AR7777 ago

The education system has been subverted and controlled you have to home school your kids or teach them to just ignore everything at school.

pauly_pants ago

Capitalism and communism are the opposite sides of the Zionist coin. Don't confuse free markets with capitalism.

Bill_Williamson ago

Yes and the only way you'll get that, is to home school. William James and Horrace Mann created our public school system. Dewey as well I think... he sure spilled the beans on it though. How it was based on the Prussian system to created idiots to work in factories and join the military. Anyway, if you look at a class photo today from any school, White kids are 'Waldo'. Now it's all... Whitey bad, Tyrone good. The utter shit being taught... hahaha. Last year there was a study that showed fifteen year olds in America, are FOUR grades behind their Chinese counterparts in math. That's going to become 6,7 years now that more time will be spent hating on White people. That plus all the second tier colleges going broke, automation and the after affects of Covid and it's a looking rather bleak.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Local and federal government should stay the fuck out of the education business. We trusted government to do the right thing before all this, and now look where the fuck we are.

Dontpanic ago

How about we take the education system out of the control of government instead?

recon_johnny ago

McCarthy WAS right.

Shame how they did him.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Time for you to head back to reddit faggot. You are not welcomed or wanted here...

RoundWheel ago

McCarthy was completely correct and did nothing wrong.

The only reason people believe otherwise is because it was far worse than he realized.

According to the federal record, McCarthy was surrounded by communists who misled and poisoned the investigation. The innocent people were specifically targeted by communists to embarras McCarthy and discredit his efforts and investigation.

The only reason people believe McCarthy was wrong is because he was right.

undertheshills ago

Its mostly just retarded math, reading for anyone that can listen, and the rest is devoted to demoralization of the white students, while building up the egos of the brown ones.

ardvarcus ago

A free system of journalism is absolutely necessary, but all the money for the media is coming from the radical left (Jews). As long as leftist Jews control the media, the people are going to stay brainwashed.

stoicmanchild ago

I live in California, and Im literally afraid for my family's future... Should one go blasting at Newsom? Wouldnt make a difference, cuz rhis is mob rule... a stupid mob, with no regard for natural rights.

When one side starts using tyranny, it unfortunately requires tyranny to reset things. It takes Hitler to beat Stalin, unless the other side miraculously chills the fuck out ... which doesnt look likely, since they control the media narrative.

Yuke ago

America, by which time, had already been infiltrated. So yes, I would say so.

Blood-is-Nature ago

civics, patriotism, financial education, science and capitalism

Civic - means ruled by others.; Patriot - means rule yourself...that's a contradiction. If you want to get to the bottom of it you first have to question why the nation you are patriotic about is a corporation owned by those outside "your" nation?

Financial education and capitalism require nothing more than the understanding that money is usury based fiat currency; backed by nothing of any value. The value of money is an empty promise sold as blind faith under the authority of others. Money is suppose to be the substitute for the time spend laboring for ones needs to survive. Usury exchanged that into believers slaving for the survial of others and the destruction of themselves.

As for science...that is suppose to be a unity of men working on comprehending the knowledge of nature faster. Well, didn't happen. Instead science is a cult that prevents humans access to knowledge, while deceiving them with lies and tyrannically censoring all dissent and alternative forms of knowledge acquisition.


Communist China; leader of capitalism; now a tyrannical fascist dictatorship. You know what never changed? Those in control over China. All the -isms are just belief based contracts to deceive believers into following the orders of false authority. YOU are the only one with the sole authority over YOUR actions; nobody else.


Jewish controlled academia ensures failure.

boekanier ago

America is going down the drain - fast.

WillowsRecipe ago

McCarthy was right about what is only the tip of the iceberg.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

"The United States of America requires an education system that teaches civics, patriotism, financial education, science and capitalism. It requires a media that is not oppressive and communist."

That will take a generation or two of counter-jewish authoritarianism. We need a Franco, a Durante, or a Lee Kuan Yew .

dundundunnnnn ago

Logic, grammar, rhetoric.

MrBones78 ago

Not gonna happen until you firebomb Jewish media fronts and Anti white politician houses

Doglegwarrior ago

the republicans misshandlee the threat of communism so bad its almost as if they did it on purpose. or it seems that way because the jew media made it look that bad. communism is just so blantantly wrong and fucked up and against the basic principles of human nature that they whould have just out lawed it. at the same time republicansnand conservatives are the biggest fucking war mongering hypocrites on the planet and actualy give leftys a leg to stand on. george bush sr and junior and dick chenney where just fucking giant pieces of shit comparable to Obama in my opinion and they were all war criminals and traitors.

but at the end of the day who was pulling the strings behind the scenes? one word


Jock_Sniffer ago

It also requires a media that erects a wall of separation between hard news and editorialization. Never shall the twain meet.

