blumen4alles ago

You submitted your DNA for fake testing? What a retard and a family sellout.

Answer my question!

paralentor ago

Wokeflix and HBO is doing everything it it can to write white males out of the script. In many shows you see the white blonde gal with the black dude. The white male is either gay or a buffoon. This seems to be the norm.

intuitive_observer ago

I believe that at the macro scale every group of people will eventually gets what they deserve. Americans thought it was ok to enslave black people and treat them poorly a long time ago, and also thought it was ok to drop their religion or even ridicule it. Lo and behold, now the black people are spectacularly fucking your country up almost exclusively all by themselves, with only the support of Jews who you can not recognize as an enemy due to your weakness and disconnect with your own religion, culture and reality itself.

Having said that, I don't really know much about DNA or genetics but I believe in free will and black people certainly chose this themselves. They chose to establish a culture that glorifies drugs and sluttiness, with unbelievable rates of single motherhood and STDs. They will get fucked up eventually when white people have had enough.

Dave_ph ago

And you chose to breed within your own families causing your IQs drop to where they are now

intuitive_observer ago

Sure man. Instead of accepting the truth and talking about hope or a solution, you get triggered and try to attack. Whatever, I'll play along.

Muslims aren't the ones who's kids are over 50% bastards. We have our issues in various countries especially due to poverty, but broken families and feminists aren't part of them. Neither are cucking and kneeling to blacks or immigrants. Only your kind is baizuo with your high IQ.

Dave_ph ago

Muslims interbreeding low IQ

ScientiaPotentia ago


boekanier ago

No, they didn't know. It must be a shock.

thirdsargon ago

Darwin loves all his creations. They are not inferior. They are better suited to a different ecology.

One-Way_Bus ago

I knew this before r/Coontown got banned a million years ago.

Dave_ph ago

The world changed so fast

Once the left realize how cowardly the right is They seized control of the country

thebearfromstartrack ago

We know that retard. I do anyway. Niggers don't.

tastelessinvective ago

Someone here said that you can actually tell African brains from others in laboratory specimens from 30 feet away.

Not because the African brains are noticeably smaller but because they're smoother and have fewer folds.

I wish I could find that comment again or find some way to confirm.

We know they have genetic differences that effect IQ but it would really be something if there were also visible physiological differences.

Dave_ph ago

Forbidden information

SearchVoatBot ago

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carebearglare ago

Separate? Maybe. Inferior? I'd like to see your reasoning. Humans are optimized to their environments, and to call Africans inferior implies that you could take a baby from Africa, raise it in a wealthy, educated environment in Europe, and it will never grow to be as intelligent as a white baby similarly raised. I find that reasoning premature (at best). It just sounds like you want to feel better than someone, and "the blacks" are an easy mark because you aren't friends or relations with any of them.

DukeofAnarchy ago

Humans are optimized to their environments

True. By a process of natural selection like other species.

to call Africans inferior implies that you could take a baby from Africa, raise it in a wealthy, educated environment in Europe, and it will never grow to be as intelligent as a white baby similarly raised.

That is demonstrably the case.

carebearglare ago

Great. Please demonstrate then.

Dave_ph ago

That is exactly what happens

Nig's raised in white families do better than a standard Mig but are still Far Below the median for whites

I have been around blacks. They destroy the neighborhood I lived in when they moved in. I have been forced to work with them and it even though they are not capable.

You have only known them through your brainwashing

carebearglare ago

You just are around the wrong black people. The fact that I've known black people that are the opposite of this means that the deciding factor in their personality and intelligence was not the color of their skin. I would theorize that you lived around assholes that happened to be black (which there are a lot, don't get me wrong), but the skin color is not a causative factor here.

Dave_ph ago

I have been around a brilliant black person from MIT

I have been around many many many subhuman blacks

Median IQ 85

carebearglare ago

Then skin color is just an arbitrary grouping. You might as well say "Everyone I've met who likes black licorice has an average IQ of 85" - and it might well be true, as might your assertion above. But that doesn't mean that their taste in licorice is causative, or even predictive, of their IQ.

Dave_ph ago

You are in denial of science

Your NPC programming is phenomenally bad

Android analogy is on the level of AOC.

carebearglare ago

What I think is that you've met lots of dumb poor people, who happen to be black. And you know, or have heard of, more well-to-do white people who are rather smart. Skin color is a poor indicator of anything outside social and economic status.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

While crass, this is necessary...welcome to fucking niggerloving faggot Michelle Obama cock garbling shitstains. Muah.

Dave_ph ago


I was shooting for shockingly offencive for Cox

Why does Google Voice spell like that

Whatevahh ago

Governor Brad little just exposed himself is a Cheney buddy

Pubiclouse ago

Robert Sepehr is also a really great Anthropologist.

Whatevahh ago

How does that relate to the rhesus factor in blood I'm a little confused not really a very knowledgeable of what you're talking about

Pubiclouse ago

Their is an Rh- blood type as well as Universal Type O Negative. I believe the Basques and many other Europeans have Rh negative blood. Look it up it's quite interesting

Ftw7969 ago

What a bunch of degenerate fucking niggers this post brought out. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

DemocratsAreAssholes ago

You only have to look at a fucking nigger to see they're the ones descended from apes because they have retained so many obvious traits.

Just look at the way they act, then compare that to wild apes and monkeys - it's uncanny how closely related they are.

Pubiclouse ago

They have a Simian Shelf in there jaw which is why it's so hard for them to breathe when you put your knee on their neck. Smaller frontal lobes pragmatism like Saraa Baartman who was in a human zoo she had Steatopygia which made her nipples like 2 inches long she had a huge ass and her clit and pussylips were also really long kek. All for the arousal of other Congoids like how baboons have them big red booties.

newoldwave ago

Where do Negros come from? What thing worth a shit ever came from there. I'll exclude Egypt because they aren't Negro and contributed to human advacement.

Whats_my_password ago

Dumbass, it's "23 and me" and I was an early adopter and they never said anything like that. Got a link? Cro-magnon dude?

Dave_ph ago

I was one of the initial users

Yes I have my report from them which explained that

No I'm not going to go get it for an idiot like you

Whats_my_password ago

Wow small world. I was 23andMe's 231st customer. Everyone in my family has done it, except for my "daughter" who knows she's a little bastard child.

Pubiclouse ago

You aren't going to get your daughter a test?

Whats_my_password ago

Fuck that little slut(everyone else did).


Lmao you think reddit banning the dead shell of the donald brought people from thedonald(dot)win here? You're a bigger fag than the retards still on reddit

Dave_ph ago

They've also been Banning a lot of

But I wouldn't expect you to be able to handle more than one thought at a time


Look at my username you fucking imbecile. Use your brain for once

Dave_ph ago

I don't give a shit with that spaghetti mass of letters is

Because I'm not a Q tard


You're just a regular tard

Sedatedinsomniac ago

Are you incapable of finishing a sentence?

Dave_ph ago

You are definitely a Que tarde

Pubiclouse ago

Are you completely blind?

Dave_ph ago

Yes that's why I have to use Google Voice and sometimes it isn't perfect

Pubiclouse ago

Oh Okay no it's cool and seems to be working fine to me. Don't listen to the pedantic grammar Nazi niggerfaggots.

Doglegwarrior ago

asians seem to be intellectually superior then. they stopped the christ cuck invasion and they have no jews and they live longer and dont poison their kids as much as we do with vaccines they dont mutilate their baby boys dicks and have some of the lowesr murder and rape rates despite living on top of each other in super crowded cities!

Dave_ph ago

They average about Five Points higher than a white person

Pubiclouse ago

Their commie robots not nearly as inventive or curious as Whites. One of the flaws Whites have though is they are to altruistic chinks torture fish and dogs and cook them when their still alive. Chinks are real good when it comes to medicinal herbs and what not.

urstupidcunt ago

Got anywhere i can read about this cro-magnon dna?

