickens ago

They really only ever had a piece of sub saharan africa.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

Shame it wasn't separated from civilized people by 1000 miles of water.

niggernaut ago

Americans need to quit pretending they walked over on their own accord. The crackers brought them over, and the first step is to admit they made the mistake and to never allow it to happen again.

Reich_or_Wrong ago

Niggers and muzzies sold them to kikes, who sold some to white people, but still kept most for themselves.

369693936 ago

Ghana has offered asylum to Blacks who can't handle the relentless systemic racism in the USA. Let's give them all $40-50k each with a one way plane ticket. The only stipulation is that they can never return. Ever.

CheeBooga ago

No more money.

Revelations2_9 ago

Blacks are a net negative taxpayer, to the tune of something like -$20k. Paying them $50k will pay itself off in less than a presidential term and ultimately be cheaper than rounding them up and deporting them by force. I'd be find with $100k.

369693936 ago

Exactly - esp. if we give it to them before the reset. It's all basically monopoly money at this point.

Jujubean ago

No. The only thing I will give them is a shove into the ocean

369693936 ago

But but but the optics. This fixes the problem for everyone. Plus, at this point it's all monopoly money anyway. NOW is the time to do it.

BeerNinja727 ago

We should Gove the niggers a choice between bullets and rope

LettItBurn ago

We should give the niggers a choice between a bullet or a rope.

A bullet is our best hope.

Shoot them.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


BeerNinja727 ago

Are your fifi's hurt faggot

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Sedatedinsomniac ago

Yes. Nogs have an average lifetime negative impact to the treasury of a bit over $500,000. Giving each of them $50k to fuck off to another country would be a bargain.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

No it wouldn’t be.

Stop selling transportation kike.

You’re not going to a safety camp.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

Okay niggerfaggot, if you have a better idea come out and say it.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Not transportation kike. No safety camp for you.

Shadowlight ago

You would rather have blacks forever than pay 1 trillion to get rid of them.

Fucking seriously?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Actually... I think you should contemplate every meaning of the word “forever” and consider the question again.

Shadowlight ago

I already have.

Stop dancing like a jew and make a statement if you have one.

Otherwise shut your mouth and let others think for you since you are a fucking idiot.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


You’re not going in a safety camp.

Shadowlight ago

Again, no idea wtf you are talking about.

Christ you fucking people are idiots. No wonder you have been losing for decades.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

You make the rules lol

We’ve been losing for decades lol

Shadowlight ago

In your retarded head you think the guy that wants blacks back in africa is jew.

Christ you guys are retarded.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

I know who you’re selling transportation for because I know who regularly needs transportation.

What’s the number? Something between 109 and 1,000+?

Shadowlight ago

I have no fucking idea what you are talking about regarding transportation.

Are you saying you don't want to pay for blacks to go back to africa because of what company gets paid the money????

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

No I’m specifically saying that YOU are a kike.

And transportation is not an appropriate reaction to crime.

Shadowlight ago

So your solution for blacks is to...?

Whats your solution?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Shadowlight ago


You have no solution. Another fucking pussy who wants to whine and cry but not fix anything.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

You think being unable to see someone because of geography is a “fix”?


Want to know how I know you’re a kike?

Shadowlight ago

You think "seeing" them is the issue trying to be resolved?

What's your IQ? 80?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

That’s the only issue that gets resolved by transportation. Kike.

Shadowlight ago

Right. It doesn't solve the murders, rapes, endless drains on money, destruction of schools, desteuction of our culture.

Doesn't fix any of that to have them back in africa.

I didn't realize you were retarded.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


You are a kike. You’re not going to a safety camp. You’ll pay directly and not hide.


Shadowlight ago

Who the fuck cares if they commit the crimes in africa, against other blacks.

You are so fucking retarded.

You would rather have them here commiting the crimes against Whites. Why? Because you are retarded.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Not transportation

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Lol kike.

You’re not camoflaged.

BeerNinja727 ago

Fuck off back to reddit Jewboy

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Ugh... this was from last night


Shadowlight ago

You're so fucking retarded you are calling the ones who want to send blacks back to afreica, kikes.