Sheeitpost ago

Interesting so this is 100% by design by blending hard news with editorialization, a propaganda aparatus owned by corporatists who are drunk with power so they can't see that if the USA social contract is broken the future powers that be would not let them keep their money or businesses no matter which system took over. What a mess.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

No. The only way we can create equality is by taking away all the land from real estate companies, farmers, corporations and homeowners and give it to one central government. Then we take the government owned land or state/local govt rights to that and give it to one central govt.

Then we take all the patents and copyrights and intellectual property away from businesses and corporations of all sizes. Then take it all those away from individuals and give it to one oligarchy: the federal government.

Then we take away our right to defend ourselves when met with deadly force. Take our right to free spee...I mean hate speech away. Mandate vaccines and compelled speech so we those stupid inbred whites don't make everyone sick and don't misgender our minorities. Give all that power to one central government.

Further federalize all intellgence agenicies and completely federalize all these corrupt, evil white cops..fucking pigs!

We take allll the rights away from local/state govts away and hand over to the federal govt. The fed govt decides who can and can't have a job or own a business based on politics or race without even a pretense to AA or all the other BS.

Don't all you idiot, dumb motherfucking whites get it? We have a massive wealth disparity in this country!!! The only way to fix that is to take all that power that is spread out over countless individuals, state governments, local governments, businesses, corporations, unions and various ABC orgs and GIVE IT ALL TO ONE SUPER POWERFUL GROUP OF PEOPLE SO THEY CAN DISTRIBUTE IT EQUALLY.

If you can't trust billionaire Jews pretending to be white like Jeff Bezos, Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, Soros and all the 'white' actors and comedians who are actual Jewish like Seth Fuckin! Rogan and Jimmy Kimmel then who can you trust? Don't you dumb motherfuckers get it...Because we have issues with the rich being too rich we have to give everything up to the federal govt so they can fix it. Then we can atone for our past sins of being racist and killing 6 billion Jews and also killing 8 gazillion blacks and 6 million Chinese railroad workers and the Aboriginals and Tazmanian Devils...and we should all pay back those trillions except Jews cause...cause Hitler

What is so hard for all you morons to understand? Hyper consolidation of power and money leads to more equality when it's called Communism. Goddamnit you fucking Goys!

Kregan ago

That was a brilliant comment! Very good work! Cheers! Take care and be easy.

Helena73 ago

Cease all funding to social justice madrassas!

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itssomatic ago

What's wrong with having a sodomite Jew as your right-hand man?

Deceneu ago

Referring to Roy Cohn ?

Born to an observant Jewish family in the Bronx, New York City, Cohn was the only child of Dora (née Marcus; 1892–1967) and Judge Albert C. Cohn (1885–1959), who was influential in Democratic Party politics.


Born in New York City and educated at Columbia University, Cohn rose to prominence as a U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor at the espionage trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, which concluded with the Rosenbergs' executions in 1953. As McCarthy's chief counsel, Cohn came to be closely associated with McCarthyism and its downfall. He also represented and mentored real estate developer and later President of the United States Donald Trump during his early business career.


Speculation about Cohn's sexuality intensified following his death from AIDS in 1986.[8] In a 2008 article published in The New Yorker, Jeffrey Toobin quotes Roger Stone: "Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn't discussed. He was interested in power and access."[58] Stone worked with Cohn beginning with the Reagan campaign during the 1976 Republican Party presidential primaries.

Connections, connections.

Do you think he offered the Rosenbergs in order to gain trust ?

itssomatic ago


I guess I can't speak with any certainty about Cohn and the Rosenbergs, but that's a good hypothesis. It seems that it is a common tactic with spies to give up another spy to further implant themselves. The main objective would have been the nuclear tech so it wouldn't hurt to break a few eggs if you get to eat the omelette.

Especially considering how the story has been used over the following decades. In my social studies classes the Rosenbergs' case was always presented as being ambiguous and that a Red Scare witch-hunt may have been a big factor in it. So it looks like (((they))) got a twoofer: the nuclear tech & other secrets, and a scapegoat story to beat the American public over the head with.

retto ago

The reason why this won't improve any faster is because you can't just call out the jew as the problem behind all of this.