Dave_ph ago

TryI just had General Google search

The write-up I learned if from was my 23andMe report

Pubiclouse ago

Cro Magnon were the Original Anatomically Correct H. Sapien Sapien ie Modern Man "Europeans" in France 20 Thousands years ago I believe.

sionblade22 ago

And jews have neaderthal

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

same species since we can breed with them, wish it wasn't so tho

Reinhart ago

Lions and tigers can breed. They aren't the same species.

Horses and donkeys can breed. They aren't the same species.

Dave_ph ago

I said subspecies

CheeBooga ago

They don't care. Most of their female fam members shit out noglets.

Pubiclouse ago

Not to mention they are 150,000 Years Less Laterally Evolved than the rest of humanity. Europeans have Neanderthal DNA as well. Asians have a Cousin of Neanderthal called Denisovan which both have Descended from Homo Heidlebergensis.if anyone is interested in these subjects check out Geneticist and author of Journey of Man and Deep Ancestry Spencer Wells, Chris Stringer whom coined the OoA theory which has sense been changed to OoA2 theory as well as Archaic Hominid Geneticist from Max Plancke University named Svaante Paabo. All three of them have been working together which is how the OoA theory has been changed to OoA2 theory.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Pavement apes suck ass. Muh dick.

Dave_ph ago

They are descended from porch monkeys

imdrowning ago

This doesnt mean we need to "lynch" or destroy black people but it does shed light on why they simply dont conform to socities that have a higher IQ on average. Higher IQ generally means less random violence and higher trust. The crime stats speak for themselves,and dont give me the "they are oppressed they have to be ultra violent" thats simply a cuck talking point.

broffdutycop ago

I mean, they keep carrying buckets on their heads for miles, everyday, and can't think of a better way. Whites had to invent a rolling bucket that's basically a bucket on a stick to drastically better their quality of life.

It's common sense, you just need to leave the indoctrination behind and open your eyes.

The_Infidel ago

I see irrigation pipes, they see scrap metal. We are not the same.

imdrowning ago

Lol to be fair I'm pretty sure white meth heads came up with that scam hahaha

The_Infidel ago

To be faaaaiiiiiirrrrrrr. You might be right.

Pubiclouse ago

When society has a base IQ of 98 is when it goes downhill.

NoseSubversion ago

You lost me on your first sentence. Believe me, they do not show you the tolerance you extend to them!

Dave_ph ago

We evolve having to work in groups and plan ahead in order to survive Winters

They evolve fighting and jumping up and down to harvest from the banana tree

imdrowning ago

100% and if you are caught lying/raping etc in winter in our societies you get exiled and die and if you get caught raping in warm socities and exiled you just move along and rape elsewhere. There is an abundance of food and animals nearly all year round.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yup guns germs and steel, helps explain why geography effects our evolution

grain was easier to store than bananas. storing things means planning ahead. even though they didn't need to, in Africa a man could have become a king if he figured out a way to store food for years. Not just surviving winters but getting rich and powerful. Farming. Ancient Egypt, in the desert but centered around a river, thrived for years. They still got conquered by a real civilization, Greeks.

RoundWheel ago

That book was heavily criticized the day it came out. It ignored much science simply to uphold the leftist, anti- science view point, that we are all identical.

For example, it implies the bell curve doesn't exist and blacks never needed to move large loads; thus no wheel or sail. Which is, of course, idiotic.

I encourage you to ignore that book. While its much beloved by anti science leftists, mainly to claim we are all exactly the same, it's not well substantiated and now greatly contradicted by empirical evidence.

Africa alone could feed the entire planet and still have surplus. Yet blacks can't sustain their current population levels with food. The only reason blacks have the population levels they do is because of international, western, involvement. Otherwise nature would have kept their population around an eighth of what it is today.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

That's a shame. It actually proves the bell curve and explains why it exists, why evolve to be smarter if there is no need to because of your an environment? You wouldn't. The writer is probably too jewish to want to admit that.

Pubiclouse ago

Genotypes and Phenotypes.

ALIENS2222 ago redpill for newfags

capicua ago

did anyone tell them about the jews?

prairie ago

They don't have hair on their heads; they have wool.

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binrobinro ago

It's pretty obvious if you've ever met one.

Dave_ph ago

We looked at that famous picture of a negro next to a white person next to an ape

WokeazfuQ ago

Jews think that of all non jews, and yet we all descended from black people.

Pubiclouse ago

We evolved from Australapithicus Africanus Lucy and Aardy Millions of years ago that's our closest ties to evolving from niggers. When Lucy and or Aardi was around their were really no races. Possibly other Species with that being said I don't believe that either. We evolved from Neanderthal and Asians Denisovans no nigger in any of them. Niggers are basically Homo Erectus and a whole different path all together. We (clap) did (clap) not (clap) evolve (clap) from (clap) niggers (clap).

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the "out of africa" theory has been disproven a long time ago most of the non black people can trace a lot of their genome back to Australia as well as to cavemen

Dave_ph ago

No, no we didn't

You miss the point by a mile

HbMcNutt ago

We did not evolve from niggers. Dont let jewish education ruin your train of logic

Pumbadog ago

no, we did not.

selpai ago

Evolution doesn't divide species into inferior & superior. That's a false paradigm. There are significant genetic differences between races, such that they are more accurately described as species (only for humans, do we use this farcical term "race" instead of species). These differences are important to acknowledge, not ignore. They make us distinct and special from one another and it's vital, for diversity's sake, they not be lost. It took thousands and millions of years to make Caucasoids, Mongoloids, Negroids, and all of the wonderful variety of human life within these groups. It would be little less than a travesty against nature to see our various species' disappear, homogenized and made dull by those who cannot see the beauty of your life and your culture; who would see all the world reduced to a simple labor pool that needs no such divisions.

This doesn't mean it's right and proper to disparage other species. The Negroids is are not an inferior race but instead "a race", one specialized through millions of years of evolution towards different aspects of life than most. It means to be proud of your race, to be proud of your culture, and become an advocate for both. An economy of race is the solution to our society's problems, not the source.

Now say it with me!

"Every color has it's place, an ethnic home for every race"

Dave_ph ago

Thanks Jared diamond

Art skills are superior for living in a modern society

Their skills are appropriate for using violence to defend the banana tree and jumping ability to grab the bananas

selpai ago


HbMcNutt ago

I agree, niggers should go back to africa to hang out with the other apes.

Pubiclouse ago

For some reason this comment made me bust up laughing. Agree with it nonetheless though.

Pumbadog ago

What a fag

maaaxheadroom ago

I have more Neanderthal DNA than 48% of other people.

CowWithBeef ago

It's true that it is impossible to write objective rules for speciation that maintain our current animal taxonomy without splitting humans into separate subspecies. That's actually more interesting and exciting than the politically correct answer. Embrace it and watch the world start to make more sense.

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Ocelot ago


Keep it coming niggers

Dave_ph ago

Niger lovers from Reddit have arrived

prairie ago

Maybe even Donald Trump.

SuperToes845 ago

Accounts can only downvoat after receiving 100 CCP. The ones downvoating this post have been here a while so probably Q fags.

Dave_ph ago

I insulted Q cards a long time ago so I have a following

Ocelot ago

Our ancestors were wise, the word nigger lover is one of the most precise terms I know of. What else do you call them? Just a bunch of God damn nigger lovers.

SK63 ago

I'm shocked this got so many upvotes. Doesn't reflect conservatism at all.

hang_em_high ago

What about it doesn't reflect conservatism?

SK63 ago

Conservatism does not welcome bigotry or racism.

HbMcNutt ago

Conservatism is about having minimalist laws and nothing to do with recognizing animal varieties

refvgee ago

you're gay and possibly jewish

LuciusAM ago

Why would you expect it to reflect either of the two main US parties? They both only exist to give the illusion of choice to the masses, no successful government can actually be ran by giving everyone an equal say in how it is run. That is like saying I can run a business by gathering up a hundred random people, have them elect three "representatives" and those three representatives make all the decisions.

"Conservatism" just means you support a slightly less liberal ideology than the liberals.