You bitch about jews and blacks but you dont want to solve the problem.

You act like a fed, just here to rile people up with no solution.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


I know who you’re selling transportation for.

You’re not going in a safety camp. No safety train for you.

No safety tent for you.

Shadowlight ago

WTF are you talking about?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

“Explain this”

Shadowlight ago

Explain what?

OMFG you are overcomplicating a simple PAY THEM TO FUCKING LEAVE FOREVER.

BeerNinja727 ago

Fuck that, kill them all.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

No safety camp for you

No train. No tent.

Shadowlight ago

And we see why you are really here.

To waste the time of goyim who have solutions everyone could support.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

He's just a fucktard troll. Stop engaging with him. Probably just a pissant from one of the SJW subs on reddit.

Shadowlight ago

I think you are right, I never see a viable solution from him. And he attacks solutions. Probably team Mossad.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

Team Bergsteinweitz. Definitely.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Do you fucking people listen to what you want to say in English before you write it?

You talk funny kike. You and your kike friend talk funny.

Shadowlight ago

You don't want to solve the problem. You project a bit too much.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Whatever... nobody even reads down here.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Ghana would have so many piece of shit cars with 20 inch spinners....

369693936 ago

Not. Our. Problem.

Kike_Slayer_88 ago

Total extermination of niggers and non-white subhumans is the only way.

BeerNinja727 ago

This, violence is the only solution

Jujubean ago

Son we got along just fine with niggers in the 1950s. Rhodesia and South Africa got along just fine with their niggers until the jew. The fucking jew is the problem. Eliminate the jew and you will not have a problem putting niggers into their place. You might have to kill some but the rest will settle down and do as they are told.

WhiteChickens ago

Dad, no they didn't.

LettItBurn ago

We are at WAR. This is the Boomer War. ...I ain't no Senators son.

moosethenoose ago

They have no desire to clean up or fix up their side of the street - they were perfect as slaves as long as they were fed and cared for.

They struggle to operate on their own without constant specific orders or direction.

The phrase "Porch Monkey" didn't appear out of nowhere - it's accurate.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Clearly fucking not. Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with you?

JamesGunnIsPedo ago

If slavery was accomplished again and it came with internet access and a cell phone....idk man.

WhiteChickens ago

No, they're too stupid and no one wants to deal with them.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Neat imagination kike.

Are you alive in that imaginary fact pattern or are you sleeping in the woods forever?

green_man ago

The TRS guys don't have a problem saying it, probably explains why they've been removed from 109 platforms.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

A lot of great, well researched and hilarious content on there. It's so refreshing to hear Spectre's Jew voice on The Third Rail OY VEEEYYY GOYIM!

green_man ago

IMO Morrakiu has the best jew bit. For anyone not in the know he releases his bit, AKA The Merchant Minute, on his Bitchute channel.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Hahaha that's good, never heard his one before. What're your preferred shows on TRS?

green_man ago

The Merchant Minute is typically on the Wednesday TDS. I think my favorite is Jazz and Jesse because it's live and Sven is fucking great live, but it's only once every 2 weeks. The Daily Shoah comes in at a close second for me. The Third Rail is fucking great too, I'm surprised they haven't started putting some of those behind the paywall. See-ya Kyle!

sbt2160p ago

If you’re not getting your news from FTN, then you’re not really getting the news. Get it while it’s hot!

JamesGunnIsPedo ago

Can someone enlighten me on what FTN is? Found TRS and its great.

sbt2160p ago

Fash The Nation

green_man ago

The new news site they've been pushing escapes me, but I'll leave Striker's site here.

green_man ago

That's a good one, but there is another one. There is a hyphen in the name, they seem to be big on hyphens.

sbt2160p ago

It's a reboot of the old FTN website, with easy to share clips from the show and more.

green_man ago

That's the one I'm thinking of! Thanks man!

LettItBurn ago

Jews have taken over. Jews must go. There is no other option. See this old man that is disgusted with the rise of National Socialism? This is from a movie. *Caberet" A Jew movie. Starring Joel Grey))) and Liza Minalli))).

OLD MEN ARE ON YOUR SIDE. Don't let the media fool you.