Roughpatch ago

Yeah but this is clown world, those things don't exist.

Jujubean ago

Brown vs the board of education is the demarcation point where the educational system in the US took a dump.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Who should teach my kids?

Someone else!!!

xExekut3x ago

"financial education" ... This is intentional.

They taught civics, ethics, and economics at my school, at least, but it was a private school. They don't teach any of that at the public schools where I grew up.

PraiseIPU ago

Idk about intentional

I would say when there were more male teachers logic and math was a priority.

But as women have taken over education those things arent as emphasized.

I mean yes you dont want people to understand how they are getting screwed. Just teach them to consume. But it doesnt necessrily have to be some grand plan. Just a lot of people that dont understand a subject growing up and not teaching it.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Reread the protocols. They divided all institutions for their own benefits. It's a vetting process to use private schools to create a caste that will deal will the caste below them, while the public schools are deliberately used to grind down human quality of intellect, which will later be used as the weapon to attack the caste above them. Only those who comprehend the whole chain of command caste system will understand that only those outside are in control, and those who comprehend this have to first face all within the caste system, because it's all encompassing and called human society.

It's pretty hard to avoid such a society unless you're a rootless; internationalist, globalist, parasite, using chaos to constantly move around undisturbed. See how this all feeds into each other, and of course it's all build on probable deniability, because how could everyone participate in such a beast system without knowing it? Well; it's called selfishness and is based on holding beliefs, which is why lies and deceptions are enough to control an entire species of selfish idiots.

xExekut3x ago

Watch that. It's intentional.

EEMac ago

My (American public school) education included some stuff about money, such as "this is how you write a check" and might have brushed against balancing a checkbook.

Nobody ever said, "Credit cards feel like free money, but they'll fling credit at you until you can't possibly pay it back because they make their money in interest charges and late fees". Or, "owning a house costs more than just the payment you make every month. You have to budget at least $1000 per year for maintenance or that thing will break down around you."

I don't blame anyone else; all my choices were voluntary and the terms were there in black and white.

But it feels weird that I can't remember one single adult mentioning these things while I was growing up.

Blood-is-Nature ago

the terms were there in black and white

The terms and conditions of contract law, and the masonic black and white checkerboard colors.

I can't remember one single adult mentioning these things

Ah yes; the conundrum to represent the authority of the family unit against taking responsibility for the negative consequences of ones own negative actions. "Hey offspring, you may look up to me, but I'm actually not in control of anything, so I lie to you to protect you, which is how I shirk my own responsibility down the bloodline". And of course the parasites are poisoning the well with Santa Clause and the Easter-Bunny aka creating endless denominations within truth and lies to tempt everyone nearer and nearer towards accepting nothing but lies.

alt_account_3 ago

I can vouch fr this too. We have a whole generation of millenials and Gen Z who are piss poor at math and logic. Very good at consuming endlessly, like locusts though

cthulian_axioms ago

Don't be so quick to generalize. The oldest "millennials" are (like me) in their late 30s. Plenty are good at math and logic. I reckon the curve isn't that much different from any other generation. Probably has about the same 20-80 Pareto ratio we observe in lots of other places.

notacannibal ago

The US requires never allowing the state to be involved in education ever again.


svipbo ago

I doubt whether you can have a strong, centralized state run by the best men without any trace of liberal ideology or wooly, wishful thinking. Even if the government did have and promote a good education system, it seems like it would be far too easy for it to be subverted. Market competition is a great thing, and allows bad ideas to fail, rather being promoted as official state doctrine.

HeyJeorge ago

This is the only real answer.

At this point, the relationship between the American Citizen and most of the tyrannical corrupt "government" has become extremely abusive. Our relationship with government has become one where a mentally ill government now thinks it can control every aspect of our lives, and we need to either eliminate it or turn our backs on it completely.

You don't take the psychotic ex girlfriend back, under any circumstances. You move on. We need to do the same thing with this tryannical system of population control - it's far outlived it's initial purposes, is no longer useful to the Citizens (quite the opposite, now outright destructive), and has become too manipulative and integrated to easily remove without further pain. Continuing down this path is pure madness.

ardvarcus ago

It's time for a New Revolution.

No, it is not. Any revolution will instill a Marxist government that will ignore the Constitution, and all human rights, and will reduce white Christians to a slave class. We are already far enough down that road to see where it goes. Do you really believe that if the government starts fucking with the Constitution, they will make it better. In your dreams.