SK63 ago

Conservatism isn't a party, Democrat and Republican are parties. Don't be such a moron.

LuciusAM ago

I had given you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you meant the conservative party in this country.

If your dumb ass was actually talking about conservatism as a broad philosophy then yeah, the views represented on most of voat represent conservatism just fine. Go back to reddit.

SK63 ago

What an idiot. There is not a conservative party. I could only have meant conservatism.

You shouldn't be allowed near a computer.

Dave_ph ago

It reflects reality

Go back to Reddit

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

racism = recognizing reality

iamabrokenbanjo ago

Explain how a resource rich continent like Africa isn't the bastion of cultural and militaristic supremacy even though humans supposedly originated from there; meaning humans have been developing culture there longer than anywhere on this planet supposedly and still live in mud huts and think eating the brains of light skinned black people will cure AIDS, but a small collection of white Nords living in cold, barren countries in the North were able to celestially navigate, sail, war and almost conquer a much larger population of people with superior fighting tactics and technology.

Explain how Indians living in America were able to accomplish absolutely fuck all aside from the consistent tribalism that has plagued humanity since we were founded on Day 1.

Explain how white people's fault that we gave those same Indians, a conquered people who would've been murdered and their women enslaved by any other people, land where they could make their own laws and they proceed to turn them into wastelands where gambling, rape, and drug rates are through the roof.

Your stupid ignorance to the realties of history and nature are able to be broadcast thanks to the brilliance of white people and their inventions.

Black people brag about peanut butter. The jury is out dude.

Dave_ph ago

There is a Jared Taylor video on bitchute with basically that title

Pubiclouse ago

Love Jarrod Taylor

hytreap ago

Negroes are intellectually inferior to white people

niggers are superior to Whites in regards to aggressive traits.

asians are superior to Whites in regards to IQ.

It's not about superiority. It's about Whites having a right to exist.

Pubiclouse ago

Niggers are basically more Archaic which isn't necessarily a good thing Europeans and other races are way more Evolved due to having to survive Ice Ages and Selective Breeding for certain Traits Blue or Green Eyes Blonde or Red Hair Etc... I could understand why other races despise them. They hate us cuz they anus.

hytreap ago

they hate us because the kikes forced us to mix with them, and they consider the kikes White.

kikes ran the slave trade.

The hate us cuz they anus sentiment is a BS neo-con line used to tricky Whitey into fighting for the kike.

The don't hate us for who we are.

The hate us for serving the kike.

Pubiclouse ago

I could agree with that I was trying to make a quip. The kikes are J1 Haplogroup cousins to the arabs or semites. You are right though it's been programmed in a sense just like when people say we're a judeo Christian Nation that shit irritates me when I hear people say that or use it as a talking point.

hytreap ago

I'm just excited that niggers are going after the kike right now tbh, and some of the stuff nignats are saying is way more agreeable than globo-homo kikery.

black jesus is fucking perfect since it'd mean the kikes who lived in Palestine were actually niggers and the ashkenazim that live there now are actually stealing nigger land.

It'd also get Whitey back into the traditional religions of our peoples before we were conquered by the kikes.

BLM is making for opportunities that never existed for our people before, and once we abandon whatever the fuck is left of "America" and start embracing White Racial Consciousness, we might actually get to some point of finding freedom from kikery for all people.

One Struggle! Goyim rise up!

Pubiclouse ago

Deus Vult!

Dave_ph ago

They involve to protect the banana tree from competitors through violence

We evolved to cooperate to grow food and domesticated animals in harsh climates

hytreap ago

Deep Congo niggers are stupid as shit, even stupider than the actual gorillas (like the gorillas actually have a higher tested IQ than the niggers) but have an ability to live along parasites and other infectious diseases local to the deep Congo that's actually terrifying.

Humans evolved to adapt to their environments. Every race has positives and negatives, different probabilities of getting different mental and physical diseases.

There's a huge variation in the abilities of different European groups as well.

Some Europeans were raiders and pillagers.

Other Europeans were wall builders and farmers.

Different strategies for different environments and situations.

That the White man thinks himself as fully superior to all other races leads to his downfall from ignorance of what his enemies are capable of and what his own weaknesses are.

I mean, when it comes to scams, Whites are the easiest marks.

DickVanPoppins ago

Niggers are a virus. They destroy everything in their path

Pubiclouse ago

And they're lazy theirs a doco called "Empire of Dust" on YT probably Bitchute as well. Watch it... it's actually quite entertaining and is where the Meme it's just all so tiresome is born lol. The Chink is just trying to get the Africans to get rock and develop a road which the previous Dutch which were ran out of that country but they made the infrastructure in that country once before. The niggs some how still blame Whitey for all their problems. Nonetheless a good watch and the chinks bretty based.

wonderfuldonut ago

The Negroids are so lazy they even stole the term people of color, it should be people of shades, shades from black to light brown.

Whites are the true colored people from blond hair to black, eyes of blue, green, hazel, grey, and complexions of ruddy, porcelain, swarthy etc

Colored implies a variation of color, not a tonal change.

RandomFurryDude ago

I like the term "People of shit", as their color ranges from "Poo color" to "Poo color".

Weird how the 'colorful people' are just shades of shit.

wonderfuldonut ago

People of Turd is my favorite choice of term

RandomFurryDude ago

The turd world.

wonderfuldonut ago

its getting that way unfortunately! Brace for even more Negroid virtue signaling as more corporations fall over themselves to be woke.

prairie ago

People of monocolor.

wonderfuldonut ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

more like people of shit they're all the color of poop

wonderfuldonut ago

Yes all shades of Turd, from blood in stools Turds black to liver damage Turds of a clay color

NoseSubversion ago

Aka “shitskins”

Pubiclouse ago

Same color as an asshole all over sweating uraic acid smelling like poop. I know black people that claim Creole France Kek as their Ancestry and really has a problem with other niggers. Says he ain't African lol all in all cool dude though.

AmericanJew2 ago

Up voat for impeccable logic.

wonderfuldonut ago

every so often one needs to employ logic,

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Above not having Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA, Sub-Saharan Africans also bred with a primitive hominid species (basically a monkey) only 35,000 years ago.

Homo Sapiens mixed with Neanderthal/Denisovans 500,000 years ago, and did not interbreed with any primitive hominid species afterwards.

Niggers are over 500,000 years behind in evolution. They will never catch up due to their admixture with shit flinging monkeys only 35,000 years ago.

This is all derived from a study published in the journal Nature which debunked the "out of Africa" lie.

jewer ago

Blacks are VERY non human

Note that the "Out of Africa" theory is now UNSUPPORTED by any fossil evidence!

GREECE : New fossils suggest human ancestors evolved in Europe, not Africa :

First Human Ancestor Came from Europe Not Africa, 7.2 Million-year-old Fossils Indicate :

Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find :

Scientists Look To Europe As Evolutionary Seat : Found in Germany 20 years ago, this specimen is about 16.5 million years old:

A 210,000-year-old skull (Apidima 1) has been identified as the earliest modern human

Study reveals that humans migrated from Europe to Israel 40,000 years ago [NOT from Africa]

Full shocking paper (it goes out of way to indicate Negroes are non-human) :

Science quote : (even prior to recent 350,000 year discovery in DNA) :

2012 : "All the presuppositions posited in support of the Out-of-Africa hypothesis fail to hold up under simple scrutiny" :

from :

Re-Examining the Out-of-Africa Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids). Part 2. SNPs, Haplogroups and Haplotypes in the Y Chromosome of Chimpanzee and Humans

paper :

MODERN species and sub species proposed names of various Homo shit-skins (detailed but lacking DNA refs) :

Neanderthal genes (lacking only in Negros) contributes much of the known 538 genes for higher IQ.

All non-negro humans have Neanderthal genes. Between 1% and 20% of the human genome is Neanderthal, depending on region.

Only the recent mongrels in the last 300 years have some from their human side.