(This is a ..."NAZI"... song written by JEWS for a movie in 1977.) ...even the jews know jews are evil scum that must be removed. You jews made this. You jews know intrinsically how evil you are. Thanks for the conformation. Good song, btw.

Ocelot ago

I like how they have to use jarring cuts and bizarre, glassy-eyed expressions from the actors to actually convey that they song is EVIL NAZI BRAINWASHING. If they'd had the actors simply act naturally, it wouldn't have seemed out of the ordinary at all; in fact, the song sounds a lot like any number of American folk songs. And look at all the faggots in the comments "HURR THIS IS CHILLING OMG SO SCARY". As if white people really just sit around and feverishly sing songs about taking over the world. It's particularly absurd that they paint the Germans like that, who in my experience are some of the best of our kind.

satisfyinghump ago

jews song those songs

LettItBurn ago

The best part was right there at the end where the 2 second cut scene has a jew in devil makeup smiling directly into the camera. How much more blatant that that can you get?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Holy shit. Just watched the clip you posted. I've never seen that movie, and now I never need to. That scene was great because the song and the audience's reaction acted like kryptonite to the two queers who left and the old socialist kike who remained sitting. Not all jews went to the camps, but he'd be the kind who eventually would for acting too jewy.

LettItBurn ago

I appreciate your interpretation of that scene. I look at it like an old guy that just went through WW1 and is tired of war. I think that was the emotion that the producers))) were trying to convey. In reality, the German people, under the leadership of a mere corporal, had found their voice.

Our leader is out there right now. You and I don't know his name, but he is going to rock this world. .....I :::nigger clap hands::: Can't :::nigger claps hands::: Wait.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ReAwakened ago

Niggers must go. Jews must go first.

BjornIronside ago


Capitalization of proper nouns denotes respect, while leaving a proper noun in lower caste denotes a lack thereof.

ReAwakened ago

Only capitalized because it's the first word in the sentence. Good catch though.

peacegnome ago

I think there will be many steps; name them, remove them from places of power and influence, dismantle structures that give them any other power, remove them.

We are on the first step, they know it, and are causing all kinds of trouble because of it.

GoyimNose ago

Caananites first then hamites

SumerBreeze ago

kikes all must go

GoyimNose ago

That's who the kikes are. A "white person" born in Americas race is not American. You would most likely call them Europeans, but that is not their race either, you have to back to the point of origin which would be Jephs and Shems. You must remember there's a reason why kikes (hamites and caananites) have always been part of the "white" people's story. It is written.

SumerBreeze ago

woah Jephs and Shems was only 5000 years ago - the amount of time stupid people believe the EARTH was born. Gilgamesh and the flood predate any jew idea or religion, and there are plenty of descriptions of WHITE and FAIR colored skin. We even tested Egyptian rulers’ mummified bodies to have mostly Eastern European DNA

Nosferatjew ago

I'm ok with them going at the same time.

Masaze ago

Realistically, if there is will to kill the jews, we can kill all of their golems as well

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Compare the numbers... if I have 30,000 Cans of coke and 20 cans of beer, why would I run out at the same time?

Unless someone really really purposefully and possibly in bad faith attempts to slow down my beer consumption, I should run out of beer first.

Just stop fucking playing equivalency games if you’re not a kike. They make false equivalency fallacies all the fucking time.

CheeBooga ago

This sounds like some gay transportation shit.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago



Sedatedinsomniac ago

The yids are harder to spot.

Jujubean ago

Good thing we have DNA testing.

Nosferatjew ago

There are about 40mil nogs in the US, and about 7mil jews, which is a much different ratio than you imply with your 30,000 coke vs 20 beer analogy. So, not really the "false equivalency" you are saying it is.

LettItBurn ago

I figure 48 million niggers. 1.6 million jews. There are more jews in NY than Tel Aviv.

Plavonica ago

40mil nogs + 65mil spics + god knows how many mudslimes (lets say 15mil) = 120mil. 120mil/7mil = ~17mil. 30,000coke/20beer = 1,500.

So even including most mudbloods his ratio is out of whack. Either way that's a lot of work to be done.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

It is.