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Trash_Panda ago

Pretty wild how this is actually a controversial topic. It's like giving a homeless alcoholic the keys to your liquor store. He has no income of his own (like the government) and almost guaranteed to dip into the stash for his own self-interest.

Blood-is-Nature ago

for his own self-interest.

Survival is the highest value of life; and it is based on the self interest of ones own life over death. See, self-interest isn't the problem it's the intent behind it that matters, and between life and death only one side is luring with temptations to shorten the other (death). Temptations explain the real problem here...everything survial demands from us are needs, while everything else are wants, which puts responsibility of freedom of choice over each of our actions on us, while only nature has the authority to judge the consequences thereof.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Use shorter sentences. What creatures are we who dare to dream of Truth over Life.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Use shorter sentences.

My intent is not to deliver answers; it's to awake the process of using adaptation to gain comprehension for oneself. I write down my thinking process so that others can comprehend it for themselves.

What creatures are we who dare to dream of Truth over Life

Truth is by definition over life, but humans lack comprehension of his. In a system based on constant change (energy representing constant forward motion from a beginning towards an end) one can only ever make assumptions about constantly changing reality. The only truth in a system based on constant change are the laws of nature that define such a moving system. And for a conscious being to function in a system based on assumptions; ones survial is based on adaptation to ever changing circumstances, while the "dream" you talk about represents the act of holding onto a belief (an assumption; a lie), which is the opposite of adaptation; stagnation.

The laws of nature are the foundation of fundamental truth we build our assumptions on, and without them we can only build on lies. All life shares those laws of nature instinctively; accept that one selfish species that tends to ignore reality in favor of their fantasies. That being said; all existence is governed by the laws of nature and our lives are thereby under them; therefore truth over life, but it's the "dream" that restricts you to comprehend the reality of it.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Well said. We must act in accordance to Natural Law and hold actions higher than hope.

Blood-is-Nature ago

hold actions higher than hope

Every time you hope you neglect taking action towards order. Instead of using your mind to adapt to ever changing reality, you seek shelter from reality in fantasy to paint pictures of what might be. That is the temptation of selfishness, that is trying to lure us towards death by corrupting our intent towards something we want instead of something we need. If we struggle to survive by creating for what we need, we would get most of what we want along the way, but only if our intent is on the need.

You cannot trick nature's judgment with your intents. Like for example; going after chaos to create order out of it. "I we kill the bad tyrants we will be good rulers", and power corruption cycle continues. The intent needs to be towards order.

in accordance to Natural Law

That took me a decade to dispel on my own, because "Natural Law" was hijacked through religions under the laws of men, which are the rules of selfish rulers who wanted to claim ownership over all. They designed religion to corrupt mankind to accept an unquestionable authority (deity) as the source for their laws; which they then call laws of nature, but which are the exact opposite of them. They sell nature as the ONE; the creator, but nature is the sum of ALL things necessary for the ONE (each of us) to be able to create within. Without the ALL, the ONE cannot create.

The problem is that we were deceived to operate under a false command line; on belief based assumptions instead of instinctive commands; like every other life form.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Right on. Good chat as always.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

root out the rot.

RoBatten ago

We've got an entire generation out in society now that have been very successfully indoctrinated by our education system. Bernie bros could have mounted a serious challenge to Trump because of this. They have infected our media and social media, and corporations . . .

Socio9 ago

And real history, not the revisionist crap that erases the Democrats past, or omits the vile evil past of communism, Marxism, socialism, and even Islamism.

Blood-is-Nature ago

real history

That's statistically impossible to exist. Any event based on a conflict has the assumptions of the winning side, the losing side and of each spectators. All three of them have their own intents to add or subtract information from their perceived realities. Test this for yourself on a schoolyard sports game, and observe how you will always get a multitude of contradicting opinions about what happened. Then understand that the higher the stakes are; the more severe the lies will be.

History is his-story; a lie agreed upon by those who selfishly claim ownership over everyone else. There is no morality attached to the retelling of what once was, which is how nature is teaching us that only unity can uphold what is, and unity only comes from the ALL; not from the ONE claiming ownership over all others.

When you are confronted with history; try to view it as such...1.Mainstream history, which is the lie agreed upon that hides the crimes of those in control. 2. Alternative history, which is based on pointing out the lies of criminals concerning mainstream history. 3. The conflict between both of them creating endless contradictions that never change the status quo.

Once you comprehend the last; turn back towards nature and see that nature continues no matter what others tell you about the so called past. Build on that knowledge; it's the origin of all knowledge.

notacannibal ago

...and you're going to have this taught by government employees?