Science has proven many times that Blacks are VERY non human

Of the 538 genes for above 100 IQ intelligence, west african Negroes and Australian aborigines LACK most of the smart genes!

Look at bottom of this list of IQ from composited science paper research :

The smartest countries all have the least brown or black skins.

SKIN COLOR proven related to IQ:

The problem is that ALL humans on earth except blacks have brain folding genes from RECENT cross breeding with NEANDERTHALS (yes even everyone in south america), and the asians have these genes by breeding with DENISOVIANS (who also had bred earlier with NEANDERTHALS). And the SMARTEST asians bred at two points in history with DENISOVIANS, while the water-niggers and Thais only interbred one time.

Modern asian humans (smart non-Thai asians) interbred with Denisovans TWICE in history :

Some smarter asians picked up DNA, just as whites did, by breeding with Neanderthal&Denisovian half-breeds from conquering Neanderthal males... with full actual DNA sequenced from actual half-breed Denisovian+Neanderthal breeding bone fragment example ! :

Whites came from Cro-Magnon+Neanderthal mixing, Asians came from Mystery+Cro-Magnon+Denisovan mixing :

Europe's Ancestors: Cro-Magnon 28,000 Years Old Had DNA Like Modern Humans:

GENES 80% Predict your IQ!!!

DNA is well proven to be source of 80% of IQ based on mammoth research studies.

The two bombshell 80% DNA source of IQ studies ! :

2018 : 1,016 genes

paper = Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis In 269,867 Individuals Identifies New Genetic And Functional Links To Intelligence

Nature Genetics (2018)

Now 1,016 genes are proven correlated to IQ (many are brain , skull, or birth canal related, some might be merely (non-negroid) genes in general.

2018 : 538 genes

UK Biobank DNA yields 538 genes that are linked to intellectual abilities - genetic effects on intelligence and personality

pop science description of the above :

538 genes that are thought to be linked to intelligence (by comparing 300,000 test subjects) : (original deleted and censored, archive exists)

Table showing over 25 IQ related specific genes that MOSTLY are missing in africans:

The percentage of Neanderthal DNA in modern black humans is zero !!! (they interbred 300,000 to 185,000 years ago with a ape-like hominid, probably a version of Homo heidelbergensis branch):

9 LIVING CAVEMEN with ACTUAL NEGROID HOMO ERECTUS Y DNA INACT found in CAMEROON, and a camaroon negro found in USA with caveman DNA from 300,000 years ago completely unrelated to real humans ! :

A00a-L1149 (or A00a1) Y DNA is 350,000 years old in many Negroes. Negroes DO NOT have common ancestor human Y DNA nicknamed "Y-chromosomal Adam" but they keep changing the definition every 5 years, to not let Negroes feel bad :

US Gov scientists agree that some Negroes discovered to be non-human, and Negroes interbred with ape-like creatures long long ago :

Shocking quotes from PMC4947341 "Hominin interbreeding and the evolution of human variation":

one-fifth of the Neanderthal genome may lurk within modern humans... (but totally absent in Negroes)

SUBHUMAN! interbreeding between Sub-Saharan Africans and an as-yet-unknown hominin, such as H. heidelbergensis...

Some think that the Negroes that bred with H. heidelbergensis were "Homo sapiens idaltu", and that "Homo sapiens idaltu" thus evolved into Negroes, while actual humans descended from 'Homo sapiens idaltu' leaving africa and interbreeding with Denisovian+Neanderthal becoming real humans , now called "Homo Sapiens sapiens) [note the extra sapiens].

Some Russian and Chinese scientists currently denounce that and say its the opposite, and that 'Homo sapiens idaltu' ENTERED africa and interbred with the indigenous Negroes (H. heidelbergensis).

Homo erectus went extinct only 50,000 years ago (100,000 tops) and was provably low IQ and PROVEN LAZY, similar to current Blacks, but unknown how much DNA admixture of Homo erectus is in the modern negro, if any, due to heat damage of artifact DNA, Negroes diverged from all real humans 350,000 years ago, as proven and mentioned frequently already (current Negro Y-DNA A00a-L1149 is 350,000 years old!).

Laziness in Homo erectus proof YES LAZY BLACKS! :

NOT JUST LAZY hominids, but LOW IQ, lazy Blacks never invented any crops, domesticated animals, or even the WHEEL!

Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS! Blacks never invented the wheel!:

Its been known since 1874 that Blacks are NOT human. The negro ape in 2nd most famous biology book ever written. 1874 by Ernst Haeckel, the famed evolutionary biologist. He Unabashedly described negroes as a SUBHUMAN race with copious amounts of data! :

Famous book "Anthropogenie oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen" : Page 527 of 780 :

WOW! :

Even though Blacks are now proven from over 350,000 years ago, vs real Humans nowadays, There were MANY types of Hominids that looked like humans, right up until each were killed off and replaced by Modern Humans.

No matter how you organize the timeline, DNA does not lie. Blacks are an unrelated species. Most land mammals are radically different species after 120,000 year separation, and Blacks separated from all real humans 350,000 years ago.

Gorillas : Scientists claim at least two branches of gorillas are not merely a different subspecies but ARE DIFFERENT SPECIES (over 120,000 years apart), yet gorillas have far more DNA in common as a percent to each gorilla species than ANY Negro on earth has to ANY Non-negro !!! Negroes ARE A DIFFERENT SPECIES according to scientific logic, and not Homo Sapiens at all!

Bears and wolves are also different species (not subspecies) after separating 120,000 years ago. Niggers separated 350,000 years ago.

TL/DR : Negroes are NOT Human. Y DNA from a handful of talking apes in Cameroon PROVE that Negros are not HUMAN and Negros share few genes with all other races, and are almost closer to chimps, than the dna "distance" between two of the main species of identical looking gorilla species!

ciaozuzu ago

Another perfect post to help educate my children.

Thanks you heeb.

PagingDrBenway ago

Got a link to that study so I can use it to perpetuate the truth of White superiority?

Dave_ph ago

Thanks I'm a non-scientist, a troll, I accidentally substituted Cro-Magnon from neanderthal

It's been like 10 years since I saw that report

From that company but I can't remember the name of now

BUT they let the info out.

We could all learn more about this but they banned Stephen

SorosIsGod ago

Neanderthals were the retard race that went extinct because they were killed off/eaten by Homo Sapiens. Plenty of other whites are non-neanderthal heritage, in fact , they're pure Homo Sapien Sapien ( thinking man's thinking man) , the highest in the heirarchy.

You're an abomination. Sorry about that.

Dave_ph ago


Pubiclouse ago

Banned Stephen?

SharkRemix ago

No link to the journal?

Helena73 ago

My understanding is that th nearest common female ancestor of all humans lived abiut 300,000 y.a. and nearest male abt. 150,000y.a. What confuses the picture is that we all seem to have some admixture from other species as you say, most of which would have split off from our homo sapien lineage 1 or 2 milion y.a. Africans may have have mated with some particularly primitive remnant populations in central and southern africa.

Some markers existing in Mediterranean populations and some subsaharan poulations were assumed to have come from africa into eurasia, but I think the thinking has changed and it is now assumed that eurasian recolonized parts of africa and interbred with africans after the last ice age.

Whatevahh ago

Darren tired Theory Out of Africa is from one job on of a distorted skull that they couldn't even find the rest of it but it was Jane Livingston so she could do anything she

Pubiclouse ago

The fact Cameroonians have a certain R1b Haplogroup mixed in from thousands of years ago one of their Last Common Ancestors proves that Caucasoids did go to Africa and bang some Congoids. Nonetheless they a still Congoids. Interesting graph notice how Erectus separate from the rest of the Archaic Hominids Ancestry of Humanity. Interesting I'm yoinking this niggerfaggot. Danke

Helena73 ago

The source was here

I actually thought it was the e1b1b haplotype that is common in northern sub-saharan africa.

Pubiclouse ago

Okay and thanks. It is of North Africa that's why the Jews were trying to say Hitler has black in him because that's his Haplogroup. They are stupid or they think were stupid like their was never Whites in Africa Berber (Amazigh) the Canary Islands (Guanche) and since e1b1a or e1b1b are from Africa they have to be niggers. They are literally that dumb. Also obligatory they wuz kangz n shhhheeeiiit.

whatisbestinlife ago

oh! the only other guy who says subspecies. lets be friends.

robofrog ago

I dont get these posts trying to scare redditors because the only people migrated here are the ones who were banned for being too redpilled.

Dave_ph ago

No, when they were unhappy they talk about invading this place to take over

They believe that bags niggers and even some trannies are "based" if they wanted to force their values over here

They should go to TD win which is basically r politics light

Notimportant36 ago

Because there are enough fags and other degenerates around as it is, we don't need more.

Here's the process:

- you realize what free speech is and either

A) leave.

B) realize the extent you have been conditioned to believe things that simply are not true, and eventually come to a new level of redpilling.

Dave_ph ago


TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Stop calling niggers a species. Theyre a mistake, like the dodo.

Pubiclouse ago

Genetic Dead Ends.

Dave_ph ago

I said subspecies

True, without are supplying them with food they'd have been extinct by now

Darwin would not have carried forward this failed experiment

ardvarcus ago

If they had not been protected by the diseases of sub-Saharan Africa, they would have been wiped out 100,000 years ago by other superior races of humans. Niggers are the only race that can survive long-term in the hellhole that is central Africa.

Dave_ph ago

They only survived because we keep pumping food in there

They are a failed subspecies which would have died out had Darwin had his way

GoyimNose ago

would a mutt have cro-magnon or homosapien or something altogether?

Pubiclouse ago

A good example of a Mut would be Mexican which is Mestizo so basically something different all together.

TheSeer ago

Simians, not simeons. I prefer the term 'primitive hominids', personally.

Pubiclouse ago

Or Archaic works as well.

Dave_ph ago

Explain that to Google Voice

I'm sorry you have a useless education

anonagent ago

I'm sorry that you believe being told what to think has a positive correlation with intelligence.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Posted automatically (#118629) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@TheSeer: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

Turn_Coat ago

They are definitely a separate subspecies. Taxonomically homo sapiens are 5 to 8 subspecies;

Homo Sapien Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Capoid, Australoid, and one can argue for 2 more for south pacific islanders and 1 for north American natives.

You could also add up to 2 more among highly isolated pockets of humans in central africa.

Realistically though, those are the subspecies of homo sapien, and we all have different traits, phenotype expression, and genetic expression. Culture is down stream from subspecies.

Doglegwarrior ago

does the dog analogy fit better? breeds of humans?

Turn_Coat ago

Not in this case. Dog breeds are heavily based on extreme genetic bias through in-breeding and phenotype selection. The difference between an averaged mutt and a wolf, or a Canadian wolf and a Siberian wolf is more accurate to the difference between human races/subspecies.

Dave_ph ago

If breeds are subspecies

Pubiclouse ago

Species of Humans

MediumRarePlease ago

Can you please provide some scientific studies or literature supporting this I'm genuinely interested?

I've been fascinated by populations genetics since undergrad. I reasoned away negroid stupid and proclivity to violence to extreme selective pressures placed upon the blacks in US.

The strong and dumb were kidnapped, several rounds of those were killed off before sail, 70-90% died during voyage, and any sort of intelligence was killed out upon arrival by colonials.

It's extremely obvious that niggers and asians are sub-species, but I didn't know about non-interbreeding with denisovans and neanderthals.

Whentwurf ago

Species that are more uniform genetically than humans have multiple subspecies.

Species Heterozygosity Recognized Subspecies
Humans .698 -
Chimpanzees .765 4
African Buffalo .729 5
Leopards .58 13

MediumRarePlease ago

Thank you sir. This is the type of stuff I was looking for.

Whentwurf ago

That whole site is a gold mine.

Turn_Coat ago

There's very little current information for obvious political reasons. This is a great way to get your funding pulled. Niggers in Africa actually have a substantially lower IQ than niggers in the United States. The presumed reason being white admixture into their genome. The average nigger in the United States has an IQ of about 85. In Africa there is wide variation in average IQ, but it's generally between 65 and 75 depending on region and ethnicity. national IQ's. Racial averaged IQ's.

Taxonomical distinction in subspecies is a little hit or miss and depends on the exact definition used. The generally agreed upon definition is "a category in biological classification that ranks immediately below a species and designates a population of a particular geographic region genetically distinguishable from other such populations of the same species and capable of interbreeding successfully with them where its range overlaps theirs"

Under that, humanity is easily divided into multiple subspecies. Generally that would be done by examining differentiation in bone structure, the skull in particular varies wildly between different human subspecies and makes categorization generally a relatively simple task. Behavioral differences between subspecies are also often very common. Some people would argue that the genetic differences between different subspecies are very small... that's correct. However the genetic variation between various wolf SPECIES (not subspecies) are even smaller. An important fact to consider is phenotype expression. Radical variation in phenotype expression does not require radical changes in genetic makeup, but will cause radical changes in physical traits, behavioral traits, and cognitive capacity. It's how dog breeds are so different despite them all belonging to the same species.

QuietPills666 ago

I doubt the chinese population is that high, you know they cheat and lie about every thing. Best cheaters at school in the world.

Turn_Coat ago

I mean, it might be substantially lower than estimated, instead more like 900 million to a billion people... but the point of their population being overwhelming still stands.

satisfyinghump ago

Hopefully just a helpful tip. When I'm talking to people about IQ, telling them some Africans/many, have somewhere between 75-85 IQ, I've found it's helpful to give context, and I do that by showing them articles of the 80 IQ gorilla or elephants who have a higher IQ than the disgusting feral Somalians who may have even less then 75, and also show the 75-85 IQs of the retards. Most will not understand what 100 IQ means, the mean/average and bellcurve, but when I use examples of IQs on both ends of the bell, it helps.

Turn_Coat ago

The reason we regard the negroid subspecies as 'human' mostly has to do with the fact that their mouths and vocal cords are similar enough to ours for them to produce human speech patterns, not overall intelligence.

MediumRarePlease ago

You are correct sir.

I worked as a molecular geneticist for NIH for some time. I've always been stricken how it's so taboo to even bring up the most obvious things.

You will absolutely get no funding from government to perform massive studies required to filter out the genetically-linked traits and morphological differences.

I was hoping there was a book, compiled by god knows who, where I can read about established morphological differences and genetic.

To ANY reasonable scientist with an iota of knowledge about history and genetics it should be blatantly apparent niggers are different sub-species. I must admit that elite education has clouded my sensibilities and spoon fed me a load of horse crap.

The academic environment is a do or die indoctrinated system and it's tough to just stay afloat there. There is absolutely no room for free thought and expression in this arena.

I just fucken hate the stupid nigger and political shit happening in US. It's a complete farce and disaster. So I live in Asia and just travel the world now.

I think there are strong epigenetic differences to explain the relatively few "easily observable" chromosomal differences between sup-species. That's where you get the variance in phenotypic expression that you allude to.

As a white male that migrated to US when I was 8 years old, I will never forget how fucking glaring the differences between niggers and whites were. I came from a country where there are almost zero blacks. So I was shocked at the behavior, lack of civility, and debauchery of US blacks.

The jew part I will admit I know nothing about. They are intelligent and control various sectors, but the stuff that's discussed here I'm just learning and processing.

It's all about self-learning, analyzing, criticizing from various angles and filtering out the bullshit. For me it's about seeing things clearly not being angry or full of hatred. I just like to know what is true.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

The "jew stuff" is pivotal to understand "the US black stuff".

MediumRarePlease ago

Can you kindly provide some good, concise resources?

antiracistMetal ago

Well why don't the based countries do science? Why don't Russians and Asians spearhead niggerology if you can't in the US?

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

Turn_Coat ago

Jews are semites which are a subcategory of caucasoids. They aren't stupid, they just lack empathy and have created a highly insular and exclusionary culture reenforced by several thousand years of inbreeding. They're a race of humans that is self-selected, self-bred, to specialize in taking advantage of other peoples. They do not work themselves, instead positioning themselves as middle-men. Then they use extreme nepotism to position other jews in positions of power. They'll then take control of media and academic and political institutions and rail against nepotism. Preventing any other group from seeking their own interests while simultaneously working on their own. Jews aren't a separate race, they're a unique breed of human that has become a self-selected group of wretched parasites on otherwise functional civilizations.

MediumRarePlease ago

Fair enough.

I think upon close examination of humans in general and yourself, we can all say that we are parasites tho. This is not in defense of the Jews, but just our biological programming. We are complex viruses looking for ways to reproduce. This transitions to an arena I'm more well-versed, universally speaking, good and bad- in any form- simply do not exist.

I understand your ethos tho, we would prefer to be surrounded by more loving and less conniving viruses. With that I can't disagree. I love my two golden retrievers and I think they are the most loving and gentle little viruses in existence. And I think each human being should have something so loving and kind next to them.

I observe a strange phenomenon of hatred toward niggers. I just hate them and it makes my blood boil. I'm usually a very neutral person to almost everything, but I think it has to do with a sense of fairness and cheating that I'm experiencing. Like if a chimp sees other chimps get bananas it will feel "cheated", that's how I feel, I think.

I think most reasonable people can agree that walking around full of anger and hatred is not healthy to self. It's rather crippling and blinding. So I guess i'm looking for a better perspective from which to see them. Otherwise, every time I see jungle nigger acting like a chimp (and I think it's belittling the chimps here) I just want that motherfucker and all his relatives sent back to Africa or locked up in their own ghettos.

Turn_Coat ago

I would disagree that we are all parasites. Faustian peoples have created, and then freely shared, their technology and culture with the world. 'Parasite' here is used to describe how a people relate to other peoples. Faustian europeans shared and attempted to uplift other peoples, much to our own detriment. Jews actively work to prevent individuals from uplifting themselves, seeking to create a slave caste.

Niggers tend to behave with very, very, short sighted self-interest. It's not that they're evil, it's just that they are not capable of planning ahead or engaging in delayed gratification. Because they can't engage in that degree of abstract thinking, those who do perform delayed gratification and reap benefits seem to be 'cheating' in the eyes of a nigger. They cannot grasp that work that occurred yesterday contributed to reward that was achieved today. Hence that sensation of 'being cheated'. I don't hate them, but I don't really like them either, and think they are best sequestered away from civilized races to their own devices. An advanced civilization is not something that (the vast majority of) niggers are ready for.

MediumRarePlease ago

I agree with you second paragraph. The word "parasite" was likely too strong in that situation. Self-centered is more appropriate. I am strictly speaking from a biological perspective here. A human body is built solely to procreate, by nature.

Have there been any practical social plans to resolve the nigger problems. Broadly painting them as good natured citizens with a "splash" of color and diversity hasn't worked out, as nature will not let humanity place any restrictions upon it. They are dumb, short-sighted, and violent. Some sub-species of chimps are very violent and will even eat their own troop members. Some dog sub-species are also predisposed to aggression and stupidity. I think western society will keep trying to apply as many bandages as possible until enough inter-breeding takes place that the problem goes away, or there is a major civil war. Western powers would never allow for a segregated nigger state to exist within US or Europe, nor would they give them their own land. Solutions need to be clever and devious. "Accidentally" releasing a virus that predominantly attacks blacks, or a virus with a vaccine that costs $10,000 USD would do the trick.

Just genuinely interested in realistic solutions.

Thank you for your will written responses.

Turn_Coat ago

Best solution? Institute a state program for nigger teenages, age 15 to 25. If they are sterilized they receive an immediate 1-time check for 10 thousand dollars or fifty thousand. Then their short-sighted self-interested nature will take over and the problem will solve itself in a single generation. It'd be easy, not all that expensive, and would allow them to be the cause of the solution.

The only nigs left will be exceptional individuals of high IQ capable of long term abstract thinking, and they'll be quickly bred into other populations.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

"quickly bred into other populations."

fuck that. regression to the mean and rational w mixed kids are not healthy.

Turn_Coat ago

I mean, true, but any regression is immediately sterilized in a single generation.

BlackGrapeDrank ago


Turn_Coat ago

Haiti doesn't have a sterilization program.

BrokenVoat ago

You should read Pattons remarks about Jews at the end of WW2. I doubt your beliefs are correct.

Turn_Coat ago

Patton knew what he was talking about but I would like to know what you disagree with me on?

BrokenVoat ago

He noted that the Jews he met were uncivilized.

Turn_Coat ago


itssomatic ago

'Physical Anthropology' has been outlawed for a century. They only allow the Margaret Mead horseshit.

Take a look at Kevin McDonald's three-volume series, Culture of Critque. You might be able to find an hour-long overview titled Culture of Critique For Normies on Bitchute. Of paticular note to you, might be McDonald's criticism of the fatuous work of (((Stephen J. Gould))) called The Mismeasures of Man.

MediumRarePlease ago

Thank you for your suggestion. I will check it out.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

I think Africans would have higher IQ, if not for the white DNA that got mixed into black americans DNA. But only a total idiot gets captured and put into slavery, and then never figures out how to escape. So I thought the comparatively smarter black people were in Africa, people who were smart enoguh not to get captured and sold into slavery. But that is without white DNA.

RoundWheel ago

No. Africans constantly warred with each other. Intellect is not as beneficial as brute force here. Especially when the spread is relatively small.

American blacks are the most intelligent and privileged blacks on the planet.

BlackGrapeDrank ago


Turn_Coat ago

You would think so, but that does not appear to be the case. It may be that first generation slaves in the USA were of a lower average IQ than their African kin, but there have been more than a few generations since then.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yep, that was my mistake not realizing that

Pubiclouse ago

Them morherfuckers are still dying trying to get in White Countries. I don't know what to think about Slavery and the talking points about it and niggers. Nonetheless the root word for slave is Slav all races have been enslaved by another through out history. Reminds me of how the Roman's tried to enslave the Vandals until the Barbarians fucked and Vandalized Rome. They weren't treating their slaves right and the revolt must have been glorious lol.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yeah, slavs are comparatively low IQ for white people. Have to be dumb to get subjugated. All races have been slaves at some point but not all are so weak they were slaves for many centuries so their name was used as a root word for being forced to work for nothing.

Turn_Coat ago

That's actually accurate.

RacismIsActuallyBad ago

It’s really convenient that all of these supposed subspecies are color coded for us. It’s almost like this is pseudoscience based on skin color.

morphrazor ago

Whats the color difference between Subsaharan African and an Australian Aboriginal? Or a pacific islander and an Arab? Yet all are different subspecies. weird

The_Infidel ago

lol That didnt go how you thought it would did it? Other people told you it was just a bunch of ignorant hillbillies in here, bahaha fuck your feelings, bring legitimate facts next time.

ciaozuzu ago

It's almost as if melanin or lack of evolved dependent upon where the subspecies evolved.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

even just the physical differences don't end in skin color the bone structure, height, and other characteristics are clearly different

Turn_Coat ago

They aren't color coded, there are very dark skinned caucasoids, and mongoloids... and very light skinned mongoloids.

HbMcNutt ago

Its almost like science is based on observation

MinorLeakage ago

You think Capoids, Australoids and Negroids are different colors? Are you blind as well as retarded, or did you want to try again? Indian street shitters are also Caucasoids genetically, albeit our most distant cousin.

Do you even think before you speak you dumb nigger?

Pubiclouse ago

Dravidians are not Caucasoids they are more less descendants of the Capoids ie San Khoisan Bushman. Their are Dots though that have Caucasoid DNA hence the Aryan Invasion Theory. They claim White Man come from the North and brought Horses as well as many other parts of their culture ie R1a Haplogroup it's interesting what Spencer Wells has to say about that Haplotype in his Deep Ancestry. The Aryans brought on and introduced the Caste System to not sully their Genetic Bloodlines.

MinorLeakage ago

There are definitely multiple races in India that have mixed, but Aryans poured off the Iranian Plateau in all directions, and established themselves atop Hindu society.

Maybe it would better to say "the top castes of Indian society carry the genetic heritage of Aryans", but I was just trying to make fun of someone, not enlighten them.

MrDarkWater ago

Why do drug dealers protect their drug houses with pitbulls?

Are laboradoodles not aggressive enough?

Dave_ph ago

It's genetics

It's science

You should go to with the other negro worshippers

Helena73 ago

And IQ, and morphology, and objective measures of genetic distance. Hmmm....

Pubiclouse ago

Anthropology and Etymology are another 2 good fields. Fascinating as well as Heraldry which I believe is banned in the UK.

RoundWheel ago

Why ban heraldry anywhere? Social rank or class implications?

itssomatic ago

Mongoloids have a high variability of skin-tones.

Pubiclouse ago

The Eskimos or Inuit actually have an extra layer of fat to help them deal with the cold.

Dave_ph ago

Nooooo, I have no homo sapien dna

Whatevahh ago

I have no rhesus factor in fact females in my family going back a couple of generations that I know of all have RH negative blood

Stubbabubba ago

What is this the negative blood I keep hearing about

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Niggers are homo sapien + primate DNA

We are homo sapien + cro magnon dna

Dave_ph ago

Sorry, meant neanderthal

I didn't mean so much to start a detailed scientific discussion so much as to irritate Niger lovers

I'm not a scientist I'm just a troll

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

If you're gonna be a racism, you might as well go full tit and prove it scientifically.

Pcpoet09 ago

Warning to everyone because we believe in free speech posts like thi exist .....I invite anyone who does not like theses posts to respond an criticize but you will not get sympathy if you believe they don't have the right to post shit like this. if you cant agree with this you should go back to Redditt and allow them to tell you what is expectable speech. free speech means all speech.

bitches_ ago

I totally disagree with the asshat @Dave_ph but free speech is free speech. He can say his retarded posts all day long

Pcpoet09 ago

agree with you 100 percent

Moon_Central ago

I don't agree with OP. I think niggers are a different species and inferior to apes.

Pcpoet09 ago

you have to have that totally flawed view and I think you might be inferior to me....what species are I am a human.

ciaozuzu ago

Hear hear.

hang_em_high ago

Why do you believe this is controversial?

RoundWheel ago

Lol. You obviously don't have a window.

Pcpoet09 ago

because it is racist shit and those of you who believe racial identarian crap are morons whether you be from the left or the right … You take measure of a man by there actions personally not by what you think they are going to do because of there racial make up.

ciaozuzu ago

So what's the measure of a man who is 6% by 50%?

Pcpoet09 ago

actions always speak.

deathsquad ago

There's nothing racist or controversial about any of this, you are just sheltered and ignorant. How braindead do you have to be to see 100m sprinting so clearly favor one type of racial physiology, but believe that the brain has no racial differentiation? Blacks are profoundly different to whites.

Pcpoet09 ago

did nit say that....there are differences just it is meaningless when talking about a good person or a bad person or the value of the individual.

hang_em_high ago

Is someone with their racial make up more or less likely to commit heinous crimes if they are black?

MikeyMo123 ago

Because he is of the small hat tribe. Also, he cannot spell.

hang_em_high ago

Just kind of interesting he feels the need to give this warning to everyone.

MikeyMo123 ago

There are always posts like this when reddit deletes subs. He's just trying to post something everyone wants to read.


Abso-fucking-lutely. Frankly I think many racial posts are valid, but many of the people here are just hateful individuals who are more focused on division than solutions. Roast me niggerfaggots

ciaozuzu ago

Solutions have been tried. Segregation works.


I dont necessarily disagree

ardvarcus ago

To quote George Wallace: "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation for-ever."

TruthSemen ago

If you haven't started hating yet, you haven't been paying attention.


I did hate, I've been hating, and I've grown tired of hating. Its not productive.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

wash your vagina


Your girlfriend already did with her tongue

TruthSemen ago

What does WWG1WGA mean? Is that some "Q" idiocy?

Pcpoet09 ago

believe it or not don't mind those posts its the hatred that I see in them that I hate and dispise …We are all have different genetic backgrounds and it does effect us but not to the extent some of the less intelligent in here one is generically bad being evil is a choice we are all given

dismyassholeaccount ago

The ability to make choices that affect our future rely on the ability to understand abstract concepts of the future. Most black people don't have this ability.

Pcpoet09 ago

from what I am seeing also is lot of white people don't have that ability....this is a universal that cuts into every grouping of people and shows how dishonest you are with your self in forming your core belief system.

dismyassholeaccount ago

I notice you said "lot of white people" but you didn't say "most white people" while I specifically said "most black people" as in more than 51%

Pcpoet09 ago

still being dishonest with your self, neither of us have a clue how many people out there cant think in abstract and what the racial makeup is.

dismyassholeaccount ago

I'm not being dishonest with myself. African languages do not include words that relate to abstract thinking. Most African societies never created any form of written language, which requires abstract thinking. Most African countries are absolute shitholes, which of course require abstract thinking and an understanding of how Actions yesterday shape today as well as actions today will have an effect on tomorrow.

All of these things are rare in African societies and they're even uncommon in current day Black communities.

Pcpoet09 ago

I myself don't know enough about African culture or language to comment and my bet is you don't either.

dismyassholeaccount ago

I didn't just make a comment about language, I also gave two real world examples that should be easy to counter if they're wrong, then on top of that you admit ignorance and then project it onto others?

I'd say you were a clever troll, but you sound exactly like the average reddit NPC.

Pcpoet09 ago

no you used an abstract concept of what you think to hide your lack of knowledge....every thing you said was opinion .

Literally-Oppressed ago

You're painting everyone with a white brush

Pcpoet09 ago

we must frame and paint every one of us.

qtm ago

The choices we make are determined by our genes and environment. There is no magical free will.

Dave_ph ago

Can I be both right and hateful?


Certainly, but dont let the hate blind your rational thoughts.

Dave_ph ago

Keep your justification for being a pussy to yourself


Cry more faggot, dont see you doing anything

BlackGrapeDrank ago

Q rhymes with JEW


And your moms vagina likes black cock. Your point?

HeebyKneegrow ago

Shut up niggerfaggot

lovestospooge_85 ago

The free speech is nice to see. Came from reddit.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

You haven't really experienced voat until you've been called a niggerkikefaggot or some derivation thereof.

HeebyKneegrow ago

That's basically a greeting here, faggot

Sedatedinsomniac ago

Thanks nigger. I have been lurking for years but only really started getting active today. I feel quite welcome.

ardvarcus ago

It's our unofficial initiation ceremony.

DavidsHogg ago

Or until anticlutch puts ((())) around your name.

Literally-Oppressed ago

African Hebrew Queer!

IsaacJan ago

You should go back to school.


Pcpoet09 ago

do a lot of typos and have dyslexia...when I make mistakes I tend not to catch them.

IsaacJan ago

Type slowly then. English should be treated with respect. You should learn that it’s not what you say and more how you say it that matters. It makes a big difference.

Pubiclouse ago

I like the way you explained it to him. Very subtle

Pcpoet09 ago

believe it or not I do type slowly. I also will go back and edit for bad grammar. unfortunately my English skill are subpar. would you believe my hobby is creative literature. good story teller highly dependent on outside editor for help...I do respect the craft and I respect those who have mastered it.

IsaacJan ago

Good enough for me. English comes naturally to me so I dislike those who niggerize it but I’ll tolerate someone who tries genuinely.

Dave_ph ago

I don't try

I Google Voice it in

You'll figure it out

IsaacJan ago

Who gives a shit about you

Dave_ph ago

I blame Google Voice

Add the victim topping I'm claiming to be blind

Because I do use Google Voice a lot

Whatevahh ago


Dave_ph ago

I can smell the Reddit on you

Pcpoet09 ago

yes....I was shadow banned in there years ago. still have the account but after 3 years here wont go back to post....been posting here since almost the beginning and despize a lot of what I see said in here . but this place is real with real opinions....why would I want to go and argue with individuals that don't have the stones to voice an unpopular belief.

Dave_ph ago

I reread your post and I would like to retract my snarkiness

I was still in Starkey mode from trolling Reddit and TD. Win

Pcpoet09 ago

thanks retraction excepted.....have fun trolling.

MrPim ago

Jesus, is English your second language? You spell like a nigger. Not minor typos, egregious errors.

Whatevahh ago

Look dick head some of us use the microphone on our phones that's a real bitch to have to backup correct every fucking word deal with it just fucking deal

Doglegwarrior ago

fuck you grammerkike troll! this is not your fucking university of faggatards here to judge people on their fucking spelling and grammar you stupid fucking kike son of a bitch. fuck off troll jew piece of shit


Whatevahh ago

Grammar kike hahaha

Doglegwarrior ago

i purposly spell grammar wrong in grammerkike so they will expose them selves twice

ScreaminMime ago

See young Goats? This is how adults argue on Voat... don't expect the same out of my ya dickless trannies, but this is how THEY do it.

Commanduf ago

You got issues bruh.

hang_em_high ago

So you have no argument whatsoever then? Just fuck off and get the hell out of here. Worthless.

Cum_control ago

Welcome Nigger faggot

ALIENS2222 ago welcome to voat. It's better here.

Ocelot ago

You can say that all you want, it won't stop niggers from raping and murdering thousands of whites this year, nor will it stop their genocide against the Boers in South Africa.

anticlutch ago


Speak English here nigger.

Also leave.

BeerNinja727 ago

Go back to reddit faggot

Dave_ph ago

Yes I do not let political correctness override reality

Usernamenameuser ago

No, you have issues from the programming, but we're here to help deprogram you.

Turn_Coat ago

Shut your cock hole nigger faggot.

Pubiclouse ago

I've never seen niggerfaggot separated like that. Interdasting

XReasonWillPrevailX ago

Welcome to Voat, first thing to know, it's not reddit.

refugee610 ago

Yup. Here there is no such thing as "off-limits information". And that scares the shit out of normies and neocons.

Dave_ph ago

Reality bitch

LoveDeadNiggers ago

Why are you incapable of handling the truth niggerfaggot?

Commanduf ago

I'm not Gay nor Black so should probably pick a different insult mate.

Cum_control ago

Hahaha he thinks a nigger faggot needs to be GAY or BLACK

ALIENS2222 ago

It's hard when you are stupid huh?

BeerNinja727 ago

Still a niggerfaggot

Usernamenameuser ago

What does being gay have to do with being a faggot?

HbMcNutt ago

Sodomy is morally and absolutely wrong.

Usernamenameuser ago

Its like an SAT question. If all gays are faggots, but not all faggots are gay, is u/commanduf still a faggot?

The answer is yes.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

He sad negros are intellectually inferior to white people. Where's his issue? Where's the lie?

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

I prefer 'incompatible with Western society', 'inferior' begs for qualification, I'd rather get right to the point.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

You think? The wheel. Higher mathematics. Art beyond stick figures. Hell even basic log structures. Inferior is an apt word IMO.

Commanduf ago

Because inteligence is something you develop as a sentient being as you grow so trying to make a claim that a group of people has inferior intelligence than another based on genes is retarded?

You could try to make an argument that one country may on average have better art. math, language skills than another because of average school ciriculum or the values of the community that is normal for that place, but you can't convince me that OP is intelectually superior to many MANY non-white people we all know just because he is white, thats retarded. A big step towards actually being smarter and not chanting dogma would be to accept that everyone is a product of their enviroment, to a degree you can be born lucky with the ability to learn and process information better than the average human, but that is in no way specific to any one race.

hang_em_high ago

inteligence is something you develop as a sentient being as you grow

Did you just make that up off the cuff because that isn't true at all. If that is the case why are different geographic areas of people clearly inferior? Name one black country doing well. Just one. I know you won't respond like the faggot you are but I'll wait.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Bullshit. IQ is 50-80% heritable, read The Bell Curve you reddit reject.

Usernamenameuser ago

I've been trying to teach my dog how to read and write for about a year now but she still doesn't get it. I dont understand. She keeps growing as a sentient being but she just doesn't seem to understand. I doubt it has anything to do with her genes.... Maybe its because she doesn't have thumbs.

Dave_ph ago


RogueWaveofGoats ago

Because inteligence is something you develop as a sentient being as you grow so trying to make a claim that a group of people has inferior intelligence than another based on genes is retarded?

Ridiculous. Intelligence is inherited. You're willfully ignant if you can't admit that. To use a term litbards like: it's settled science.

Commanduf ago

You're right, I am totally Ignant. Ignant to the max.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Lol, you think I spelled that incorrectly unintentionally and that's what you're hanging your hat on?

Seriously douche, go back to reddit. We don't want useless yids like you here.

Turn_Coat ago

Intelligence is about 70 percent genetically and phenotypically predetermined before an individual is born. Intelligence is innate, wisdom and skills develop over time. Western nations have better art, language, math, and abstract thinking capacity. Such traits are required to survive in a hostile cold environment. Such traits are not required to survive in a warm jungle environment.

We're not all the same, and pretending we are is one of the first mistakes westerners ever made. The idea that all men are created equal is one of the critical failures of the enlightenment, and long ago disproven through evolutionary psychology and genetic sciences.

Commanduf ago

You are aware that a hot enviroment can be hostile too, so why would your logic not apply to that too, why is it just cold specifically that encourages higher thought in your opinion? Also the prevailing theory on the origin of Humanity is that it evolved from Africa which is pretty dang hot so unless you are going to argue that the evolution of this higher thought took place in the short time between humanity leaving africa and now that makes no sense, and the time in-between is too small for significant evolution to take place. If that was true then why is russia not the most advanced civilization in the world by now, instead being in a close race with America which is one of the yougest countries there is.


I hope you stick around long enough to feel comfortable. Reading your arguments is like reading something I would have written just a couple years ago. It's like I'm reliving my past and I'm thinking happily , "Yah! I remember when I used to think that!"

Stay away from the brainwashing long enough and the effects gradually start to wear off and pretty soon you're reading some new niggerfaggot's comments and getting ear to ear. Welcome.

We've been lied to about so many things.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

I'll answer for him. Hot environments might be hostile but they don't require forward abstract thinking as in, winter is coming, I'd better stock up on food and fuel or my family and I are going to die.

Food is plentiful in Africa, without much effort. Why do blacks have more fast twitch muscles and on average run faster than whites? Because the environment demanded it of them so they could outrun predators in the bush. What they didn't need to do is think ahead because tomorrow is pretty much just like today.

Now run along little redditard, you're playing with the big goats now.

Turn_Coat ago

Very well said.

Pubiclouse ago

I think they bread with H. Erectus or they at least evolved from it.

Turn_Coat ago

bred* and all variations of homo sapien share an ancestor in H. erectus. H. Erectus was millions of years prior to modern variations of humans.

Pubiclouse ago

I understand that I still wonder what Archaic Hominid Ancestry niggers have.

Turn_Coat ago

Just a divergent subspecies of homosapien.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Africans are 'pure human' which as it turns out, is kind of a disaster.

Lol, a complete disaster.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

How dare you doubt the knowledge and scientific background of the renowned 'LoveDeadNiggers'

Turn_Coat ago

oy vey.

LoveDeadNiggers ago

Hey, I found the kike.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Did you accidentally open your eyes when he was cumming in your face again or did you just see him as he came to a rolling stop when he dropped your sister wife off?

Ocelot ago

What a tangled, try-hard insult.

Pumbadog ago

i think @fightingthedarkarts is a fat chick

FightingTheDarkArts ago

I am. The worst part is I don't even have nice tits.